Title: Greetings and Peace Post by: Evangelist on April 16, 2004, 11:30:01 AM Hi all:
I'm BroHank, but that doesn't mean anything at all. I'm a follower of and believer in Jesus Christ, and that means everything. Currently, I'm pastor of a small independent community church located in central Texas, editor and co-publisher of a monthly Christian newspaper, webmaster of two Christian websites, Gospel musician/singer along with my bride of 37 years, and evangelist. I also make tents by being a graphic artist. In my spare time................. ;D In my past, I've been: a law enforcement officer (large metro agency), professional and recording studio musician, music store manager and music teacher, insurance salesman, car salesman (how bad can it get?), and a few other things I'd rather not mention. :-X Hope to get to know all of you better, especially at homecoming. :) Title: Re:Greetings and Peace Post by: WolfBrother on April 16, 2004, 03:44:04 PM BroHank,
Welcome, I'm new here but find it nice. I've emailed you asking where in Central Texas RU?? If you're close enough I may drop in for a service or 2. Title: Re:Greetings and Peace Post by: Evangelist on April 16, 2004, 04:05:37 PM Hi Wolf...
Thanks for the welcome. The church is located outside of Thorndale, in the Conoley Community (little farming area), that was settled in the 1830's...Church was founded in 1859. Most of the members were in the original group of founders ;D If you need directions, just holler. We've got some who come from Bryan, Taylor and Elgin. Blessings Title: Re:Greetings and Peace Post by: nChrist on April 16, 2004, 05:14:28 PM Oklahoma Howdy to BroHank,
Welcome brother, I look forward to fellowship with you. I haven't had a chance to visit your web sites yet, but I will. I'm a retired police officer, so there are two of us on the forum now. :D Now, we each have a backup. (http://www.sirinet.net/~blkidps/welcome.gif) I have a honey-do to take care of right now, but I must find out if I've been to the church you pastor. Several generations of my family have preached all over Texas. UM???, I think that I like the idea of an armed pastor (just a little humor until later). Love In Christ, Tom Title: Re:Greetings and Peace Post by: Evangelist on April 16, 2004, 05:33:59 PM Quote I think that I like the idea of an armed pastor (just a little humor until later) Thanks for the welcome BEP. Actually, it didn't used to be that humorous. Back in the 1800's there were a lot of the old Methodist circuit riders that wore badges too! They figured as long as they were riding and preaching, they could be "God's appointed servant" and help enforce the law of the land. Wrote a song about 'em, once upon a time. Blessings Name of the church is Conoley Community Church (and school). It was started back in 1859, so it's been around a while. Title: Re:Greetings and Peace Post by: nChrist on April 17, 2004, 01:40:07 AM BroHank,
I really enjoy reading about and hearing about the old days. He didn't carry a gun, but my great-great-grand-dad was a circuit riding preacher. My dad was also a circuit preacher for about the first 10 years of his ministry (unarmed). I'll have to ask my mother about your church and community you pastor in. Love In Christ, Tom Title: Re:Greetings and Peace Post by: Willowbirch on April 17, 2004, 04:36:24 PM Welcome to the forum! I have read about the circuit riding preachers, and how they would lodge in the homes of fellow Christians in whatever town they were passing through, partly in exchange for giving folks the message. It was a great honor to have one stay at your house. I seem to recall reading that they had guns, too.
Title: Re:Greetings and Peace Post by: ollie on April 18, 2004, 06:28:52 PM Hi, and welcome.