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Fellowship => You name it!! => Topic started by: tony on April 14, 2004, 10:51:27 AM

Title: ? for fellow Christians
Post by: tony on April 14, 2004, 10:51:27 AM
Fellow Christians,

I have been working on this evangelism hand out, some people would call it a “track”.  Initially, I started with a mini booklet, but found it to be rather cumbersome to carry with me at all times, time consuming to make, and to some extent costly.  

In designing this ministry hand out I have taken many things into consideration.  I will be handing them out to people, not at random, but with those individuals with whom I have a conversation.  It may be just a simple conversation in the grocery check out isle.  But, everyone that will be given this single sheet of paper, folded into a square, will have spoken with me, and I with them.  

This ministry has not, and will not, be an in your face kind of witnessing.  Instead, it will be a brief conversation, about anything, which will then slip into this statement, “Say, I think I have come up with this question, which is probably the most important one that anyone will ever ask you…  I think you will find it interesting… let me know what you think… All yes, my e-mail is at the bottom of the page”.

I feel that this project must be kept to a single page, hence the need to provide a link at the bottom of the page.  Otherwise, the probability of people actually reading it will be limited.  They know it advance what the web site is about and THEY have the choice of whether or not they will visit the site.  So, with that in mind, I am looking for constructive feedback, from fellow Christians, who are doing some type of work for the Lord, after all, “faith without works is dead”.  So, fellow Christians, if you are wondering, I do have thick skin!  I want this hand out to be the absolute best that it can be.  After all, eternities are hanging in the balance.  Even if it is just rephrasing a sentence or paragraph, removing or adding something, for the sake of clarity and effectiveness, PLEASE let me know your ideas!

With Great appreciation,
Your Brother in Christ,


The hand out

“Five minutes left…”

Pretend, just for a moment, that your life has been fast forwarded.  [Now that you are in the future] You are lying in a hospital bed.  Suspended from the ceiling are monitors which the doctor gazes at as he towers over your bedside.  As he gently takes your wrinkled hand the doctor looks into your eyes, which are dimmed by the passage of time.  In a stern, but caring voice, he tells you that, “You have only minutes left”, and then exits the room.

What will you be thinking about during those last minutes?  (Take just a moment to think about your answer before reading on)
What other people have told me.
“With my last breaths I will tell my son how much I love him”.
“I will tell my parents how much they have meant to me”.
“I will be thinking about where I am going after I die”.
“I will think about the things I have done to help others”.

Notice any similarities between all these answers?  None of them have anything to do with the material aspect of life… Too often, in our daily life, we become consumed with the “bottom line” (which is work/money/houses/vehicles/clothes etc.).  However, when we are forced to think about what is REALLY important to us it has nothing to do with money or material possessions.

My answer…“In those last few moments I will certainly speak with those around me, so long as I have the ability to do so.  I want to know that I will be going to Heaven.  I will also be thinking about how the world is a little different from the time I entered it [when I was born] to the time I have left it [when I die].  In other words, how I have fulfilled my purpose.  And, if your wondering, my purpose is to get everyone thinking “now”… so in those last moments there will be no regrets… like “I wish I did...” or “I wish I had not done….”.  My goal is to live life WITHOUT regrets…
Why think about this?  By thinking about those “last moments” we can look at our life more clearly.  Realizing the insignificance of cars, boats, retirement accounts, and so on, we are now able to devote our time, energy, and resources to these REALLY significant aspects of life.  Maybe, we haven’t been giving priority to what matters most…  What was your answer to the question, What will you be thinking about during those last minutes?  How much of your resources/energy/time/thoughts are being directed toward this person/relationship, project, etc.…?

You may e-mail me at  with any prayer requests, questions, comments, or even just to chat.
Want to learn more about Jesus Christ and how to become a Christian?  

Title: Re:? for fellow Christians
Post by: JL on April 17, 2004, 12:28:14 AM
I will also be thinking about how the world is a little different from the time I entered it [when I was born] to the time I have left it [when I die].
I might leave the "when I was born" and "when I die" out, since what you meant is obvious anyway. Besides, I got distracted from what I was reading by thinking that you might think life begins at birth, and that you might be an abortion-is-ok Christian. My next thought was that I was reading too much into it, sorry about that.
And, if your wondering, my purpose is...
It should be "you're". I feel like I'm nit-picking here, but some people who you hand them out to might nitpick.

Title: Re:? for fellow Christians
Post by: nChrist on April 17, 2004, 03:20:45 AM
Hello Tony,

Brother, I like it. I really don't have any criticism, but I do have a suggestion. The purpose is listed at the bottom, but I was wondering about using this last sentence in a more direct way.

How much of your resources/energy/time/thoughts are being directed toward this person/relationship, project, etc.…?

You asked - so maybe something like this:

Did you make time and room for the one who loves you the most? I'm talking about the one who loved you enough to die for you on a cross. HIS Name is JESUS.

Just an idea. Don't let anyone talk you out of this. GO FOR IT! It's fine the way it is.

Love In Christ,

Title: Re:? for fellow Christians
Post by: ebia on April 17, 2004, 04:46:43 AM
A couple of thoughts:

1.  Get someone to tidy up the punctuation etc.  Particularly, you need a colon at the end of "What other people have told me." not a full stop.  The better the English, the easier it is to read (within reason).

2.  Get rid of "(Take just a moment to think about your answer before reading on)".  You can do that in something delivered verbally - a lesson, lecture, sermon, whatever, but it doesn't work in a written document - people read ahead so they will naturally keep going despite your request.  If you want people to stop and think about it, you've got to engage them in the question so they do it naturally.  You might put a picture or something there to put a natural break in the text instead.

Title: Re:? for fellow Christians
Post by: tony on April 17, 2004, 02:34:31 PM
Awesome feedback everyone!  ;D Keep them coming! ;D

Your Brother in Christ,


Title: Re:? for fellow Christians
Post by: Angel123 on April 17, 2004, 03:38:49 PM
I am a Evanglis.Every christain is suppose to win a soul
to Christ.But Evangelism,means to spread the gospel to
all.I pass out tracts,I leave them on the bus,stores etc.
This is what I usually say:are you a Christain?
Have you been converted?
Are you saved?
The best thing to do,is to ask the dear Lord to help and
lead and open doors.With a kindly gracious Christain
spirit.We are giving them a chance to accept or