ChristiansUnite Forums

Theology => General Theology => Topic started by: dan p on June 05, 2008, 04:01:56 PM

Title: Do you smell good or DO you have an Odor ?
Post by: dan p on June 05, 2008, 04:01:56 PM
There is a beautiful passage of scripture in 2CO 2:14_15, Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us  Diffuses  the Fragrance of His knowledge in every place.  v15 For we are to God the  fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved those who are perishing.  Notice the phrase in v14  " the fragrance of His knowledge. Diffuse means  'to make manifest " which He does through us .  Fragrance also means  " aroma, odor, smell. "  There is an aroma associated with God's knowledge. What is the common ordinary word used for fragrance. It is the word perfume.  As we grow in grace and grow up into Christ  ( Ph 4:15 ) , we begin to be like an aroma to others around us . The Bible  ( particularly Paul's letters ) is the perfume of God.  And as we study the Word of God like we are supposed to do  ( 2Tim 2: 15 ; Phil 1:9-10 ) this Devine perfume will rub off on  US  who make up the Body of Christ. The Revelation of the Mystery is supposed to make  US  smell good to others. It is wonderful what the living Word of God can do for us  IF  we let it work in our lives. I want to be around believers who smell good . Don't you ?