Title: Cromwell, good or bad? Post by: Annahavil on November 25, 2008, 11:46:04 AM Last night with friends from our Church we watched the classic 1970 film, Cromwell. Most interesting and thought provoking we all thought. I have always been extremely puzzled by the amount of people in battles especially in Ireland that Oliver Cromwell slaughtered. He was a Bible believing Christian and I am almost (99.9%) sure that he was saved. He appeared to maybe take the place of God which appears to be blasphemy. Maybe it is not, what do you think. A complex and hard to understand person to say the least.
Title: Re: Cromwell, good or bad? Post by: Soldier4Christ on November 25, 2008, 01:36:00 PM Oliver Cromwell lived in a violent time. The English Civil War was quite violent on all sides. There was a large amount of fighting between the Kings of that time and the English Parliaments as well as the Catholic/Protestant wars. Whether Cromwell was a Christian or not is something that only God can determine for sure. Oliver Cromwell though did claim to be a born again Christian and took a part in the Protestant Reformation. Historians are split on whether he was a hero or a villainous tyrant. Those in the first category report him to have been merciful and kind in his dealings while the others have listed many atrocities as having been performed by him with no mercy for his enemies. It is difficult to determine which as the history of that time was determined by those on each side. Those who favored the Catholics on one side and those that favored the Protestants on the other.