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Welcome => Questions, help, suggestions, and bug reports => Topic started by: ForHisHighest on February 03, 2004, 04:59:50 PM

Title: Do you believe the founding fathers were Christian?
Post by: ForHisHighest on February 03, 2004, 04:59:50 PM
Greetings,  The Christian community, for the most part has idolized the founding fathers of America.  They constantly reiterate the idea that these men were born again believers.

How does this square with the fact that some of them were slave owners?

I'd like some opinions please!

Also, if you have the time go to: (
and post.  Thanks and God bless.

Title: Re:Do you believe the founding fathers were Christian?
Post by: Sapphire W34P0N on February 03, 2004, 05:06:06 PM
Uh, wrong forum. Almost any other forum, and this would have fit.

Title: Re:Do you believe the founding fathers were Christian?
Post by: ForHisHighest on February 03, 2004, 05:46:14 PM
I'd like to know why this is the wrong forum.  Please explain. Thanks

Title: Re:Do you believe the founding fathers were Christian?
Post by: sincereheart on February 04, 2004, 08:32:27 AM
The Christian community, for the most part has idolized the founding fathers of America.

Idolized? Or started searching in defense of the attempted removal of ALL mentions of God?  :-\

How does this square with the fact that some of them were slave owners?

Yeah! And the fact that they didn't think women had a right to vote!  >:(
Of course, they weren't as perfect as the Christians of today!  ;)

Also, if you have the time go to:
and post.

Looks like all sides have been covered already....

Title: Re:Do you believe the founding fathers were Christian?
Post by: Symphony on February 05, 2004, 05:01:13 PM

They constantly reiterate the idea that these men were born again believers.

duhhhh, um, could it be because they really were born-again believers??


Title: Re:Do you believe the founding fathers were Christian?
Post by: Reba on February 05, 2004, 11:10:19 PM
Greetings,  The Christian community, for the most part has idolized the founding fathers of America.  They constantly reiterate the idea that these men were born again believers.

How does this square with the fact that some of them were slave owners?

I'd like some opinions please!

Also, if you have the time go to: (
and post.  Thanks and God bless.

Can you show from scripture it is a sin to own a slave?

Before i get shot or something i believe slavery is wrong...

Title: Re:Do you believe the founding fathers were Christian?
Post by: Whitehorse on February 08, 2004, 11:43:59 AM

It really is important to take an objective look at which specific founding fathers you're referring to, what they believed, and what their writings and behaviors reveal about them. It wouldn't be valid to generalize, "they" had slaves and then conclude that "they" weren't Christians.

Many of them were devout. And they sacrificed much it. In cases, all their wealth, and in cases their health. We enjoy the fruits of their devotion and labor. They deserve our respect, which the society of atheism is reluctant to display.

Title: Re:Do you believe the founding fathers were Christian?
Post by: ollie on February 08, 2004, 07:08:51 PM
The founding fathers were coming from an eighteenth century
environment and thought pattern which we can not in the 21st century even begin to imagine and recreate with the environment and thought patterns of today.

Slavery in 1776 was probably not thought of as it is today to be so evil as God's word gives both slave and master words on how each should behave in Christ.

Some of the Christian masters must have had a great deal of influence on their slaves as many, many  of the  Africans became Christian and to this day their ancestors remain among some of the strongest in the faith.

Do you know of an instance where a founding Father who was Christian did not give Godly treatment to the slaves in his care?

Title: Re:Do you believe the founding fathers were Christian?
Post by: JudgeNot on February 08, 2004, 08:24:17 PM
Do you know of an instance where a founding Father who was Christian did not give Godly treatment to the slaves in his care?

Ollie - that's right!

Jesus never addressed the question of 'slavery' as we recognize the term.  Why?  Because during His time on earth it was not a matter which was at the 'top of the social order' of things to address.  In other words - slavery just 'was' and it was accepted.  Slavery meant many things then - from indentured survitude (paying off a debt) to captives of war being enslaved, to entire races of people being enslaved simply because of that - their race.

But if you will remember, Jesus healed a slave (servant) of a centurion(?) from afar simply because the centurion had faith.  (And - I bet - the servant had faith after that!  Praise Him!).  Also, Paul sent a slave (servant) back to his master with the message to the master (slave owner) to accept him and love him and not punish him.

So – considering a founding father not to be Christian due to keeping of slaves is not consistent with biblical teaching.

Does slavery suck?  Yes.  Is slavery eternal?  Only if you are a slave of Satan.

Title: Re:Do you believe the founding fathers were Christian?
Post by: The Crusader on February 09, 2004, 05:49:56 AM
Does slavery suck?  Yes.  Is slavery eternal?  Only if you are a slave of Satan.

The Crusader


Title: Re:Do you believe the founding fathers were Christian?
Post by: ollie on June 16, 2004, 02:39:16 PM
Greetings,  The Christian community, for the most part has idolized the founding fathers of America.  They constantly reiterate the idea that these men were born again believers.

How does this square with the fact that some of them were slave owners?

I'd like some opinions please!

Also, if you have the time go to: (
and post.  Thanks and God bless.

Can you show from scripture it is a sin to own a slave?

Before i get shot or something i believe slavery is wrong...
Good question.

Scripture, from what I read tells one, if a slave, to be to his master as Christ would have him/her to be and if a master, to be to his slave as Christ would have him to be. Onesimus is an excellent example of slave becoming Christian.

reference: Colossians 4

Title: Re:Do you believe the founding fathers were Christian?
Post by: BUTCHA on June 16, 2004, 09:32:47 PM
Does slavery suck?  Yes.  Is slavery eternal?  Only if you are a slave of Satan.

The Crusader

do we need to use that word