Title: Qestions p. 2. Is God particular about spiritual authority for marriage? Post by: wokeup4christ on January 05, 2004, 07:08:37 PM Bellow is part of an email a friend of mine received from someone who was counseling her. This has to do with the same subject I posted a couple of days about- whether or not God has a specific person in mind for each Christian to marry or whether or not He has no specific Christian in mind. It would be great to hear everyone's opionions.
-------------------------------------------------------------- the following 'scriptures' aren't my words- they are from the Bible. How can you and Oyvind marry and still be following God's biblical guidlines for marriage when you know you are the one who is much more spiritually mature? How can oyvind be the spiritually leader of the marriage if you are much more spiritually mature than he is? You have told me that he isn't strong in the Lord, that he is a baby Christian. 1 Timothy 2:12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; Ephesians 5:23 For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Ephesians 5:24 Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything Genesis 3 16 To the woman he said, "I will greatly increase your pains in childbearing; with pain you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you." 1 Timothy 3:4 He must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him with proper respect How can you and Oyvind be "one flesh" Gn 2:24 when your goals aren't the same? footnote: Totally united in life, purpose, and pleasure is presented. And how can you be in spiritual unity when you're on completely different spiritual levels of maturity? As the verses below show, God brings a man and woman together for the purpose of ministry. How are you to be in ministry with a man who isn't prepared or from what you've said doesn't even feel a calling toward ministry? Amos 3:3 Can two walk together, unless they are agreed? John 14:13 And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. Matthew 22:14 "Many are called but few are chosen" (for ministry). John 15:16- "Ye have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you and ordained you, that you should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain" I encourage you to be aware of false peace about your situation because the enemy always wants to ruin ministry plans. If your decision to marry Oyvind is not in line with scripture then how could your peace be anything but false? Because God is unable to lead you into something that is against His Word. God is too holy and cannot do that. God has purposed marriage to be a ministry which brings glory to His name and He has put a guidline in place that says the male needs to be the spiritual leader. Ask any wise pastor and they will show you there is no way around the clear and simple meaning of these scriptures. Title: Re:Qestions p. 2. Is God particular about spiritual authority for marriage? Post by: Heidi on January 06, 2004, 11:06:48 AM I'm married to a man who loves me like Christ loves the church. I therefore have no problem wanting to do what he wants to do. Since he puts my needs first, i don't feel threatened and thus want to put his needs first. This way, both of our needs get met. I think it's paramount that before one gets married, he ask himself if his mate is someone in whom we want to place our lives. If the answer is yes, then submission is natural. If it is no, then there will be power struggles.