ChristiansUnite Forums

Theology => Prophecy - Current Events => Topic started by: cheryl on October 10, 2008, 07:08:11 AM

Title: through the bible with les feldick
Post by: cheryl on October 10, 2008, 07:08:11 AM
has anyone ever studyed with les feldick

Title: Re: through the bible with les feldick
Post by: Soldier4Christ on October 10, 2008, 09:46:27 AM
Hello cheryl,

Welcome to Christians Unite forums.

Ni I have never met the man but I have read some of his teachings. I would strongly suggest that people would steer clear of them. You would be much better off with a good Bible, prayer and the Lord.

Title: Re: through the bible with les feldick
Post by: David_james on October 10, 2008, 10:02:42 AM
I guess he is a false prophet or something?

Title: Re: through the bible with les feldick
Post by: SpiritFire2 on March 16, 2009, 10:07:19 PM
Les Feldick is the best Bible teacher I have studied with!    :D  Check his web site! Free MP3's on the site or downloads!

Title: Re: through the bible with les feldick
Post by: Shammu on March 17, 2009, 10:02:13 PM
Check his web site! Free MP3's on the site or downloads!

Yup, I checked his website, and guess what..................... He is a false teacher, so thanks but no thanks...........

I started researching how what he teaches stacks up with the doctrines of salvation taught in the epistles. This is how you weed out false teachers like Les Feldick. You be the Berean and search and rightly divide the word of truth for the church in the Bible.

I have no more faith in him than Jimmy Swaggart and they both share the same pastime. Les Feldick Bible Study, is the false idea that there is more than one Gospel of Jesus Christ.

One of the oldest tricks in the book and the devil first used it when he was tempting Jesus. Satan wrongly divided the word of God, twisted it and said:

Matthew 4:6 And saith unto him, If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down: for it is written, He shall give his angels charge concerning thee: and in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone.

If Jesus did not know the word, he could well have said “well he is quoting scripture so it must be correct” but the problem was that the devil was quoting it out of context. This is what many false teachers do and because some Christians are too lazy to study for themselves, they swallow any garbage that is fed to them. False teachers count on the fact that you will not follow how they jump through the Scriptures, matching words out of context at a fast pace.They are not aware of some basic rules of bible interpretation. It is so important to look at the context of a verse or verses.

Title: Re: through the bible with les feldick
Post by: nChrist on March 18, 2009, 06:45:26 AM
DreamWeaver Said:

Les Feldick Bible Study, is the false idea that there is more than one Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Brother, if this is the only reason you're calling Les Feldick a false teacher, I'll disagree. I've only spent about an hour looking at this, so I'm sure that I haven't even skimmed 20% of the material involved. What I have skimmed indicates that Les Feldick is NOT a false teacher, but that doesn't mean that I agree with everything he teaches.

The Gospel of the Kingdom has been in place much longer than the Gospel of the Grace of GOD with the CROSS as the CORE. Further, The Gospel of the Kingdom is still true and will be fulfilled. The Gospel of the Kingdom is the GOOD NEWS to Israel that JESUS CHRIST will be the King of Israel and Rule and Reign over the earth from the Throne of David in Jerusalem. This is going to happen, and it will still be GOOD NEWS for Israel. Further, it's the TRUTH.

The ONE GOSPEL for all people RIGHT NOW and since the CROSS is the GOSPEL OF THE GRACE OF GOD that revealed the MYSTERY OF CHRIST, THE CHURCH WHICH IS THE BODY OF CHRIST,  AND A HEAVENLY KING WHO IS ALREADY KING OF KINGS. Further, most of Israel rejected JESUS CHRIST and said HE was a fraud. This does not change the reality that JESUS CHRIST is exactly who HE says that HE is. The revelation of the ONE GOSPEL involves many things that are not present in the KINGDOM GOSPEL. WHY? - They were mysteries of GOD kept secret since the foundation of the world. Many wonderful things happened at the CROSS, and the CROSS is the most powerful and beautiful event in the history of mankind. It's interesting to know that not one of the 12 Apostles knew the meaning of the CROSS until Paul taught them. The 12 Apostles were teaching an Earthly Kingdom with JESUS CHRIST as King over Israel and ruler over the world - AND THIS WILL HAPPEN - IS TRUE - AND IS A PROMISE OF GOD!

Brothers and Sisters, some of the arguments amount to semantics. However, let's look at this some more. Is the Kingdom Gospel real and true? YES - it most certainly is. YES - it's also a Promise from GOD, and it is the GOOD NEWS of FULFILLMENT that Israel is waiting for. Will it be fulfilled? YES - it most certainly will because it is a Promise of GOD. Is the KINGDOM GOSPEL a Bible Fact? YES - it most certainly is, and it can't be ignored if anyone wants to understand the Holy Bible.

I'm just a Christian, and I'm not waiting for the Earthly Kingdom. I already belong to the KING OF KINGS. It is somewhat confusing, but I also know firmly that JESUS CHRIST will establish an Earthly Kingdom as KING of ISRAEL and rule over the earth - bringing all things under subjection. I also already know about the HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD because HE lives in my heart. AS A CHRISTIAN, MY HOPE IS MUCH BETTER THAN AN EARTHLY KINGDOM WITH JESUS CHRIST AS KING! However, this doesn't change the TRUTH of the KINGDOM! It will be great and wonderful news for Israel when they know beyond doubt that their KING has arrived to TAKE HIS THRONE IN JERUSALEM!

Let's just ask one more question and try to answer it. Did all of the MEN OF GOD, including the 12 Apostles, teach lies? ABSOLUTELY NOT! They were teaching to Israel about an Earthly Kingdom, and they didn't know a single thing about THE BODY OF CHRIST AND THE MYSTERY OF CHRIST! So, they all taught the TRUTH, BUT THE TEACHING IS DIFFERENT! The vast majority of Israel did REJECT THEIR TRUE KING - JESUS CHRIST - THE SAME LORD AND SAVIOUR WHO OWNS ME - THANKFULLY! Brothers and Sisters, we're really not talking about splitting hairs - RATHER SOMETHING HUGE! Is the Kingdom Gospel Real and TRUE?  YES - most obviously and certainly! It does exist, and it can't be ignored. On the other side of the coin, is the GOSPEL OF THE GRACE OF GOD REAL AND TRUE?  YES - IT APPLIES RIGHT NOW AND HAS ALREADY BEEN APPLIED! TRYING TO IGNORE EITHER GREAT TRUTH IS IMPOSSIBLE IF SOMEONE WANTS TO UNDERSTAND THE HOLY BIBLE!

I didn't mention this to argue or debate, and I hope that nobody sees this as my attempt to do so. I simply intended to state TWO BIBLE FACTS. Both Bible Facts involve the same ULTIMATE SALVATION FACTS:  GOD'S GRACE, GOD'S LOVE - BELIEF AND FAITH IN GOD. Please keep this ultimate TRUTH in mind and don't confuse it with the LAW BEFORE OR AFTER THE CROSS. Obedience of the LAW never SAVED a single person in the history of mankind. By the same token, don't confuse sacrifices and burnt offerings with SALVATION because sacrifices and burnt offerings have never saved a single person either. These other things pertained to Peace and Fellowship with GOD - NOT SALVATION. These are things that all Christians should know without any doubts.

Back to the thread topic - Les Feldick. I certainly don't know everything this man teaches. I'll just say that I found NOTHING worthy of calling him a false teacher. First, let me bluntly say there IS ONE GOSPEL FOR TODAY - THE GOSPEL OF THE GRACE OF GOD! "For Today" are two key words. If Les Feldick said there was also a Kingdom Gospel, he told the TRUTH. If this is the only thing causing some to call him a false teacher, those some would be wrong. Do our differences rise to the SEVERITY that we SHOULD shun someone? It depends on the difference, and we all have differences.

Love In Christ,

2 Corinthians 4:1-18 NASB  Therefore, since we have this ministry, as we received mercy, we do not lose heart,  2  but we have renounced the things hidden because of shame, not walking in craftiness or adulterating the word of God, but by the manifestation of truth commending ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God.  3  And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing,  4  in whose case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving so that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.  5  For we do not preach ourselves but Christ Jesus as Lord, and ourselves as your bond-servants for Jesus' sake.  6  For God, who said, "Light shall shine out of darkness," is the One who has shone in our hearts to give the Light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.  7  But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, so that the surpassing greatness of the power will be of God and not from ourselves;  8  we are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not despairing;  9  persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed;  10  always carrying about in the body the dying of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body.  11  For we who live are constantly being delivered over to death for Jesus' sake, so that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our mortal flesh.  12  So death works in us, but life in you.  13  But having the same spirit of faith, according to what is written, "I BELIEVED, THEREFORE I SPOKE," we also believe, therefore we also speak,  14  knowing that He who raised the Lord Jesus will raise us also with Jesus and will present us with you.  15  For all things are for your sakes, so that the grace which is spreading to more and more people may cause the giving of thanks to abound to the glory of God.  16  Therefore we do not lose heart, but though our outer man is decaying, yet our inner man is being renewed day by day.  17  For momentary, light affliction is producing for us an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison,  18  while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal.

Title: Re: through the bible with les feldick
Post by: Soldier4Christ on March 18, 2009, 07:37:38 AM
I didn't see his teachings of two salvations. I did see that he supports the gap theory in Genesis and therefore evolution.

Title: Re: through the bible with les feldick
Post by: David_james on March 18, 2009, 08:07:48 AM
Information on him being a false teacher

Title: Re: through the bible with les feldick
Post by: Soldier4Christ on March 18, 2009, 11:21:48 AM
Information on him being a false teacher

The person that wrote the articles on this web site goes by the name of Darwin Fish that he claims was given to him by his parents. The main purpose of this persons web site is to point fingers at certain people and call them false teachers or false ministries. Yet a lot of what he himself says is against scripture such as his support of polygamy and his works based salvation.

Some of his comments on various preachers is also totally incorrect with his giving statements of some preachers that is either completely false or twisted out of context.

I didn't check all of the comments he made about Les Feldick but I did go to Les Feldick's own web site where I did see that he teaches another gospel through his teachings on Genesis. The teaching of the gap theory is nothing more than an attempt to meld evolution with creation, calls God a liar, basically denying the story of sins entry into the world and therefore debasing the foundations of God's word and the reason for the need for Salvation.

It is always best to let a persons own words be compared to that of scripture to determine that persons fruit.

I will again say "You would be much better off with a good Bible, prayer and the Lord."

Let us fervently pray daily that the Lord will keep us in the truth of His word and not be easily led astray.

Title: Re: through the bible with les feldick
Post by: nChrist on March 18, 2009, 01:07:17 PM
Hello Pastor Roger and All,

I've never heard of Les Feldick until today, so what I know about him is from some quick skimming of his web site. I didn't see anything that hints he believes in evolution. I didn't check the Genesis study, but I did check others that would give me an idea about the basics he believes and teaches. I didn't find anything wild. There are some time gaps that don't have anything to do with evolution. We're living in one of them:  between the 69th and 70th week of Daniel's Prophecy. Some time gaps aren't wild at all. Regardless, I would label any pastor teaching evolution as FALSE. GOD'S Creation was perfect from the start. If Les Feldick teaches evolution, he is a FALSE TEACHER, but I didn't find any evidence of him teaching evolution.

I'm going to look some more when I feel better. I did find the smear web site that was spoken of, and I don't find it credible or useful. Any person half-way trying to serve GOD is going to be attacked. I would have to see or hear something for myself before I would shun someone. It would have to be something I could verify for myself, and that's not difficult on the false teachers I'm thinking about. I did find some positive mention of Les Feldick on some Godly web sites.

Pastor Roger, your advice to stick with the Bible and GOD is aways the best advice. This also pertains to our own pastors. We should be like the Bereans and check for ourselves in the Scriptures to see what is TRUE. NO man or pastor is perfect, so we're really not talking about looking for something that doesn't exist. We should simply CHECK OUR SPIRITUAL FOOD FOR OURSELVES and not blindly accept anything from a man.

Love In Christ,

Romans 4:1-6 ASV  1  What then shall we say that Abraham, our forefather, hath found according to the flesh?  2  For if Abraham was justified by works, he hath whereof to glory; but not toward God.  3  For what saith the scripture? And Abraham believed God, and it was reckoned unto him for righteousness.  4  Now to him that worketh, the reward is not reckoned as of grace, but as of debt.  5  But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is reckoned for righteousness.  6  Even as David also pronounceth blessing upon the man, unto whom God reckoneth righteousness apart from works,

Title: Re: through the bible with les feldick
Post by: Soldier4Christ on March 18, 2009, 02:31:28 PM
Yes, brother there are some time gaps given that are true. I don't disagree with that. The Gap Theory most commonly talked about in regards to scripture and is the case with Les Feldick is the supposed gap between Gen 1:1 and Gen 1:2. He also refers to Gen 1:3 on as being the "re-creation" instead of The Creation.

It is getting to be harder and harder to discern the false teachers. So many are getting to be very subtle in many ways in this regard. Yes, it is easy for us all to make mistakes or to inject errors into our understanding of Godly things.

It is for this reason that we all need to go to God in fervent, continuous prayer asking for His guidance in all things as we pick up our Bibles and spend time in His word.

Title: Re: through the bible with les feldick
Post by: nChrist on March 18, 2009, 03:53:51 PM
Yes, brother there are some time gaps given that are true. I don't disagree with that. The Gap Theory most commonly talked about in regards to scripture and is the case with Les Feldick is the supposed gap between Gen 1:1 and Gen 1:2. He also refers to Gen 1:3 on as being the "re-creation" instead of The Creation.

It is getting to be harder and harder to discern the false teachers. So many are getting to be very subtle in many ways in this regard. Yes, it is easy for us all to make mistakes or to inject errors into our understanding of Godly things.

It is for this reason that we all need to go to God in fervent, continuous prayer asking for His guidance in all things as we pick up our Bibles and spend time in His word.

Hello Pastor Roger,

I'll first just say AMEN!

I'm not familiar with what this man said about Genesis or his purpose in saying it. I am aware of the time gap you're talking about, but I'm also aware of other time gaps that have nothing to do with teaching evolution. I'm aware of several difficult studies regarding the Genesis time frame that have nothing to do with evolution. They pertain to questions without answers and possible contradictions brought up - primarily from people who want to discredit GOD'S WORD. We should know that GOD didn't tell us everything about Eternity past, but we should also know there are NO contradictions in the Holy Bible. GOD'S WORD is perfect, but this doesn't hint that we know everything about GOD. There are many things that GOD didn't tell us, and there are many other things that GOD made partial mention of in HIS WORD. A perfect example is the angels, fallen and otherwise. GOD told us what HE wanted us to know, and some of those things create questions that some atheists love to use in making fun of GOD and HIS WORD. GOD has the answers, and there are hints about what those answers might be in GOD'S WORD. On the other side of the coin, GOD'S WORD eliminates many possible answers to the questions that some atheists and enemies of GOD raise. So, another question is:  what possible answers to difficult questions are ruled out by GOD'S WORD. I've seen the discussion of these questions, and they are obviously designed to mock GOD and HIS WORD. They consider it a win if we can't give them an answer, and the answer IS something that is NOT ruled out by the Bible. I could give you a list of their questions, but I don't want to do that right now. I think you've seen the same list of questions I'm talking about. They require huge amounts of effort on something that amounts to swatting gnats in my opinion. For these and other reasons, many Christians refuse to address these questions. A good answer is NOT:  GOD doesn't rule that out. The best answer is:  GOD has not told us everything about HIMSELF and Eternity past. Some would say this is a weak and evasive answer, but I as an individual don't care. I do care about people trying to mock GOD and discrediting HIS WORD, and I hope I made this clear. There are some questions that can't be answered with specific information from GOD'S WORD, and these atheists know it. These are the "GOTCHA" questions. If we try to answer them, we are faced with some difficult choices, and they involve speculation that is NOT covered in GOD'S WORD. The speculation is not ruled out by GOD'S WORD, but the speculation is man's ideas - not GOD'S. SO, I HAVE MIXED EMOTIONS ABOUT PEOPLE TRYING TO ANSWER "GOTCHA" QUESTIONS. The "gotcha" questions I'm talking about have nothing to do with evolution. I'll give you one as an example:  "Who did Cain and Able marry - their sisters - angels - WHO?"

I'll spend my time with the GOSPEL OF THE GRACE OF GOD and try to share the message that GOD wants me to. I'm not embarrassed that I don't have all the answers, and I'm certainly not embarrassed that I can't comprehend all of the MIGHT, POWER, AND MAJESTY OF ALMIGHTY GOD. I know what GOD'S WORD says, but I can only imagine what GOD doesn't tell us and what we don't know. I'm just a lowly human talking about the KING OF KINGS. My main focus would be to give HIM all the GLORY and do nothing to harm HIS WORK or be an obstacle to HIS PURPOSE. I want to yield to HIS Purpose for me, and that will be tiny in comparison to GOD'S GREAT WORKS. The same will be true for any man trying to yield to GOD'S WILL. I, as an individual, do NOT feel led to try and answer "gotcha" questions with speculation. I've heard men of GOD who have devoted their entire lives to service discuss these "gotcha" questions. Most of them did NOT feel led to make these questions a part of their ministry. There is no disgrace to GOD in answering these questions with:  GOD didn't answer that question in HIS WORD. What we don't know and haven't been told should NOT cast doubt on anything GOD has told us and taught us from HIS WORD! If a pastor does feel led to try and answer these questions, I would then be asking about what DISCLAIMERS they used. I would not condemn a pastor who felt led to try and answer these questions. Many pastors in my family did try to answer these questions, but it wasn't a part of their public ministry.

Love In Christ,

Hebrews 4:16 NASB  16  Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

Title: Re: through the bible with les feldick
Post by: nChrist on March 20, 2009, 10:18:53 PM
Brothers and Sisters,

I must offer my opinion on Les Feldick now, even though I have not read all of his Bible Studies. Sadly, I think that the web site smearing him is really harming his reputation. I can't find a single true statement from the smear web site about Les Feldick.

I have read and studied some of Les Feldick's material now, and they are solid and Godly in my opinion. In fact, I like his writing style, and I find that he explains things in a very easy to understand way. Les Feldick has been a featured writer in many highly respected Christian publications that have been around a long time and are known to be Godly publications. As an example, I stopped counting for the Berean Bible Society after finding 17 of Les Feldick's articles published by them. I must say that the Berean Bible Society is one of the oldest and most respected Christian publishers in the country. Many other respected and Godly publishers have links to Les Feldick's web site in their recommended links. I didn't make a list of them, but they were well-known to me, and I stopped counting when I got over 10.

In short, Les Feldick has a reputation of being an excellent Bible Teacher who rightly divides the Word of Truth. Further, he has a reputation of being able to explain difficult portions of Scripture in an easy to understand manner. I'm obviously not in any position to guarantee that everything Les Feldick teaches is correct, but everything I've studied so far is excellent. Regardless, I would still advise ALL to be a Berean and verify the TRUTH from GOD'S WORD. This would pertain to every Bible Teacher and Pastor - even your own. You shouldn't swallow a single thing from any man until you check it for yourself in GOD'S WORD.

Lastly, Les Feldick appears to be a Godly man genuinely trying to serve GOD. I have no idea why the smear web site picked Les Feldick as one of the ones they wish to tar and feather. As it turns out, it's the smear web site that needs to be tarred and feathered. This certainly doesn't hint that Les Feldick is perfect because NO teacher or pastor is perfect. I would simply say that Les Feldick appears to be a workman who is not ashamed of the GOSPEL OF THE GRACE OF GOD. GOD is supposed to get all the GLORY, and it appears that's what Les Feldick tries to do - give GOD all the GLORY. I like his writing style and plan to study more of his material. He heavily documents all of his writing with GOD'S WORD so you can quickly and easily check what he's saying as you do the study.

Brothers and Sisters, at this point, I consider Les Feldick to be a good Bible Teacher, and I haven't found any reason to believe otherwise. I rarely recommend anything on the Internet unless they are an older source with a lengthy track record of Godly materials. In this case, many of those old and respected sources have recommended and linked to Les Feldick's site. It's SAD when the SMEAR SITE comes up first in the search results. It appears that the SMEAR SITE is simply trying to slander a man trying to serve GOD. Sadly, SMEAR attempts are common today against GOD'S servants. This in NO way hints that any of GOD'S servants are perfect. They are just men trying to serve GOD the best they can. All of GOD'S children need GOD'S help every day.

Love In Christ,

John 1:1-4 NASB  1  In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  2  He was in the beginning with God.  3  All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being.  4  In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men.