ChristiansUnite Forums

Theology => Apologetics => Topic started by: froggy on August 25, 2003, 10:31:31 AM

Title: can only christians go to heaven?
Post by: froggy on August 25, 2003, 10:31:31 AM
if your religious but not christian, but you worship god and are a good person, can you still go to heaven?

or do you hav to be a christian to go to heaven?

Title: Re:can only christians go to heaven?
Post by: IrishAngel on August 25, 2003, 10:54:29 AM
Christian is the name given by the Greeks or Romans to the followers of Jesus.
You cannot worship God while at the same time rejecting His Son Jesus, for according to God`s Word you worship in vain.

"He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him" (John 3:36).

Who do you say Jesus is?

Title: Re:can only christians go to heaven?
Post by: froggy on August 25, 2003, 11:01:09 AM
im jewish. i think jesus was a good teacher, but his teachings have gotten corrupted.

and jesus and god are different, so you can worship one, without worshiping the other. i dont think god can have an incarnation as a person on earth (as in jesus)

Title: Re:can only christians go to heaven?
Post by: Agur3046 on August 25, 2003, 07:57:50 PM
Dear Froggy

       I want to add this...heaven is for Christians yes, but Christian is just a name as IrishAngel said, but who goes to heaven then?  And why are all other religious persons excluded?  The answer is that one, only those who trusted in the work of Christ and believes Him as He (God the Son, or Son of God).
       The reason why everyone else is excluded is first, they need to have the right God to side with.  In the Torah, only God is the true God, and He is the only one not because He looks down on them but because He is the only God in existance!  Why go to another God, yet man wanted the golden calf of their own.  Second, is not that they are righteous enough, or loved God enough.  In fact, if it was by our efforts, Christians and Jews alike will be last in the list of who are more obedient.  Instead, the heaven destined people simply made a decison.  "Lord I want to recieve you as my King, and I believe that you have died for me."  "Now I am saved, because of what you have done for me at the Cross."  the result of Faith in Christ is Salvation from the consenquences of Sin, and now, Eternal Life is given Free, and will never lose it because it is eternal life.  Here is the differnce between biblical Judaism (and Chrisitanity) and all the other religions.  If you look at all the religiions in the world, they all have this in common, their only solution for their sins is to make it up.  How?  By their efforts either by good works to outweight the bad or by an act of chatizement or sacrifice.  In Isaiah 64:6:

6   But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.
Isaiah 64:6

The efforts of men can never outweigh their guilt.  Can't God forgive?  Yes, God can forgive but there is a price that has to be paid for that sin.  Have you noticed that the Torah lists sacrifies in order to atone for sins?  One I heard is a burnt offering, and other, the priest has to kill a spotless ram or, Lamb (a picture of whats to come)!  Though sacrifice helps, the sins haven't been paid yet in full.  Ultimately, it is either that we pay for those sins ourselves, or let Christ pay for us so we don't have to.  Why Christ?
       We believe as you know that Jesus is the foretold Messiah, the man that the Prophets predicted that would come to Save Mankind.  I know that today, most of the Jews believe differently about Him.  However, if Jesus says who he says He is, then He is the chosen Messiah.  What sets Jesus apart from all the prophets before him is that He has the solution for sin, and thats why He must be chosen as King:

17   For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. - John 1:17

In addition, He is also God in human flesh.  To believe Jesus is to believe God Himself because Jesus is God.  

The Trinity

We define Trinity as this, "One God in three Persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit."  We believe God is One, but God is a Triune God, but not three Gods or Three persons.  It is just like us, We are one person, but we are made up of:

1.   Body
2.   Soul
3.   Spirit

IN a sense we are Triune as well but remember, We are One person.  Imagine also that there are three candle-lights.  they are three lights but when combined, they are one.

Ps:  I know this is a lot, but I hope this helps


Title: Re:can only christians go to heaven?
Post by: joyunending on August 25, 2003, 10:30:13 PM
    You ask if only Chrisians will go to heaven..... Let me say this.... I know there are a lot of people on this good earth who call themselves and consider themsevles to be Christian.
     There are a lot of people who think that living a good life, and being kind and giving is all that is required to get into heaven.  
    If you are Jewish you know that your 'laws' are required to be followed  and there are things you have to do to be worthy of going to heaven.
   We, who, believe that Jesus Christ wasn't just a good teacher... He IS the true and only Son of the living God.
  As far as Christs' teachings being corrupted, I think not.... as there is vast evidence that the  books of the New Testament are the same today as in the days that they were written.  
     In that Testament, it states that Christ is the one and only way to get to heaven.  No ifs ands or buts.... there is no way other than through the true belief in Jesus as our Savior that we can every hope to get into heaven.   Wide is the road, but narrow is the gate!!
    God bless,   Joy

Title: Re:can only christians go to heaven?
Post by: PhilMun on August 26, 2003, 05:28:50 AM
Hello Froggy

The answer to your question is YES! But....

God said in His Word that He has no partiality, in both Old and New Testaments. Then why only Christians, right? What about the multitudes of Jews, Moslems, Hindus, etc.?

The answer is very clearly given in this simple site; click and read carefully... (

Send this site to all your Jewish friends, if you love them!


Title: Re:can only christians go to heaven?
Post by: ravenloche on May 19, 2005, 07:16:32 PM
im jewish. i think jesus was a good teacher, but his teachings have gotten corrupted.

and jesus and god are different, so you can worship one, without worshiping the other. i dont think god can have an incarnation as a person on earth (as in jesus)
Greetings froggy!
baruch ha shem adonai!

I am speaking to help if I can, I don't know how much of the
Torah and Tenach that you have studied,so in a sense I am
going at this blind.All thru the major prophets, especiallly in
Isaiah, and Ezechiel were references to ha machiach. Yhvh
has promised us that there would come a redeemer, ha
machiach, that would free us from our sinful nature. In Gen.
the third chapter G-d gave the first reference to Eve . There
is not enough time or space to search all the scripture at the
present time, 1389 references to ha machiach.

Rabbai Yeshua is my adonai,and my machiach. I would be most
happy to speak with you on this subject if you desire, but will
not force my beliefs on you. You are indeed correct in saying
that his teachings were twisted and misconstrued; however,
there are some who Yhvh has enabled to gleen the truth.

Search your heart concerning ha machiach, listen with your
spirit, and let it get into your mind, instead of filtering the
teachings thru what others have taught you. Let Yeshua ha
machiach speak to your heart, and you may be surprized at
the outcome.

respectfully yours in Yhvh

Title: Re:can only christians go to heaven?
Post by: Bronzesnake on May 20, 2005, 01:06:09 AM
Frogging, or froggy is a code word that spoofers use on forums.

 This guy is playing with you. ;)

Title: Re:can only christians go to heaven?
Post by: ezaangel on May 25, 2005, 10:18:22 AM
for god so loved the world that he gave his only son that who so ever believes in him shall not perish but have evrlasting life.
doesnt matter if you jewish,muslim or christian if you dont believe in jesus then sorry but your not going to heaven.