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Entertainment => Politics and Political Issues => Topic started by: nChrist on October 17, 2006, 07:06:20 AM

Title: Political Parties and FAMILY
Post by: nChrist on October 17, 2006, 07:06:20 AM

From The Federalist Patriot

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“[W]hen it comes to Congress, marriage and parenthood define what’s different about Democratic and Republican districts even more clearly than race, income, education or geography. Republican House members overwhelmingly come from districts that have high percentages of married people and lots of children. Democrats’ districts, however, are stocked with people who have never married and have few children. The demographic data is illuminating: Republicans control 49 of the 50 districts with the highest rates of married people while Democrats represent all 50 districts that have the highest rates of adults who have never married; Democrats represent 30 districts in which fewer than half of children live with married parents. Republicans represent none; Republican Congress members represent 39.2 million children, about 7 million more than Democrats, an average of 7,000 more children per district. Politicians and pundits who want to really understand political differences in the U.S. should take a hard look at this ‘marriage and fertility gap’.” —Tony Perkins