Title: Guiding The Lost To Christ! Post by: nChrist on September 28, 2003, 03:23:02 PM Oklahoma Howdy to All,
I hope you enjoy this poll and take this opportunity to share your feelings and experiences. In Christ, Tom Title: Re:Guiding The Lost To Christ! Post by: nChrist on September 28, 2003, 03:27:38 PM Oklahoma Howdy to All,
I wish to post my thoughts and feelings on this matter after many of you have voted and responded. In Christ, Tom Title: Re:Guiding The Lost To Christ! Post by: Tamara on September 30, 2003, 01:40:30 AM I can't vote Blackeyed because to be quite honest, I don't know!!
Love..Tamara Title: Re:Guiding The Lost To Christ! Post by: ebia on September 30, 2003, 05:15:44 AM I can't vote Blackeyed because to be quite honest, I don't know!! Good answer.Love..Tamara Title: Re:Guiding The Lost To Christ! Post by: Saved_4ever on September 30, 2003, 06:34:35 AM I'm not positive but I am guessing he means have you "been the reaper" at any time. Not have you sown the seed. I find it no mark against someone for not being there, but always a mark against for not sowing.
Title: Re:Guiding The Lost To Christ! Post by: nChrist on September 30, 2003, 12:19:25 PM I can't vote Blackeyed because to be quite honest, I don't know!! Love..Tamara Oklahoma Howdy to Tamara, "I don't know" should have been one of the possible answers. I don't think that I can add it now, so I apologize. I'm sure that many people have witnessed and don't know what the outcome was. In Christ, Tom Title: Re:Guiding The Lost To Christ! Post by: Romans8_1 on October 01, 2003, 12:28:48 AM I don't think it is relevant to ask this. Here's why. We are all the body of Christ. So everytime one person comes to Christ, we are all part of it. It's only when we start thinking each part is independant of the whole that this becomes a relevant question. Can you imagine Peter comparing numbers to James? Or Paul comparing numbers to Luke or Mark? It could be more appropriate to just ask what role are you in. Are called to be a reaper or a sower, or a waterer? Are you a foot, a hand, a mouth, or a toe? Some of us in the body operate in a manner to allow other member to sow. They would not be able to sow if there were not planters, and waterers. I think our focus should be on the body of Christ and wondering our specific role is and being at peace with that. We have people who work at church. There is one guy who volunteers each week to wash the dishes. That is his role in the church. A very humble man. He doesn't brag about how many people he has led to God. He washes my dishes, so I can eat and leave to my ministry. He operates in his role, so I can operate in mine. Everytime God has accomplished anything through me, this man is to thank as much as me. Does any of this make any sense?
To the body of Christ, I say good night. Title: Re:Guiding The Lost To Christ! Post by: Allinall on October 01, 2003, 01:41:41 AM I have personally led 2 people to Christ, and have preached a message that 2 people came to Christ through. Other than that, I'm not sure! Did I do anything? Yes! I obeyed and witnessed... :)
Title: Re:Guiding The Lost To Christ! Post by: nChrist on October 01, 2003, 04:53:16 AM Oklahoma Howdy to Romans8_1,
You made some extremely valid points. I certainly understand the importance of all in the Body of Christ. I certainly didn't intend the poll to be a type of a contest. I think that God gives all of HIS children an opportunity to witness. It's obviously true that the pastor will have more opportunities in the example you gave. However, God will give the man washing the dishes an opportunity to witness sooner or later to friends, family, or anyone God guides to him. God does everything on purpose, so all Christians will be forced to make many choices, regardless of whether they are a pastor or a person who washes dishes. By the way, I agree completely about the importance of all work done for God. The poll wasn't intended for pastors. I love the quote from Allinall above, "Did I do anything? Yes! I obeyed and witnessed...". In Christ, Tom Title: Re:Guiding The Lost To Christ! Post by: Tamara on October 01, 2003, 08:30:33 AM Hey!! Hang on a minute! Yes I have! Main problem is...my family all say I'm a religious nut! If anyone mentions the Bible in my family they say "Talk to Tamara, she's the crackpot"
Ain't they lovely? Yep! Love them too! Mum was a catholic, I soon straightened her out. Dad didn't know much, I soon fixed him up. (both are recently with the Lord) I taught my children & one daughter is more a crackpot than I am. I also forgot about a couple of strangers! I have to vote yes Tom! Love...Tamara Title: Re:Guiding The Lost To Christ! Post by: Tamara on October 01, 2003, 08:34:10 AM I can't vote Blackeyed because to be quite honest, I don't know!! Love..Tamara Oklahoma Howdy to Tamara, "I don't know" should have been one of the possible answers. I don't think that I can add it now, so I apologize. I'm sure that many people have witnessed and don't know what the outcome was. In Christ, Tom Hey Tom! Don't worry about it! My answers there! I just hadn't given it a thought! Sorry about that! Know you'll forgive me mate...I'm an Australian! Title: Re:Guiding The Lost To Christ! Post by: nChrist on October 01, 2003, 12:59:13 PM Oklahoma Howdy to Tamara,
or G'day Mate, :D As an individual, I think it is more difficult to witness to friends and family members than it is to witness to complete strangers. You called yourself a "religious nut and crackpot", but I would call you a blessing to your family. What would the world be like if most homes didn't have someone to share God's Word with the rest of the family? I am of the opinion this is a Christian's duty, ESPECIALLY with their children in bringing them up with the teachings of the Lord. If we are "crackpots" for obeying God, I'll be proud to be a fellow crackpot. :D In Christ, Tom Title: Guiding The Lost To Christ! Post by: Ambassador4Christ on October 01, 2003, 05:37:41 PM Yes, many times
1. My girlfriend, who is now my wife (27 years November 13th) Saved three months after me. 2. My Mother- Saved six months after me. 3. My Grand Mother- Saved two months after me. 4. Many of my friends- 40 saved months, and years after 5. Many of my co-workers- Ten that I know of. 6. Thirty of our relatives got saved in October 1990. Thank You Jesus Title: Re:Guiding The Lost To Christ! Post by: nChrist on October 01, 2003, 09:25:25 PM Yes, many times 1. My girlfriend, who is now my wife (27 years November 13th) Saved three months after me. 2. My Mother- Saved six months after me. 3. My Grand Mother- Saved two months after me. 4. Many of my friends- 40 saved months, and years after 5. Many of my co-workers- Ten that I know of. 6. Thirty of our relatives got saved in October 1990. Thank You Jesus Oklahoma Howdy to Ambassador4Christ, AMEN BROTHER! - God has truly blessed you and your family. Brother, I give thanks for you and what you mean to the Christian fellowship here. You and Brother Love have provided links to devotionals and other Bible study material that has really been a blessing to me. I am also still studying many of your posts you made earlier. Thank you Brother for sharing. In Christ, Tom Title: Guiding The Lost To Christ! Post by: Ambassador4Christ on October 02, 2003, 06:07:17 PM Yes, many times 1. My girlfriend, who is now my wife (27 years November 13th) Saved three months after me. 2. My Mother- Saved six months after me. 3. My Grand Mother- Saved two months after me. 4. Many of my friends- 40 saved months, and years after 5. Many of my co-workers- Ten that I know of. 6. Thirty of our relatives got saved in October 1990. Thank You Jesus Oklahoma Howdy to Ambassador4Christ, AMEN BROTHER! - God has truly blessed you and your family. Brother, I give thanks for you and what you mean to the Christian fellowship here. You and Brother Love have provided links to devotionals and other Bible study material that has really been a blessing to me. I am also still studying many of your posts you made earlier. Thank you Brother for sharing. In Christ, Tom Amen Brother The biblical writer Jude (the half brother of Jesus) reminds us to “snatch others from the fire and save them...” You and I are on a life saving mission from God to grab people from the precipice of hell and bring them safely to the gate of heaven. Sound difficult? Not really. All we need to do is share with them the message of the cross, and the rest is up to them. Title: Re:Guiding The Lost To Christ! Post by: nChrist on October 03, 2003, 06:05:08 PM Oklahoma Howdy to All,
I was a Christian police officer for 25 years, and I saw people at their very worst an uncountable number of times. I feel blessed that God gave me the opportunity to witness to these people on and off duty. I firmly believe that God gives opportunities to all of his children to witness, and it's up to us what we do with that opportunity. In Christ, Tom Title: Re:Guiding The Lost To Christ! Post by: Tamara on October 03, 2003, 09:29:01 PM A Police Officer witnessing!! Tom! Tom, now THAT is a rarity. I can't imagine a Police Officer in Australia witnessing to anyone!
Love..Tamara. Title: Re:Guiding The Lost To Christ! Post by: nChrist on October 03, 2003, 09:54:16 PM Oklahoma Howdy to Tamara,
The majority of the officers on my department are Christian. Some are more active than others. It's hard to imagine the suffering many people go through, and a police officer is many times there for the worst of it. In Christ, Tom Title: Re:Guiding The Lost To Christ! Post by: Tamara on October 03, 2003, 10:58:46 PM As I can imagine Tom. Some of these folk are lost lonely and bewildered. What a priviledge you have to know them. And to have the opportunity to witness to them.
These poor souls have often been hardened by the blows of life. And all they need is a gentle touch of Love. Something many of them would find hard to comprehend would be Love. Father placed you in the right place. May He be Praised! An Aussie G'day Mate to you Tom. And...God Bless you. Love..Tamara. Title: Re:Guiding The Lost To Christ! Post by: nChrist on October 05, 2003, 03:44:58 AM Oklahoma Howdy to Tamara,
There are many things I'll never forget that I don't enjoy talking about (i.e. the dying, dead, maimed, the children, and worse). Some people's lives appear to explode and torn to shreds before your very eyes. God's Word is many times the only medicine that will help. For many officers, God's Word is a frequent and powerful tool. In Christ, Tom Title: Re:Guiding The Lost To Christ! Post by: Tamara on October 05, 2003, 07:09:25 AM An Australian 'G'day Mate!" to Tom.
I cannot begin to even imagine the suffering you have seen. It was enough for me to be the first on the scene of a fatal accident on a Country road. NEVER would I have imagined the suffering of the ones who lived and watched their friends die in their arms. At times like these, the Word of God is the most powerful weapon a Police Officer can have. For that reason alone what better job can a christian have. Police Officer's are in a jurisdiction of total respect. People expect questions...not words of God. These words given in correct situations are more powerful than machine guns. My mind boggles at the thought. What a priviledge. And even though you will always carry the scars of seeing human sufferings in horrific conditions, you have the consolation that you carried the Word of God in your heart - and gave it willingly to the suffering. And the memory will be locked in their hearts forever of the Police Officer who just happened to be there at that brief moment of time. How many times will these folk say " ...but, I'll never forget the Police Officer who said...." How many testimonies Tom...how many have they brought to God because of that brief moment in time...and...that Police Officer. Love...Tamara. Title: Re:Guiding The Lost To Christ! Post by: Brother Love on October 06, 2003, 04:55:31 AM Yes, many times 1. My girlfriend, who is now my wife (27 years November 13th) Saved three months after me. 2. My Mother- Saved six months after me. 3. My Grand Mother- Saved two months after me. 4. Many of my friends- 40 saved months, and years after 5. Many of my co-workers- Ten that I know of. 6. Thirty of our relatives got saved in October 1990. Thank You Jesus Oklahoma Howdy to Ambassador4Christ, AMEN BROTHER! - God has truly blessed you and your family. Brother, I give thanks for you and what you mean to the Christian fellowship here. You and Brother Love have provided links to devotionals and other Bible study material that has really been a blessing to me. I am also still studying many of your posts you made earlier. Thank you Brother for sharing. In Christ, Tom Amen Brother The biblical writer Jude (the half brother of Jesus) reminds us to “snatch others from the fire and save them...” You and I are on a life saving mission from God to grab people from the precipice of hell and bring them safely to the gate of heaven. Sound difficult? Not really. All we need to do is share with them the message of the cross, and the rest is up to them. PTL & Amen Brother Love :) |