ChristiansUnite Forums

Theology => Apologetics => Topic started by: ibTina on June 09, 2006, 08:54:18 AM

Title: The Christian religion made up by the Roman Piso family ....
Post by: ibTina on June 09, 2006, 08:54:18 AM
I found this ( the paragraph below) and just can not believe what I was reading. I have NEVER heard of this before, but from the rest of the site it seems to be a therory that has been around for awhile. Nothing surprises me more of how in depth the DEVIL will go to do his dirty work. It seems to me that the END must be coming soon because things are really heating up to try to decieve people in any way that is possible.
               Has anyone else heard of this stuff?

"We Jews and Church Leaders have known since the beginning of Christianity that it was synthesized by the Roman Piso family for the purpose of maintaining control over the masses and to placate slaves. And, this is why we Jews are the "Chosen People" and why we have endured so much for so many years; we are witnesses to the lie. The New Testament, the Church, and Christianity, were all the creation of the Calpurnius Piso (pronounced Peso w/ long "E") family (a), who were Roman aristocrats. The New Testament and all the characters in it--Jesus, all the Josephs, all the Marys, all the disciples, apostles, Paul, and John the Baptist--are all fictional. Judaism's ethics and morality were incompatible with the hallowed Roman institution of slavery on which the aristocracy fed, lived and ruled. They feared that Judaism would become the chief religion of the empire...Repeatedly, religious-minded Judaean zealots were staging insurrections against the Herodian rulers of Judaea who were Piso's wife's relations. Piso wished to strengthen his wife's family's control of the Judaeans. The Pisos searched for a solution to the two problems. They found it in the Jewish holy books, which were the foundation both for the rapid spread of the religion and for the zealot's refusal to be governed by Rome's puppets. The Pisos mocked, but marveled at, the Jewish belief in their holy books. Therefore, they felt a new "Jewish" book would be the ideal method to pacify the Judaeans and strengthen their in-laws' control of the country."


               In Jesus.. Tina

Title: Re: The Christian religion made up by the Roman Piso family ....
Post by: Soldier4Christ on June 09, 2006, 09:09:58 AM
Yes, this is an old heresy teaching that is becoming more popular again. There are many cults coming out today and many of the old ones are coming back into popularity. Many of these people themselves are very deceived. These people are so deceived they would not believe had facts even if they were presented with them such as all the archaeological evidence that is available that proves the existance of Jesus and the Apostles. If one does a correct search for "evidence" they will find that there is no evidence of this Piso family or the statements about them made by this person.

Title: Re: The Christian religion made up by the Roman Piso family ....
Post by: ibTina on June 09, 2006, 10:00:59 AM
I must admit that this one ( lie from the devil ) really scares me. Why? Because some that are not 'rooted' in their Faith or maybe 'new' to the Faith will stumble. I also tried to find any Christian books that might have been written to rebuttal this, but haven't yet. This surprised me. If anyone has, please let me know. Thanks.

           Still Loving Jesus.. Tina

Title: Re: The Christian religion made up by the Roman Piso family ....
Post by: ibTina on June 09, 2006, 10:57:32 AM
Pastor Roger.....

          PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!!!!  I did a search on 'evidence of piso' and found a very intesting site called Apologetics Ministries regarding this topic. I do not want to break any forum rules, so I did not put the link to their site. But will do so if it is ok.

          LOL.... the Lord sure does answer pray quickly sometimes!

             In His service.. Tina

Title: Re: The Christian religion made up by the Roman Piso family ....
Post by: Soldier4Christ on June 09, 2006, 11:07:17 AM
I just took a look at that site myself. They have a book store and request donations so it would put it against the forum rules. I would suggest though that perhaps you could copy and paste some of the portions that you would consider most important into this thread.

Anotherthing I suggest is to get information on Flavius Josephus, himself. Any true historian or theologian will tell you that his real name was Joseph ben Matthias not this Arrius Piso character. Secular and non-secular records both attest to this as a fact.

Another problem with this fake story is the evidence one can obatin from the Jewish records on Jesus, referred to as a blasphemer by them.

Title: Re: The Christian religion made up by the Roman Piso family ....
Post by: airIam2worship on June 09, 2006, 11:36:24 AM
Sister Tina, the devil has many tactics, but none of them are new he uses the same old routines that he's been using since the Garden of Eden, lie, decieve, cheat, kill, destroy, and yes BLASPHEME. The Word tells us time and time again be "not deceived." satan knows he has but a short while, so he is trying harder, today he has more tools to work with to spread his lies, such as TV, Hollywood, Internet, etc.

Your concerns for the new Christians, or babes in Christ, are genuine, and the best thing we can do is pray for the lost, pray for more laborers, stay in the Word, teach those who have not yet heard, and above all keep on the Armor of God. Granted there are some people who would not believe, even as the stand before the Judgement Throne. And though it is not God's desire that any should perish there will be many that will choose to be misled.

I thank God that we have the Truth, that we read the back of the Book that we know the outcome, and that the victory already belongs to Jesus, but He didn't win it in the las Book of the Bible, He was Victorious on the cross of Calvary.

Your friend nad sister in Christ,

Title: Re: The Christian religion made up by the Roman Piso family ....
Post by: nChrist on June 12, 2006, 08:48:52 PM
Brothers and Sisters,

I really find it amazing how the devil uses the same old lies, even lies that were told thousands of years ago and discarded. Some were some pretty sophisticated lies, but they were still discarded as garbage, and GOD'S WORD went forward. It's really unknown how many times some of the lies have been told, but they still go to the garbage and GOD'S WORD goes forward.

Love In Christ,

Ephesians 5:1-2 NASB  Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children; and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma.

Title: Re: The Christian religion made up by the Roman Piso family ....
Post by: Shammu on June 12, 2006, 10:00:12 PM
Satan is stuck on lies he has used over the years. He seems stuck in a rut, a rut that God only allows.