Title: Christian Fellowship Post by: singnchick0305 on October 17, 2003, 02:28:32 AM I have to give the following survey to at least 30 people for my Research Method's class. Thanks!
Using the scale please answer each question with a number. Scale: 1=Extremely Untrue 2=Very Untrue 3=Somewhat Untrue 4=Unsure 5=Somewhat true 6=Very True 7=Extremely True 1. I feel that all persons are welcome at my church regardless of age, race, income, or status. 2. I frequently participate in church fellowship activities other than worship services. 3. My pastor knows me 4. I feel that I fit into my congregation. 5. I know that first name of many people at my church. 6. There are certain people at my church that I can and do talk to about personal concerns. 7. I frequently pray for specific individuals in my church. 8. If I miss a church service, people notice and care that I am not there. 9. Many people greet me by name each time I arrive at church. 10. I feel that people care about me at my church. Title: Re:Christian Fellowship Post by: Forrest on October 17, 2003, 02:44:15 AM I can't take your servey, I left the last church I att. and am serching for a new one.
GOD Bless Title: Re:Christian Fellowship Post by: Allinall on October 17, 2003, 03:47:03 AM 1. 6
2. 7 3. 7 4. 7 5. 7 6. 7 7. 7 8. 7 9. 7 10. 7 Title: Christian Fellowship Post by: Brother Love on October 17, 2003, 04:38:58 AM 1. 7
2. 7 3. 7 4. 7 5. 7 6. 7 7. 7 8. 7 9. 7 10. 7 Brother Love :) Title: Re:Christian Fellowship Post by: Tibby on October 18, 2003, 09:46:07 PM 1. 7
2. 7 3. 7- He'd better, it is my father ;D 4. 7 5. 7 6. 7 7. 5 8. 7 9. 7 10. 7 Title: Re:Christian Fellowship Post by: Willowbirch on October 19, 2003, 08:49:26 AM 1. 7
2. 5.9 3. 6 4. 7 5. 7 6. 3 (I'm not a "confider", lol) 7. 7 8. 7 9. 7 10. 7 Title: Re:Christian Fellowship Post by: Romans8_1 on October 21, 2003, 11:20:25 PM 1=5.5
2=7 3=7 4=6 5=define many - we have 4000 members. if many is >75 then the answer is 3 if the answer is < 75 then the answer is 6 if the answer is < 50 then the answer is 7 6=7 - I attend a men's group each Tuesday 7=6 8=5 9=7 10=7 Title: Re:Christian Fellowship Post by: Butterflywings on October 24, 2003, 12:21:23 PM 1= 7
2= 7 3= 6 4=6 5= 6 6= 6 7= 5 8= 7 9= 7 10= 7 I love my church we are like a big family |