Title: heaven-god's idea of perfect, or ours? Post by: peachykeen on October 11, 2003, 03:04:32 PM I'm not sure if you guys ahve read the book, The Lovely Bones, but it describes a dead girl's view from heaven as she watches her family track down her murderer and body. In heaven, it is described as a paradise for mankind. Anything she could ever posibly desire would appear if she wanted it badly enough. This same concept of heaven is portrayed in a Robin William's movie, What Dreams May Come. A heaven is drawn to the most perfect ideas of paradise, and are different for each person. But in both works the main characters can't ever overcome the one thing they lack-the loved ones they left behind. They become obsessed with searching for their mothers/daughters/wives/boyfriends, etc. Now, the point of this post, don't you agree that this would be a perfect hell??? Any and every thing that you could ever want...except God. The only thing that could occupy me forever would be praising God. Why do you think so many authors, directors, and just regular people think that heaven is packed with the things we love, instead of the GOD we love? Do you think this is just our selfish mortal desires, or a real prophesy of our heaven? I know we won't know what heaven's like until we get there, but if heaven is really material-centered, would u consider it a heaven or a hell? I'm not asking for a description of heaven, but just wondering what you think, a personless heaven or a itemless heaven?
Title: Re:heaven-god's idea of perfect, or ours? Post by: Jabez on October 11, 2003, 03:08:10 PM Any place without GOD is HELL to me!I think once in Heaven, earthly materials wont matter to us like they do now.Iam nothing without him!
Title: Re:heaven-god's idea of perfect, or ours? Post by: Heidi on October 12, 2003, 12:36:00 AM Heaven is being with Christ and being without sin forever. I can't imagine anything more glorious. So how can earthly delights be in any part of the picture?
Title: Re:heaven-god's idea of perfect, or ours? Post by: ollie on October 12, 2003, 04:37:29 AM In answer to your question:
God's, and is much more than an "idea of perfect". Perfect is human terminology and connotates flawless physical qualities. God and His heaven are so much more than anything man can think. Even when described in the best of human terminology heaven is not comprehensible to the physical mind. It is the throne of God, another entity and corruption must become incorrupt to arrive there. God is Spirit and heaven is His dwelling place. We are physical and earth is our dwelling place until that great day of the Lord. God has given His creaton many things in the physical to be enjoyed, loved, and taken care of. He made man stewards of the earth. Still it is no comparison and we have nothing to compare to the things God has in store for those that are His. Christians are secure in the knowledge and saving power of their Savior Jesus Christ. It is He that gets one to that promised land. Title: Re:heaven-god's idea of perfect, or ours? Post by: sissy_momof2 on October 12, 2003, 08:00:35 AM I'd just like to say "Amen" to what Ollile posted, especially this.....
"Perfect is human terminology and connotates flawless physical qualities. God and His heaven are so much more than anything man can think." Thank you Ollie. Whatever man can think - God's way is far, far better. We cannot comprehend his way totally, so there will always be questions. However, the older I get, it seems to be getting easier to ACCEPT those things I do not totally understand, which leads to peace and contentment. I'm not saying I'm ALWAYS THERE, but it's getting better. :) Have a great day! Yours in Christ, Sissy |