ChristiansUnite Forums

Fellowship => You name it!! => Topic started by: Shammu on September 20, 2007, 10:11:45 PM

Title: What does your Bible look like?
Post by: Shammu on September 20, 2007, 10:11:45 PM
So lets have the low down.......... What does your Bible look like?

And how long have you had it?

Title: Re: What does your Bible look like?
Post by: airIam2worship on September 20, 2007, 10:24:52 PM
If you were to see my amplified Bible you would feel sorry for me ...(second thought, maybe not maybe you would be real happy  :) ) First of all it's missing the first 2 pages of the first chapter of Genesis, I had to make a makeshift cover for it, and it is in general falling apart, but I still read it anyway, it's right by my bed.

Now all my KJV Bibles have so many notes, underlines, circled words, and highlights that sometimes even I have a hard time trying to figure out what I was trying to point out or remember or study more on. They are all missing maps. One of them belonged to my dad he got it in 1970 than my mom kept it and when my mom went home to be with the Lord, my stepfather gave it to me.

My sturdy leather bound 28 year old Bible is holding up pretty good in spite of the fact that it's one I use everyday and even use it to help others learn.

Title: Re: What does your Bible look like?
Post by: Shammu on September 20, 2007, 10:28:43 PM
Well I'll tell y'all right now, I need to replace mine again. I go through 3-4 Bibles a year. I also use the amplified Bible, and the KJV Bible.

Title: Re: What does your Bible look like?
Post by: airIam2worship on September 20, 2007, 10:37:30 PM
I have my Amplified Bible, one of my KJV Bibles and a Spanish Bible all on my night table. I read from all 3 of those everyday.

Title: Re: What does your Bible look like?
Post by: Soldier4Christ on September 20, 2007, 10:40:18 PM
First I need to ask which one do want to know about?   ;)

1. Nice, clean, crisp and well organized because my current Bible is e-Sword. I'm thinking about getting one of those pocket pc's to put e-Sword on.

2. The one before that and also the one I still use when I am away from my computer is well worn. I have it inside a black, light weight canvas zippered cover. The cover needs replaced. It is well worn (the black is almost a gray ) and was chewed on by my dog. I've had this one about 4 maybe 5 yrs.

3. I still have my very first Bible that I myself bought. It is 42 yrs old with a leatherette cover. The cover was white but now it is yellowed from age and taped with together with white plastic tape (the type electricians use ). The pages were edged with gold. Not only is the gold worn off, the edges of many of the pages are missing about 1/4 inch along the edge I used for turning the page. This one went with me through most of my Military service.

4. My grandparents family Bible is in better condition but that's because I took it into a shop that repairs books and had it restored. This one is almost 100 yrs old and stays on the shelf except for very special occasions. It has center pages that contain the family history.

5. I also have a box full of Bibles I picked up at the dollar store for $1.00 each that I give to those that need one.

6. I have a number of others that sit on my book shelf that I don't use much that were given to me over the years that are in various different conditions from new to need replaced. Some of these are in different languages besides English.

Title: Re: What does your Bible look like?
Post by: nChrist on September 20, 2007, 10:42:23 PM
Hello Dreamweaver,

Brother, I really can't answer the question without additional choices.

I have an old Bible that is definitely my favorite, but my eyes are too bad to be able to read it. It's worn out completely, but I would still be using it if I could. I've had friends and family members give me Bibles as gifts, and I really don't know how many Bibles I have within 20 feet of me right now. My kids recently gave me a brand new one with large print that I can read, and I have enjoyed it.

Most of the people who really know me know that the Bibles I use hours every day are on my computer. I love the e-Sword Bible Study package and have complete control over the size and types of fonts. e-Sword also has a handy text editor built-in that's great for notes. I can have all of my favorite tools for Bible study quickly available on one computer screen, so I've been spoiled. I've gotten used to pop-up tool helps for ancient languages and quick changes over to multiple dictionaries, commentaries, maps of the area involved, sermons on the same subject, and immediate access to my own notes.

SO, my main Bibles that I use hours every day are in a computer.

Love In Christ,


Title: Re: What does your Bible look like?
Post by: airIam2worship on September 20, 2007, 10:55:37 PM
I didn't know E-Bibles were to be included, I have about 6 different electronic Bibles installed on my computer right now and sometimes I overload my computer because I have 3 or 4 open at the same time. I even have them all backed up on CD's just incase my computer wants to retire.  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: What does your Bible look like?
Post by: Soldier4Christ on September 20, 2007, 10:57:56 PM
I do have several other e-Bibles on CD but I don't use them now that I have the e-Sword Bibles.

Title: Re: What does your Bible look like?
Post by: David_james on September 20, 2007, 11:02:23 PM
I use ilumina gold Bible program. It has many great things. Pictures, video clips, hymns, Bible studies, articles and much more, but it costs alot. Go with e-sword  ;)

Title: Re: What does your Bible look like?
Post by: airIam2worship on September 20, 2007, 11:09:58 PM
I have Ilumina too David, I really like the videos and the pictures.

Title: Re: What does your Bible look like?
Post by: ibTina on September 21, 2007, 09:22:11 AM
Oh what a fun thread...

  I still have the first Bible I got when I was 9 years old. My Mom gave it to me Nov of 1968. This KJV was the only Bible I had for a long time till about 1990 then I got 2 NKJV's, one a personal sized one to keep in my purse and the other a big ol fat study one that I just love alot. As far as the poll questions, "none of the above" ... but I do have a lot of writing and underlining in them.
     I also have 3 old KJV that I picked up at a flea market. All 3 have some pages missing. They are from the early 1900's.
    And, just this week, I got a new Bible. It is from the Ancient Eastern Text. (authoritative English translation of the Aramaic (Syriac) Old and New Testaments). Thought this might be some interesting studying/reading.


Title: Re: What does your Bible look like?
Post by: Brother Jerry on September 21, 2007, 05:29:51 PM
I had to say that it looked nice only because I just bought a new one.  :)

I bought a new one because my old one was falling apart.

I got a really nice one for is parallel that has NIV, KJV, ASV, NASB.  I primarily use KJV and NASB but I like to compare alot when I study.

I still need to go get one that I can use for the pew....the parallel is kinda big and hard cover.

Title: Re: What does your Bible look like?
Post by: TalkerCat on September 22, 2007, 07:26:45 PM
I have several Bibles .... the oldest is one I won for perfect Sunday attendance back in - dare I say ??? -  1971!  It's a large, beautiful 'family' Bible with a gold leaf cover ~ well worn.

My every-day Bible is a NKJV (large print ::) ) and while it's only about five years old, it's spine is cracked and the cover dog-eared from contantly being opened!  Some pages are torn and almost all have highlighted scripture that I don't want to forget.  This gift from my pastor is sentimentally priceless so I won't be giving it up any time soon.

There is a brand-new-still-in-the-cellophane NKJV that I'm saving to donate as a fund raiser.  Every summer my church has a "kids camp" and every year there's a child that can't afford to go - so the women's ministry has bake sales and yard sales to raise money for them.

I have several "Gideon" Bibles to give away.  (No, I'm not a Gideon but I admire their works for the Lord)

and finally

A KJV gifted to me by my Uncle who has since passed away - what a wonderful influence this man was in my life .....


WOW! since taking an inventory I have more Bibles than I knew!



Title: Re: What does your Bible look like?
Post by: Littleboy on October 17, 2007, 10:06:17 PM
The oldest Bible i have is from 1894 it's in better condition than the one that i've
been reading for the past 36 yrs. KJV that my grandma gave me after my grandpa died
i was 10 yrs.old...
The front cover is taped back on, theirs not a page in it that has'nt been cried on,
written on, bent pages for reminders ;D
It's worn out as much as i am, But i would'nt have it any other way :D
I think it say's alot about a person. (the looks of their bible)
Goodness i think i have about 20 bibles of all sorts.

Has anyone ever read the Book of Enoch, Noahs Gr. grandpa?
I've read it twice and it sounds biblically sound to me, And what an enlightenment to alot of things,
Like the angels that left their first estate and came to earth as it says in Genesis,
some of their names, name of the angels of God and alot of the things that they are doing on a daily basis,
all kinds of things that alot of people have wondered about!
I don't know why they did'nt put this in the Bible?

Title: Re: What does your Bible look like?
Post by: Soldier4Christ on October 17, 2007, 11:09:16 PM
I don't know why they did'nt put this in the Bible?

It wasn't placed in the Bible because it was suspect as to it's origins and there are a number of different versions that contradict themselves and each other. There are also 1st, 2nd and 3rd Enoch and in some cases a 4th book of Enoch. In 2 Enoch there is the mention of Ahuzan which is a cryptic name for the Second Temple in Jerusalem. This indicates that the Second Temple was in existance at the time it was written. There are also other indications in the book of practices that existed during the Second Temple period that were not observed prior to or since. There are many other reasons to indicate that the books were written sometime during the Second Temple period and not before that, many of these are that the texts do not match the Biblical account, even though there are some truths in them there is also much that is false.

Title: Re: What does your Bible look like?
Post by: Littleboy on October 18, 2007, 11:26:40 AM
Thanks pastor,
I must be going blind, I hav'nt found anything that contradicts the word of God...
Thank you for your insight Brother...

Title: Re: What does your Bible look like?
Post by: Jon-Marc on October 18, 2007, 01:27:11 PM
Some of the pages in my Bible are wrinkled and folded, and I have no idea how that happened. I've tried to flatten out the pages, but they go back to the way they were. I no longer take it to church on Sunday since the pastor doesn't use the Old King James, and I don't like any other version as well. Of course, I can't find a southern Baptist church where the pastor uses the OKJ. Every northern Baptist church I went to used the OKJ. The closest I've seen to it here in Florida is the New King James, but it's hard to follow anything other than the OKJ version. I don't care to have to buy a version I wouldn't read and would only use at church. However, the person teaching on Wednesday evening does use the Old KJ.

Title: Re: What does your Bible look like?
Post by: HisDaughter on October 18, 2007, 02:07:58 PM
Well I've had my NIV Study Bible for 20+ years.  It has been all over the U. S. with me and back again.  I believe it is the only possesion that I have kept for that long of time.  I would love an amplified bible, but I can't cut loose of my much loved companion with all my notes and highlights in it.  ;D
It is still in extremely good shape with just a few scotch taped and wrinkled places in it.

Title: Re: What does your Bible look like?
Post by: nChrist on October 18, 2007, 10:45:00 PM
Brothers and Sisters,

Most of the posts here indicate that we have multiple Bibles we can use and Bibles that we might be keeping as family heirlooms. In short, we are RICH! There are places in the world where a person will risk their life in owning a single page of the Holy Bible.

My family does have some very old and beautiful Bibles that we care for and share. One of them is over 200 years old, and we keep it wrapped in plastic to protect it from moisture. It weighs about 40 pounds and has leather covers that are about 1/4 inch thick, not including other backing beneath the leather. The paper is beautiful parchment, and I don't know how to describe the unique and ornate printing. It has a large family section that has been full for a long time. Parts of the canvas and glue binding that holds the pages together has come loose, but the Bible is in overall good shape and complete.

We also have three study Bibles that were left to us by our dad. They were all the type with one page of Scripture and one page for notes. All of the note pages in all three Bibles are completely full, so these Bible are priceless to us. Again, we share them and plan to share them with our children.

One of the main points I want to make is how RICH we are in the possession of GODLY materials. Yet, I know that many of us take this for granted and don't know that we might have enough material in our house to make an entire village happy in other parts of the world. We should give thanks that we have the freedoms to possess and use these materials. We should always remember that Christians around the world are being beaten, imprisoned, and killed for attending a worship service. If you have just one complete Bible that you can use any time you wish, YOU ARE RICH!

Love In Christ,

John 1:1-5 NASB
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men. The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.

Isaiah 55:10-11 NASB
"For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven, And do not return there without watering the earth And making it bear and sprout, And furnishing seed to the sower and bread to the eater; So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; It will not return to Me empty, Without accomplishing what I desire, And without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it.

Title: Re: What does your Bible look like?
Post by: nChrist on October 18, 2007, 11:16:15 PM
Thanks pastor,
I must be going blind, I hav'nt found anything that contradicts the word of God...
Thank you for your insight Brother...

Hello Little Boy,

There are hundreds and probably thousands of books and manuscripts written that aren't part of the Bible. Some of the books and manuscripts agree with the Bible and some of the books and manuscripts have varying degrees of disagreement. What is and what is not part of the Old Testament was determined by Jews. They had an elaborate method of preserving what was then KNOWN to be INSPIRED BY GOD. Remember that the Holy Bible proves itself, and there are books written about how it was determined what belonged in the Bible and what didn't. The procedures used for the New Testament are similar and quite elaborate. There were councils of the time that heard testimony about books and manuscripts.

If you want to read the details, there are numerous books that describe how the Bible came to be. I've read a few, and it's really fascinating. There is considerable and beautiful material of the times that are true but not part of the Bible. Some were historical, and some even documented the life of CHRIST, but they aren't part of the Bible. The single biggest key is "Is it GOD'S WORD - HIS WORD for man - Inspired by GOD HIMSELF?" The procedures to determine this were lengthy and elaborate - rightfully so. These tasks were accomplished at the time and many times involved contemporaries of the writers who could offer testimony about the writing. Much of their work was recorded, so we can read about much of it still today. However, we are not contemporaries of the writers, so we don't have the same advantages as those who examined all of the evidence. The goal was to positively identify the WORD of GOD - not the word of men. GOD Himself has promised that HE will preserve HIS WORD forever, and HE has and will.

Love In Christ,

Hebrews 11:1-3 NASB
Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. For by it the men of old gained approval. By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible.

Title: Re: What does your Bible look like?
Post by: Littleboy on October 19, 2007, 03:03:03 PM
Hi Brother Tom,
I've read many of those books too... very fascinating!(reassures me nobody was able to mess it up)
Have you read the letter from Pontius Pilate to Ceasar about the cruxifiction?
I would like to make this very clear,even to the angels in Heaven that keep everything written down in the books that will be opened in the end:
NO other book in this world will ever influence or replace "the Gospel" in my life...
Praise be to God,
Love Duane

Title: Re: What does your Bible look like?
Post by: nChrist on October 21, 2007, 01:51:51 AM
Hello Littleboy,

Brother Duane, I'll have to be honest and say that I've read so much material that I can't remember. I'll also have to say that my memory isn't very good these days. I'm not senile though - (small print - as far as I know).   ;)  I'll quickly agree with you that the Bible is my most important book to study and what I spend most of my time with. I have at least 10,000 resources just on my computer, and over 4,000 of them are used with the e-Sword Bible Study Package. I also come from a family full of pastors and missionaries. Our hard-copy library is so large that we keep it at the church and let people check some of them in and out. Some are very old and fragile, so those have to be studied in the library.

This is an example of how rich we are in GODLY materials. When I say "we", I'm talking about average Christians in this part of the world having access to more material than they will ever be able to properly study. In fact, just the Bible would take several lifetimes to properly study. I try to study the Bible, and I usually just skim other materials unless they are really good and on the topic of what I'm studying in the Bible. I'm retired and a stay at home, so I enjoy Bible study every day.

Love In Christ,

Ephesians 4:4-6 NASB
There is one body and one Spirit, just as also you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all who is over all and through all and in all.

Title: Re: What does your Bible look like?
Post by: Def on October 21, 2007, 06:23:56 PM
Hello Littleboy,

Brother Duane, I'll have to be honest and say that I've read so much material that I can't remember. I'll also have to say that my memory isn't very good these days. I'm not senile though - (small print - as far as I know).   ;)  I'll quickly agree with you that the Bible is my most important book to study and what I spend most of my time with. I have at least 10,000 resources just on my computer, and over 4,000 of them are used with the e-Sword Bible Study Package. I also come from a family full of pastors and missionaries. Our hard-copy library is so large that we keep it at the church and let people check some of them in and out. Some are very old and fragile, so those have to be studied in the library.

This is an example of how rich we are in GODLY materials. When I say "we", I'm talking about average Christians in this part of the world having access to more material than they will ever be able to properly study. In fact, just the Bible would take several lifetimes to properly study. I try to study the Bible, and I usually just skim other materials unless they are really good and on the topic of what I'm studying in the Bible. I'm retired and a stay at home, so I enjoy Bible study every day.

Love In Christ,

Ephesians 4:4-6 NASB
There is one body and one Spirit, just as also you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all who is over all and through all and in all.
Hi tom.Well i got my first bible that was given to me  from the salvation army. 1983 if i remember right   i was then 43 years of age and had love God all my life but in the religion i was born in it was illegal to read the bible.. But God had his plan for me..
in 1 Corinthians 8 :3  God does not lie( He had searched my heart and saw my love for Him.) and when It was my turn to learn all about Him and the loved He had for me, He toke the veil off  of my face ..from 1983 slowly i was taken in by the Spirit.
in the year 1998 when I was floor by a explosion i put all my attention toward the word of God.It was a hard hard is still hard cause it is new every day. John 6:65 came clear to me  and then John 3:16 in 2004
to take to John 14:6   I believe that Jesus Christ is all in all in heaven and on earth.the head of the body of the Church of God and i am His bride.and that He is coming very soon..
Tom to answers the question I study with  the KJV_NKJV_NASB_and in french the version of Louis is the same as KJV and they are all around my house and theire is one open on my kitchen table on a special stand cause most of the time i listen to cassettes or dvd and go look what take my attention .by the grace of God the spirit lead me to record the word with my own voice the old and the new in 1984 when i told God I never read your word and i am not rich but I will read your word and record it at the same time and make me understand what you want me to understand when I come face to face with you i will be your fault it i dint understand.. well I still got the first recording(150 cassette of 30 minutes then...
in 2005 -to 2007 i recorded the new testament that i bough at the bible store 17 time and I gave them away with discernment. I still have 4 to give away. for i wait to see if they are interested in the word .i give them away with a bible that goes with it..
i star a new bible almost every year cause it is never the same  understanding it is always a new light..well tom sorry it toke so long..Love in Jesus Def :)  Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.( Romans 10:17 NKJ)
Come Lord Jesus come.