ChristiansUnite Forums

Entertainment => Poetry/Prose => Topic started by: verseode on August 16, 2011, 03:26:12 PM

Post by: verseode on August 16, 2011, 03:26:12 PM


         It seems a sad and worrying fact
         That people follow trends
         They leave the basics far behind
         In suiting their own ends
         The gospel is the platform
         On which we all must stand
         For if we go a wandering
         Our lives get out of hand.

         Jesus died upon a cross
         To counter death and sin
         Providing ways of reaching God
         The chasm He filled in
         To reach the poor and needy
         The lonely and the lost
         Me and mine must die to self
         Look outwards  at all cost.

         Like a battery running low
         We must be energised
         To  run the race that he has set
         By focusing our eyes
         Upot the One who is our goal
         The world can take a jump
         He is all we'll ever need
         All else we must dump.