ChristiansUnite Forums

Theology => Apologetics => Topic started by: Heidi on June 22, 2004, 07:51:44 PM

Title: Delighting in the joy of your salvation
Post by: Heidi on June 22, 2004, 07:51:44 PM
I find it sad how those who believe they are saved by works can never delight in the joy of their salvation. They can never experience the peace, happiness and joy that BA Christians feel once we are saved. They have to try to be perfect, although they don't realize how far from perfection they really are and will always be. They also have to worry about breaking the law even once because James said if we break the law even once, then we are guilty of breaking all of it. So they can keep track of their good works and on the day they die, stumble, and everything they have done is meaningless. A God who loves this conditionally is indeed a cruel one, for all of us fall short of the glory of God. I can thank God that Jesus loves me uncondtionally and because of that I WANT to give my life to Him! Not to earn browine points but because I love Him! My motive is love, not fear that I will lose my salvation. Jesus said; "He who has will be given more. But he who has not, even what has will be taken from him." Has what? if one does not have eternal life,, then what does he have? If eternal life can be taken away from him, then what does he have? Conditional love.

Title: Re:Delighting in the joy of your salvation
Post by: ollie on June 22, 2004, 09:34:04 PM
I find it sad how those who believe they are saved by works can never delight in the joy of their salvation. They can never experience the peace, happiness and joy that BA Christians feel once we are saved. They have to try to be perfect, although they don't realize how far from perfection they really are and will always be. They also have to worry about breaking the law even once because James said if we break the law even once, then we are guilty of breaking all of it. So they can keep track of their good works and on the day they die, stumble, and everything they have done is meaningless. A God who loves this conditionally is indeed a cruel one, for all of us fall short of the glory of God. I can thank God that Jesus loves me uncondtionally and because of that I WANT to give my life to Him! Not to earn browine points but because I love Him! My motive is love, not fear that I will lose my salvation. Jesus said; "He who has will be given more. But he who has not, even what has will be taken from him." Has what? if one does not have eternal life,, then what does he have? If eternal life can be taken away from him, then what does he have? Conditional love.
"They have to try to be perfect, although they don't realize how far from perfection they really are and will always be."

2 Timothy3:16.  All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
 17.  That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.

Title: Re:Delighting in the joy of your salvation
Post by: LoggedintoJesus on June 22, 2004, 09:51:39 PM
Those that seek to enter heaven by works alone , will never enter heaven , How sad :'( .  
Jesus did the work of God on our behalf! So we can have Salvation as a free gift!!!

So we can follow Jesus , so others can follow us! The way is rejoicing!    Are we following, and rejoicing in our salvation?
We should be .

Title: Re:Delighting in the joy of your salvation
Post by: Heidi on June 22, 2004, 11:48:56 PM

Title: Re:Delighting in the joy of your salvation
Post by: iconHis on June 27, 2004, 02:37:45 PM
I love this title "Joy in the Lord", for he is our salvation.  What greater peace and understanding can you have?  There is none, and those that begin their new life in Jesus are the only ones that can understand, for only those can be baptized into the Holy Spirit which guides, consoles, encourages and convicts.  

For those who "logically" try to discern the facts of the bible are in a dangerous zone and salvation is just a waiting thing where they must decide to let go and let Jesus be Lord of their life.

Isn't it wonderful to be in the will of the Lord?  No anxieties, no decisions, just let the Lord lay it all in your lap your whole life through.  It might take a while for some answers, but all things work for the good when in the will of God giving Him glory.

I look around at those who proclaim christianity, and then wonder why this and that, worry, and pursue the work to accomplish, only going on a hope it all works out.  This is why I try to witness in one form or another when the opportunity arises.  It did come up yesterday at work when another young girl and I discussed the whole matter of no works, enabeling me to say, " Believe on the Lord, Jesus Christ and thou shall be saved".  There was one woman straining, the young lady's friend, to hear the whole discussion.  The young lady was defending her words that were said incorrectly, stating every question from me, " That's what I meant".  We are good friends and hopefully I can discuss more so she can begin dealing with the meat.

I have never been in an area where all know the gospel, yet depend on the title of their "religion" to confirm they are a christian.  I thank God for the upbringing, understanding, and opportunity to talk with the openess here.

Delighting in the joy of your salvation is really a multi-faceted discussion.  Thanks for reminding us Heidi!    ;D

Then was our mouth filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing:  then said they among the heathen, the Lord hath done great things for them.

The Lord hath done great things for us:  whereof we are glad.

Psalm 126:2,3

Title: Re:Delighting in the joy of your salvation
Post by: Heidi on June 27, 2004, 09:14:30 PM
Excellent post, IconHis!!