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Entertainment => Computer Hardware and Software => Topic started by: Soldier4Christ on December 13, 2006, 01:20:05 PM

Title: Christian video game triggers religious debate
Post by: Soldier4Christ on December 13, 2006, 01:20:05 PM
Christian video game triggers religious debate

Targeted largely at conservative Christians, it's a violent video game with a difference: Combatants on one side pause for prayer, and their favored interjection is "Praise the Lord."

Critics say "Left Behind: Eternal Forces" glorifies religious violence against non-Christians. Some liberal groups have been urging a boycott, and on Tuesday they urged Wal-Mart to pull the game from its stores.
However, Troy Lyndon, CEO of Left Behind Games, defended the game as "inspirational entertainment" and said its critics were exaggerating. He expressed greater concern about poor reviews from some video-game aficionados, saying the company would offer a free technical upgrade by Dec. 24.
Lyndon's company, based in Murrieta, Calif., has a license to develop games based on the popular "Left Behind" novels, a Bible-based end-of-the-world saga that has sold more than 63 million copies.
Lyndon, in a telephone interview, said "Eternal Forces" has been distributed to more than 10,000 retail locations during the past four weeks. He said sales were going well but declined to give specifics.
The real-time strategy game for the PC has received a T (for teen) rating, as its makers had hoped. It offers more violence than an E-rated children's game, but less graphically than M (for mature)-rated games, which have often been criticized by conservative Christian groups.
"Our game includes violence but excludes blood, decapitation, killing of police officers," the company says on its Web site, noting that a player can lose points for "unnecessary killing" and regain them through prayer.
The game's story line begins after the rapture, when most Christians are transported to heaven. Earth's remaining population is faced with a choice of joining or combating the Antichrist, as embodied by a force called the Global Community Peacekeepers that seeks to impose one-world government.
The game's critics depict the ensuing struggle, set in New York City, as one fostering religious intolerance.
"Part of the object is to kill or convert the opposing forces," said the Rev. Tim Simpson, Jacksonville, Fla., who heads the Christian Alliance for Progress. "It is antithetical to the Gospel of Jesus Christ."
Simpson, whose group was formed last year to counter the influence of the religious right, joined in a news conference Tuesday at which he and other speakers urged Wal-Mart to discontinue sales of "Eternal Forces."
Wal-Mart indicated it would continue selling the game online and in selected stores where it thought there was demand.
Lyndon said he and his fellow executives hoped to ease critics' concerns.
"They're good-minded people," he said. "They want to keep us from making games that are jihad in the name of God."
Simpson, a Presbyterian Church USA pastor, said he was dismayed by the concept in "Eternal Forces" of using prayer to restore a player's "spirit points" after killing the enemy.
"The idea that you could pray, and the deleterious effects of one's foul deeds would simply be wiped away, is a horrible thing to be teaching Christian young people here at Christmastime," he said.

Title: Re: Christian video game triggers religious debate
Post by: Brother Jerry on December 14, 2006, 12:06:20 AM
Been mixed about this as well.  NOt to keen on the violence or the doctrine

Title: Re: Christian video game triggers religious debate
Post by: Soldier4Christ on December 14, 2006, 05:32:28 AM
I agree with that brother. There are many other Christian oriented games coming out that I think are much more edifying and do more to glorify God than this one. Unfortunately very few hear of those and their popularity doesn't seem to take hold as much. It is the enticement of the things of this world that seem to grab peoples attention more.