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Theology => General Theology => Topic started by: Amisk on November 11, 2007, 09:40:49 PM

Title: Moral Law doesn't Change
Post by: Amisk on November 11, 2007, 09:40:49 PM
" July 24th, 2007, a Friend gave me a copy of the Winnipeg Free Press from February 20th, 1962. I leafed through it with some interest since I was living in Winnipeg  at  Borrow and Parr Streets in 1962.
I noted a question and answer column by Billy Graham, entitled "MY ANSWER"
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------QUESTION: In the event of a nuclear attack, if a man’s family were dying and no help was available, would it be wrong for him to put his family out of the way? " G.O. (The world was fearing a nuclear attack by Russia in those days.)

ANSWER: Circumstance do not alter moral law. What is wrong under normal circumstances is wrong under abnormal circumstances. In the Judeo-Christian concept the deliberate taking of another’s life is morally wrong.

When that concept is abandoned "mercy killing" will then be in vogue, just as it is in vogue now in some non-Christian societies. Hitler, having departed from Christian practices, killed many whom he considered a burden on society. This scandal has recently been reopened in Israel. (1962)

Christ’s emphasis was two-fold; the dignity and value of the individual, and his right to act for himself. When these are ignored or abandoned man will sink to a level of conduct lower than he has ever known."