Title: Barber to Pro-Abortion Obama: 'Don't throw us in that Brier-Patch' Post by: nChrist on September 05, 2008, 10:48:12 AM Barber to Pro-Abortion Obama: 'Don't throw us in that Brier-Patch'
by Staff September 4, 2008 Lynchburg, VA (christiansunite.com) - Matt Barber, Director of Cultural Affairs with both Liberty Alliance Action and Liberty Counsel, and Associate Dean with Liberty School of Law,* released the following statement in response to news that Barack Obama has unleashed a series of pro-abortion attack-ads against Sen. John McCain and Gov. Sarah Palin in a number of swing states: "When a rhinestone is held against the light next to a diamond, its flaws quickly rise to the surface," said Barber. "John McCain's brilliant pick of Alaska Governor, Sarah Palin, for his running-mate has exposed many of the deep flaws which lie beneath the thin, though finely polished veneer of Barack Obama. Every time some liberal reporter questions Governor Palin's level of experience for VP, it underscores the fact that Obama, the top of the Democratic ticket, has less experience than she does, let alone John McCain. Similarly, every time the word 'abortion' leaves Obama's lips, it reminds Republicans, Democrats and Independents alike, just how utterly extreme and out of touch with mainstream America his views truly are. "The contrast is deadly stark," continued Barber. "On the one hand, we have a man in Obama who strongly supports the barbaric and 'never necessary' practice of partial-birth infanticide. On the other hand, we have a ticket in McCain-Palin that agrees we all have the 'inalienable right to life...' from the moment of conception. "In Obama, we have a 'community organizer' who apparently thought it was within his 'pay grade' to adamantly oppose Born-Alive legislation that would merely require that when a child survives a botched abortion, further attempts to kill him must immediately cease and steps must be taken to ensure his health and well-being. In Palin, we have a woman who selflessly 'chose' to give her special needs child, Trig, the gift of life, despite intense pressure to kill him from those like Obama. "In Obama, we have a father who said that if his daughters were to 'make a mistake' and find themselves with child, he'd prefer to see his own grandbabies slaughtered because he wouldn't, 'want them (his daughters) punished with a baby.' In Palin, we have a mother who stood firmly behind her 17 year-old daughter and her fiance after they did make a mistake, and is fully supporting them as God transforms that mistake into a beautiful blessing. "So, Senator Obama, as you continue to run your pro-abortion attack adds against Sen. McCain and Gov. Palin, I think I speak for many when I say, 'Please don't throw us in that Brier-Patch.' Or as the man you seek to replace might say, 'Bring it on.' "Indeed, the contrast is clear and should leave all reasonable voters asking this question among many: What does one properly call a man with such utter contempt for innocent human life and such complete devotion to those who enrich themselves by destroying that life? "A number of things come to mind," concluded Barber. "Mr. President isn't one of them." *Titles and affiliation for identification only. http://news.christiansunite.com/Religion_News/religion07562.shtml Additional information on ChristiansUnite.com is available on the Internet at http://www.christiansunite.com/ Copyright © 2007 ChristiansUnite.com. All rights reserved. __________________________________ |