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ChristiansUnite and Announcements => ChristiansUnite and Announcements => Topic started by: nChrist on September 13, 2010, 02:25:07 PM

Title: The Patriot Post Brief 9-13-2010
Post by: nChrist on September 13, 2010, 02:25:07 PM
The Patriot Post Brief 9-13-2010
From The Federalist Patriot
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The Foundation

"The essence of Government is power; and power, lodged as it must be in human hands, will ever be liable to abuse." --James Madison


"Congress' deity syndrome didn't happen overnight, and the media has certainly played a part in bolstering Washington's narcissism. Newsweek editor Evan Thomas even said Obama is 'sort of God.' But many American citizens have also contributed to the creation of the Washington god complex, by asking government for too much. When this country was founded, citizens largely looked to God, their families, or themselves for help or comfort. Now, many Americans have stopped looking towards the traditional resources, and instead look more and more to government. Thereby, in a mutually dysfunctional relationship, government becomes their god. When they are without money, they cry out to the government to take care of them. If there is a problem in areas like the public school system or health care, they look to the government for the answer. They expect the government to fix all areas of life that pose some discomfort. No matter what ails them, government is the cure. When citizens endlessly extend their hands to the government to bestow blessings and riches upon them, a government god complex is inevitable. If citizens continually look to our representatives for salvation, representatives start believing they are our saviors. For our messianic leaders, the sense of entitlement and lack of accountability that go along with omnipotence is endless. ... With their all-knowing divinity, they think they know what's good for us when we don't." --columnist Sarah Durand1


"What would probably get the economy recovering fastest and most completely would be for the President of the United States and Congressional leaders to shut up and stop meddling with the economy. But it is virtually impossible that they will do that. ... If the stimulus isn't working, the true believers have to believe that it is only because it hasn't been tried long enough, or with enough money being spent. There are always calls for the government to 'do something' when things are going bad. Those who make such calls have almost never bothered to check out what actually happens when the government does something, as compared to what happens when the government does nothing. It is not just free market economists who think the government can make a mess bigger with its interventions. ... The history of the United States is full of evidence on the negative effects of government intervention. For the first 150 years of this country's existence, the federal government did not think it was its business to intervene when the economy turned down. All of those downturns ended faster than the first downturn where the federal government intervened big time -- the Great Depression of the 1930s. ... There is another set of facts: The record that was set in 1929 for the biggest stock market decline in one day was broken in 1987. But Ronald Reagan did nothing -- and the media clobbered him for it. Then the economy rebounded and there were 20 years of sustained economic growth with low inflation and low unemployment. Can you imagine Barack Obama doing another Ronald Reagan? I certainly wouldn't predict that." --economist Thomas Sowell2

The Gipper

"The ... inescapable truth is government does not have all the answers. In too many instances, government does not solve problems; it subsidizes them." --Ronald Reagan3

Opinion in Brief

"When I arrived here in 1981, Chicago looked as though it was following in the path of Cleveland and Detroit: old industrial cities irreparably battered by the decline of manufacturing and the rise of the Sun Belt. ... [Mayor Richard Daley's] tangible achievements owed much to his ability to ride the rising economic tide of the 1990s, making Chicago an appealing place to live, shop, play and do business. But they also owed a lot to his willingness to mortgage the future in pursuit of his vision. He kept the Bears here with a deal to renovate Soldier Field at a cost of more than $400 million in tax dollars, producing an expensive eyesore. He created a major downtown attraction in Millennium Park -- which cost three times what it was supposed to. In his effort to get the 2016 Summer Olympics, he was willing to put local taxpayers on the hook for $500 million. But his habits have caught up with Chicago. City pensions are grossly underfunded, leaving taxpayers with billions in obligations. Spending has risen far faster than inflation, which Daley accomplished by piling up debt. ... The pleasure of living beyond your means can only go on so long before the party comes to a bitter end." --Chicago Tribune columnist Steve Chapman4

Re: The Left

"President Obama certainly has it ruff these days. With his approval ratings plummeting and both the House and the Senate trending Republican, he must feel like he's been put in the doghouse. Even members of his own party are attacking him; Chris Matthews, his designated chew toy, has even come out against the beloved teleprompter. In short, nobody seems willing to throw Obama a bone. Which is why [last] week, President Obama, while pumping his rehashed and tiresome economic agenda -- an agenda that apparently consists of yelling 'stimulus!' repeatedly, then throwing cash in the air and smiling -- he intoned, 'Some powerful interests who had been dominating the agenda in Washington for a very long time and they're not always happy with me. They talk about me like a dog. That's not in my prepared remarks, but it's true.' Actually, it's not true. The only person who has ever likened President Obama to a dog is President Obama, who once declared that he was a 'mutt' and a member of a 'mongrel people.' Obama's language brings to mind uncomfortable comparisons with Old Yeller, who was 'an ugly, lop-eared mongrel, fancy free without a family tree.' The comparison is uncomfortable because Obama is not, in fact, the best doggone dog in the West. He is the worst doggone dog in the East, accepting the mantle from the late Marley. In reality, there's a reason nobody has compared Obama to a dog: dogs are likeable." --columnist Ben Shapiro5

Political Futures

"Under pressure from a barrage of bad midterm-election polls, President Obama has gone on the campaign trail to blame Pres. George W. Bush for all our economic problems and to bash House Republican leader John Boehner as nothing more than a Bush retread. ... Obama is barking up the wrong tree with his assaults on Bush and Boehner. It's the Obama agenda, especially on the economy, that has voters agitated. It's a couple trillion dollars worth of big-government spending stimulus. It's add-ons like cash for clunkers, cash for caulkers and homebuyer tax credits. It's the never-ending mortgage-default assistance. It's two years of unemployment benefits. It's more government-union bailouts for the states. It's GM, Fannie and Freddie. And, of course, it's Obamacare, which remains hugely unpopular. Folks simply don't think they got much for their money. And now they want to get their money back. They even want strict constitutional limits on the size, scope, spending and taxing of the federal government, which has just made the biggest power grab they've ever seen." --economist Larry Kudlow6

Title: The Patriot Post Brief 9-13-2010
Post by: nChrist on September 13, 2010, 02:26:04 PM
The Patriot Post Brief 9-13-2010
From The Federalist Patriot
Free Email Subscription (

For the Record

"[Obama] ratcheted up his class warfare theme with this assertion that only those at the top of the economic ladder are doing well, while the middle class is being left behind. If that's true, does it mean he will finally acknowledge the failure of his policies? After all, the middle class (and all groups) fared far better under President Bush. But don't hold your breath. Next, this self-professed 'fierce advocate for the free market' proceeded to savage capitalism, saying it's always rewarding greed and recklessness. What evidence does he have that America's free market system tilts toward criminals? He's the one, with his government hand-picking of winners and losers, who skews the natural workings of the market in favor of his friends and supporters. He also engaged, as usual, in scapegoating, demonizing and bullying groups of people instead of discussing the merits of his policies. ... [T]his is Obama's economy now. His economic agenda has largely been implemented, and the economy is utterly stagnating. Yet he remains in campaign mode, as if he were still an outsider. It's surreal. ... Obama has about five notes, and he plays them over and over in cacophonous disharmony. The more he talks the less people believe him. It's not as if we can't compare his rhetoric with the results." --columnist David Limbaugh7

Reader Comments

"Alexander's Essay, 'On American Patriotism,'8 was well spoken and full of compelling words. I applaud your grasp of the founding principles. The question is how do we begin to live out those principles in our daily lives in a way to effect those around us? I am ashamed to say that I don't know how to do that and am not sure how to learn. But I am inspired to try by the words you have written!" --Mark

"I have only recently become a reader of The Patriot Post and I wanted to tell you that it has had a great influence on me. I look forward every day to getting my emails. Previous to this, I was completely disheartened with the direction to which this country has been steered. I thought that I was alone and that there was nothing that I, one small person could do about it. I was so mad that I had stopped voting and had even gone so far as to stop flying my American flag, 'Old Glory,' in front of my house. Now, my patriotism renewed, (big thanks to you and your staff), I have raised my flag high and will tell anyone that will listen about The Patriot Post and more importantly what it means to be American and a Patriot. I keep my Essential Liberty guide handy as I try to converse intelligently with those who would blindly go along with whatever our runaway government would do in the name of 'good of the people.' Keep it coming!" --Vincent

"CARP CZAR!!! This story you covered in Friday's Digest9 is the only way that Obama is creating jobs in this country. These wasteful government jobs are not what the normal person is looking for. How many Czars and their assistants have been created so far? Just more wasteful spending of our money, along with all the vacations." --Harold

"Regarding the story about burning the Koran10, the Muslims seem to be a very touchy, easily offended lot. As Shakespeare wrote in Hamlet, 'The lady doth protest too much.'" --Brian

"As a Christian, I believe it is apparent there needs to be some accountability for the church which planned to burn the Koran. This goes against what our Bible teaches. Christians are called to refrain from instigating violence and blameless in others' sight. Mind you, it doesn't say free of violence because we must at least protect our families and countries. However, the church's purpose was intended to show the violence and ignorance of the Muslim world." --Shawn


"Shhhhhhh, we're told. Don't protest the Ground Zero mosque. Don't burn a Koran. It'll imperil the troops. It'll inflame tensions. The 'Muslim world' will 'explode' if it does not get its way, warns sharia-peddling imam Feisal Abdul Rauf. Pardon my national security-threatening impudence, but when is the 'Muslim world' not ready to 'explode'? ... When everything from sneakers to stuffed animals to comics to frescos to beauty queens to fast-food packaging to undies serves as dry tinder for Allah's avengers, it's a grand farce to feign concern about the recruitment effect of a few burnt Korans in the hands of a two-bit attention-seeker in Florida. The eternal flame of Muslim outrage was lit a long, long time ago." --columnist Michelle Malkin11

The Last Word

"Memo to the RINO wing of the Republican party along with their enablers in the RNC: the emergence of Senate nominees like Mario Rubio in Florida, Joe Miller in Alaska, and Mike Lee in Utah should be seen for exactly what they are -- a repudiation of the Republican party's thoroughly annoying, don't-make-waves status quo. You can either ride the new wave or get washed away by it. You can either embrace conservative values or get rolled by them. Take a good long look at the country and understand that something is decidedly different, perhaps even unprecedented, in the mood of the electorate. I'll make it simple for you: a substantial majority of Americans want their country back. Give it to them." --columnist Arnold Ahlert12

(Please pray for our Armed Forces standing in harm's way around the world, and for their families -- especially families of those fallen Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen, who granted their lives in defense of American liberty.)

