Title: My 8 year old son, Christian Post by: Paul2 on October 10, 2003, 09:28:46 PM My 8 year old son Christian, was in the barn where my wife runs her horseback riding business yesturday, when my wife couldn't find him. She looked around the barn and heard whispers coming from a back hallway. She opened the door to find our son Christian with one of her 8 year old riding students, who goes to school with Christian. My wife knew something was going on because they looked like they got caught in the middle of doing something. My wife asked my son what he was doing and he replied "nothing." My wife asked her student what they were doing and she said "nothing".
My wife noticed the little girl was trying to hide something behind her back. My wife asked, "what do you have in your hand that you don't want me to see?" The little girl said "just a piece of paper." My wife asked, " can I see it?" The little girl handed my wife the piece of paper. The piece of paper was a Christian Salvation tract that I took from a nice lady at the gates to a local state fair we attended the night before. My son asked me what was the paper the lady handed me was about. I explained that she was giving people information about Jesus dying for us so we would be able to go to heaven. I explained that alot of people don't know about Jesus and this "nice lady" was trying to tell them so they could go to Heaven to be with Jesus. I told my son that some people don't understand why the "nice lady" was giving out the papers and make fun of her and are rude to her but they don't understand she's trying to help them find Jesus. I explained that people get offended by Jesus sometimes and its a very touchy subject with alot of people. My son took the tract from my dashboard when nobody was around. I had to explain to him along time ago not to talk about Jesus in school because it would get him into trouble with some teachers. I told him when he wants to talk about God to do it with me. I'm very protective of my son's soul and don't want him misled. Well my son Christian went up to his little friend and asked her to go to the back of the barn. He gave her the tract and explained to the little girl that he couldn't read it but she HAD to read it because he wanted her to know about Jesus and that he died so we can go to Heaven. He was afraid I (dad) would be mad at him for talking to her about God but he really wanted her to know so he decided to do it secretly. Thats my boy, discretely preaching the Gospel in the way he thought of all by himself, against dad's advise, but he thought it was worth it!. The little girl who he gave the tract to has a termally ill 3 year old sister not expected to live more than a year :'( Perhaps my son is reaching a family that I can't reach, perhaps God is already using him, I hope and pray He is. Say a prayer for little "Mel", it stands for Melody, or Melonie, but I've only known her as "Mel." She has had a horrible disease from birth and it breaks everybody who knows her's heart. Say a prayer for her family. Proud Dad, Paul2 Title: Re:My 8 year old son, Christian Post by: nChrist on October 10, 2003, 10:00:03 PM Oklahoma Howdy to Paul2,
Thanks brother! That was a beautiful and moving story. I really appreciate you sharing this with us. It is so refreshing to hear GOOD NEWS like this instead of the normal dope and violence stuff. Paul2, it sounds like your son is a keeper. Give him an extra hug for all of us. In Christ, Tom Title: Re:My 8 year old son, Christian Post by: Butterflywings on October 11, 2003, 12:28:32 PM WOW out of the mouths of babe's
Title: Re:My 8 year old son, Christian Post by: Reba on October 11, 2003, 06:11:44 PM Paul 2
Great threads this and ADHD. Have you considered homeschooling your children? Title: Re:My 8 year old son, Christian Post by: Paul2 on October 12, 2003, 10:29:43 AM It would be impossible for us to home school. Way to many factors prevent it from ever being an option.
My wife goes to his school as a helper on Mondays and I do all the field trips and we have meetings with the school constantly. I'm not shy and I've made it very clear to them that they must teach my child as the individual he is and learn how to deal with "quick smart kids." Theres no way we will allow him to slip through the cracks in the school system. Just wait until they start teaching evolution as fact instead of theory ;) I'm going to have the teacher explain to my son that the "theory" of evolution will be taught in school, but its not a proven fact but only a theory, and I'll be sitting right there to make sure the teacher makes him aware that there are other theories such as creation but they are not taught in school because the school will not allow discussions about God or teaching about the God of the Bible. I teach my son both sides of everything and explain that the world has many people who have different beliefs about God and every subject he can think of. Then we analize why. I found lots of fossils in the Pennsylvania field stones I build walls with. I explain to my son, "some people think these rocks are millions of years old. People who don't believe what the Bible teaches believe it must have taken along time for these rocks to form. Other people like me believe these rocks were formed during Noah's flood, because the Bible says that about 6,000 years ago the earth was flooded by God, and every mountain was under water. Then I explain the Hydra/plate theory and I have many books with pictures that demonstrate it. My son is being taught by me the truth, and he understands that theres a war between Good and evil, and Satan has "tricked" many smart people into ignoring God and seeking to find alternative answers for everything. Satan has tricked many people through out the ages from believing the truth of the Bible. So I guess I do home school, because I fill in the other side the school doesn't teach. I don't try to shelter him, I raising a Christian warrior for Jesus. I want him to understand the world so he can take a stand against the evil, and fulfill His purpose that he was created for. I know its my job to raise a son for God. Paul2 Title: Re:My 8 year old son, Christian Post by: Paul2 on October 12, 2003, 11:05:02 AM My son comes in the computer room and says "hey dad, what are you typing?" I tell him "I'm writing to people about God, I'm discussing things about Jesus with people. He knows what I do cause he watches me type sometimes. He"ll say "dad, what are they saying to you?" so I'll read him a responce and He'll look at me and say "dad, tell him how it is!"
He trusts me. I build my son up constantly. I tell him "your my favorite person God ever made!" Alexander the greats father built him up to conqour the world, programmed him for greatness. By 21 he had accomplished his goal. I am building my son up to be the man God created him to be. He has been taught by me that God has a special mission that only he can complete. He's 8 years old, 4'8", 120 lbs. and build like a linebacker. I explain to him that God gave him size and strength for a reason. I tell him, "God made you big for a reason and its not so you can be a bully. Your bigger than everyone else in your grade, but your not the bully. Your the bullies worst fear. Your big and strong and nice. If you see a kid being picked on go be his friend and stand beside him. If you were small and some big kid was picking on you, wouldn't you want a bigger kid to come be your friend and help you out?" "If you see a girl getting teased by boys, help her out." I've told him these things all his life. He says to bullies "Hey, leave my friend alone! you don't want to make big Christian mad!" The boy is truely my hero! Heart of gold, stronger than any kid I've ever seen. God truely blessed me with him and I dedicated him to God by naming him Christian. When he goes out I'll say "Remember who and what you are Christian" If you start to forget just say your name, thats who and what you are!" Paul2 Title: Re:My 8 year old son, Christian Post by: Tamara on October 13, 2003, 08:00:23 AM What a beautiful father you are Paul2. And, how blessed you are to have Christian. He is so cute! Thankyou for sharing him with us!
Tamara Title: Re:My 8 year old son, Christian Post by: Whitehorse on October 15, 2003, 03:00:12 AM What a great son-you must be very proud. I'll pray for melody, too.
Title: Re:My 8 year old son, Christian Post by: Allinall on October 15, 2003, 03:47:21 AM Amen brother! God bless. :)
Title: Re:My 8 year old son, Christian Post by: Paul2 on October 15, 2003, 10:05:56 PM thanks ;D
Title: Re:My 8 year old son, Christian Post by: Forrest on October 15, 2003, 10:29:00 PM Paul2;
You have a wonderful son keep up the good work teaching him about Jesus Christ. |