Title: e-Sword 7.85 Is Out! Post by: nChrist on January 03, 2007, 01:08:12 AM Brothers and Sisters,
Most of us have been using e-Sword 7.77 for quite some time, and it is excellent. Something big is in the works, and I really don't know what it is yet. I recently installed e-Sword 7.83 and didn't notice any massive differences. I looked for information about what had changed, and the information I found was pretty sketchy and incomplete. There is something new involving Harmony of the Gospels, but I don't know what all is planned to go with that. I just found out today that 7.85 came out, and I know that something big is in the works. e-Sword is a very mature piece of software, and the author doesn't change it very often unless he has good reasons. At this point, I plan to install 7.85 and can tell you that 7.83 works perfectly. I subscribe to several e-Sword news groups, and there are only hints at this point that something big is in the works. It might mean many more free resources to an already OUTSTANDING and FREE Bible study package with no strings attached. I'll try to let everyone know when I find out. I do know that a large number of very old and excellent FREE add-ons are in distribution. However, I don't think that any of these new add-ons depend on changes to e-Sword. SO, I'm almost sure there is something big about to be announced. For those of you who haven't tried e-Sword, I firmly believe it's better than most of the commercial Bible study packages costing near $1,000 or more. YES, it is that good, and it's FREE. Love In Christ, Tom Psalms 111:7-8 NASB The works of His hands are truth and justice; All His precepts are sure. They are upheld forever and ever; They are performed in truth and uprightness. Title: Re: e-Sword 7.85 Is Out! Post by: Soldier4Christ on January 03, 2007, 03:01:03 AM Thanks brother. I didn't even know that 7.83 was out. I'll have to go get 7.85 right now and check it out. Whatever it is that is in the works I'm looking forward to it.
Title: Re: e-Sword 7.85 Is Out! Post by: nChrist on January 03, 2007, 04:09:32 PM Brothers and Sisters,
I do have the new 7.85 version of e-Sword installed, but I still don't know what to report about big changes that are anticipated. 7.85 does work extremely well and is obviously the same outstanding quality, but the big news does not appear to be out yet. If anyone finds out before I do, please post it here. The new features involving the Harmony of the Gospels is very nice, but I seriously doubt that Rick Meyer went through several major upgrades for just this. There's one thing that I didn't consider when searching for changes: foreign language additions. e-Sword already has outstanding support for ancient languages, so I am now thinking about modern foreign languages in use in the world right now. I was just thinking that I was selfish in looking for nice and new things for me to use when it has always been the goal of Rick Meyer to distribute e-Sword to the entire world in all languages. If new language support is the primary purpose for all of the upgrades, I give thanks and will pray that GOD helps Rick Meyer in providing outstanding Bible Study Software to the entire world. Brothers and Sisters, I do know that several foreign languages used to be a big problem to solve. If I remember correctly, many even had to work on fonts to use in the user interface and associated materials. Creating reliable and standardized fonts for some languages would obviously involve tons of very difficult work. I really hope and pray now that this is the big news. If so, it won't effect much of the world already using e-Sword, but it will be huge news for those who haven't been able to use it in the past. I also know there is massive progress going on at the same time with e-Sword versions designed to run on "pocket" computers. e-Sword is a welcome resource that is being used by missionaries around the world for several reasons: 1) language support; 2) limited funds to pay for what they need; 3) more and more resources becoming available by the day in many languages. In short, e-Sword is a ministry worthy of our prayers. Love In Christ, Tom Romans 5:17-18 NASB For if by the transgression of the one, death reigned through the one, much more those who receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ. So then as through one transgression there resulted condemnation to all men, even so through one act of righteousness there resulted justification of life to all men. Title: Re: e-Sword 7.85 Is Out! Post by: Soldier4Christ on January 03, 2007, 04:38:37 PM The changes in 7.65 do seem to be minimal:
This version has a new Gospel Harmony feature. Additional Bible book abbreviations are recognized throughout the program such as Mt, Lk, Php, Jas, etc. Added support for Japanese and Vietnamese modules. There still is no hint at any future plans. Title: Re: e-Sword 7.85 Is Out! Post by: David_james on January 03, 2007, 08:01:02 PM I have Ilumina gold. Is e sword better? Can I download it? I could only use it for personal use as I am bed bound in a hospital.
Title: Re: e-Sword 7.85 Is Out! Post by: nChrist on January 03, 2007, 08:32:08 PM Hello Brother David,
I don't know anything about Ilumina Gold, and haven't heard of it. If you are happy with Ilumina Gold and it does what you want, that would be the important thing. You might also have money invested in it. I've only used several commercial packages that I didn't like nearly as much as e-Sword. It might also be a matter of personal preferences and what someone already likes and is comfortable with. Yes, you can download it at the link below, right above my e-Sword graphic. You can also read reviews and check ratings for various Bible study packages on many Christian sites. Take a look and compare features that you like or don't like. The initial download is almost 18 MEG, so please also consider the speed of your Internet connection. Love In Christ, Tom Romans 5:20-21 NASB The Law came in so that the transgression would increase; but where sin increased, grace abounded all the more, so that, as sin reigned in death, even so grace would reign through righteousness to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. |