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Theology => Prophecy - Current Events => Topic started by: abeata on December 29, 2003, 01:10:55 AM

Title: US fadamentalists choose Israel avove Jesus teachings
Post by: abeata on December 29, 2003, 01:10:55 AM

Exodus of the
Palestinian Christians

Dear Sir
The Palestinian Christian is an endangered species. When the modern state of Israel was established there were about 400000 of us. Two years ago the number was down to 80000. Now it’s down to 60000. At that rate, in a few years there will be none of us left.
Palestinian Christians within Israel fare little better. On the face of it, their number has grown by 20000 since 1991. But this is misleading, for the census classification ‘Christian’ includes some 20000 recent non-Arab migrants from the former Soviet Union.
So why are Palestinian Christians abandoning their homeland?
We have lost hope, that’s why. We are treated as non-people. Few outside the Middle East even know we exist, and those who do, conveniently forget.
I refer, of course, to the American Religious Right. They see the modern Israel as a harbinger of the Second Coming, at which time Christians will go to Paradise, and all others (presumably including Jews) to Hell. To this end they lend military and moral support to Israel.
Even by the double-dealing standards of international diplomacy this is a breathtakingly cynical bargain. It is hard to know who is using whom more: the Christian Right for offering secular power in the expectation that the Jewish state will be destroyed by a greater spiritual one; or the Israeli Right for accepting their offer. What we do know is that both sides are abusing the Palestinians. Apparently we don’t enter into anyone’s calculations.
The views of the Israeli Right are well known: they want us gone.
Less well known are the views of the American Religious Right. Senator James Inhofe (R-Oklahoma) said: ‘God Appeared to Abraham and said: “I am giving you this land,”the West Bank. This is not a political battle at all. It is a contest over whether or not the word of God is true.’
House Majority Leader Dick Armey (R-Texas) was even more forthright: ’I'm content to have Israel grab the entire West Bank… I happen to believe that the Palestinians should leave.’
There is a phrase for this. Ethnic cleansing.
So why do American Christians stand by while their leaders advocate the expulsion of fellow Christians? Could it be that they do not know that the Holy Land has been a home to Christians since, well… since Christ?
Do not think I am asking for special treatment for Christians. Ethnic cleansing is evil whoever does it and to whomever it is done. Palestinian Christians: Maronite Catholics, Orthodox, Lutherans, Armenians, Baptists, Copts and Assyrians have been rubbing shoulders with each other and with other religions: Muslims, Jews, Druze and (most recently) Baha’is for centuries. We want to do so for centuries more. But we can’t if we are driven out by despair.
What we seek is support: material, moral, political and spiritual. As Palestinians we grieve for what we have lost, and few people (the Ashkenazi Jews are one) have lost more than us. But grief can be assuaged by the fellowship of friends.

(Signed Prof. Abe W. Ata is a 9th generation Christian Palestinian born in Bethlehem. He is the author of 11 books including Intermarriage between Christians and Muslims : the case of the West Bank (Melbourne, David Lovell Publ. 2000)

Title: Re:US fadamentalists choose Israel avove Jesus teachings
Post by: Petro on December 31, 2003, 01:44:48 PM

Exodus of the
Palestinian Christians

Dear Sir
The Palestinian Christian is an endangered species. When the modern state of Israel was established there were about 400000 of us. Two years ago the number was down to 80000. Now it’s down to 60000. At that rate, in a few years there will be none of us left.
Palestinian Christians within Israel fare little better. On the face of it, their number has grown by 20000 since 1991. But this is misleading, for the census classification ‘Christian’ includes some 20000 recent non-Arab migrants from the former Soviet Union.
So why are Palestinian Christians abandoning their homeland?
We have lost hope, that’s why. We are treated as non-people. Few outside the Middle East even know we exist, and those who do, conveniently forget.


Thanks for your post and reminder, I can assure you you are not a frogotten people, we pray both for our brethern and Israel the nation, and above all else peace in the Land.

I refer, of course, to the American Religious Right. They see the modern Israel as a harbinger of the Second Coming, at which time Christians will go to Paradise, and all others (presumably including Jews) to Hell. To this end they lend military and moral support to Israel.

The religious Right do not run the country, just as christians do not run, Palestine.

Just because there is a president who says He believes in God, doesn't make him a Christian, we have had many presidents who have said this and even were seen attending church on Sundays on TV, but there manner of living have did not match (consider our last president) what they said, in the past, although I believe our present president is a Christian, it is hard to know for sure.

Israel is a soveriegn nation among the  nations of the world, it has been the Palestinians objective since this declaration to destroy Israel, the nation has a right to exist, and defend itself, this nation has always defended that principle.
Palestinian Christians, probaly hate Israel also, (although I am just assuming this, based on the fact that their lives are affected by what is happening and they feel as though they have been wronged), and desire the Nation to be removed from the land, unfrotunately, Christians are a small minority in your country, and have no say in the politics of those which want to destroy thre Apple of Gods Eye.

As the body of Christ we need to be in prayer in these last days for the peace of Jerusalem, it will not come until Jesus returns.

Even by the double-dealing standards of international diplomacy this is a breathtakingly cynical bargain. It is hard to know who is using whom more: the Christian Right for offering secular power in the expectation that the Jewish state will be destroyed by a greater spiritual one; or the Israeli Right for accepting their offer. What we do know is that both sides are abusing the Palestinians. Apparently we don’t enter into anyone’s calculations.
The views of the Israeli Right are well known: they want us gone.

I am sure Israel is not directing its attacks against Christians as much as against the terrorists who commit the barbarous acts against innocent civilians, their desire to is kill the nation, and we know who is ultimately behind this, it is no secret, is it??

The evil one will destroy any who get in his way.

Less well known are the views of the American Religious Right. Senator James Inhofe (R-Oklahoma) said: ‘God Appeared to Abraham and said: “I am giving you this land,”the West Bank. This is not a political battle at all. It is a contest over whether or not the word of God is true.’

Well we know what God said to Abraham, and that should tell us if this individual knows what he is talking about, the fact is God never said anything of the sort to Abraham.

Clearly it is political...but supporting violence is not the answer.

House Majority Leader Dick Armey (R-Texas) was even more forthright: ’I'm content to have Israel grab the entire West Bank… I happen to believe that the Palestinians should leave.’
There is a phrase for this. Ethnic cleansing.

Well, I can't speak for him, but I can see why he or others who do not espouse their faith would make such a statement, It isn't just Republicans that make statements like this, a large majority of Jews in New York state elected Ms Clinton, to the office of senator, democrats are just as offensive when it comes to human rights, in that while claim to be supporting the poor and those who have no rights they bring them into bondage.  

So why do American Christians stand by while their leaders advocate the expulsion of fellow Christians?

The only expulsion of any one from palestine that I have heard of, is that of Arafat, you do not need leaders like him, but when you are in the minority what can you do but pray.

The policies of this nation are not directed to christians of other landsa, but towards government that support terror, I trust christians in Palestine do not support the terrorist governemnt.

Could it be that they do not know that the Holy Land has been a home to Christians since, well… since Christ?

his is not news to christians that read there Bible.

Do not think I am asking for special treatment for Christians. Ethnic cleansing is evil whoever does it and to whomever it is done.

We agree...

Palestinian Christians: Maronite Catholics, Orthodox, Lutherans, Armenians, Baptists, Copts and Assyrians have been rubbing shoulders with each other and with other religions: Muslims, Jews, Druze and (most recently) Baha’is for centuries. We want to do so for centuries more. But we can’t if we are driven out by despair.

This is news to me, why are Christians rubbing shoulders with anyone, Jesus Christ calls us to be a separate people??


What we seek is support: material, moral, political and spiritual. As Palestinians we grieve for what we have lost, and few people (the Ashkenazi Jews are one) have lost more than us. But grief can be assuaged by the fellowship of friends.

Tell me about the Ashkenzi Jews, forgive my ignorance but i have never heard of these..

In the meantime, I will pray for you...and for Israel

Now the LORD said to Abram;..............I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. Gen 12:1-3

Fighting against Gods chosen Nation, will bring nothing but misery, death and destruction, it is better to seek Gods face in prayer than to "kick against the goads",

It is not by chance that this nation exists there in the land today, it is because God has planted them, there where He will accopmlish what is written in the Bible, concerning them in these latrter days, and those nations who fight against her.


Title: Re:US fadamentalists choose Israel avove Jesus teachings
Post by: twobombs on January 01, 2004, 06:28:56 AM
abeata: Both your people and the rest of nation of Israel will soon get a lot of war and internation turmoil on ther soil. Unfortunately this is nessecary for the second coming of Christ.

But you're not the only one with this problem. My own country and that of the rest of western Europe is transformed in a monster government that the world to-date has never seen.

My Lord's directions seem clear to me: in 2 weeks i'll be in South Africa to sign and send in my emigration papers. So far it looks as though my wife and I will be living on the other end of the world to work and create a save haven for the christian refugees to come.

abeata: God will never forget His people.

Title: Re:US fadamentalists choose Israel avove Jesus teachings
Post by: ebia on January 01, 2004, 06:59:52 AM
abeata: Both your people and the rest of nation of Israel will soon get a lot of war and internation turmoil on ther soil. Unfortunately this is nessecary for the second coming of Christ.
Soon?    The guy's country has been a war zone for how long?

But you're not the only one with this problem. My own country and that of the rest of western Europe is transformed in a monster government that the world to-date has never seen.

How is having a federal government you disagree with the same as having the local government send tanks & helicopter gunships to attack your churches, hospitals (& probably schools if you had any left).

abeata: God will never forget His people.
I'm sure that's a great comfort to him.