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Title: The Patriot Post Digest 9-28-2017
Post by: nChrist on September 29, 2017, 03:31:40 PM
The Patriot Post Digest 9-28-2017
From The Federalist Patriot
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The Patriot Post® · Mid-Day Digest

Sep. 28, 2017 ·


    “There is nothing more dangerous … than a funny, likable conservative character.”
    The Leftmedia continues its love affair with communism with puff pieces on Mao.
    Donald Trump has done one thing to terrify the Left — changed The Narrative.
    Daily Features: Top Headlines, Cartoons, Columnists and Short Cuts.


“The latent causes of faction are thus sown in the nature of man.” —James Madison, Federalist No. 10 (1787)


Tim Allen Isn’t Welcome in ABC’s Sanctuary Network1

The last time we heard from ABC, the network was canceling2 one of its most popular shows — “Last Man Standing” — because the star of the show, Tim Allen, is a little too conservative in the Age of Trump. Allen joked in March, “You’ve got to be real careful around [Hollywood]. You get beat up if [you] don’t believe what everybody believes. This is like ‘30s Germany.” That was more than enough for the corporate ax to fall on his hit show. The sitcom, by the way, averaged 8.3 million viewers on Friday night in its last season.

Months later, Allen is still understandably miffed. He said this week, “There is nothing more dangerous, especially in this climate, than a funny, likable conservative character.” In fact, “[ABC] couldn’t have handled this worse,” he insisted. “Second biggest show. [ABC] hadn’t won a Friday night in 15 years. They put us out to pasture on Friday and we won Friday. Big night for us. Big night for them.” Not good enough for a leftist network.

So what will replace “Last Man Standing”? It may not happen in the same time slot, but “Sanctuary Family” has been given the greenlight. You don’t have to wonder what it’s about — the title says it all. A married couple welcomes their illegal alien nanny and her family to live with them. It’s tough on the families, but ABC’s description gushes that “the differences both families have aren’t as significant as their similarities.” “Sanctuary Family” will join similar-themed shows3 on CBS, Fox and CW.

Let’s get two things straight. First, many illegals who come to America do work hard and do what’s best for their families. Our convoluted immigration system doesn’t always help matters. Second, that said, this new wave of shows is little more than leftist propaganda. It’s one thing to discuss the merits of one policy or another and to understand the human angle, but it’s something else to fill television with sympathetic characters so audiences develop emotional connections that then influence policy and voting preferences. That’s Hollywood’s true goal — propaganda for the Democrat Party. It is indoctrination through entertainment4. And it’s why Tim Allen no longer has a place in ABC’s lineup.

Meanwhile, many American will just keep tuning out5 of the garbage coming out of Hollywood.

The Leftmedia Love Affair With Totalitarianism6

One of the greatest benefits of living in the U.S. is the constitutional protections of individual rights and freedoms that all Americans enjoy. But it is precisely those individual rights and freedoms that place limits on officials within government. The Left views such limits to government as socially problematic rather than beneficial. Witness the growing sentiment among college and university students who are actively questioning the value of freedom of speech — not only questioning it, but even calling for it to be prevented7, with violence if necessary. For these social “justice” crusaders, individual freedom should always be subservient to collectivist “progressive” values.

It is in such a climate as this that one of the primary Demo/MSM propaganda fronts8, The New York Times, is promoting communism (overtly this time), in a series of praise articles including, “When Communism Inspired Americans,” “Why Women Had Better Sex Under Socialism” and “The Little Red Book for Children.” This series, highlighting the “glory days” of communism, omits references to the countless millions of civilian men, women and children who were murdered or starved under these regimes.

The latest entry in this series purports to portray how women fared under Red China’s communist regime9, asserting, “The communist revolution taught Chinese women to dream big.” When it was not slaughtering them and their children, that is. It praises China’s former totalitarian strongman Mao Zedong for his efforts in promoting feminism. The author, Helen Gao, is an American of Chinese descent, and she writes glowingly of her grandmother’s opportunity to work as a journalist during the early days of the “People’s” Republic. A brief side note here. To have been a journalist at that time in China, Gao’s grandmother would have been obligated to spout Communist Party propaganda without freedom of the press protections Gao herself enjoys here in the good old U.S.A. But we digress.

Seeking to somehow dispel the obvious objections readers might raise regarding her willingness to praise the vision and efforts of a murderous tyrant responsible for the deaths of 45 million of his own people, Gao quotes her grandmother’s saying, “The communists did many terrible things, but they made women’s lives much better.” There — problem solved. Noting the absurdity, one humorist responded, “NYT next week: For all its flaws, Hitler’s Nazi movement brought healthy vegetarian meal planning to the Reich.” Except, of course, the NYT doesn’t like to highlight that the Nazis were also socialists.

Notably, this latest example of the NYT’s communist dezinformatsiya campaign comes in the midst of nuclear threats from Red China’s nuclear puppet — NoKo’s communist nut Kim Jong-un10. Move on, nothing to see here!

Top Headlines11

    Trump waives Jones Act to speed up aid shipments to Puerto Rico (Bloomberg12)

    As Maine’s Susan Collins saves ObamaCare, another insurer bails from her state because of the law (Reuters13)

    Trump pitches massive tax cuts (The Hill14)

    “I do not belong there” — Ravens national anthem singer Joey Odoms, a combat veteran, resigns (The Baltimore Sun15)

    Bradley Manning inspired communist West Point graduate16 to infiltrate the military (The Daily Caller17)

    Growing economy: final reading on Q2 GDP up 3.1%, vs 3% rise expected (CNBC18.)

    Defense Secretary Mattis target of deadly airport attack in Kabul (USA Today19)

    Deep state? 78 Obama appointees “burrowed” in government, report says (Fox News20)

    California names an official state dinosaur (and it’s not Nancy Pelosi) (New York Post21)

    Humor: Sad: This Guy Knows Exactly How To Fix America’s Race Issues, But Nobody Reads His Facebook Posts (The Babylon Bee22)

    Policy: A road map to bipartisan health care reform (Real Clear Policy23)

    Policy: What should the U.S. do next on Kurdistan? (American Enterprise Institute24)

For more, visit Patriot Headline Report25.
Don’t Miss Alexander’s Column

Read Gold Star Moms v NFL Kneelers26. The NFL’s offensive fake “knee” farce is an affront to American Patriots and our Founding Principles.

If you’d like to receive Alexander’s Column by email, update your subscription here27.

Beating the Left at Its Own Game28

By Arnold Ahlert

For a variety of reasons, President Donald Trump is a problematic individual. Yet singlehandedly, he has managed to do the one thing that both enrages and terrifies American leftists and their corrupt enablers:

Last Friday during a speech in Alabama, Trump changed The Narrative29.

For a year, the NFL took its cues from an addle-brained Pied Piper known as Colin Kaepernick, who initiated30 taking a knee to protest what he called the “systematic oppression” of minorities. During an Aug. 28, 2016, press conference Kaepernick went even further31. “There’s a lot of things that need to change,” he lectured. “One specifically? Police brutality. There’s people being murdered unjustly and [police are] not being held accountable. People are being given paid leave for killing people.”

What was the genesis of that assertion? The media-driven Narrative emerging from Ferguson that an innocent Michael Brown, holding his hands in the air, was murdered by police officer Darren Wilson. And despite all evidence to the contrary, “Hands Up Don’t Shoot” gave the American Left the slogan it needed to fuel the divide-and-conquer identity politics that forms the heart of progressive ideology.

That Kaepernick showed up32 at another interview wearing a T-shirt replete with photos from a 1960 meeting between Malcolm X and Fidel Castro, and expressed support for one of the 20th century’s foremost oppressors? Or that he showed up for practice wearing33 socks with pictures of pigs dressed like police officers?

None of it mattered to the social justice warriors any more than the inconvenient reality34 that police officers were not killing black Americans at a rate any higher than whites. Harvard Professor Roland Fryer, a black American who was sure his 2016 study35 would reveal otherwise, called it “the most surprising result of my career.”

Title: The Patriot Post Digest 9-28-2017
Post by: nChrist on September 29, 2017, 03:32:43 PM
The Patriot Post Digest 9-28-2017
From The Federalist Patriot
Free Email Subscription (

Far less surprising? In 2016, police fatally shot36 233 blacks, the vast majority of whom were armed and dangerous. That same year, a staggering 7,881 black Americans were murdered — mostly by their fellow black Americans. Police brutality? In 2015, a police officer was 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male killed by a police officer. And in the last 10 years, black males have comprised 42% of all cop-killers, despite representing only 6% of the nation’s population.

None of it matters. The Left has its agenda, the centerpiece of which is that America is an inherently racist and oppressive nation in need of “fundamental change.” Change that now requires a steady barrage of reminders in every aspect of life, even those that ought to be sanctuaries from politics.

As night follows day, hypocrisy abounds. The same NFL Commissioner Roger Goodall that now champions thoughtful dissent is the one who refused37 to allow Dallas Cowboy players to wear a decal on their helmets commemorating the murder38 of five Dallas police officers, killed while working to protect people at an organized protest of police brutality. Thirteen years ago the league forced39 Denver Broncos quarterback Jake Plummer to remove a “40” decal on the back of his helmet that was a tribute to Pat Tillman, an NFLer who quit in his prime to join the Army Rangers and gave his life defending our country. The league even threatened40 to fine players who commemorated the victims of 9/11 before backing down. And as Jacobson further reminds us, Tim Tebow “was viciously attacked and mocked by the professional media when he took a knee for prayer, yet NFL players are lionized in that same media for taking a knee while the National Anthem is played.”

In other words, some “principled” stands are more equal than others.

That goes double for the media. Outlets41 comfortable42 with branding Trump as a racist were equally comfortable colluding43 to suppress stories about Barack Obama’s 20-year relationship44 with the racist Rev. Jeremiah Wright. The media were also comfortable downplaying or ignoring the reality45 most Americans believe race relations worsened in the eight years Obama was president.

And in a genuine Ministry of Truth effort, networks that decided to air the anthem protests left out46 crowd shots of angry fans.

Unlike most Republicans, Trump has the ability to flip the script, much like Ronald Reagan did when he reminded Americans the Soviet Union was an “evil empire” and America was a “shining city on a hill.” Reagan eviscerated the American Left’s Narrative that communist thugs must be accommodated47. In doing so he brought the Soviet empire, well, to its knees.

And just like progressives, Trump understands that repetition is key. Thus he has followed his speech with a series of tweets48 reminding millions of Americans that the progressive worldview does not have to be considered sacrosanct. In short, if Americans cannot be browbeaten into silent acquiescence, or made to feel guilty — and more important, if Trump cannot be successfully painted as the nation’s divider in chief — the Left is staring at the edge of the abyss.

That’s the real reason the overwhelming majority of anger has been directed at Trump, not his supporters. The Left is keenly aware he is the most forceful anti-Narrative champion a long-suffering Middle America has seen in decades. And not just with regard to football and other sports. Trump has flipped a plethora of progressive Narratives, including the ideas that Hillary was a shoo-in, half of America are “deplorables” who “cling to guns God and religion,” the mainstream media is unbiased, and progressives are the most open-minded and tolerant people in the nation.

And the more celebrity players who make millions for playing a game, and owners who often get taxpayer-subsidized stadiums to play them in, choose to pretend they are victims of an unwarranted assault on their constitutional rights, the more Middle America will begin to realize what this fight is really all about:

“It no longer is about kneeling at the start of football games,” explains49 columnist Dov Fischer. “Rather, it is about the soul of America.”

It is a soul long-stained by “the progressive attempt to undermine all shared public institutions by turning them into left-wing megaphones and in the process condoning the use of violence, obscenity, and racialism,” as historian Victor Davis Hanson aptly describes it50.

A Remington Research Group survey reveals51 that 64% of Americans believe NFL players should stand and respect the National Anthem. And ratings are down52 another 11% compared to 2016. Thus, despite every effort by the media to frame the argument as one of racism and police brutality, Trump has successfully reframed the argument as one of respect and patriotism. In doing so, he has revealed that the decades-long progressive assumption they could always frame The Narrative to their advantage is no longer a given.

Nothing terrifies the American Left more than that.


    The Anti-Israel BDS Movement: Misguided and Misinformed53 — BDS seeks to delegitimize Israel’s existence based upon a false narrative of human rights abuses.


    Ed Feulner: A Tax Cut for All Americans54
    Larry Elder: The National Anthem Protests — Do Facts Matter?55
    Victor Davis Hanson: How Silicon Valley Turned Off the Left and Right56

For more, visit Right Opinion57.


Ed Feulner: “Government scorekeepers such as the Joint Committee on Taxation and the Congressional Budget Office are telling [lawmakers] most of the benefits of cutting corporate taxes go to owners, not workers. At least 10 separate economic studies show this isn’t true — that at least 75 percent of corporate taxes is passed on to workers in the form of lower wages. But the CBO and the Joint Committee insist it’s the other way around. Why? Because they’re not really accounting for how a corporate tax cut would help lower-wage workers. According to [tax expert Adam] Michel, a 20-point cut in the corporate income tax rate, from 35 percent to 15 percent, could boost the relative market incomes of the poorest Americans by 2.4 percent. That would mean $365 for a household that earns $15,000 a year. And let’s not forget what it would mean for the economy as a whole if we make it financially attractive for businesses who have gone abroad to return to the U.S. Think of the jobs they could contribute, and the economic boost that would result. The fact is, we all pay the corporate tax. And we all have a stake in seeing it cut. Let’s ignore the naysayers — and get it done.”


Political futures: “Come 2018, the Republican Party will need these patriots to knock on doors, man phone banks, attend get-out-the-vote rallies, and of course, cast ballots. Watching Republicans stagger from one self-inflicted defeat to another will unleash a pandemic of learned helplessness on the Right. If repeatedly campaigning hard for Republican candidates achieves so little, why knock ourselves out a year from now?” —Deroy Murdock

Non Compos Mentis: “How is [North Korea] able to build infrastructure like the subway system I saw this morning? This beautiful subway system? And we’re having a hard time doing it here.” —MSNBC’s Chris Matthews

That’s sexist! “I have no doubt that it did.” —Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who points to chauvinism as “a major, major factor” in deciding the 2016 election

Sexism without self-awareness: “Any woman who voted against Hillary Clinton voted against their own voice. What does it mean for us as women that we look at those two candidates, as women, and many of us said, 'That guy, he’s better for me, his voice is more true to me’? Well, to me that just says you don’t like your voice. You like the thing you’re told to like.” —Michelle Obama, who’s party’s only play is to tell constituency groups what they’re supposed to like

Not-so-subtle advice: “The fans that don’t want to come to the game? I mean, OK. Bye. I mean, if you feel … we’re disrespecting you, don’t come to the game.” —Tennessee Titans’ Delanie Walker

“As long as [the NFL’s] boycott of Colin Kaepernick continues … their boycott of free speech and the right to gainful employment, we will respond with a boycott in every city. There will be pickets at every game; there will be pickets of viewers and participants. We will challenge people not to attend the games.” —"Rev.“ Jesse Jackson

And last… "Do you know anyone who has been struck by lightning? Neither do most people. Yet each year an average of about 300 Americans are killed or injured by lightning. That’s approximately 40 more than the number of blacks killed by the police in 2015. Is there an ‘epidemic’ of Americans being struck and injured by lightning?” —Larry Elder

Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis
Managing Editor Nate Jackson

Join us in daily prayer for our Patriots in uniform — Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen — standing in harm’s way in defense of Liberty, and for their families.