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Theology => Prophecy - Current Events => Topic started by: Shammu on August 11, 2006, 03:22:15 AM

Title: ImAnutJob's own topic/threat & Iran thread.
Post by: Shammu on August 11, 2006, 03:22:15 AM
Cause I'm tired of trying to find the right thread. :-\

Apocalypse Now?
Is Iran planning a cataclysmic strike for August 22?

By Joel C. Rosenberg

Is Iran planning an apocalyptic strike against Israel and/or the United States for August 22? If so, what should the U.S. do to protect Americans and our ally? Such questions are worrying a growing number of officials in the White House, at the CIA, and at the Pentagon, and for good reason.

As a devout Shiite Muslim, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is telling colleagues in Tehran that he believes the end of the world is rapidly approaching. He also believes that the way to hasten the coming of the Islamic Messiah known as the “Hidden Imam” or the “Mahdi” is to launch a catastrophic global jihad, first against Israel (the “little Satan”) and then against the U.S. (the “Great Satan”). What’s more, Ahmadinejad is widely believed to be pursuing nuclear weapons that would give him the ability to carry out his apocalyptic religious views. Some experts even speculate that Iran may already have several atomic bombs and the means to deliver them.

In recent days, Ahmadinejad and his advisers have said that Iran will answer the world regarding the future of its nuclear program on August 22. That happens to be a very significant date for Muslims: It is the anniversary of the supposed “night flight” by Mohammed from Saudi Arabia to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem to heaven and back again. There is a worry that Ahmadinejad is planning some sort of apocalyptic attack as his ‘“response” on August 22. If so, time is short and the clock is ticking.

It is hard for many Americans to imagine an Iranian leader (or any other world leader) actually trying to bring about the end of the world by launching a nuclear attack to destroy millions of Jews and Christians. But it is precisely this type of attack that I wrote about in my recent political thrillers, The Ezekiel Option and The Copper Scroll. One of my goals was to help people understand this brand of radical Islamic thinking and its implications for Western civilization. On page 358 of The Ezekiel Option, a fictional Islamic character insists that Israel is going to be “wiped off the face of the map forever.” Five months after Option was published last June, Ahmadinejad gave a speech vowing to wipe Israel “off the map” forever. In the novel, Iran forms a military alliance with Russia and starts buying state-of-the-art weaponry from Moscow to accomplish its apocalyptic objectives. Last December, fiction again became reality, when Iran signed a $1 billion deal with Russia to buy missiles and others weapons.

Muslims are not the only ones who have apocalyptic end-times views, of course. As an evangelical Christian from an Orthodox Jewish heritage, my novels are based on a number of “end times” prophecies that the Bible says will be fulfilled in “the last days.” For example, the Hebrew Prophet Ezekiel — writing 2,500 years ago — described a future Middle Eastern war to annihilate Israel that is known today by Bible scholars as the “War of Gog and Magog.” Jews and Christians who take Ezekiel’s prophecies seriously believe that at the last minute the God of Israel will supernaturally intervene to defeat Israel’s enemies in this war. By contrast, the Muslim version of the “War of “Gog and Magog“ found in the Koran concludes with Muslims winning. The Ezekiel Option and The Copper Scroll imagine how such prophecies could play themselves out in modern times. But suddenly this is no longer the stuff of fiction. Ahmadinejad actually seems intent on launching the “War of Gog and Magog.”

Bernard Lewis of Princeton University, arguably the world’s foremost expert on Middle Eastern history, wrote an essay for the Wall Street Journal last Tuesday warning that Ahmadinejad’s apocalyptic objectives could lead to a “cataclysmic” attack on August 22. Lewis observed that there it is not possible to say with any certainty that such an attack is planned, but he felt compelled to explain to Americans just how dangerous Ahmadinejad’s thinking is, especially in light of Islamic, Jewish, and Christian “end times” theology, such as the “War of Gog and Magog” and “Armageddon.” How, Lewis asked, can you negotiate with a man who believes it is his religious duty and mission to bring about the end of the world? How can you deter a man who wants to die and go to paradise, but believes he won’t actually die in such a war because Allah is on his side to kill millions of “infidels”?

Lewis’s warning was prudent and needed, as was his careful explanation of the apocalyptic thinking driving the Iranian leadership at present. But Lewis’s conclusion was puzzling. He writes:

“How then can one confront such an enemy, with such a view of life and death?” he wrote. “Some immediate precautions are obviously possible and necessary. In the long term, it would seem that the best, perhaps the only hope is to appeal to those Muslims, Iranians, Arabs and others who do not share these apocalyptic perceptions and aspirations, and feel as much threatened, indeed even more threatened, than we are. There must be many such, probably even a majority in the lands of Islam. Now is the time for them to save their countries, their societies and their religion from the madness of MAD [the Cold War policy of Mutual Assured Destruction].”

’This is indeed a wise “long-term” strategy, trying to win over Islamic moderates, but Lewis writes as if the danger posed by Iran is not an immediate one, as if we have the luxury of relying on far-sighted strategies. But ’Lewis himself is suggesting that Iran may be planning “cataclysmic” attacks to begin as early as August 22. That doesn’t leave a lot of time for long-term planning. We all hope and pray that August 22 is not the day Ahmadinejad has chosen to launch the apocalypse, but there is little doubt in the White House and at the CIA that the Iranian leader is feverishly trying to build, buy, or steal nuclear weapons, and that he will quite likely use them once he has them.

All of this raises very serious questions for the president and the nation. How much time do we have to pursue a diplomatic track with Iran? At what point do we have to conclude that negotiations are going nowhere? Are we prepared to live with a nuclear-armed Iran? If so, how? If not, what is the president prepared to do to protect Americans and our allies from an Iranian nuclear-strike, or nuclear blackmail?

In his famous “axis of evil” speech on January 29, 2002, President Bush made the following case:

“We will work closely with our coalition to deny terrorists and their state sponsors the materials, technology, and expertise to make and deliver weapons of mass destruction. We will develop and deploy effective missile defenses to protect America and our allies from sudden attack. And all nations should know: America will do what is necessary to ensure our nation’s security. We’ll be deliberate, yet time is not on our side. I will not wait on events, while dangers gather. I will not stand by, as peril draws closer and closer. The United States of America will not permit the world’s most dangerous regimes to threaten us with the world’s most destructive weapons.”

Today, the country is deeply divided over whether using military force in Iraq was the right thing to do. But the Iranian nuclear threat is now far worse than the Iraqi threat of having or obtaining weapons of mass destruction was then. President Bush has a decision to make and precious little time to make it. For let’s be clear: should Iran go nuclear on this president’s watch, all the gains made to date in the War on Terror will be wiped out overnight. That is not a legacy this president wants, nor one this nation can afford.

Apocalypse Now? (

Title: Re: ImAnutJob's own topic/threat thread.
Post by: Shammu on August 11, 2006, 03:25:20 AM
World to end on August 22
Brian Whitaker

August 9, 2006 11:55 AM

Better cancel those holidays. We now have a date for Armageddon, and it's a week on Tuesday - August 22.  (I disagree, as a Christian, we don't set dates. .... DW)

This information comes from no lesser source than the Wall Street Journal, where Bernard Lewis, President Bush's favourite historian, provides the details.

"In Islam, as in Judaism and Christianity," the professor writes, "there are certain beliefs concerning the cosmic struggle at the end of time - Gog and Magog, anti-Christ, Armageddon, and for Shiite Muslims, the long-awaited return of the Hidden Imam, ending in the final victory of the forces of good over evil, however these may be defined.

"Mr Ahmadinejad [the Iranian president] and his followers clearly believe that this time is now, and that the terminal struggle has already begun and is indeed well advanced. It may even have a date, indicated by several references by the Iranian president to giving his final answer to the US about nuclear development by August 22. This was at first reported as 'by the end of August', but Mr Ahmadinejad's statement was more precise."

Lewis continues: "What is the significance of August 22? This year, August 22 corresponds, in the Islamic calendar, to the 27th day of the month of Rajab of the year 1427. This, by tradition, is the night when many Muslims commemorate the night flight of the prophet Muhammad on the winged horse Buraq, first to 'the farthest mosque', usually identified with Jerusalem, and then to heaven and back (cf, Koran XVII.1). This might well be deemed an appropriate date for the apocalyptic ending of Israel and, if necessary, of the world."

This sort of quasi-religious scaremongering always finds a receptive audience in the United States, especially among Christians of the jihadist persuasion. At 90 years old, Professor Lewis may have completely lost his marbles, but he is still feted by the White House (vice-president Dick Cheney was guest of honour at his birthday party in April), and the Wall Street Journal describes him as "a sage". He is credited with coining the phrase "clash of civilisations" back in 1990 and now seems intent on making it a reality.

Nevertheless, Prof Lewis does manage to spot a few drawbacks in his alleged Iranian attempt to obliterate Israel. "An attack that wipes out Israel would almost certainly wipe out the Palestinians too," he writes.
This "might well be of concern to the Palestinians", he says, "but not apparently to their fanatical champions in the Iranian government." (He seems to be assuming here that Iran already has a fully primed nuclear arsenal, which is plainly not the case, despite what many Americans imagine.)

He then suddenly demolishes his own argument with this caveat: "It is far from certain that Mr Ahmadinejad plans any such cataclysmic events precisely for August 22."

So why, exactly, did the Iranians choose August 22 as the date for giving their answer to the US about nuclear development? Probably for bureaucratic convenience. When they promised a reply "by the end of August", they didn't actually use the word "August", but the Iranian equivalent. If you look up the Persian calendar, you'll see that August 22 just happens to be the end of the month known as Mordad.

I don't suppose this will discourage the neocons from continuing to write such loopy, prophetic nonsense. Here's another of them, Michael Ledeen, formerly a key figure in the Iran-Contra scandal, and the Iraq-Niger yellowcake affair, predicting an Iranian nuclear test by November 5:

"The Iranians believe they now have all the necessary components for a nuclear bomb. The only question is how long it will take them to assemble and test it. Khamenei had hoped to be able to test an atomic bomb by the third week in October, but his scientific advisers recently told him they could not make that deadline. They are now aiming for November 4 or 5, the anniversary of the seizure of the American embassy in Tehran during the revolution.

"There is another November date our leaders should take seriously: the 25th, the anniversary of the disappearance of the twelfth imam, and thus the most significant date in the Shiite calendar. Reports from Tehran suggest that the mullahs would like to celebrate that anniversary with a big-time terrorist attack against America."

World to end on August 22 (

Title: Re: ImAnutJob's own topic/threat thread.
Post by: Shammu on August 11, 2006, 03:32:48 AM
Iran government to name jurors in press cases

Friday, August 11, 2006 - ©2005
     Related Pictures
Archived Picture - According to an AFP report, hardline Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has begun implementing a new law giving the government the right to appoint the jurors in press cases, further tightening the authorities' control over the media, a report said.

LONDON, August 11 (IranMania) - Hardline Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has begun implementing a new law giving the government the right to appoint the jurors in press cases, further tightening the authorities' control over the media, a report said.

Ahmadinejad ordered that the ministries of justice, and culture and Islamic guidance appoint the jurors in all future cases in accordance with the new law, the English-language Iran Daily reported.

The bill was adopted by the conservative-controlled parliament in April last year and won the approval of legislative watchdog the Guardians' Council last month, AFP noted.

It replaces a law adopted by the former reformist-controlled parliament that allowed the jurors in press cases to be named by the journalists' union and other non-governmental bodies.

As well as offences like libel and blasphemy, the press court hears cases in which journalists are accused of threatening national security or agitating against the regime.

Iran's often turbulent experiment with reform following the 1997 election of Ahmadinejad's moderate predecessor Mohammad Khatami saw a proliferation of new titles and increasingly open criticism of the way the Islamic republic is run, AFP stated.

But the judiciary, which remained controlled by hardliners throughout, hit back shutting down hundreds of publications and detaining scores of journalists, the report added.

And the swearing in of the hardline president in June last year following the election of a conservative-controlled parliament in 2004 has seen a renewed clampdown on the domestic media, AFP said.

Iran government to name jurors in press cases (

Title: Re: ImAnutJob's own topic/threat thread.
Post by: Shammu on August 11, 2006, 03:42:13 AM
Ahmadinejad demands US change its behaviour

NEW DELHI/WASHINGTON: Western nations are dragging their feet over halting hostilities between Israel and Lebanon because war helps their goals in the region, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said in remarks published on Thursday, while demanding the US administration change its behaviour in separate comments two days earlier.

Although there is an urgent need for a ceasefire, countries led by the United States and Britain have been killing time to help Israel achieve military victories, he said in an interview with India’s Hindu newspaper.

Ahmadinejad’s comments came as Israeli troops battled Hezbollah deep into south Lebanon and the Islamist group’s leader vowed to turn the area into a graveyard for invading troops.

Diplomats are still working on a UN resolution aimed at ending the war but, with world powers divided, no UN Security Council vote seems imminent.

“The first action that must be taken is to establish a ceasefire,” Ahmadinejad said in the interview, which was conducted on Tuesday in Tehran. “(But) as we speak, they are still killing time, dragging their feet, to buy the Zionists some time so that they can have some military victories.”

“On the other hand, they are talking about and circulating texts for specific resolutions to be passed and through these they are hoping to secure the interests that the Zionist regime failed to secure through a military attack,” he said.

“For this reason ... the war rages on.”

Western powers have displayed a similar attitude in talks with Tehran over its controversial nuclear programme, the Iranian president said. Tehran has vowed to expand its atomic fuel activities despite a July 31 UN Security Council resolution demanding it halt nuclear work by Aug. 31 or face the threat of sanctions. The West fears Iran will use enriched uranium to make atomic bombs.

“We have always been interested in talking and we are still interested in dialogue, in the context of the law, our national interest, and based on justness and fairness,” Ahmadinejad said.

But the UN had passed a resolution without waiting for Iran’s response to the world body’s concerns, which Tehran had promised to submit on Aug 22.

“What is the meaning of this? The only conclusion I can draw is that they are bullying us,” he said.

“They really are not looking for a dialogue. In all honesty, they do not want to talk to us but want to impose their wishes on us. They want to deny us our rights,” he said.

“But they have miscalculated. The time for such behaviour is in the past, it’s finished. We are not concerned. And they will regret the miscalculation.”

He also accused the United States of harbouring imperial ambitions and demanded the administration change its behaviour.

The Americans “want to build an empire,” said Ahmadinejad, according to excerpts of the interview published by the US television CBS network on its website on Wednesday, originally conducted on Tuesday.

“And they don’t want to live side-by-side in peace with other nations. The American government, sir, it is very clear to me they have to change their behaviour and everything will be resolved,” said Ahmadinejad.

The interview, which was to be broadcast in full on Sunday on the ‘60 minutes’ programme, coincides with rising tensions between Washington and Tehran over Iran’s disputed nuclear programme and Israel’s offensive against Hezbollah in Lebanon.

The hardline Iranian president said the administration of President George W Bush had adopted a condescending attitude towards Iran over its nuclear programme.

Ahmadinejad also expressed disappointment that the US administration had not responded to a letter he sent to Bush in May, which Tehran had presented as an important diplomatic initiative.

Ahmadinejad demands US change its behaviour (\08\11\story_11-8-2006_pg4_14)

Title: Re: ImAnutJob's own topic/threat thread.
Post by: Shammu on August 11, 2006, 03:43:28 AM
I have noticed that August 22 is exactly one year from when Ahmadenjad took "office." That to me hightens the probability that he chose that date for a reason.  But all this doesn't mean anything if God doesn't allow whatever, Iran is planning to succeed yet. Just have to wait and see :D :D

Title: Re: ImAnutJob's own topic/threat thread.
Post by: Shammu on August 11, 2006, 05:02:46 AM
Ahmadinejad: Israel can’t meet military aims via UN
Published: Monday, 9 August, 2006, 11:31 AM Doha Time

TEHRAN: Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said yesterday that neither Israel nor the US could realise their military aims in Lebanon through the UN Security Council, state television IRIB reported.

"The decisive resistance has made the Zionist regime and its master totally confused. Now they think that they can realise their failed military aims through using their influence in the UN Security Council," IRIB quoted Ahmadinejad as telling his Syrian counterpart Bashar Assad in a telephone conversation.

"As a fierce supporter of the Zionist regime, the US has no right at all to play the role of a mediator," Ahmadinejad told Assad.

While predicting once again Israel’s final defeat "though the unity of the Lebanese people and the Islamic countries," Ahmadinejad said that both Israel and the US "made a grave mistake in believing that they could break the Lebanese resistance through attacking civilians and the country’s infrastructure."

Iran’s National Security Council Secretary Ali Larijani had earlier yesterday voiced scepticism over a deal for a resolution on the Lebanon crisis proposed by France and supported by the US that the UN Security Council has begun considering.

"This deal cannot be very useful as it is one-sided," Ali Larijani said at a press conference in Tehran.

Larijani said the draft resolution called for an immediate exchange of Israeli prisoners, but the release of the Lebanese prisoners was to be carried out later.

"I wondered whether such an option could be regarded as really fair," he said.

The country’s top security official blamed the US and Britain for following a "reactionary and adventurous" approach in the Middle East but termed the Middle East policies by other European states, namely Germany and Italy, as "moderate."

"For solving the crisis in Lebanon, first the roots of the issue should be evaluated and it should also be clarified why a simple ceasefire and exchange of prisoners of wars is not implemented for stopping the bloodshed and killing of innocent civilians," Larijani said.

He once again accused the US of planning a "new Middle East scheme" with the final aim of forcing the regional states to acknowledge Israel.

Larijani termed the fight against terrorism a pretext as following the US military invasions in Afghanistan and Iraq, "terrorism has rather increased than decreased" besides turning the two countries into war-shattered zones.

Larijani called on Israel, the US and Britain to acknowledge the fact that they had committed a "miscalculation" and that the Lebanese Hezbollah group could still not be defeated after more than 20 days although it was initially hoped the group could be vanquished "within hours."

"They (Israel, the US and Britain) must simply accept defeat," he said.

Edit to add; I can't post the link, because of advertisment.

Title: Re: ImAnutJob's own topic/threat thread.
Post by: Shammu on August 12, 2006, 01:10:56 PM
Expert: Iran Poised To Be 'Mother of All World Threats'

Dave Eberhart, NewsMax
Friday, Aug. 11, 2006

WASHINGTON -- For anyone who still thinks the Israeli-Lebanon war is just a border scuffle, one Middle East expert shouts a dire warning:

"As soon as a cease fire occurs, the ‘Hezbollah Blitzkrieg' will crumble the ‘Lebanese Republic of Weimar' and install its own ‘Khumeinist Republic' on the Eastern shores of the Mediterranean. The consequences of such a development are far beyond imagination for the region and the world. Hezbollah would have paved the way for Iran to create the mother of all world threats since Hitler."

So cautions Professor Walid Phares, author of "Future Jihad," a visiting fellow with the European Foundation for Democracy in Brussels, and a senior fellow with the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies in Washington, D.C.

In an exclusive interview with NewsMax, the Lebanese-born Phares likens the current Hezbollah offensive in Lebanon to a "putsch" -- with the convoluted aims of reestablishing a pro-Syrian-Iranian regime in Lebanon, reconstructing a third wing to the Tehran-Damascus axis, reanimating the Arab-Israeli conflict, rejuvenating Syrian dominance, isolating Jordan, reaching out to Hamas, crumbling Iraq, and unleashing Iran's nuclear programs.

The author also sees half-measures and premature truces as catalysts to even bloodier future conflicts:

"If Israel takes 40 kilometers [into the southern belly of Lebanon] and sits, Hezbollah and its allies will take the rest of the country and eliminate the Cedars Revolution [the Lebanese Democracy movement]. That is a certainty. Then the two camps will clash in a wider war in few more months."

As a corollary, however, the expert advises that if Israel gets even more aggressive and moves instead through the Bekaa (a fertile valley in Lebanon and Syria, located about 19 miles east of Beirut), it would shut down the Syrian-Lebanese borders (a major supply line for war materials flowing to Hezbollah).

But such a definitive move, says the author, would bring Syria to the conflict, and Israel will have to engage the Assad regime [Bashar al-Assad, the President of Syria].

Meanwhile, Phares suggests, under the scenario outlined above, Iran would not sit still but would intervene in a more covert way than has been thus far seen.

However, he advises, Iran doesn't have a land passage to Syria, so it would strike back by igniting an "intifada" in Iraq.

"But this will put Iran on the path of the U.S. coalition, leading the region to global confrontations," Phares predicts. "Israel could also reach the Syrian borders, but instead of a war with Damascus, Assad would accept a MNF [Multi-National Force] at this time to save his regime, which sounds the most realistic."

Phares then projects that a MNF in control of the borders would isolate Hezbollah from Syria and Iran -- enabling a new Lebanese Army to slowly take back the control of the country, leading Israel to withdraw behind the borders.

Neighboring Jordan will try to remain neutral -- unless Iranian forces try to link up with Syria via Iraq, says Phares. Jordan, he adds, will in the end most likely side with NATO (the North Atlantic Treaty Organization).

For its part, Egypt will face increasing domestic Jihadism but will refrain from cross-border activities, he predicts.

The Risk of an Explosion

The author forecasts some bad outcomes.

If the Lebanon conflict persists too long or if Hezbollah takes over, Jihadi forces in Jordan and Egypt will explode, he predicts.

"In short, if Lebanon falls to Jihadism, all Arab countries will experience similar moves. If the free-Lebanese regain control, democracy forces will move forward in the region. It is a geopolitical cross road," Phares says.

Phares emphasizes that the old parameters of a "buffer zone" don't work anymore.

He sees as the key for everyone in the region finding security, stability, freedom and eventually peace -- the stopping of the flow of weapons and support from Iran to Hezbollah.

"Israel can establish all the security-zones," Phares instructs, "the U.S. and the U.N. can issue all the resolutions, and the Lebanese army can be sent to any area -- as long as the Lebanese-Syrian borders are open between the Assad regime and Nasrallah's [Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, the current Secretary General of the Lebanese Islamist party Hezbollah] militia, the war will go on."

The Issue of the Lebanese Army

Along with reciting the reams of regional history necessary to understand the origins of the quagmire, Phares tells NewsMax of what he sees as intriguing sub-plots, including a draconian one to rid Hezbollah of the Lebanese army.

The author argues that no changes were made inside the Lebanese Army to bring it in harmony with the Cedars Revolution (discussed below).

"So what you have there is an army of which 80 percent of its officer corps and about 65 percent of its ranks dislike the Baathists, Iranians and Hezbollah -- but it is still chained to a Pro-Syrian President and paralyzed by Seniora's [Lebanese Prime Minister Fouad Siniora] unwillingness to disarm Hezbollah."

(cont'd next post)

Title: Re: ImAnutJob's own topic/threat thread.
Post by: Shammu on August 12, 2006, 01:11:32 PM
But despite the mixed allegiances of the Lebanese army, Hezballoh still wants it out of the way.

Phares opines that Nasrallah wants to move units of the Lebanese army southbound. Hezbollah would then trigger yet more violence with Israel, leading to the latter having to take on the whole Lebanese army.

"Nasrallah is pushing Seniora to send the army to southern Lebanon to be slaughtered," says Phares. "He wants Israel to destroy the Lebanese army – the institution, which in the long term could dismantle the deep terror roots of Hezbollah, once a multinational force deploys and all borders are secured."

Phares pauses for a moment in his analysis of what could come to pass in the near term and looks out to a distant and perhaps hopeful future:

"If democracies allow Jihadism to crush the civil societies of the region, it would take at least two generations to begin another democratic revolution in the Middle East," the author opines. "So by the end of this century, in this case, you have two scenarios: either bloody war in the region with greater genocide than ever -- and also possibly a number of nuclear blast spots...

"However, if the international community focuses on assisting the peoples of the region to get rid of the Jihadi-fascism and the remnants of Baathism, in one hundred years you'll be able to ski in Lebanon, enjoy pastries in Damascus, and watch the clever female Prime Minister of Iran discussing environment issues with her colleague in Afghanistan.

"Jihadists would be looked at as the weird small fractions in the secular multiparty Parliaments of the region who are still arguing how they lost the opportunity to reestablish a Caliphate in the early century..."

Lost Horizons

But whether the international community rises to its finest hour remains to be seen, says Phares.

Look back at the Cedar Revolution, he suggests.

The so-called "Cedar Revolution" is the chain of demonstrations and popular civic action in Lebanon triggered by the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri on February 14, 2005.

Following the demonstrations, the Syrian troops completely withdrew from Lebanon on April 27, 2005. The Pro-Syrian government was also disbanded. History in the region since that time has been mostly defined by Hezbolloh wanting to undo the progress towards democracy.

Since the Cedars Revolution, says Phares, no single event has shown the international community greater expression from Lebanon. And that is what Hassan Nasrallah wants to destroy, he maintains.

"His [Nasrallah] real war waged at his own timing against Israel aims in fact at destroying the Cedars Revolution, the single most dangerous popular resistance against Terrorism in the history of Lebanon and the region," argues the scholar.

Continuing, the author says, "The U.S. and Europe loved the images of youth and women chanting freedom in Beirut for many days and thought this was Eastern Europe all over again. They were right but they missed the point.

"These masses were desperately calling on the international community for help. ‘We showed you that we want freedom despite the threats of the most oppressive regimes (Syria and Iran) and of a terrorist organization; we've displayed all the courage of the world, alone and without weapons, responding to the calls of spreading democracy,' said the leaders of the Cedars Revolution's NGOs [Non-governmental organizations]."

Poignantly, Phares says that the people of Lebanon were begging in fact: "Now come and protect us -- at least as you did for the Afghan and Iraqi voters."

Meanwhile, the author says, Hezbollah and its masters were watching the Western response: "Lots of celebrations and powerful speeches on both sides of the Atlantic. But inside Lebanon, the old wolves were back to work."

The long story short, says the expert: Syria, Iran and Hezbollah outmaneuvered the Lebanese politicians, as well as the West, by among other things keeping pro-Syrian Emile Jamil Lahoud, president of the Republic of Lebanon at the helm.

"It was terrible how the Lebanese politicians lost all the opportunities provided by the Cedars Revolution," laments Phares, "but it is worse that the bureaucrats in the U.S. and Europe didn't understand what Hezbollah was doing."

Phares says he regrets that no one policy regarding the Cedars Revolution was ever put forth. Billions of dollars were spent on the War of Ideas and Iraq while requests by Lebanese NGOs, small media and civil society groups ready to resume the Cedars Revolution were left unheard, he adds.

Roots of Crisis

Phares argues that Washington and Brussels relied too much on a Lebanese cabinet which had been penetrated by Hezbollah.

"How can you have U.S. officials sitting with the Lebanese Cabinet in the presence of Hezbollah ministers and talk about the Lebanese Army disarming this organization? The naiveté' with which Hezbollah's offensive was dealt with is stunning."

Iran Poised To Be 'Mother of All World Threats' (

Title: Re: ImAnutJob's own topic/threat thread.
Post by: Shammu on August 12, 2006, 02:58:53 PM
Ahmadinejad, Putin discuss ME developments by phone
Tehran, Aug 12, IRNA

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, discussed latest developments in the Middle East, particularly the continuing war in Lebanon, in a telephone conversation on Friday.

Ahmadinejad expressed Tehran's deep concern over the effects of the Zionist regime's massive strikes on Lebanon's civilian population and infrastructure which have now entered their fifth week.

"We are seriously concerned that the ongoing situation (in Lebanon) would create a backlash in regional nations, inciting extreme anger among Muslim youth, in particular, over the Zionists' brutal aggression against Lebanon," said the Iranian president.

He said he feared continuation of the crisis in Lebanon would create an "implosion" which, in turn, would "cause the crisis to spread to the entire region."
Criticizing certain Western countries for their opposition to the 72-hour truce proposed by Russia to take effect in southern Lebanon, Ahmadinejad warned that if international organizations, the United Nations in particular, failed to take measures to end the ongoing carnage in Lebanon "they would be completely discredited." Russia earlier this week proposed a 72-hour truce to allow humanitarian aid to reach areas most affected in the war as continued diplomatic wrangling delayed a UN Security Council resolution to end hostilities.

The proposal was rejected by Israel, saying it would give Hezbollah a grace period to "re-group and recover."
US Ambassador to the UN John Bolton also said he could not see how the Russian proposal would help create an environment for a lasting ceasefire.

Stressing the need for an immediate ceasefire in Lebanon, Ahmadinejad urged independent states "to take joint measures" to put an end to Israel's massacre in Lebanon and Palestine.

The president also blamed the US and Britain for contributing to more casualties on the warfront by dragging their feet on a Middle East truce.

The Russian president, for his part, regretted the escalating situation in the region and stressed the need to effect an immediate ceasefire in the war-hit country.

Regretting Western countries' opposition to Moscow's proposal for a 72-hour truce in Lebanon, Putin called for Tehran-Moscow contacts to try to end the war.

The two presidents agreed to hold intensive contacts to find a way out of the crisis and establish a ceasefire as soon as possible.

Ahmadinejad, Putin discuss ME developments by phone (

Title: Re: ImAnutJob's own topic/threat & Iran thread.
Post by: Shammu on August 13, 2006, 01:12:23 AM
Iran denounces, world hails UN resolution

PARIS: Countries around the world on Saturday hailed a UN resolution calling for an end to the bloodshed in the Middle East saying it gave hope for a lasting peace in the region.

“With the passage of this resolution, the international community has helped to open a path to lasting peace between Lebanon and Israel that will end the suffering and violence of this past month,” US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said. “The people of the Middle East have lived too long at the mercy of extremists. It is time to build a more hopeful future. This resolution shows us the way,” she said

In Paris the call was welcomed by French President Jacques Chirac, whose country co-penned the resolution with Washington.

“I hail the unanimous adoption tonight by the UN Security Council of a resolution calling for a complete cessation of hostilities in Lebanon,” he said in a statement.

“In line with its responsibilities, France will take part in the implementation of this resolution, particularly concerning the new UNIFIL force,” he added.

French Foreign Minister Philippe Douste-Blazy said the Security Council had “decided to stop the war” and welcomed an “end to the suffering”.

But he said a “global political solution” was needed to ensure such an occurrence did not happen again. In the immediate region, reaction was mixed, with Egypt calling on Israel to immediately observe a ceasefire. Despite the resolution, the Israeli launched a wide scale ground offensive in south Lebanon.

“Israel must observe an immediate and complete ceasefire in order to allow the political agreement - achieved after significant efforts - to be applied,” Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Abul Gheit said in a statement.

The resolution came under fire, however, from Hezbollah supporter Iran, which said that it was biased and served only the interests of the Jewish state. “UN resolution 1701 is completely one-sided and it serves the Zionist regime’s interests,” Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki was quoted as saying by state television.

“Some amendments need to be incorporated into the resolution. The Lebanese people and government views need to be taken into consideration for the resolution to be accepted by them,” he added during a visit to Yemen.

If implemented fully by Lebanon, the resolution will end Hezbollah’s existence as a militia armed and supported by Iran and Syria. As the resolution was adopted Rice warned Iran and Syria - considered Hezbollah’s main backers - to respect the resolution.

The resolution gained widespread backing in the European Union, whose foreign policy chief Javier Solana also held out hopes for a lasting peace in the area.

“I very much hope that the resolution will be applied so that we have a lasting peace,” he told reporters.In a statement the bloc’s current president Finland urged all parties to fully respect the resolution and called for its immediate implementation. In Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel, whose country has called for a diplomatic solution since the start of the conflict, urged its “swift and consistent” implementation. Russia said it expected all sides involved in the conflict in Lebanon to abide “strictly” by the resolution . “We expect all sides to abide strictly to the decision by the UN Security Council,” the Russian foreign ministry said in a statement.

The resolution adopted Friday is “a first important step on the path to overcoming this extremely dangerous crisis,” the statement said. In Asia the resolution was welcomed by Japan and Singapore.

Iran denounces, world hails UN resolution (\08\13\story_13-8-2006_pg4_2)

Title: Re: ImAnutJob's own topic/threat & Iran thread.
Post by: Shammu on August 13, 2006, 01:14:15 AM
Syrian Cleric Muhammad Said Ramadhan Al-Bouti on Hizbullah TV: I Support Blowing Up American and Israeli Targets around the World

Following are excerpts from an interview with Syrian cleric, Muhammad Said Ramadhan Al-Bouti which aired on Al-Manar TV on August 8, 2006:

Muhammad Said Ramadhan Al-Bouti: As you know, the enemy in this war appears to be Israel, but, as everyone knows, the fighting enemy is actually America. Israel is merely the claw of America in this war. People who cannot stand with their fighting brothers can still fight. They can carry out other actions.


Israel is now in the throes of death, due to the grip that has tightened around its neck. I used to be one of those who did not support acts that can be characterized as adventurous, like destroying American targets, blowing them up. But now... yesterday I was thinking about this and I looked up what the jurisprudents had to say in this matter. I hold that people who cannot stand with the Islamic resistance, but can carry out, in their countries and in other places, actions that would in some way paralyze this enemy - they should indeed paralyze the enemies' interests, and destroy their facilities wherever they may be, but on condition that they do not confuse things. In other words, innocent lives should not be lost, the action should be carefully planned, and should by limited to the people who are hostile to us. So, you are calling for a passive boycott, for example? Economic boycott is one option. This can be done by all Arab and Islamic countries. In addition, if I were asked about destroying the facilities and interests of the enemies - America and Israel - in the various countries... Does the religious law allow us to do this? yes, as long as innocent people are not killed in the process.

Syrian Cleric Muhammad Said Ramadhan Al-Bouti on Hizbullah TV: I Support Blowing Up American and Israeli Targets around the World (

Title: Re: ImAnutJob's own topic/threat & Iran thread.
Post by: Shammu on August 13, 2006, 02:42:06 PM
Iranian president launches blog, lambasts US

Iran's president has launched a Web log, using his first entry to recount his poor upbringing and ask visitors to the site if they think the United States and Israel want to start a new world war.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, whose speeches are riddled with anti-U.S. Rhetoric, also described how he was angered by American meddling in Iran even when he was at elementary school.

"Do you think that the U.S. And Israeli intention and goal by attacking Lebanon is pulling the trigger for another world war?" the president asks visitors to the site, offering them the choice to vote 'yes' or 'no'.

Iranian president launches blog, lambasts US (,7340,L-3290735,00.html)

Title: Re: ImAnutJob's own topic/threat & Iran thread.
Post by: Shammu on August 14, 2006, 02:33:01 AM
Iran leader says US and Europe face backlash from supporting Israel
August 14, 2006

Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad accused the United States of "blindly supporting" Israel against Hezbollah and President George W. Bush of seeking to "solve everything with bombs", in a television interview.

Ahmadinejad again denied seeking a nuclear bomb, questioned the US military presence in Iraq and gave the US network CBS an evasive answer when questioned about an alleged unit of suicide bombers in Iran's Revolutionary Guard.

Commenting on the Israeli-Hezbollah war, the conservative leader said US support for Israel "threatens the future of all peoples, including the American and European peoples.

"So we are asking, why the American government is blindly supporting this murderous regime."

Ahmadinejad has in the past said Israel should be wiped off the map and denied the existence of the Holocaust.

In this interview, he said through a translator that Israel is "a fabricated government" because he said it had been forced upon the Middle East after the Holocaust.

The US administration, Israel's main ally, has repeatedly accused Iran and Syria of giving military and financial support to Hezbollah.

But in the interview, recorded last Tuesday before the UN Security Council ordered a cessation of hostilities, Ahmadinejad said: "Hezbollah is a popular organisation in Lebanon. And they are defending their land."

CBS released excerpts from the interview earlier last week and the full transcript on Sunday.

Ahmadinejad again denied that Iran sought a nuclear bomb but insisted that the United States and its allies would not stop Tehran's nuclear research.

"If Mr Bush thinks that he can stop our progress I have to say that he will be unable to do that."

The UN Security Council passed a resolution on July 31 which gave Iran one month to comply with demands to freeze its uranium enrichment. After that the Security Council could consider sanctions.

Ahmadinejad said Bush and his supporters "want to monopolize energy resources in the world. Because once they have that, they can impose their opinions, points of view, policies on other nations and, of course, line their own pockets."

He added: "Basically we are not looking for working for the bomb. The problem that President Bush has, is in his mind he wants to solve everything with bombs. The time of the bomb is in the past. It's behind us. Today is the era of thoughts, dialogue, and cultural exchanges."

Ahmadinejad said he was "saddened" that so many people have been killed in Iraq's spiralling unrest but that the United States was to blame because of its failure to assure security despite its huge military presence.

In December the US president called Ahmadinejad an "odd guy". This time the Iranian president took the offensive, criticising Bush for not responding to an 18 page letter sent in June.

"I think that Mr. Bush can be in the service of his own people. He can save the American economy without killing people, without occupation, without threats."

He added: "Those who refuse to accept an invitation to good will not have a good ending or fate."

"His approval rating is dropping every day. Hatred vis-a-vis the president is increasing every day around the world. For a ruler, this is the worst message that he could receive.

"Rulers and heads of government at the end of their office must leave office holding their heads high," Ahmadinejad declared.

Asked if he wanted normal relations with the United States, the Iranian president said the United States would have to change.

"Please look at the makeup of the American administration, the behavior of the American administration. See how they talk down to my nation."

He added: "it is very clear to me they have to change their behaviour and everything will be resolved."

CBS interviewer Mike Wallace asked Ahmadinejad about an alleged special unit of suicide bombers in Iran's revolutionary guard that would be activated if the United States attacked.

"So are you expecting the Americans to threaten us and we sit idly by and watch them with our hands tied," the president replied.

"I do hope that the Americans will give up this practice of threatening other nations so that you are not forced me to ask such questions."

Iran leader says US and Europe face backlash from supporting Israel (

"I do hope that the Americans will give up this practice of threatening other nations so that you are not forced me to ask such questions."
I think you need to look in the mirror.

Title: Re: ImAnutJob's own topic/threat & Iran thread.
Post by: Shammu on August 14, 2006, 03:49:17 AM
Ahmadinejad talks with Cuba's acting president by phone
Tehran, Aug 14, IRNA

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad here Sunday night held a telephone conversation with Cuba's acting president Raul Castro.

President Ahmadinejad wished speedy recovery and good health for the ailing Cuban leader Fidel Castro.

He also offered Tehran's help as Cuba prepares for an upcoming summit of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) in the Cuban capital, Havana, in September.

Raul Castro, for his part, praised Iran as a friend of Cuba and wished the Iranian government and nation success in their fight against global arrogance and for recognition of their right to access peaceful nuclear energy.

Ahmadinejad talks with Cuba's acting president by phone (

Title: Re: ImAnutJob's own topic/threat & Iran thread.
Post by: Shammu on August 14, 2006, 03:56:32 AM
Ahmadinejad Tells Wallace One Thing, Iranians Another
17:09 Aug 13, '06 / 19 Av 5766
by Ezra HaLevi

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad explicitly called for Israel's “death” - just days before assuring American journalist Mike Wallace that he merely wants to move the Jewish state to Germany.

Mike Wallace, the retired host of the popular “60 Minutes” weekly television program, interviewed the Iranian president last week. Wallace returned from the interview describing Ahmadinejad in glowing terms and insisting he was not an anti-Semite. The interview is set to air Sunday night.

“He doesn't like the United States for the reason that it's supporting the Zionist entity - he doesn't talk about Israel,” Wallace told radio host Sean Hannity.

“So you don't think he's an anti-Semite?” asked Hannity.

“He himself, an anti-Semite, an anti-Jew?” Wallace responded.

“Yes,” said Hannity.

“No, I don't,” Wallace said.

Asked by Hannity what Ahmadinejad meant when he called for Israel to be “wiped off the map,” Wallace said: “Yes, he says ‘wiped off the map,’ and of course I asked him over and over about that. He says in effect, ‘It's perfectly sensible that, if there is a Holocaust - and let's buy the fact that there was a Holocaust – [we ask] where did the Holocaust take place? Did it take place in an Arab neighborhood? Did it take place in Jerusalem? No. It took place in Germany. Then it seems to me, under those circumstances, take Israel, the Zionist entity,’ he called it, ‘move it to Germany. Move it to Europe. That's where it happened.’”

The Iranian President himself, however, when speaking to his own people, seems to have a different sort of end of the Jewish state in mind. Ahmadinejad addressed a large crowd of Iranians just a week prior to his interview with Wallace, in which he not only led a chant of “Death to Israel,” but explained that he was not alone in such a pursuit.

“I hereby declare that this sinister regime [Israel] is the banner of Satan. It is the banner of the Great Satan,” Ahmadinejad is seen saying in a speech broadcast by the Iranian News Channel (IRINN) on August 2. “From the southernmost point in South America to the easternmost point in Asia, all the people are shouting a single cry. With placards in their hands and clenched fists, they shout: ‘Death to Israel.’”

At that point the crowd chants, “Death to Israel. Death to Israel.”

Ahmadinejad Tells Wallace One Thing, Iranians Another (

Mike Wallace must be deaf, not to have heard the threats of ImAnutJob.  I think he needs to go back into retirement.

Title: Re: ImAnutJob's own topic/threat & Iran thread.
Post by: Shammu on August 14, 2006, 04:18:40 PM
 August 14, 2006 -- An exhibition of more than 200 cartoons about the Holocaust opened today in the Iranian capital, Tehran.

Participants include cartoonists from Iran and foreign countries, such as the United States, Indonesia, and Turkey.

The Iranian newspaper "Hamshahri," which co-sponsored the event, says the exhibition is aimed at testing the West's tolerance for drawings about the killing of 6 million Jews by the Nazis during World War II.

The event is also designed as a response to the outrage caused among Muslims last year by Western caricatures of the Phophet Muhammad.

According to AP, the display is strongly influenced by Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadinejad's negationist comments about the Holocaust.

Several Iranian intellectuals -- including Emadoddin Baghi, a journalist close to former President Mohammad Khatami -- have criticized the exhibition. 

The exhibition will run until September 13. It is being held at the Museum of Palestininian Contemporary Art.     

In other news, Iranian Foreign Minister Manuchehr Mottaki met with Algerian Prime Minister Abdelaziz Belkhadem in Algiers today.

Iran's official IRNA news agency said the two men reviewed bilateral issues and the situation in Lebanon, and Belkhadem reportedly called for cooperation between Tehran and Algiers in the oil and gas sector.

Mottaki, who is on a regional tour of Middle Eastern and North African countries, was due to hand over a message from Iranian President Ahmadinejad to his Algerian counterpart Abdelaziz Bouteflika.

Iran Opens Controversial Holocaust Cartoon Exhibition (

Title: Re: ImAnutJob's own topic/threat & Iran thread.
Post by: Shammu on August 15, 2006, 03:39:07 AM
Iran's Ahmadinejad warns against Israel supporters

WASHINGTON (AFP) - Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad accused the United States of "blindly supporting" Israel against Hizbollah and President George W. Bush of seeking to "solve everything with bombs", in a television interview broadcast Sunday.

Ahmadinejad again denied seeking a nuclear bomb, questioned the US military presence in Iraq and gave the US network CBS an evasive answer when questioned about an alleged unit of suicide bombers in Iran's Revolutionary Guard.

Commenting on the Israeli-Hizbollah war, the conservative leader said US support for Israel "threatens the future of all peoples, including the American and European peoples.

"So we are asking, why the American government is blindly supporting this murderous regime."

Ahmadinejad has in the past said Israel should be wiped off the map and denied the existence of the Holocaust.

In this interview, he said through a translator that Israel is "a fabricated government" because he said it had been forced upon the Middle East after the Holocaust.

The US administration, Israel's main ally, has repeatedly accused Iran and Syria of giving military and financial support to Hizbollah.

But in the interview, recorded last Tuesday before the UN Security Council ordered a cessation of hostilities, Ahmadinejad said: "Hizbollah is a popular organisation in Lebanon. And they are defending their land."

CBS released excerpts from the interview earlier last week and the full transcript on Sunday.

Iran's Ahmadinejad warns against Israel supporters (

Title: Iran says it's not worried over deadline
Post by: Shammu on August 29, 2006, 03:20:54 AM
Iran says it's not worried over deadline

Mon Aug 28, 8:33 AM ET

TEHRAN, Iran - Iran said Monday it is not concerned about this week's U.N. deadline demanding it suspend a key part of its disputed nuclear program or face political and economic sanctions.

The U.N. Security Council has given Iran until Thursday to suspend a key part of its nuclear program — the enrichment of uranium, a process that can produce either fuel for a reactor or material for weapons.

But Iran has refused any immediate suspension, calling the deadline as illegal.

"Moving in the international framework is not a matter of concern for us," said government spokesman Gholam Hossein Elham.

Iran last week responded to Western incentives package aimed at getting Tehran to roll back its nuclear program. Iranian officials said the Islamic country did not agree to halt enrichment — the key demand — before engaging in further talks. Other details have not been released.

Iran says its nuclear program is intended solely to generate electricity, while the United States and Europe contend it secretly aims to develop weapons.

Iran says it's not worried over deadline (;_ylt=AoTuRzYSGkpmrSblhvZkHSYLewgF;_ylu=X3oDMTBjMHVqMTQ4BHNlYwN5bnN1YmNhdA--)

Title: Re: ImAnutJob's own topic/threat & Iran thread.
Post by: Shammu on September 04, 2006, 08:49:56 PM
 Iran snubs Annan and rejects nuclear plea
By Alec Russell in Washington
(Filed: 04/09/2006)

Iran brushed aside Kofi Annan's efforts to mediate in the crisis over its nuclear ambitions yesterday even as Western powers struggled to maintain momentum for sanctions against the Islamic state.

The United Nations secretary-general left Teheran empty-handed after Iran's hardline president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, rejected his call to heed Security Council demands for Iran to suspend uranium enrichment.

In a further provocative move, timed to embarrass Mr Annan, Iranian officials said they would host a conference soon questioning the extent of the Holocaust.

The announcement was a clear riposte to Mr Annan who had criticised a Teheran exhibition of cartoons about the Holocaust, saying the Nazi genocide was an "undeniable historical fact".

Mr Annan later sought to present his meeting in the best light. "On the nuclear issue, the president affirmed to me Iran's preparedness and commitment to hold negotiations," said Mr Annan. But he added that Mr Ahmadinejad "reiterated that he did not accept suspension before negotiations".

Mr Annan's emollient stance came 24 hours after European Union foreign ministers gave Teheran another fortnight to "clarify" its position. This underlined the difficulty that Washington and its allies face in trying to impose sanctions on Iran.

Senior US diplomats will meet their counterparts from Germany, France and Britain in Berlin on Thursday to seek agreement on a package of sanctions against Iran.

The plan is for a "graduating" programme in two or three stages, diplomats said. They know, however, that they face a dilemma in how to "hurt" the leadership without alienating the population.

The first stage would include the imposition of a visa ban on Iranian officials, a freeze on their assets and a ban on exports of nuclear-related materials to Iran. More severe measures including an economic embargo might follow.

But difficult negotiations lie ahead. Germany is said to want to rule out any chance of force being used to enforce the UN's will, a proposal resisted by America.

China and Russia, two of the five veto-wielding powers, have made clear they oppose retaliatory sanctions and punitive measures against Iran's leaders.

Teheran has shrugged off the threat, saying economic sanctions would hurt the West more than Iran as they would push up oil prices. But economists say curbs on access to European finance would badly hit Iran's economy.

US officials hope that sanctions would undermine Iran's regime at a time of high unemployment.

But US patience is running out. Diplomats say the earliest that the Security Council will consider sanctions is at the UN General Assembly in two weeks' time.

Christopher Shays, a US Republican congressman who has been critical of the Bush administration's foreign policy, said Iran had been strengthened by the stance of the UN and the EU. "The UN has showed itself to be somewhat impotent and Western Europe is tentative beyond measure," he told the CNN network.

John Bolton, America's hawkish ambassador to the UN, has an alternative strategy if the world body fails to toughen its stance. He is working on forging a "coalition of the willing" of US allies who could impose their own penalties.

It seemed that the only positive outcome of Mr Annan's visit to Teheran was a pledge by Mr Ahmadinejad that Iran would back UN resolution 1701 on Lebanon.

The resolution laid out the terms of the ceasefire ending the month-long war between Israel and the Iranian-backed Hizbollah militia.

The Iranian president "agrees with me that we should do everything to strengthen the territorial integrity of Lebanon", said the UN chief.

 Iran snubs Annan and rejects nuclear plea (

Title: Iran capital’s gas line on fire – state television
Post by: Shammu on September 21, 2006, 12:16:27 AM
Iran capital’s gas line on fire – state television
Wed. 20 Sep 2006

Tehran, Iran, Sep. 20 – A major gas supply line in western Tehran has caught fire, state television reported on Wednesday.

The pipeline caught ablaze 14 kilometres down the old Tehran-Karaj Highway at 11. 27 am local time, the report said.

The cause of the fire had not yet been determined, it added.

The pipeline supplies gas to all of western Tehran.

Iran capital’s gas line on fire – state television (

Title: EU's Solana to hold pivotal talks with Iran on nuclear crisis
Post by: Shammu on September 21, 2006, 12:20:32 AM
EU's Solana to hold pivotal talks with Iran on nuclear crisis

Tue Sep 19, 4:12 AM ET

NEW YORK (AFP) - EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana planned to meet Iran's top nuclear negotiator this week in New York, as the United States faced increasing reluctance among European allies to impose sanctions on Tehran.

Solana, who has been negotiating for the six major powers over Iran's uranium enrichment work, said Monday that he would meet Iran's Ali Larijani at an unspecified time during the week and that ongoing talks had produced progress.

"This meeting will be important, no doubt," Solana told reporters before holding talks with Bolivia's President Evo Morales on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly.

As world powers conferred on how to resolve the deadlock over Iran's nuclear program, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was due to arrive in New York on Tuesday to deliver a speech to the General Assembly, as was US President George W. Bush.

The United States and its allies believe that Iran's nuclear program hides a bid to build a nuclear weapon. Iran has insisted its nuclear activity is entirely peaceful and designed to generate electricity.

Solana has recently expressed optimism about the possibility of a negotiated settlement with Iran, despite a US drive to impose sanctions.

Solana and Larijani last met on September 9-11 in Vienna, after Iran failed to adhere to a UN resolution 1696 that called on the country to halt uranium enrichment work by August 31 or face the prospect of sanctions.

Referring to resolution 1696, Solana said: "It would be reasonable not to have a new one (resolution) as long as the door to dialogue is open."

He added: "It would be contradictory to do so while we continue to negotiate."

Solana said there had recently been almost daily contacts with the Iranian authorities. "It is during this time that we have made the most progress since the start of negotiations several years ago."

Solana is negotiating with the Iranians for the five permanent members of the UN Security Council -- Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States -- plus Germany to persuade Tehran to accept political and economic incentives in return for suspending its sensitive nuclear work.

Washington has argued for imposing sanctions but other world powers have been reluctant to proceed. France said on Monday negotiations could go ahead even if Tehran failed to halt uranium enrichment activities.

In a policy shift, US officials signalled Monday that they were willing to back European negotiations aimed at convincing Iran to at least temporarily freeze its program to enrich uranium, even though this will delay Washington's parallel drive for sanctions.

"It's a strategy, to try to do everything possible to convince Iran to take a positive pathway," State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said of the approach.

"You have two activities that are going on here," he said, referring to Solana's negotiations and the US lobbying for sanctions at the Security Council.

Asked if sanctions against Iran could come before the end of the year, McCormack said: "Absent any change of behaviour or position from the Iranians, yes."

As recently as Friday, Bush criticised those arguing for further negotiations with Iran and said he would tell fellow leaders in New York this week that "stalling shouldn't be allowed."

But the Americans have found themselves increasingly isolated among the six-nation coalition facing off with Iran, which in the past has sought to divide the US and European governments.

In a sign of possible transatlantic discord, French President Jacques Chirac said that world powers should pursue talks with Iran without threatening sanctions, even though Tehran has failed to halt uranium enrichment work.

"I propose that, on the one hand, the six refrain from referring the issue to the Security Council, and that Iran renounce during the negotiation the enrichment of uranium," Chirac said.

Asked to comment on the emerging two-track approach, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice would only say that it would be discussed Tuesday night at a foreign ministers' meeting of the six major powers plus Italy.

But she said that the Security Council was not expected to discuss a sanctions package this week, despite earlier assurances from Washington that sanctions would be in place by the end of the month.

Solana's talks this week with Larijani were expected to focus on a compromise formula that would involve Iran agreeing to a temporary suspension of its uranium enrichment program.

But it was unclear whether Iran's leadership, which is reportedly divided on the nuclear issue, would agree to even a temporary halt to its enrichment program.

Speaking in Caracas on Monday, the Iranian president said current negotiations should be finished before the United Nations becomes involved again.

Talks "are continuing, and I see no reason to speed them up," he told a press conference before flying to New York.

"Iran's nuclear program is very clear and very transparent," he said. "We have always said that we are willing to negotiate with any country."

EU's Solana to hold pivotal talks with Iran on nuclear crisis  (

Title: Iran leader's U.N. finale reveals apocalyptic view
Post by: Shammu on September 21, 2006, 11:30:00 PM
This is really creepy. Shiites believe that the 12th Imam, the Mahdi will reign on earth for SEVEN years.  But of course we know Jesus will rule earth for 1000 years.  ;D ;D

Iran leader's U.N. finale reveals apocalyptic view

Ahmadinejad evokes return of messianic Islamic 'madhi'

Posted: September 21, 2006
1:00 a.m. Eastern

© 2006

WASHINGTON – While most of the reporting and analysis of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's speech at the U.N. focused on what he had to say about the West and specifically the U.S., his chilling closing remarks were lost on most listeners – and apparently all reporters.

The last two paragraphs of his remarks revealed his steadfast and driving conviction, as previously reported in WND ,that a messianic figure, known as the "Mahdi" to Muslims, is poised to reveal himself after an apocalyptic holocaust on Earth that leaves most of the world's population dead.

"I emphatically declare that today's world, more than ever before, longs for just and righteous people with love for all humanity; and above all longs for the perfect righteous human being and the real savior who has been promised to all peoples and who will establish justice, peace and brotherhood on the planet," Ahmadinejad said. "Oh, Almighty God, all men and women are your creatures and you have ordained their guidance and salvation. Bestow upon humanity that thirsts for justice, the perfect human being promised to all by you, and make us among his followers and among those who strive for his return and his cause."

(Story continues below)

With Iran on the verge of producing nuclear weapons and already in possession of sophisticated medium-range missiles, mystical pre-occupation with the coming of a Shiite Islamic messiah is of particular concern because of Iran's potential for triggering the kind of global conflagration Ahmadinejad envisions will set the stage for the end of the world.

Ahmadinejad is on record as stating he believes he is to have a personal role in ushering in the age of the Mahdi. In a Nov. 16, 2005, speech in Tehran, he said he sees his main mission in life as to "pave the path for the glorious reappearance of Imam Mahdi, may Allah hasten his reappearance."

According to Shiites, the 12th imam disappeared as a child in the year 941. When he returns, they believe, he will reign on earth for seven years, before bringing about a final judgment and the end of the world.

Ahmadinejad is urging Iranians to prepare for the coming of the Mahdi by turning the country into a mighty and advanced Islamic society and by avoiding the corruption and excesses of the West.

All Iran is buzzing about the Mahdi, the 12th imam and the role Iran and Ahmadinejad are playing in his anticipated return. There's a new messiah hotline. There are news agencies especially devoted to the latest developments.

"People are anxious to know when and how will he rise; what they must do to receive this worldwide salvation," says Ali Lari, a cleric at the Bright Future Institute in Iran's religious center of Qom. "The timing is not clear, but the conditions are more specific," he adds. "There is a saying: 'When the students are ready, the teacher will come.'"

Ahmadinejad and others in Iran are deadly serious about the imminent return of the 12th imam, who will prompt a global battle between good and evil (with striking parallels to biblical accounts of "Armageddon"). Some interpretations of the events that precede his coming include a war that wipes out most of the world's population.

In Iran, an institute set up in 2004 for the study and dissemination of information about the Mahdi had a staff of 160 and influence in the schools and children's magazines earlier this year. Theologians there say end-times beliefs appeal to one-fifth of the population. And the Jamkaran mosque east of Qom, 60 miles south of Tehran, is where the link between devotees and the Mahdi is closest.

As of last year, Ahmadinejad's cabinet had given $17 million to Jamkaran.

Shiite writings describe events surrounding the return of the Mahdi in apocalyptic terms. In one scenario, the forces of evil would come from Syria and Iraq and clash with forces of good from Iran. The battle would commence at Kufa – the Iraqi town near the holy city of Najaf.

Even more controversial is Ahmadinejad's repeated invocation of Imam Mahdi, known as "the Savior of Times." According to Shiite tradition, Imam Mahdi will appear on Judgment Day to herald a truly just government.

Ahmadinejad made reference to the Mahdi in his first speech to the U.N., too. He called on the "mighty Lord" to hasten the emergence of "the promised one," the one who "will fill this world with justice and peace."

Who stands in the Mahdi's way?

A top priority of Ahmadinejad is "to challenge America, which is trying to impose itself as the final salvation of the human being, and insert its unjust state [in the region]," says Hamidreza Taraghi, head of the conservative Islamic Coalition Society.

Taraghi says the U.S. is "trying to place itself as the new Mahdi." This may mean no peace with Iran, he adds, "unless America changes its hegemonic ... thinking, doesn't use nuclear weapons, [or] impose its will on other nations."

After Ahmadinejad last spoke to the United Nations, in September 2005, he told Ayatollah Javadi-Amoli in Tehran, in a videotaped discussion, about a strange, paranormal experience he had while speaking.

He recounted how he found himself bathed in light throughout the speech. But this wasn't the light directed at the podium by the U.N. and television cameras. It was, he said, a light from heaven.

According to a transcript of his comments, obtained by WND last year, Ahmadinejad wasn't the only one who noticed the unearthly light. One of his aides brought it to his attention.

The Iranian president recalled being told about it by one of his delegation: "When you began with the words 'in the name of Allah,' I saw a light coming, surrounding you and protecting you to the end."

Ahmadinejad agreed that he sensed the same thing.

"On the last day when I was speaking, one of our group told me that when I started to say 'Bismillah Muhammad,' he saw a green light come from around me, and I was placed inside this aura," he says. "I felt it myself. I felt that the atmosphere suddenly changed, and for those 27 or 28 minutes, all the leaders of the world did not blink. When I say they didn't move an eyelid, I'm not exaggerating. They were looking as if a hand was holding them there, and had just opened their eyes – Alhamdulillah!"

Title: Iran’s leader challenges U.N. on Hezbollah
Post by: Shammu on September 21, 2006, 11:32:36 PM
Iran’s leader challenges U.N. on Hezbollah
Thu. 21 Sep 2006

The New York Times


UNITED NATIONS, Sept. 21 — Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the Iranian president, refused to say today whether he would comply with a Security Council demand to withhold arms from Hezbollah, the Tehran-backed guerrilla group that fought a 34-day war with Israel in southern Lebanon.

“I’d like to say that Lebanon’s affairs are its own affairs, and we don’t want to interfere,” Mr. Ahmadinejad said at a news conference, when he was asked if Iran would favor disarming the group, as called for in the council resolution that ended the combat last month.

As for the measure’s call for an arms embargo to keep Hezbollah from rearming, he said that the United Nations charter gave people the right to defend themselves and that “we give spiritual support to all those who want to uphold their rights.”

Mr. Ahmadinejad spoke to reporters about a wide range of subjects in a packed United Nations conference hall, repeating Iran’s denial that it is trying to build a nuclear weapon and chastising Western countries for trying to curb the country’s pursuit of nuclear energy.

“They’re not concerned about the bomb, they want to stop the development of our country,” he said of the Western nations. “Iran considers the nuclear issue a political one.”

The United States and its European partners are urging Iran to suspend its enrichment of uranium and enter negotiations over a package of financial and commercial incentives the West has offered Tehran to drop its nuclear ambitions.

Iran missed a United Nations deadline for suspending the enrichment on Aug. 31, and the United States has been pushing for sanctions in response, including bans on travel by Iranian officials and freezes of their assets.

Washington has agreed to hold off for the moment, and allow about two more weeks for talks favored by countries like China and Russia that are .reluctant to impose sanctions.

Mr. Ahmadinejad said those talks were “moving on the right path,” but that Iran was seeking “guarantees” and an established “framework” because Iran had had “bitter experiences from the past” with unfulfilled promises by the West.

He held out a slight hope that Iran might agree at some point to a suspension of its nuclear activities, provided there was no threat of sanctions. “We have said that under fair conditions and just conditions, we will negotiate about it, under fair and just conditions,” he said. “We will tell you when the time arrives.”

He said: “The bottom line is, we do not need the bomb. Some think that bombs can be effective in international relations, but we know that these nuclear arsenals will not benefit anyone.”

Asked about his threat to wipe Israel off the map, he argued that his criticism of Israel had been misinterpreted as a rejection of Jews. “These Zionists are not Jews — this is the biggest deception we have faced,” he said. “They are a power group, a power party. We oppose any group that seeks raw power.”

He said Iran “loved everyone around the world — Jews, Christians, Muslims.” But returning to the subject of the Israelis, he said, “We announce and declare loudly that you will be condemned by the rest of the world if you displace people from their homes.”

Mr. Ahmadinejad’s attitude was less belligerent today than on Tuesday evening when he addressed the General Assembly. At the news conference today, he was dressed in what has become his signature outfit, a light grey windbreaker over an open-necked pink shirt. He smiled frequently, alluding to universal desires for love, justice, peace and happiness, and even apologizing to the New Yorkers he had seen out his car window, waiting for his motorcade to pass before they could cross the street.

As in his General Assembly address, he spoke of Iran as a growing country that is impatient with the current United Nations order, one that he said gave undeserved authority to the nations that won World War II and only limited respect to countries like Iran that had arisen since.

“When you look at the Security Council, we see that some members of the council are, in fact, party to many conflicts around the world,” Mr. Ahmadinejad said. Though those countries created the problems, he said, under current arrangements “they nevertheless sit in judgment of world affairs.”

Iran’s leader challenges U.N. on Hezbollah (

Title: Bush: I take Ahmadinejad's threats against Israel seriously
Post by: Shammu on September 22, 2006, 12:08:46 AM
Ahmadinejad: Iran could halt enrichment under right terms
By Haaretz Service and Reuters

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Thursday that talks with the European Union on Tehran's nuclear program were "on the right path" and said he would be willing to negotiate suspending his nuclear program under "fair and just conditions."

"We believe those negotiations are moving on the right path. Hopefully others will not disrupt the work - in small ways perhaps. It is a constructive path to take," he told a news conference at United Nations headquarters in New York.

Responding to UN Security Council demands, Ahmadinejad said Iran was prepared to negotiate on suspending uranium enrichment "under fair and just conditions" but he gave no time-frame for doing so.


United States President George W. Bush says that he takes Ahmadinejad at his word when he declares that Israel should be wiped off the map.

"My judgment is you've got to take everybody's word seriously in this world," Bush said in an interview to CNN.

"You can't just hope for the best," he said. "You've got to assume that the leader, when he says that he would like to destroy Israel, means what he says. If you say, 'Well, gosh, maybe he doesn't mean it,' and you turn out to be wrong, you have not done your duty as a world leader."

The West has expressed concern over Iran's nuclear program, and the U.S. has said that it would be prepared to impose sanctions on the Islamic republic. Other nations, however, first want diplomacy to run its course.

Bush told CNN that the U.S. is ready for negotiations with Iran on its nuclear program "only if they verifiably suspended their enrichment program."

"He [Ahmadinejad] knows the options before him. I've made that very clear," he said. "In order for there to be effective diplomacy you can't keep changing your word."

Bush expressed concern that Tehran is "trying to buy time" regarding its atomic program, which it insists is for civilian purposes only, and warned that "time is of the essence."

In his own interview to CNN, the Iranian leader declined to repeat his frequent denials of the Holocaust, saying that, "Since I've talked a lot about this subject, I don't want to repeat myself."

Ahmadinejad has repeatedly expressed doubt over whether the Holocaust took place, and initiated a Tehran cartoon exhibition on the Holocaust in response to the Danish cartoons of Mohammed.

But he did say that the Holocaust was a "pretext for occupying Palestinian land" when the Palestinians had nothing to do with the genocide of Europe's Jews.

"If this event happened, where did it happen?" he asked. "The 'where' is the main question, and it was not in Palestine."

He also criticized what he called American politicians' sensitivity and bias toward Israel, saying that when Israel bombed Lebanon during its recent war with Hezbollah, "it doesn't seem to have created concern among American politicians. But when somebody questions or criticizes the Zionist regime, there is so much reaction."

Ahmadinejad also declined in the interview to repeat his belief that Israel has no right to exist, saying instead that he views it as "an occupying regime."

The Iranian leader said all the residents of Israel and the territories - Jews, Muslims and Christians - should be able to decide "what its fate should be."

In a Wednesday night denate, Ahmadinejad appeared with some of his most-prominent American critics to debate issues including Iran's nuclear program and his denial of the Holocaust.

The 90-minute closed event was hosted by the influential Council on Foreign Relations think tank and, the New York Times reported, boycotted by leaders of several Jewish groups.

The Times quoted Ahmadinejad as saying "The U.S. doesn't speak for the whole world" in its opposition to Iran's nuclear program. It also quoted Robert Blackwill, a former deputy national security adviser under George W. Bush, as wondering after the session whether negotiations with Ahmadinejad's government would ever be possible.

"If this man represents the prevailing government opinion in Tehran, we are headed for a massive confrontation with Iran," Blackwill said.

The meeting represented the highest-level recent attempt at an informal Iranian-American dialogue, even as the two governments exchange heated rhetoric over nuclear weapons, terrorism and Middle East security.

"My sense was that, in principle, he [Ahmadinejad] was open to a relationship [with the United States] but that he wanted the United States to take the initiative to bring it about," said Richard Haass, the council's president and a former senior U.S. State Department official under Bush.

Ahmadinejad "seemed to enjoy the give-and-take" of intellectually sparring with the group of 19 council members, Haass said. "A lot of the significance of the meeting is the fact that it happened," he said.

Ahmadinejad was asked about his persistence in describing the Holocaust as a myth, why Tehran insists on enriching uranium when it could have access to nuclear power without doing so, and why some Iranian newspapers have been closed.

The Times, whose reporter David Sanger attended as an invited member of the council, quoted Ahmadinejad as repeatedly questioning evidence of the Holocaust, in which six million Jews were killed. Noting the 60 million total death toll of World War Two, Ahmadinejad asked, "Why is such prominence given to a small portion of those 60 million?"

Participants said the group, besides Blackwill, included Brent Scowcroft, national security adviser in the administration of George H. W. Bush; former U.S. ambassador to Israel Martin Indyk and former senior Pentagon official Ashton Carter, both of whom served in the Clinton administration.

No currently serving U.S. officials attended, Haass said.

The United States and Iran have not had diplomatic relations since after the 1979 Islamic revolution. Since then, intermittent attempts to breach the divide have borne little fruit. The crisis over Iran's nuclear ambitions has prompted new calls for dialogue.

Bush and Ahmadinejad have both expressed regard for each other's citizenry and urged people-to-people exchanges.

Earlier this month, the Bush administration gave former Iranian President Mohammed Khatami, a moderate who preceded Ahmadinejad, an unrestricted visa to travel widely in the United States, where he gave speeches and held news conferences.

Last week, however, a senior Middle East researcher for the U.S. Congress was denied entry to Iran for a conference.

Ahmadinejad: Iran could halt enrichment under right terms (

Title: One-On-One With ImAnutJob
Post by: Shammu on July 29, 2008, 12:09:58 AM

Video: One-On-One With Ahmadinejad (

Brian Williams (NBC) one-on-one interview with Iran's leader.

What exactly is going on in this interview?! Brian Williams acts like he has a new fondness for Ahmadinejad. He doesn't even answer the questions. And why on earth is it the first time in ages that we don't have warships in the waters near Iran??

The LEFT loves him! The LEFT loves anyone that is anti-American.

It's too bad it's from a "blog" but the NYT is annoyed that they can't show more mutilated, dead Americans fighting in Iraq. The number count is not enough for them. They want to SHOW YOU dead Americans - preferably mutilated before the family has been notified.

Title: Re: ImAnutJob's own topic/threat & Iran thread.
Post by: nChrist on July 30, 2008, 03:37:28 PM
 ;D   YEAH!

ImANutJob deserves his own thread, and I see that you have some great articles. I do see their thoughts about the Mahdi to be fascinating. Some of the things are similar because they were stolen from the Holy Bible and adapted for their use.

It is fascinating but not humorous. Many of the stolen parts were butchered, and CHRIST was blasphemed. Nearly everything was twisted and distorted beyond recognition. The additions were even worse, and they included senseless killing for just a warm-up. Regardless, the backbone of the false religion was stolen from the Holy Bible. GOD'S WORD was abased for the vanity and glory of only man. So, it ends up being one of the largest deceptions known to mankind. It's really sad that their road is downhill to hell. It's also a death sentence for anyone trying to get off that road. If it's all so great, why would anyone risk a death sentence to leave it? Don't we know? They discovered the TRUTH!

Title: Re: ImAnutJob's own topic/threat & Iran thread.
Post by: Soldier4Christ on July 30, 2008, 03:54:57 PM
From everything that I have read of this Mahdi from the koran it is just the opposite of the Bible. A sort of negative to the actual picture. What the Bible says is the beast and false prophet the koran calls the ones that will "save" them and put them in power.

Title: Re: ImAnutJob's own topic/threat & Iran thread.
Post by: Shammu on July 31, 2008, 12:57:40 AM
One thing we need to remember, allah kills, Jesus Saves!!

Title: Re: ImAnutJob's own topic/threat & Iran thread.
Post by: nChrist on July 31, 2008, 02:48:53 PM

It is a type of opposite, but it's fairly obvious that many of their ideas were stolen from the Holy Bible. They are even looking at similar periods of time. The Anti-Christ probably will fulfill many of their desires, but it will only be for a short period of time. Logic would tell most folks that Bible Prophecy in the Holy Bible already has a large number of fulfilled prophecies that are hard evidence that the Holy Bible is REAL and completely TRUE. In fact, many areas other than Bible Prophecy also serve as hard evidence. There is no other book that can even be compared to the Bible. Bluntly, GOD GAVE US AMPLE HARD EVIDENCE THAT THE HOLY BIBLE IS HIS WORD - GOD'S WORD! This HARD EVIDENCE THAT IS OVERWHELMING should be enough to convince any lost person to take another look at the Holy Bible. For Christians, THIS OVERWHELMING HARD EVIDENCE SHOULD STRENGTHEN OUR FAITH and motivate us to yield ourselves for GOD'S Use - big or small - even to the death.

I do think that all Christians should stop often and consider the big picture of GOD'S TRUTH and how it relates to us. If we made a list, that list would be AWESOME! It would cause us to seek HIS WILL, Praise HIM, Thank HIM, and Worship HIM. There is no doubt at all that HE is the CREATOR, THE GREAT I AM, ALMIGHTY GOD, THE KING OF KINGS. HE has furnished OVERWHELMING EVIDENCE even outside the Holy Bible that HE exists and is exactly WHO HE says that HE is. NO OTHER CAN BE THE GREAT I AM OF ETERNITY PAST AND FUTURE!

Love In Christ,

Christian Quotes 50 - If our greatest need had been information, God
would have sent an educator. If our greatest need had been technology,
God would have sent us a scientist. If our greatest need had been
money, God would have sent us an economist. But since our greatest
need was forgiveness, God sent us a Savior. -- Max Lucado

Title: Re: ImAnutJob's own topic/threat & Iran thread.
Post by: HisDaughter on August 03, 2008, 01:07:28 AM
DW - I'm so glad you gave him his own thread.  It narrows down the places to post his insanity.

Ahmadinejad: Iran won't give up nuclear rights
Associated Press

TEHRAN,Iran - Iran will not give up "a single iota of its nuclear rights," the country's president said Saturday, rebuffing an informal deadline to stop expanding uranium enrichment or face more sanctions.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad made the remarks during discussions with Syrian President Bashar Assad, who arrived in Tehran Saturday for a two-day visit, the Iranian president's official Web site said.

Assad is in Tehran to discuss Iran's controversial uranium enrichment following a request from French President Nicolas Sarkozy.

Tehran was given an informal two-week deadline, set July 19 by the U.N. Security Council's five permanent members plus Germany, to stop expanding uranium enrichment — at least temporarily — in exchange for their commitment to stop seeking new U.N. sanctions.

Ahmadinejad's stance signaled both a failure of Assad's mission and a rejection of the deadline, although his comments indicated he was not ruling out international talks on Iran's nuclear program.

While stating that the Iranian nation "will not give up a single iota of its nuclear rights," he also said any participation in international talks on the nuclear issue would be aimed at reinforcing those rights.

Assad, who has been seeking a more prominent Mideast role for Syria, promised Sarkozy during a visit to France in July to try to persuade Iran to offer proof to the West that it isn't developing nuclear weapons.

Syria is Iran's closest Arab ally — the two countries have had close relations since 1980, when Syria sided with Persian Iran against Iraq in the 1980-88 Iran-Iraq war.

Iran's claims that it only wants nuclear technology for the production of energy have failed to quell Western suspicions that it is seeking a pathway to an atomic bomb.

Meanwhile in Brussels, a European Union official said Saturday that the office of EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana had not yet received an answer from Iran, but expected a reply "in the coming days" after the weekend deadline.

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the issue, said EU nations and diplomats are not too concerned about Tehran's adherence to the exact deadline — but are keen for Iran to come back with a concrete reply that could form the basis of further negotiations.

Germany's Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier urged Iran to stop playing for time and deliver a "clear answer" to the latest initiative. "Stop dallying," Steinmeier was quoted as saying in an interview with the weekly Der Spiegel that was released Saturday.

Steinmeier said he expected "a clear signal for a mutual freeze: We would freeze our sanctions efforts and Iran the development of its centrifuges." He warned it would be "negligent" for Iran to pass on the opportunity and added that in case of Tehran's refusal, the six nations would consider increasing pressure on Iran "via sanctions."

The Security Council has slapped three sets of sanctions on Iran over its enrichment and reprocessing of uranium, which can produce the ingredients for a bomb but which Tehran insists is for peaceful purposes only.

In Damascus, Syria's official news agency SANA reported on Assad's visit as having affirmed "identical views" of the two countries on major regional and international issues. The agency, which is a government mouthpiece, hailed the two nations' rejection of "foreign dictates" and stressed the need for a "timetable for a withdrawal of foreign forces from" Iraq — an allusion to U.S. troops there.

Assad's visit was also to focus on economic ties between Tehran and Damascus that have resulted in over a dozen projects in Syria, worth $896 million, SANA said, adding that both governments are "seriously seeking to increase the size of joint investments to more than $3 billion over the next years."

Title: ImAnutJob in new Israel tirade before Turkey trip
Post by: Shammu on August 15, 2008, 12:35:36 AM
ImAnutJob in new Israel tirade before Turkey trip

Wed Aug 13, 2:27 PM ET

ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad launched a fresh verbal attack on Israel on Wednesday on the eve of a visit to Israel's close ally Turkey, saying Western countries should not support the Jewish state.
The comments highlight the difficult path which Turkey, a member of NATO, must follow during the two-day visit which reflects its desire to remain on good terms with its neighbor and secure future energy needs.

"Western countries should not support them (Israel) so much. The life of this regime has come to an end," Ahmadinejad said in comments translated into Turkish in a live interview broadcast by Turkey's NTV and CNN Turk channels.

"Our position is clear on this issue. A referendum should take place in Palestine. If they withdraw from invaded lands it would be a good step," he said.

Turkish President Abdullah Gul and Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan have come under criticism at home and abroad for inviting Ahmadinejad.

Ankara has said his visit was necessary given a standoff between Iran and the West over Tehran's disputed nuclear enrichment program, but analysts said the visit was more about ensuring centuries-old ties during a period of global tensions.

Ahmadinejad said the talks on Iran's nuclear program were on a "good path."

ImAnutJob in new Israel tirade before Turkey trip (

Title: Re: ImAnutJob in new Israel tirade before Turkey trip
Post by: Shammu on August 15, 2008, 12:40:10 AM

I wonder if ImAnutJob was there to see if Turkey would be so kind as to allow Russia to move through Turkey from Georgia unhindered??

I don't think it's a fresh verbal attack. It sounds like the same old gum-flapping from ImAnutJob. He is probably feeling sort of left out with everything else going on right now. Poor, poor ImAnutJob. (

Title: Iran's ImaNutJob in new verbal attack on Israel
Post by: Shammu on August 24, 2008, 10:16:19 PM
Iran's ImaNutJob in new verbal attack on Israel
Sunday, 24 August 2008

ImageTEHRAN (AFP) — Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad renewed his verbal attacks on arch-foe Israel on Saturday, accusing it of dragging the world into turmoil and predicting its demise.

"About 2,000 organised Zionists and 7,000 to 8,000 agents of Zionism have dragged the world into turmoil," Ahmadinejad told a rally in the central Iranian city of Arak carried live on state television.

He said that if the West does not restrain Zionism, "the powerful hand of the nations will clean these sources of corruption from the face of the earth," without specifying which nations.

Iran does not recognise the Jewish state and Ahmadinejad has drawn international condemnation by repeatedly saying since his election in 2005 that Israel is doomed to disappear.

Last month Vice President Esfandiar Rahim Mashaie triggered controversy and calls for his resignation when he said Iranians are "friends with Israelis."

Israel, the Middle East's sole if undeclared nuclear power, accuses Iran of seeking atomic weapons and wants tougher sanctions against the Islamic republic to make it halt its controversial nuclear programme.

Iran insists that its nuclear ambitions are purely peaceful and aimed at meeting the country's growing energy needs.

Iran's ImaNutJob in new verbal attack on Israel (

Well, God is going to guarantee ImaNutJob is not going to like Gog/Magog. He is so blind. If he would only allow himself to know the truth!

Title: Re: ImAnutJob's own topic/threat & Iran thread.
Post by: nChrist on August 25, 2008, 11:01:07 PM
ImageTEHRAN (AFP) — Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad renewed his verbal attacks on arch-foe Israel on Saturday, accusing it of dragging the world into turmoil and predicting its demise.

"About 2,000 organised Zionists and 7,000 to 8,000 agents of Zionism have dragged the world into turmoil," Ahmadinejad told a rally in the central Iranian city of Arak carried live on state television.

Statements like the above from morons fascinate me. The Jews have been accused throughout history for all kinds of things they had nothing to do with. They just want to live and be left alone, but Christians should know this isn't going to happen until after the SECOND COMING OF CHRIST.

If you really think about this, nothing makes sense. Israel is TINY in land area and population. Their enemies are HUGE in land area and population. Just think about the excuses given throughout history in attacking them. We all know about their problems in rejecting CHRIST, but what have they done to have problems with men? It appears their only offense is not laying down and letting others enslave or kill them without resistance. Otherwise, what kind of problems do the Jews cause? I'm not suggesting they are perfect. As Christians, we should know that Israel's problem is with GOD. They have disobeyed GOD and rejected CHRIST. This is why Israel has so many problems.

Brothers and Sisters, what would things be like if GOD dealt as harshly with other disobedient nations? The other nations will find out soon. There is a difference between Israel and the other nations:  GOD has made promises to Israel that Will Be Kept - AND Israel Will Be Restored! WHY? GOD made promises to Israel in ancient days, and JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF is the anointed KING OF ISRAEL! The world can doubt all they want, but this is the TRUTH! Nothing will be able to prevent JESUS CHRIST from taking HIS Throne in Jerusalem. Sadly, many Christians don't understand this or they don't accept it. CHRIST WILL NOT BE DENIED WHAT IS HIS - AND ISRAEL WILL BE RESTORED!

Love In Christ,

Favorite Bible Quotes 379 - Psalms 119:105 Thy word is a lamp unto my
feet, and a light unto my path.

Title: ImAnutJob show 'causes offence'
Post by: Shammu on December 25, 2008, 10:36:10 PM
ImAnutJob show 'causes offence'
Thursday, 25 December 2008

Allowing Iran's president to deliver Channel 4's Alternative Christmas Message will cause "international offence", the UK government has said.

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was shown telling viewers of the British TV channel "the general will of nations" was for a return to "human values".

The decision angered some MPs, who branded him a "dangerous fanatic" with anti-Semitic and anti-gay views.

Channel 4 said it had offered viewers an "alternative world view".

The speech, in Farsi with English subtitles, was the channel's 16th alternative message and was shown after a brief introduction to Mr Ahmadinejad contextualising his views.

In it, Mr Ahmadinejad congratulated the people of Britain on the anniversary of the birth of Jesus Christ.

He said that problems in society were rooted in the rejection of the message of the prophets of God, including Jesus.

And he criticised the "indifference of some governments and powers" towards the teachings of "the divine prophets".

However, a Foreign and Commonwealth Office spokeswoman said: "President Ahmadinejad has during his time in office made a series of appalling anti-Semitic statements.

"The British media are rightly free to make their own editorial choices, but this invitation will cause offence and bemusement not just at home but amongst friendly countries abroad."

Labour MP Louise Ellman, chairwoman of the Labour Jewish Movement, said: "I condemn Channel 4's decision to give an unchallenged platform to a dangerous fanatic who denies the Holocaust, while preparing for another, and claims homosexuality does not exist while his regime hangs gay young men from cranes in the street.

"Who will deliver next year's alternative Christmas message? Will it be David Irving or Robert Mugabe?"

Conservative MP Mark Pritchard, a member of the Commons all-party media group, said: "Channel 4 has given a platform to a man who wants to annihilate Israel and continues to persecute Christians at Christmas time.

"This raises serious questions about whether Channel 4 should receive an increased public subsidy for their programmes."

Israeli Ambassador Ron Prosor said: "In Iran, converts to Christianity face the death penalty.

"It is perverse that this despot is allowed to speculate on the views of Jesus, while his government leads Christ's followers to the gallows."

He said Channel 4's decision to broadcast the message was a "scandal and a national embarrassment" and in "its search for ratings and shock factor, Channel 4 had lost its ethical way".

Human rights campaigner Peter Tatchell joined the attack, calling the president a "criminal despot, who ranks with Robert Mugabe, Omar al-Bashir of Sudan and the Burmese military junta as one of the world's most bloody tyrants".

'Enormously influential'

But Channel 4 defended its decision to broadcast the message.

Head of news and current affairs Dorothy Byrne said: "As the leader of one of the most powerful states in the Middle East, President Ahmadinejad's views are enormously influential.

"As we approach a critical time in international relations, we are offering our viewers an insight into an alternative world view."

A spokesman added: "Channel 4's role is to allow viewers to hear directly from people of world importance with sufficient context to enable them to make up their own minds."

He said the channel had not asked for increased public funding, rather an indirect subsidy to overcome a funding shortfall caused by the digital switchover.

Channel 4's first alternative message was delivered by gay icon Quentin Crisp in 1993.

Others to have given the broadcast include French actress Brigitte Bardot, former X Factor judge Sharon Osbourne and TV chef Jamie Oliver.

Last year's message was given by Sergeant Major Andrew Stockton, a British soldier who lost an arm fighting in Afghanistan.

Unlike previous years, the president's message was broadcast at night and not at the same time as the Queen's speech.

ImAnutJob show 'causes offence'  (

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

Title: ImAnutJob squandered $140 billion
Post by: Shammu on December 27, 2008, 01:47:55 PM
ImAnutJob squandered $140 billion

Iranian president's fiscal policies come under attack by opposition claiming he depleted Islamic Republic's reserve fund, meant to help needy
Gil Feiler, Doron Peskin

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's financial policies came under attack recently, as those opposing him within the Islamic Republic claimed that he has singlehandedly driven the country into financial ruin.

Several weeks ago, Ahmadinejad appeared before his parliament in order to defend his policies and announced that his government will allot the failing Iranian market a bailout plan, which will allow it, and the weaker socioeconomic classes, to get back on their feet.

The Iranian president's promises, however, proved empty. Earlier in the week, the reformist Iranian daily Saramiya reported that Ahmadinejad has depleted the Iranian reserve fund meant to aid the country's poor – somewhat of a problem when you consider the fact that Ahmadinejad won his presidency based on campaign promises pledging to improve the low social echelons' status.

According to the report, Ahmadinejad has managed to "irresponsibly and illegally" squander $140 billion. The blame, added the report, lies with the continuous funding of projects is various Iranian provinces, which – according to his criticizers – is devoid of any financial logic, and demonstrates mainly fiscal foolery.

Moreover, many of the Iranians who voted him in office are feeling betrayed, faced with mounting financial distress. "Contrary to Ahmadinejad's claims, his policies have only increased poverty and hardship; and the financial gaps have widened since he came to power," said the report in Saramiya.

20 million Iranians living under poverty line

Hussein Ra'afer, advisor to the Iranian minister of Welfare and Social Security, was quoted as saying that according to the ministry's data, about a third of the Iranians – 20 million people – live under the poverty line, and the government "is not doing anything about the unemployment and drug problems."

Iran's inflation rate is also increasing rapidly, hitting 29.4% in September.

The social gaps are particularly evident between the country's north and it south: The south is mostly occupied by the Sunni minority, who live in poverty; while northern Iran is where the Shiite majority lives, and where wealth and luxury can be found. "It is as if there are two countries in Iran," said an Iranian analyst.

Financial experts in Iran are not oblivious to the crisis: earlier in December, a group of them sent a letter to Ahmadinejad in which they harshly criticized his financial policies. "The government's economic policies," said the letter, "is taking a heavy toll on a country in crisis."

ImAnutJob squandered $140 billion (,2506,L-3643428,00-html/)