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Entertainment => Politics and Political Issues => Topic started by: LittlePilgrim on August 12, 2006, 08:47:06 PM

Title: Joe Lieberman Defeat?
Post by: LittlePilgrim on August 12, 2006, 08:47:06 PM
I haven't seen any threads really dealing with this (if I missed anything, I'd appreciate direction to it. :) )

So... I'm just wondering what everyone's thoughts are on the victory of Ned Lamont in Conneticut.

Title: Re: Joe Lieberman Defeat?
Post by: Soldier4Christ on August 12, 2006, 09:17:19 PM
I seen that and I think that I posted an article on this in Other Political News. I really don't know anything about Ned Lamont. I do hope that this is not an indication of what the other states are going to do and end up making the Dems the majority seats again.

Title: Re: Joe Lieberman Defeat?
Post by: LittlePilgrim on August 13, 2006, 12:21:20 AM
I don't think it is. Keep in mind, Pastor Roger that this was a primary, meaning that Republicans only voted in the republican races and Democrats only voted in the democratic races. A large percent of Conneticut, in fact, I would venture to say the majority of Conneticut is independent, meaning that the largest portion of the state has not yet had a chance to vote. It was therefore a fringe group of democrats, the michael moores and the fringe that booted Joe Lieberman out of power, and they celebrate as though they've won the election.

However, I think their celebration is premature. Joe Lieberman is now running as an independent. As the Republican candidate in that area has no chance as things stand right now, my guess is that many conservative/republican votes will go to Lieberman, as well as much of the independent and some of the democratic vote. In the end, I think Lieberman will hold onto his seat, and the democrats will push themselves further into obscurity.

Title: Re: Joe Lieberman Defeat?
Post by: Soldier4Christ on August 13, 2006, 12:32:27 AM
the democrats will push themselves further into obscurity.

Let us pray that is true.