ChristiansUnite Forums

Entertainment => Computer Hardware and Software => Topic started by: Joey on April 04, 2007, 03:45:28 PM

Title: Neat little Firefox shortcut
Post by: Joey on April 04, 2007, 03:45:28 PM
Found this little shortcut for firefox today and thought it so neat. Apologies to those who already know it. But for those who don't, i hope you like

Open your bookmarks (in sidebar is good, CTRL&B)
Right click on a brilliant bookmark such as Christians Unite  ;)
Select properties
In the keyword field, type "brilliant", then OK.
Close bookmar sidebar (CTRL&B again)
Go to navigation toolbar and type "brilliant" into the address bar → press Enter

Say "Brilliant!" and go add keywords to all the rest of your most-used bookmarks