Title: 3rd Day and Lucado Post by: Romans8_1 on October 06, 2003, 10:42:09 PM Did any other churches out there see the simulcast of 3rd Day and Max Lucado Last night (10-5-03)? Our church did. we had a few hundred people there. It was pretty cool. I was just wondering if anyone else saw it.
Title: Re:3rd Day and Lucado Post by: Butterflywings on October 07, 2003, 08:46:29 AM No we did not
Title: Re:3rd Day and Lucado Post by: Romans8_1 on October 07, 2003, 09:18:00 AM It was so awesome!!
Towards the end they showed a pretty raw preview to "Passion". All I can say is ... WOW!!!!! It brought tears to my eyes and a few times I had to look away. It is pretty graphic. To see our Savior go throught that (even for a few minutes) almost made me loose it. I have a feeling I will be crying like a baby at the theatres when it comes out. Let me warn everyone out there ... do not take young children to see this movie. I would hesitate to take young teenagers. Your best bet is to see it first, and then decide if your child is old enough. You won't believe how graphic it is. This is not your watered down version you see on TV. The purpose is to give an accurate dipiction of what He actually went through. I don't think many of us really think about how bad it was. I am happy someone made this to remind us, and I will cry as I see what He went through. Just from watching the preview has made me appreciate my Salvation even that much more. |