ChristiansUnite Forums

Theology => Apologetics => Topic started by: Heidi on June 14, 2004, 09:31:47 AM

Title: But when you give to the needy...
Post by: Heidi on June 14, 2004, 09:31:47 AM
Jesus said in Mt. 6: 3, "But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing so that your giving may be in secret." The people who focus on their good works as the way to heaven sure DO focus on their giving which is a huge indicator that good works as the means to salvation NOT from the Holy Spirit. These people are more AWARE of their good works than others who usually forget what they've done for others. True good works come FROM the Holy Spirit. Without the Holy Spirit in us, good works are purely to glorify ourselves rather than to glorify God because we see them as coming from our wonderful nature rather than from God. Once the Holy Spirit enters us, according to Jesus, we are then saved. He said; "Now eternal life is this; that you know the one true God and Jesus Christ whom he sent." That is it. That is all he said. If people really want to know what salvation is, look in that passage and disect it. It completely agrees with His passage about being born again. Again, good works come FROM the Holy Spirit, not from ourselves which is why we give God the credit for them not us. Works done out of love instead of to look good to God are almost never noticed by the person who does them. People, however, who try to earn their way to heaven keep a very detailed account of their good works. Afterall, that's how they think they're saved! Therefore, they have to know when that will occur.

Title: Re:But when you give to the needy...
Post by: JudgeNot on June 14, 2004, 11:55:35 AM
Heidi - I like the point you make.

The company I work for has what they refer to as “Community Challenge”.  It is a contest to see which office across the country can be the most “Active in the Community”, i.e.: volunteerism.  Participating offices (all domestic offices are required to participate) earn ‘points’ and the office with the most ‘points’ at the end of the year wins a prize.  Stats are kept on our company Intranet so those who do the most works may be lauded.  The volunteer activities include public park cleanup, helping or donating to shelters, joining activities such as AIDS marches, habitat for humanity, passing out condoms and hypodermic needles, “adopting” “underprivileged" public schools, etc., etc.  
While I do support some of the activities such as Habitat for Humanity and helping out in shelters, I do not approve of other activities (you can guess which ones).  What really turns my stomach is the “look at what I’m doing see how good I am” air about the whole thing.  
When asked by a coworker to participate, I indicated I already participated in many charitable endeavors.  When asked to list them so I could help the total number of ‘points’ for the office I refused.  I told her that what I do (or don’t do) is between God and I and none of the office’s business.  My answer was indignantly received.
When it comes to “toeing the party line” I am not very popular at work.  

Along the same lines:
Matthew 6:5-6: "And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men....when thou prayest, enter into thy closet and when thou has shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret...."

When we work for God it is between God and us.  When we pray to God it is between God and us.

Title: Re:But when you give to the needy...
Post by: nChrist on June 14, 2004, 12:21:36 PM
Oklahoma Howdy to Heidi and JudgeNot,


Our good works must be motivated by love and joy only with Jesus working in and through us. Everything else will be burned up. Brother JudgeNot, stick to your guns - it's none of their business. This is also another reason why a works Gospel does not exist. We don't do good works because we feel that we must, simply out of joy and love in Christ.

Love In Christ,

Title: Re:But when you give to the needy...
Post by: Evangelist on June 14, 2004, 03:19:38 PM
FWIW: I delivered a sermon the other day about roaches.

You know what a roach is, don't you?

The sermon was about "doing to be" vs. "being to do".

Roaches are those who do so that they can be (a Christian). Sometimes they're also referred to as have to do this, or that, or be this, or that, or dress this way, or don't cut your hair, or cut your hair, or etc. ad infinitum ad nauseum. They think that if they "do" enough, that's good enough to "be" a Christian.

They're like roaches because they multiply quickly, and always leave a nasty mess wherever they've been.

On the other hand, the Christian is, and being a Christian just means that they will "do", and for no other reason. They do things quietly...effectively (God's word will NOT return void...), and most often very efficiently, since listening to God first about WHAT will result in the DO being without wasted effort.

Those who do to be are like snowballs in ****.  Those who be to do are like silver linings in the clouds.

Stamp out some roaches today.   ;D

Title: Re:But when you give to the needy...
Post by: nChrist on June 14, 2004, 06:45:58 PM
Oklahoma Howdy to Evangelist,

I enjoyed the comparison and wish that I could have heard the entire sermon. Self-righteousness, especially contests in such, is/are ugly. There is real beauty in things done because of love and joy alone, even the small things. I bet that was an interesting sermon. I can only imagine that there was also a comparison between watching God working and watching men working. The difference is beyond comparison.

Love In Christ,

Title: Re:But when you give to the needy...
Post by: Heidi on June 15, 2004, 09:08:33 AM
Judgenot, I agree with you about the volunteer thing. At a church I once attended, they had all the volunteers come in front of the church to be honored. I did not want to go up. I do not even like the public list of financial donors to our church. To me it's like deducting our charitable donations from our taxes. I can understand why people do this and I've also been tempted myself. But it feels very uncomfortable for me to do this. To me, giving is giving. If I take back any part of my gift, then I've given less.

Title: Re:But when you give to the needy...
Post by: michael_legna on June 15, 2004, 03:27:24 PM
I have a similar discussion with my boss every year at tax time.  He is the son of a preacher and an accountant and is always declaring his charitable contributions on his taxes for the tax break and encouraging me to do the same.  

I tell him if the IRS gives me a break then I have already received my reward and I would rather get mine in heaven. {Matt 6:1-6}

Title: Re:But when you give to the needy...
Post by: JudgeNot on June 15, 2004, 04:18:11 PM
I declare my offerings on my taxes.  Does that make me a hypocrite?  Man!  I hope not!  Now you’re making me nervous, ML.
I don’t consider my tax return “boasting”.  Aren’t ‘intentions’ and what is in the heart the real key?  
Plus, because I do get a fair chunk of change back on my taxes every year, I am able to turn around and give part of that back to the congregation…

Title: Re:But when you give to the needy...
Post by: michael_legna on June 15, 2004, 07:22:19 PM
I declare my offerings on my taxes.  Does that make me a hypocrite?  Man!  I hope not!  Now you’re making me nervous, ML.
I don’t consider my tax return “boasting”.  Aren’t ‘intentions’ and what is in the heart the real key?  
Plus, because I do get a fair chunk of change back on my taxes every year, I am able to turn around and give part of that back to the congregation…

I would never judge you or your intentions.  I especially don't think it makes you a hypocrite as it is definitely not for public consumption.  

I don't do it because the few dollars I get back from the IRS can't compare to how God is going to reward me later.

Title: Re:But when you give to the needy...
Post by: ebia on June 16, 2004, 05:44:37 AM
I declare my offerings on my taxes.  Does that make me a hypocrite?  Man!  I hope not!  Now you’re making me nervous, ML.
I don’t consider my tax return “boasting”.  Aren’t ‘intentions’ and what is in the heart the real key?  
Plus, because I do get a fair chunk of change back on my taxes every year, I am able to turn around and give part of that back to the congregation…

I would never judge you or your intentions.  I especially don't think it makes you a hypocrite as it is definitely not for public consumption.  

I don't do it because the few dollars I get back from the IRS can't compare to how God is going to reward me later.
You could always claim the money of the IRS and pass it on to a worthy cause.

In the UK it works like that anyway - you don't get a tax break from your donations, but (providing you fill in the necessary forms) the charity can claim back the tax you've payed on your donation.

Title: Re:But when you give to the needy...
Post by: Gracey on June 16, 2004, 07:27:56 AM
I declare my offerings on my taxes.  Does that make me a hypocrite?  Man!  I hope not!  Now you’re making me nervous, ML.

You might consider this: God does what God will....if He didn't want you declaring your offerings you wouldn't be.

God gives us gifts and blessings right here on earth that do not detract from our heavenly rewards. If you are declaring your offerings with a clear conscience, then God is not (has not) convicted you that it is wrong. Listen to His voice (and I know you do) in all things you do and what you do will be what He wills. If your giving is done with the right heart (ie: not for any rewards, but because it's what God has asked of you) then God will bless that in all kinds of ways.


Title: Re:But when you give to the needy...
Post by: Heidi on June 17, 2004, 11:45:24 AM
I think it's a good thing if people deduct charitable donations on their income taxes and give the amount back that they received to the needy. For me, if i purposely deduct money I'm giving, then I'm not giving the whole gift to God. If God chooses to bless me, that's up to Him and has nothing to do with me.  That would not be an expectation or entitlement, it would be a gift from Him. I won't give to get.