Title: Gabriel Post by: Brother Jerry on March 04, 2008, 09:42:58 AM Ok so I watched this movie. The cover sounded somewhat interesting. I knew from the start however that it's focus was not to deliver a message.
The premise of the movie was that The Source (God) was sending down the Arch Angels to clean up the City (World), to bring light into the world. They were to come down and kill the fallen angels so that they can help bring light to the world. And Gabriel was the last of the arch angels, all the others have failed. So I was kinda into this movie. I will warn you now that the language can get very bad at point and that was a big turnoff for me. However there was not a ton of blood and there was no nudity. The language is what got the movie it's rating. But I suffered through it because the story was quite interesting to me. Now there were parts of it that I was like OK now that would not happen :) as if I know. However when God sends the angels down they become disconnected with the Source. And this is what had happened to many of the previous arch angels, with the disconnect from the source they start to get wrapped up and living in the world. And while they are in the city they become human, although still with some powers. I was really enthralled by the comparisons and the hidden spiritual messages of this movie. The angels being almost Christ like in that when they leave the presence of God and come to earth they are simply humans. Able to feel pain, hunger, and even death. although they said that death for them was permanent, even for the soul if they died while in human form. And Gabriel was very much the sole figure that came as the redemptive spirit not only for himself but for all of the previous angels as well, he sacrificed his own power, power that was needed to beat the ultimate bad guy on earth, to heal and purge the sin from the angels. There were other aspects that were interesting like that as well, one of the biggest ones was where Gabriel was confronting the main nemesis at the end. Of course the villian was trying to fill his head with all sorts of stuff about how since he had left the source he was truly free, about how he had free will and was able to choose whatever he wanted to do. And how being with the light meant a life of servitude and enslavement. I found it quite interesting and that got me even more wrapped into it...because I have heard that sort of an arguement before....about how if we Christians are simply slaves to God. So I intently listened to the answer. Gabriel answered him. And told him that it was because of free will...it was by choice that he stayed in the light. Which also floored the bad guy because that said it was because of his choice that he stayed in the darkness and away from the light. Gabriel told him that it was not too late for him, he could go back to the light and he could be forgiven. I am sorry but I was completely blown away by this movie and some of the underlying message in it. If it were not for the language this could have been on the CHristian video shelves. And I was first hoping that Gabriel would go through the movie and be the one who did not use any foul language, however there was a moment when he stepped into the world was wrapped up in the evil, and at that time he did use some foul language, otherwise he stayed pretty clear of it. Just thought I would put my two bits in on that flick. It was entertaining, it was interesting to see the underlying message in the film, and some of it was clearer than the messages in Chronicles of Narnia to be honest. But it gets bad marks because of excessive language. |