ChristiansUnite Forums

Entertainment => Poetry/Prose => Topic started by: verseode on March 06, 2008, 11:22:17 PM

Post by: verseode on March 06, 2008, 11:22:17 PM


         Dearest Jesus, faithful friend
         Why am I holding back
         From sinking deep into Your arms
         I seem to have the knack
         Of putting You right at the end
         Of all the things I do
         I’m sorry that I’m hurting One
         Who is a friend so true.

         It’s not as if I haven’t time
         To sit and talk with You
         The pleasures of my busy life
         Are clouding up my view
         If only I would sit and make
         A space for You and me
         I’m sure that our relationship
         Would grow tremendously.