ChristiansUnite Forums

Entertainment => Movies => Topic started by: poemofhis on July 15, 2006, 10:22:52 PM

Title: Superman
Post by: poemofhis on July 15, 2006, 10:22:52 PM
Have any of you watched the new Superman movie?

There were several parts of the movie that made me think of Christ and Christianity. I was wondering if anyone else noticed this in the movie and thought it might be interesting to open it up for discussion.

I'll share more later...

Title: Re: Superman
Post by: StillSmallVoice on July 15, 2006, 11:29:09 PM
Hi, Poemofhis:

You might see the thread in this section about the Messianic tone of the film ("calculated and obvious").  I agree with you, and overall, I think Superman is a terrific flick (especially when compared to most other celluloid trash on the big screen this summer).


Title: Re: Superman
Post by: poemofhis on July 15, 2006, 11:32:55 PM

The first part that I noticed in the movie was when Lois said to Clark, "The world doesn't need a savior." Even though she was referring to "Superman" immediately it made me think of Christ. Later, when Superman reveals himself to Lois he takes her flying and they stop in mid-air where everything is really peaceful and quiet and he says to her, "What do you hear?" and she says, "Nothing" and he says to her, "I hear everything. You don't believe the world needs a savior, but I know it does." I think I'm probably robbing the moment by not quoting that exactly right but the impact that made on my heart was pretty profound. It brought to my mind how God sees and hears everything. Everywhere.

There was also a scene where the "bad" guys were beating Superman and there was an onlooker who had lied to him and deceived him watching him being beaten and she started to show compassion and obvious regret. It just seemed like that scene provoked the desire, at least in me, to want to defend what is right.. what is true and to seek forgiveness. A few scenes later you see Superman flying to the sun, which seemingly gives him strength, and then you see him falling back. As he is falling back his arms are stretched out in the way a man would be if he were crucified. The significance of finding strength in the sun (son) here was really nice and even moreso I liked how it was somewhat metaphorical in expressing that we all fall, and God is the grace and mercy that lifts us up again.

Another one was at the end of the movie when he is kneeling beside the little boy's bed and he says to him, "The father becomes the son, and the son becomes the father." - First thought in my mind was, "He who is within me, is greater than he who is within this world." Aside from the Trinity - God being Christ and the Holy Spirit as one - it  reminded me that Christ is within all of us.

My aunt went with me to see that movie and she's not a very analytical person. Before I could say anything to her she said to me, "You know Selina, that one scene made me think of Christ." I just smiled and agreed and we talked for an hour or so later about all of the scenes in the movie that were inspiring spiritually. I'm not sure if it's "OK" to compare Jesus to Superman but, I think I could definitely use that movie to witness to a few people and I really believe if people are paying enough attention the movie can definitely witness to them.

Title: Re: Superman
Post by: StillSmallVoice on July 16, 2006, 06:56:37 AM
Wow, nicely done!  What are the chances of you leading a film class at your local church? (Or even just having one in your living room?)  Or write a column for your church newsletter?  You've been given a gift.

Title: Re: Superman
Post by: poemofhis on July 16, 2006, 05:32:59 PM
Wow. I've been told that many times in recent months but I'm not too sure what to do with my writing and what outlet to put it in? I've tried online forums only to become discouraged and blogs.. but yeah. It would be fun to get with my pastor maybe and see what He thinks.....thank you for the encouragement.