ChristiansUnite Forums

Theology => Prophecy - Current Events => Topic started by: Paul2 on November 30, 2003, 06:35:42 PM

Title: Daniel's 70th week speculation timeline
Post by: Paul2 on November 30, 2003, 06:35:42 PM
    Consider that the 70th week of Daniel is 2520 days long, which is divided into two halfs. We are told the 70th week begins with the signing of a 7 year "covenant" or "treaty". The half way point is 1,260 days after the covenant is signed. Antichrist receives authority at the Mid Week, and rules for 42 months (1,260 days) and Jesus ends the 70th week by returning to earth and ending the reign of Antichrist.

    Now consider the Jewish Feast of Trumpets and Passover...

    First let me say this is pure speculation, just something to ponder a "what if" on.

    "What If" the 70th week of Daniel were to begin on the feast of trumpets (year unknown). If The 7 year covenant is signed on the feast of trumpets, 1,260 days later, the "mid Week" would be on PASSOVER. Antichrist would come to authority over earth for the remaining 42 months on Passover of the Mid week.

     Are you with me so far? Good!

     Ok, lets review, Israel signs a 7 year covenant with Antichrist beginning the 70th week of Daniel. If this occurs on the feast of Trumpets (year unknown!) Antichrist would receive authority for his 42 month reign on Passover, 1,260 days (3 1/2 years) after the treaty was signed on the Feast of Trumpets. Antichrist is mortally wounded but is healed in a "fake" resurrection to prove he is god. If this were to occur on Passover it would make perfect sense. Passover would be the day the 2 witnesses are killed by Antichrist, another attempt to deceive the world into believing he is god.

      Still with me? Good! Now lets "bring it home" shall I say!

      We are at Passover, Mid week, 1,260 days have gone by since the 7 year covenant was signed, Antichrist now has authority and 1,260 days to reign. The last day of Antichrist's reign, the last day of the 70th week of Daniel, The Day of the Lord's second coming would fall on... drum roll please...The Feast of Trumpets!

    There are 1,260 days between Feast of trumpets (any year) and Passover 3 1/2 years later (42 months).

    There are 1,260 days between Passover (any year) and the Feast of trumpets ( 42 months-or 3 1/2 years later.

    In a 7 year cycle or "WEEK", From Feast of Trumpets back to feast of trumpets seven years later, Passover is the Mid week, or the half way point of the 7 year covenant.

 You got it now right? Good!

    God always dealt with Israel on her Feast days, not so for the Church. Daniel's 70th week will begin AFTER the Church has been Raptured. Daniel's 70th week is God dealing directly with Israel again. God made it clear that the prophecy of the 70 Weeks of Daniel was for Daniel's people (the Jews) AND the Holy city, JERUSALEM. The church has no part of the 70th week and is removed, Raptured, "kept from the hour" Finished and completed before the 70th week can begin. Once the Church is removed, Raptured, Antichrist will begin to deceive the world into believing that they are entering into the millenium when in fact they are headed into the Great Tribulation. The 70th week is for Israel, They have completed 69 weeks already and will complete the 70th week as well.

   Woe to the world when God turns his eyes back to Israel and Jerusalem, for their days are numbered, 2,520 days, 7 years, 1 "week".

    I'm not a date setter, the Rapture is imminent. When the 70th week will begin is literally "none of my business" because I belong to the Church and will be Raptured before hand.

    This is just speculation using 2 prominant Jewish Feast Days and applying them into prophecies. Seems to fit like a glove though.

      I wonder what Two Bombs will have to say about this?

                                                   Paul2 8)

Title: Re:Daniel's 70th week speculation timeline
Post by: Paul2 on December 01, 2003, 06:41:35 PM
     In the original post above, I was examining the possible dates of Jewish Feast days and the 70th week of Daniel.

     If the 70th week of Daniel were to begin on the Feast of Trumpets, the "mid week" would be Passover 1,260 days later or 3 1/2 years later.

      Theres one more prophecy to consider:

Daniel 12:11 "And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.
   12: Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days."

     If the daily sacrifice and the abomination of desolation is set up on Passover of the mid week, 1,335 days later would be... drum roll please... the Jewish Feast of Purim. Another coinincidence? Maybe, maybe not.

     Hello?... anybody?... nobody has a thought?...You do see it right?... Hello?... am I in the right room?... thats o.k., I'll just talk to you...

(in the voice of Foghorn Leghorn) "They must be to short... all the good ones go over their heads!"

                                                              Paul2 8)

Title: Re:Daniel's 70th week speculation timeline
Post by: Paul2 on December 01, 2003, 07:37:00 PM
      One more thing to add...

      Because in the Jewish year there are only 360 days, they lose 5 days a year. Every 7 years is a year of Jubille in which an extra holy month was added to bring the calender back on track. Lunar year 360 days, Solar year 365.25. We use the leap year to correct our calender, Jews added a month every 7 years.

   Now look at the last prophecy again:

Daniel 12: 11: And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.
       Antichrist has 42 months to reign, which is 1260 days. Jesus returns to earth to de-throne him. If the 70th week begins on the Feast of Trumpets, the mid week would be Passover, The final day of the 70th week, the return of Jesus to defeat Antichrist and set up His Kingdom would be the Feast of trumpets, seven years later.

      According to the prophecy above, theres 30 days following the end of Daniel's 70th week. This could be explained by the Jubille year where an extra Holy month is added.

      As I showed above in the last post , the 1,335 days mentioned from the abomination of desolation to the blessing would both fall on Feast days.

       The Feast of Trumpets- Beginning of 70th week- 7 year covenant signed.

        Passover- Mid week, 1260 days after treaty signed, 42 months of Antichrist reign begins, 1,260 days till the return of Christ at second coming.

        Feast of Trumpets- end of 70th week, 2520 days after treaty was signed, 1,260 days after abomination of Desolation, end of Antichrist's 42 month reign, Day of the Lord's second coming.

         30 days of Jubille month added after Feast of Trumpets.

        Feast of Purim- 1,335 days after abomination of Desolation if Passover is the mid week, and the Feast of Trumpets is the beginnig and end of the 70th week.

      Remember, this is speculation, appling Jewish Feast days to the 70th week of Daniel. The bottom line is it wouldn't surprize me. To tell you the truth it would surprize me if God doesn't use Jewish Feast Days during the Jewish 70th Week! His call not mine, but its...just so perfect!

      Hello?...Its got to make you think, doesn't it?...

       Come on, admit it, your wondering aren't you?

         H-E-L-L-O!  Anybody?..Anybody out there?

(muttering to myself) I must be in the wrong room.

                                                      Paul2 8)

Title: Re:Daniel's 70th week speculation timeline
Post by: Paul2 on December 01, 2003, 07:56:36 PM
Psst (whispering) My wife thinks I'm just wasting my time typing these posts, don't give her the satisfaction of being "Right" again. Just reply "interesting" or something like that, you don't even have to mean it, honest.

     You don't want to force me to change user names and answer my own posts do you? She checks up on me so make me look good will ya?

                     HELLO!!!....tough crowd around here,

(yelling) "Can you HEAR ME NOW?...GOOD!"

                                                         Paul2 8)

Title: Re:Daniel's 70th week speculation timeline
Post by: Petro on December 01, 2003, 11:18:26 PM

I have read your posts, but I am not knowledgeable enough to even begin commenting  on this subject, since the only thing I know is that the jewish month is not based on the same 30 day calendar ours is,therfore one year is not the same number of days.

But it sounds fine to me, I say keep working at it..


Title: Re:Daniel's 70th week speculation timeline
Post by: 2nd Timothy on December 02, 2003, 12:33:06 AM

I find all of your posts about endtime prophecy to be facinating.  This is an area I have alway been interested in, but havent devoted enough time to.

Keep it up!  You can tell the wifey that you have at least one

Peace and Grace.

Title: Re:Daniel's 70th week speculation timeline
Post by: twobombs on December 02, 2003, 06:46:26 AM
Hi Paul2,

We're not living in the same timezone, so that's why I wasn't answering, I was sleeping :)

In answer/comment to your query :

You're right; yesterday I was doing the same maths in a different manner, as I've got a solar eclipse to recon with...

The last 7 years of the 6000 year long period is, naturally, a Jubilee year. This 7 year period will also be the last year of the 70x7 in the answer that Jesus gave to peter when he asked how often he needed to forgive his brother; Until the end of the seventy weeks of Daniel; every Jubilee year.

A search on this topic would've spared you a lot of time on this :)  ( your wife was right, hehe ) actually a lot of this stuff can be found on my site and on the whole Internet.

It is safe to say that
- the Feast of Trumpets is the feast that will be fulfilled with the Rapture (harvest, ingathering)
- Yom Kippur with the Second Coming (our High Priest takes office in Jerusalem)
- The Feast of Tabernacles the fullfillment with Millenium. (God dwells with man)

With Trumpets fullfilled 7 years before Yom, and Tabernacles just days after Yom.

With the current track record of Christ with the four previous Spring Feasts fullfilled on the exact day, you've figured out the  exact days of the 3 Fall Feasts (not the year)

Title: Re:Daniel's 70th week speculation timeline
Post by: Paul2 on December 02, 2003, 01:02:56 PM

It is safe to say that
- the Feast of Trumpets is the feast that will be fulfilled with the Rapture (harvest, ingathering)
- Yom Kippur with the Second Coming (our High Priest takes office in Jerusalem)
- The Feast of Tabernacles the fullfillment with Millenium. (God dwells with man)

With Trumpets fullfilled 7 years before Yom, and Tabernacles just days after Yom.

With the current track record of Christ with the four previous Spring Feasts fullfilled on the exact day, you've figured out the  exact days of the 3 Fall Feasts (not the year)

      Why is it safe to say the Rapture will be on the Feast of Trumpets? First of all, the Rapture will occur a minimum of 2520 days before the "second coming of Christ to earth. There is no way of knowing when this will take place. The Rapture of the Church can happen at anytime, right up to the signing of the treaty. The Church must be Raptured before the 70th week of Daniel begins but theres no way of knowing when.

     The "second coming of Christ can be calculated, but not until the 7 year covenant is signed by Israel. Once the treaty is signed, there will be 1,260 days until the "Abomination of Desolation" is set up by Antichrist at the "mid week". Antichrist reigns for the remaining 1,260 days of the 70th week when Jesus returns to earth to establish His Kingdom.

     There is NO WAY of dating the Rapture at all, and there is NO WAY of dating the Second Coming until the Church is Raptured and the 7 year covenant with Israel and Antichrist is signed which begins the 70th week and the count down to the second coming of Christ.

      The Rapture is imminate, no warnings, signs, nothing has to occur first. The Rapture is the event that must take place before the 70th week of Daniel can begin. Revelation Chapter 4 and the remainer of the Book of Revelation  can not take place until the Church is Raptured. Once the Church is Raptured Daniel's 70th week can begin but not before.

       I said before I was speculating about the 70th week, but its none of my business, because I will be Raptured before it begins. We can't calculate the number of the beast, 666, because its not meant for us. After the Rapture of the Church, those with wisdom will be able to calculate the number to a man we call Antichrist, but for now its a waste of time.

       The purpose for my post on this subject was to motivate people that the Rapture is imminate. Once you set a date you give people "time", time that may not exsist. Jesus could Rapture His Church today, right now and time would be up for the Church. The question is ARE WE READY?"

       No Man knows the day or hour of the Rapture, it could happen at any time. The second coming can be calculated only after the rapture has taken place and Daniel's 70th week begins with the 7 year covenant.

       Many people make the mistake of not realizing the Rapture and the Second Coming are a minimum of 2,520 days apart. The Rapture ends the age of Grace and begins the age of Wrath, the Second coming ends the age of wrath and begins the Millenium.

                                                      Paul2 8)

Title: Re:Daniel's 70th week speculation timeline
Post by: twobombs on December 02, 2003, 01:54:02 PM
Hi Paul2,

Where do you read in your Bible that the rapture is imminent, and could happen at any time ?

Thanks for your reply,