ChristiansUnite Forums

Theology => Prophecy - Current Events => Topic started by: Symphony on August 21, 2003, 07:01:01 AM

Title: Part II, "Krystallnacht, 1938"--Gay Violence
Post by: Symphony on August 21, 2003, 07:01:01 AM
In the first thread by this title, we looked at the comparison between gradual build up of the Nazi dictatorship in the 1930s to persecute the Jews in Germany, culminating in the violent "announcement" known as "Krystallnacht, 1938"(Crystal Night), in which Jewish establishments all over Germany were trashed in one night--and the buildup of the gay rights movement today, and the coming persecution and silencing of Christian rejection or "orthodoxy".

Here on this thread, Part II, we look at the actual beginning of that dictatorship today--i.e., the violence--which, incidentally, if you'll notice on the first thread, supporters of homosexuality were quick to deny would happen, or that the Nazi parallel was unfair(hehe, what better way to conquer your enemy, than to deny to them that you exist--if they're gullible enough to believe you?--  As Peter said to Jesus, "God forbid, Lord!  This shall never happen to you." Matthew 16:22(But what, there, was Jesus' response?!!(in verse 23)   :-X).

Specifically, to quote from the first thread :  But underneath it all, there will no doubt be a collective, perhaps even well-thought-out and sophisticated effort to isolate, "ghetto-ize"(as with the Warsaw Jews), and erase or otherwise sanitize any Christian voice whatsoever--at least any Christian voice that dares to renounce homosexuality.

And so it begins:

Church worker beaten for 'anti-gay' sermon?
Men assaulted janitor after pastor preached homosexuality sinful

Posted: August 20, 2003
1:00 a.m. Eastern

This article mentions three separate cases:  

In Ohio, three men assault a church's janitor in apparent response to minister's rejection of homosexuality;

2) In London, an Anglican minister assaulted by two fellowcolleagues, on street, for his apparent rejection of homosexuality...

3)  In Texas, Aug. 5, Episcopal church vandlized and partially burned, for remaining "orthodox"...

Title: Re:Part II, "Krystallnacht, 1938"--American Dictatorship,
Post by: Saved_4ever on August 21, 2003, 07:57:43 AM
It's so sad to see that so many people have been dissalutioned and blinded from the truth.  Just think a few days ago(and even now) we were/are told we were/are being conspiricy freaks.   :-X

Title: Re:Part II, "Krystallnacht, 1938"--American Dictatorship,
Post by: Reba on August 25, 2003, 09:57:30 PM
We citizens in the USA have in large part the whole of dispensational teaching to blame for the fix,  in which, we find our lovely homeland.  I am old enough to remember my parents  discussing not needing college for us kids because  Israel is now a state and rapture will happen soon. “Us kids” now have college age grandchildren. You may ask what difference does that make? Well Christians neglected their home land. We are at fault.  Left are the established centers of  higher learning. We fled the arts ‘saying the world belongs to satan we are  waiting for  God to deliver us. This is not new, this a tale repeated over and over in the OT, And BIGGER than life in the NT. JESUS the CHRIST was rejected because HE did not look to the ‘church’ like  a saviour. They wanted to be rescued from the Romans they needed to be rescued from themselves as we do today.  Dispensational teaching weakened a good part of the USA church sent it on a wild goose chase that it is still running in many denominations.  

Jesus said HE would build HIS church. HE is the king  He stated HIS kingdom “was not of this world” they didn’t get it then either. The church in America may go through some real persecution . When we do all America  will suffer this nation will be in pain but tears bring joy in the morning. I believe persecution will strengthen our bond with GOD. Who here could , as John, sing praises to the KING after being boiled in oil. Paul was jailed and numbers added to the kingdom. Hell will not prevail. HE is victorious.

 A wise man said liberalism started in the church . We like the ’children of Israel’ when they wanted a king to be like other nations, We as Christians are afraid to stand out we must wait for just the right moment to carefully share the gospel. We mock brave men and hide behind TV personalities.  We back away from the ‘good fight’.

Christians send their children to public schools . How many of us know, or are , parents who send  the children to school for the peace and quiet in the house  for the day?  We sacrifice our children to the god of secular education and the higher god of selfishness. Then we cry and plead with GOD, wale and moan  GOD  when are YOU coming to rapture us . HE is building HIS church.

I am not a good writer but  i do hope the idea  got  across.  English teachers and i had a pack they passed me and i went away.

Title: Part II, "Krystallnacht, 1938"
Post by: Symphony on August 28, 2003, 03:57:37 PM

Some excellent points, Reba, thank you.

The following applys generally to everyone out in the workforce, public, etc.:

This morning on a CBS radio affiliate, higher incidence now of male-on-male harrassment.  ...That courts are  increasingly reluctant to rule, asking obvious evidence, since many times, as in a lockerroom, etc. guys are always fliipping each other with like wet towels, etc., and typical horseplay anyway; and courts don't want to be bothered with that.

So now, if you're being harrassed by the gay crowd, this means the burden of proof is increasingly on you to prove it.  If you don't want to be bothered by the gays, increasingly then, it will be up to you to insure that protection--not the courts, or a lawyer, or even maybe law enforcement generally--apparently they will all be on the opposition's side, or, even if they "say" they are straight, can you really trust that(which is the whole design behind all of this anyway--to break down and divide the trust that is necessary in a civil and peaceful society)?

And with law schools,  courts, lawyers generally, and maybe even law enforcement increasingly embracing the gay life style en masse, even if you do have even incontravertible evidence of harrassment, what kind of day in court can you ever really expect?  (hehe, say the gays, as they lick their chops gloatingly...even as they will deny to your face that any of the above is what is happening...).

Title: Re:Part II, "Krystallnacht, 1938"--Gay Violence
Post by: Symphony on September 10, 2003, 07:25:27 PM

This isn't "violence", but it does imply complicity or, that is, conspiring to cover-up, as the links sincereheart has posted(under Movies, Gays...there) demonstrate readily.

The following is from Coral Ridge Ministries newsletter, Impact, September, that came yesterday.  Blessings to the lady there who visited this young man, and helped him.  

Media Ignore Ex-Gay Message

"I said, Wait a sec­ond. Are you telling me that homosexuals can change?' I was always told I was born that way."

Stephen Bennett is living proof that homosexuals can change. Bennett spent 11 years in the homosexual world, but walked away in 1992 after he came to Christ.
Married since 1993, Bennett and his wife, Irene, have two children and, since 2000, a ministry that presents Christ to homosexuals. His message is simple: no one is born homosexual, and Jesus Christ offers freedom from homosexuality.

It's a message for which the media has little time. Recently, CBS News inter­viewed the Bennetts for a story on homo­sexual "marriage." After a 45-minute interview, he said the producer promised that the edited piece would include the fact that he was a recovered homosexual. That promise was not kept. Instead, Bennett and his wife were identified on the program as a couple opposed to homosexu­ality on religious grounds.

35 Seconds
The CBS story included just 35 sec­onds from the Bennetts in a piece that ran roughly six minutes. Bennett labeled it a "gay infomercial selling same-sex 'mar­riage' to America."
Bennett, who tells his story on The Coral Ridge Hour on September 28, knows firsthand how hostile the media is to his message. He has been         ^^^^^^^^^ on CNN, ABC, and The O'Reilly Factor on Fox News. Each time, he said, his homosexual past is either censored or discredited. "People are not being told the truth," said Bennett, who calls the media the "the gay spin-zone."

It took Bennett by surprise when he learned in 1990 that homosexuality is, with God's help, a reversible condition. A woman showed up on his doorstep to ask if she could tell him about Jesus Christ and what the Bible says on homosexuality.
She showed him I Corinthians 6:9-11, which states that fornicators, idolaters, adulterers, and homosexuals will not enter the kingdom of God. But the phrase that...

(photo here, with caption)
proof: Stephen Bennett, now married with two children, is living evidence that Christ delivers from homosexuality. The media, he says, is not interested.

...really grabbed his attention was "And such were some of you."

"I said, 'Wait a second. Are you telling me that homosexuals can change?' I was always told I was born that way." She told him that "homosexuals have been changing ever since biblical times."

That brought hope. A happy homo­sexual with a boyfriend, good friends, and interesting work as a portrait artist, Bennett still had a "deep emptiness inside." He began reading the Bible, and "little by little the Word of God started changing me from the inside out."

"I'm Leaving Him"
Eighteen months later, he prayed with his friend over the phone to accept Christ. ^^^^^^^^^     "Something happened within my heart," he said. "And the next words out of my mouth were, Tm leaving him.'"
Change came fast. "Within two days I was out of my partner's bed; within two weeks I was out of my partner's _________     home."

Bennett believes that if America legalizes same-sex "mar­riage," it could trigger God's judgment. "We are in the eleventh hour with this issue right now, and I firmly believe if we go down the route of passing gay marriage, it's the beginning of the end for us." •

The Coral Ridge Hour features Stephen Bennetfs dramatic encounter with Christ on September 28.
September 2003

Title: Re:Part II, "Krystallnacht, 1938"--Gay Violence
Post by: Heidi on September 10, 2003, 07:40:30 PM
Of course homosexuals can change PROVIDED they admit it's a sin and ask Christ for fogiveness. I personally haven't met a homosexual who has done that. It's even more difficult for homosexuals to do that because the churches are changing their stance on it. The episcopal church has announced that it isn't a if people can decide what a sin is and isn't. Unfortunately this only leaves homosexuals with having to perpetuate their behavior.

As I look around our country today, i actually see Sodom and Gomorrah. At least in those times, people KNEW they were sinning because most of the laws at that time were based on god's law. Now that people say there is no sin, then ANYTHING GOES. But, this was all prophsied to happen in End times. Jesus said that people will abandon the faith but for believers to remain firm. We cannot change it because it was prophsied and there are far greater powers at work here than just us. But we, as Christians, can stand firm in our own salvation.

Title: Re:Part II, "Krystallnacht, 1938"--Gay Violence
Post by: Heidi on September 10, 2003, 08:58:59 PM
And how do you know they were born again, Ebia? Many "professed" Christians are not born again. If I have a desire to be promiscuous and I'm married, I can't be unfaithful to my husband without consequences. In other words, none of us can act on every desire we have without consequences. If I'm angry at other drivers on the freeway, I have to contain those impulses or I might hurt someone else. If homosexuals have sexual desires outside of marraige, they have to contain them just like heterosexuals do. My question is, I can understand that they are attracted to their own sex. But why can they NOT be attracted to the opposite sex? What is it about the opposite sex that they so INTENSELY dislike? To me, that's the core of their issues. Whatever it is that disgusts them about the opposite sex is what they have to look at to heal them.

Title: Re:Part II, "Krystallnacht, 1938"--Gay Violence
Post by: Heidi on September 11, 2003, 08:59:09 AM
Nobody can really tell if a person is born again except God. That is precisely my point. Just because that homosexual said he was a Christian doesn't make it true.

You make a good point about there being a difference between being sexually attracted to a person and being diis gusted by him. But that again is my point. It is very possible to have sex with someone you're not particularly attracted to. But it is disgusting to have sex with someone you are disgusted by. If homosexuals CAN'T have sex with they opposite sex, then they are obviously disgusted by them. In order to find out why we are attracted to the people we are attracted to, it involves soul searching because we are the only ones who can find the answers. Couls it be that homosexuals don't care to look that deep?

Title: Re:Part II, "Krystallnacht, 1938"--Gay Violence
Post by: Corpus on September 11, 2003, 01:32:00 PM
People can and do convert (or at least abstain) from the homosexual lifestyle. The following personal testimonies come from a Catholic organization called Courage (very similar to Exodus). more info. can be found at their website: (


As I looked across the last several years of my life, I kept getting the image of me being wrapped in chains. My suffering was silent. How could people understand that I had something inside of me that I hated? I despised being sexually attracted to men, especially my own peers. In reality, I was searching for masculinity, not sex. The chains of homosexuality kept me miserable. I wanted to be listened to, to be hugged, to be understood. I wanted to be the man God had made me to be.

Five years ago, I felt so alone. I felt no one would listen to my heart crying, that no one would really care. I desired to take my own life. In my search for peace, through the help of a close friend, I went to Mass for the first time in my life and felt God's love envelop me. He guided me to Rome, where the Church's teachings on homosexuality gave me great comfort. God, through His Church, cared to love me, to hold me and to listen to me.

 By way of complicated events, I discovered Courage. Finally, I had arrived at a place where others could relate to me, a place where I could foster chaste friendships with other men who truly cared. We were not afraid to proclaim the truth of Christ, that, in His loving plan for us, we could live a life of holiness and walk down the path, carrying the cross after the One who dies for us. This became a life of chaste holiness - to be the saints that God has called us to be. This is almost impossible without Courage. As we struggle together, the Holy Spirit breaks the chains of homosexuality to free us to be who God calls us to be. Only then are we truly free.



I came to Courage during a time in my life when I was struggling in a relationship with another woman. I thought I was alone with this problem I struggled with jealousy, manipulation, anger, and possessiveness. My anxiety level was so bad, I became physically ill. I knew I needed help. Thank God for Courage. I have come to understand myself through the words and struggles that others have given witness to. I now know that I am not alone.

 The priests have been gentle and understanding. Going to meetings gives me the opportunity to talk about my problems and vent my anger. Courage has given me peace and direction.

 I have goals and direction in my life, and that has lessened my anxiety. God has given me opportunities to live a happy and healthy life. Thank you God!



I begin, not at the beginning, but at the first metanoia, Advent 1964 I had promised to abstain from all sinful sexual behavior and to make daily visits to the Blessed Sacrament. It was Christmas Eve when I fell, and the day after Christmas when I was on the steps of the Church, ready to make my daily visit, it hit me: " Be either hot or cold for the lukewarm I will vomit out of my mouth." I had prevailed for 39 days. I couldn't prevail for just one more time. I thought, "I am a failure, too weak to last just one more day - I'm tired of failure time after time - I refuse to continue being a hypocrite." I turned and walked away from God and the Church. I gave my life to Satan, to do whatever he wanted with it - and he did!

Eleven years later, I allowed God back into my life, along with a renewed strength and a grace to rise above my compulsions like I had never known before. A year after that I joined Courage. I found there an opportunity to share my pain and shame. I knew I was not alone - there were others who felt like me.

I stopped going to meetings for a year or two and it was during this time I began to get into trouble. I realized I needed the support and prayers of like-minded people to walk with me on my journey. My return to Courage has helped stabilize my life and has enabled me to make the changes I need to make so I can continue on my journey to sanctification

How Courage has done this is a mystery to me, but a mystery I welcome and want to share. The pain in others has helped me to see the pain in myself, and the victory I see in others encourages me in quest of my own.

* * * *


Being here at this Courage Conference has given me hope, having seen many others who want to follow the teaching of the Church on homosexuality.

It is my firm hope and prayer that Courage chapters spread all over the Church to give all people who struggle with homosexual feelings and their family and friends the choice to grow closer to the Son of God and His Church.

Title: Re:Part II, "Krystallnacht, 1938"--Gay Violence
Post by: Heidi on September 11, 2003, 04:08:32 PM
Now those are people who have been truly honest with themselves. They first admitted that their lust for their own sex was taking over their lives. Only then could they seek help for it...and they got it! Thanks, Corpus, for sharing that.

Title: Re:Part II, "Krystallnacht, 1938"--Gay Violence
Post by: Corpus on September 12, 2003, 02:13:45 PM

Likewise for the people who's "testimonies" have been aluded to here.  Also, just because some people have said they are "cured" of homosexuality doesn't make that true either.

Nor does it mean they're not true. The only logical alternative however seems to be that nothing is truly knowable.

And just plain common sense suggests that if somebody says they're no longer gay, or at least recognizes the sinfulness behind it, then it's a fair shake to assume they're being honest. Why bother talking with anyone about anything if one can't at least assume some honesty on their part?

Title: Re:Part II, "Krystallnacht, 1938"--Gay Violence
Post by: Symphony on October 06, 2003, 07:54:15 PM

In keeping with the original intent of this thread(if permissable)...

Title: Re:Part II, "Krystallnacht, 1938"--Gay Violence
Post by: Symphony on October 23, 2003, 07:51:34 PM
(This isn't actual violence, but...theorectically, I would classify lawsuit as certainly adversarial.  In the article, it describes the teenager as a "devout Christian".  Okay.  If I'm a devout Christian, what am I doing suing a Christian school?)

'Gay' student to sue
Christian school
Private institution kicks out teen after finding he's homosexual
Posted: October 23, 2003
1:00 a.m. Eastern

© 2003

The article concludes by quoting a gay/lesbian that private institutions can legally do this, that is, expel someone for "being gay".

This is the news I've been expecting.  That is, the "next" obstacle.  How long before private Christian schools are "brought to heel".  The gay/lesbian agenda is only going to look at this as the next obstacle.  And if they've been allowed to achieve momentum so far, why not this one now?

Maybe this is only purely anectdotal.

Title: Don't Ask, Don't Tell
Post by: Symphony on December 12, 2003, 09:33:40 AM

And here, six weeks later:  

NEW YORK (AP) - Two brigadier generals and a rear admiral - all retired - disclosed that they are gay and denounced the U.S. military's ``don't ask, don't tell'' policy in interviews with The New York Times.


Title: Gay Cowboys
Post by: Symphony on January 19, 2004, 11:41:55 PM
The Trend continues:

)Last night, apparently a new TV show televising lesbian relationshi9ps.

)Just today, at WND, new movie deal being brokered, called Brokeback Mountain, the actor from Patriot, negotiating a part in a gay cowboy story--explicit gay material now, the article says...

From 'Patriot' to explicit
'gay' sex?
Heath Ledger reportedly in talks to play homosexual cowboy

Title: Re:Part II, "Krystallnacht, 1938"--Gay Violence
Post by: Symphony on March 03, 2004, 08:27:34 PM

This thread is really about violence towards "anti-Gays".

Latest possible unfolding, is the possible increasing prohibition on profanity on the air.  That's fine, prohibiting like Howard Stern's language, etc.

But this may be the loophole being sought to silence on a larger scale--other talk show hosts, etc., and lead to the general "hate speech" legislation already being bandied about.

Which would have certain implications for what we have printed on our t shirts, etc.

Title: Re:Part II, "Krystallnacht, 1938"--Gay Violence
Post by: grace on March 10, 2004, 10:55:08 PM
Maybe there's a gay conspiracy to take over the world, but frankly the arguments and evidence put forward seem disturbingly reminiscent to me of the case made by the Jewish-Conspiracy-to-Take-Over-the-World folks.

Unfortunately, at least some of the violence (and I'm talking both physical and verbal) against "anti-Gays" is a response to violence done to Gays. As sad as it is to say, I'm afraid we Christians may have started it (or at least, some who were walking under a Christian banner started it). And regardless of whether we did or not, the fact remains that it is being used against us. We claim to abhor violence and to hold love as our highest tenet. We speak of Jesus, who ate with lepers and tax collectors. And then:

Thanks to Betty Bowers, homosexuals' sneaky little secrets are now revealed to the godly:
As every Christian knows, there is only one enemy that threatens our entire civilization. And I am, of course, not talking about Satan. I'm talking about those damned homosexuals!
One wonders what is behind contemporary popularity of male homosexual behavior. Perhaps it is, in practical terms, the inconvenience of impregnating a female on the one hand, and (absent the threat of AIDS) the relative inconsequentiality of anal or oral copulation with another male on the other hand, that seduces them. That line of reasoning has a certain perverted logic which appeals primarily to less mature, more naive, the self-deluded or even vicious, evil perverts. [Junto Society]

And especially, I’ve heard too many times about homosexuals being beaten up, even killed, for being gay.

When we get riled up and speak out of our own repulsion instead of in Jesus’ voice, we unintentionally incite more of this hatred and violence. And by our own participation, whether direct or indirect, we become the hypocrites they accuse us of being! And the hatred and violence come back on us from those who can claim of themselves, “at least we’re not being hypocrites!”
I’m not trying to justify homosexuality. I'm not excusing violence against "anti-Gays". I’m trying to say that we are going about this wrongly, and in a un-grace-filled, unproductive and downright destructive way.
The Enemy loves it when we borrow his tools! And perhaps we're beginning to experience the consequences of doing so.

In His love,


Title: Re:Part II, "Krystallnacht, 1938"--Gay Violence
Post by: Symphony on March 11, 2004, 10:00:19 AM
Thank you, Grace.

I appreciate your very valid reservations; I don't recognize those quotes appearing anywhere here.  Perhaps they did and I missed them.   The second one, about inconsequentiality, is incisive.  It seems very accurate to me.

As a brief aside, there was an incident mentioned this last week, in the Chicago news(on WBBM Radio), of a lesbian daughter of a Chicago alderman, "butting", like a billy goat, a police lieutenant, in a parade there.  The report said it knocked him down, bruised.  Said she butted him head down, full force in the chest.

Yes, we can't be associated with the bigotry that is so unChristlike.

But I don't think there's anything in this thread, or the other original one here(Part I), that is in anyway  "vindictive".

I do intend to "call a spade a spade".  

This gay thing, as an agenda, which it is, is incredibly wicked--precisely because it is masquerading merely as a "Life"-style, something "alternative".

True, there are other "sins".  But this one is seeking public sanction--protection.

And once they are protected...???

I think accurately identifying the trend, where we can, is important--indeed critical.  They would prefer desperately that we not.  They are of the darkness.  We must expose darkness whereever it is.

Yes, with care.  Yes, perhaps with love.  Tho the whole point of all of the gay thing is exactly that--it is masquerading as "love".

It is quite hideous.

And I'm not being hateful when I say that.  Tho they may--and will--make me out to be that.  And I may have to pay the supreme price for that.  Hate speech legislation is already in the works, in various venues--and it's criminal, not civil.

"The White Rose" student movement in Nazi Germany painted "Hitler is a Mass Murderer" on city buildings at night; they were caught.  And beheaded.  And they were their own students, there.  They were their own German people.

The homosexuals similarly.  They don't WANT you to contradict them, Grace.  They become hysterical(if you hadn't noticed).

We don't have to be hateful when we contradict someone.

But we must contradict them.  We must.   We have to.

Title: Re:Part II, "Krystallnacht, 1938"--Gay Violence
Post by: grace on March 13, 2004, 12:17:06 PM
Hello Symphony,

I don't recognize those quotes appearing anywhere here.  Perhaps they did and I missed them.

I did not find them on this forum!!!! And I didn't mean to imply that I had!!!

I didn't mean to mislead; sorry about that! I just typed "Christian" and "homosexual" into my search engine, and that is what popped up. If you look up Betty Bowers or Junto Society, you'll find where I got these from. I haven't searched through this forum with a fine-tooth comb for material such as that.

Both of those sources are of the radical fundamentalist type. But you see, they're the ones who get the air play  >:( ;it is sensationalism that sells papers and ups ratings. Problem is, when we say something like:
Tho the whole point of all of the gay thing is exactly that--it is masquerading as "love". It is quite hideous.
, it is portrayed in the media and percieved by the general public as being rooted in the Betty Bower attitude. It has become almost impossible for a Christian to speak up without their words being attached to that hateful and unChristlike caricature; this is tragic, and it it is the Enemy's work.

If we want to bring Christ's true message, we are going to have to learn to choose our words very carefully; the most righteous of messages becomes the momentum of the Enemy if it can be sucked into the vortex of that caricature. We must speak unequivocally to our convictions, yet our words need to be surrounded with an honor guard of lovingness and Christspirit in order to keep on track and reach their mark. Anyone whose words are not so rooted and guarded is shooting themselves and everyone on their side of the issue in the foot.

In His love,


Title: Re:Part II, "Krystallnacht, 1938"--Gay Violence
Post by: Symphony on March 18, 2004, 11:37:02 AM

thank you, Grace.

What would you feel about wearing a shirt that said, "Homosexuality is a sin." ?

Title: Re:Part II, "Krystallnacht, 1938"--Gay Violence
Post by: onestarfisher on March 19, 2004, 11:37:48 AM

But we must contradict them.  We must.   We have to.

Amen to that. That really struck home.

Title: Re:Part II, "Krystallnacht, 1938"--Gay Violence
Post by: Symphony on March 20, 2004, 09:03:49 PM

With much prayer, patience and kindness.

Title: Re:Part II, "Krystallnacht, 1938"--Gay Violence
Post by: sincereheart on April 06, 2004, 08:01:23 AM
Posted by: grace  Posted on: March 10, 2004, 10:55:08 PM  
Maybe there's a gay conspiracy to take over the world, but frankly the arguments and evidence put forward seem disturbingly reminiscent to me of the case made by the Jewish-Conspiracy-to-Take-Over-the-World folks.
Keep reading, grace..... ::)

Gays and Straights in the Work Force:
Tolerance for Other Viewpoints
by John W. Whitehead

“All that gay and lesbian people are asking for is, if not understanding, then at least tolerance. All they are asking for is the same basic civil equality that all Americans yearn for and should be entitled to.” — Iowa State Rep. Ed Fallon

For many years, the rallying cry of the gay rights movement has been for greater tolerance and equal treatment — something due all Americans. Rarely, however, does one see those who champion tolerance for gays urging tolerance for other viewpoints. As gays have approached the mainstream, individuals who express concern about the gay lifestyle have found themselves ostracized. That is evident nowhere more than in corporate America.

In recent years, the tendency among corporations has been to aggressively advocate tolerance toward homosexuals. According to the Human Rights Campaign, the largest gay rights advocacy group in the country, 333 of the Fortune 500 companies have written policies prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation. Many also require their employees to undergo sensitivity training on the subject.

Such protection of the gay lifestyle in the business world has caused concern among some heterosexual employees, including religious employees, who often find that their rights to freedom of religion and freedom of conscience are not being accommodated by such companies. One example is Albert Buonanno.

In January 2001, Buonanno, an employee of AT&T, was handed a new AT&T Broadband Employee Handbook and asked to sign an “Acknowledgment of Receipt and Certificate of Understanding.” The certificate stated, in part, “I agree to follow the policies, rules and regulations contained in the handbook and to abide by any revisions made to them in the future.”

Upon reviewing the 84-page handbook, however, Buonanno — a Christian with biblically based beliefs regarding homosexuality — found several parts to which he could not in good conscience conform. On page 6, in the section titled “Diversity,” the handbook stated: “Each person at AT&T Broadband is charged with the responsibility to fully recognize, respect and value the differences among all of us.” On page 67, the company gave sexual orientation protected status.

For Buonanno, to acknowledge respect for a lifestyle that he believes to be sinful would be a compromise of his faith and a contradiction of the Bible’s views on homosexuality. So Buonanno notified his supervisor that — based on his religious beliefs — he could not sign the certificate of understanding. Buonanno added, however, that he had no problem declaring he would neither discriminate against nor harass people who were different from him, including homosexuals. He simply wanted to remain true to his faith and do his job.

AT&T’s response was typical of many politically correct establishments. The company gave Buonanno two choices: sign the certificate or be fired. Though his religious beliefs should have been accommodated in some fashion, his employment was terminated.

His case is only one among many in which employees have been wrongfully denied accommodation and the right to freedom of conscience because of their religious beliefs — rights guaranteed both under federal law and under the First Amendment to the Constitution.

The issue is about more than an individual’s objection to homosexuality. It concerns the freedom of conscience — the right of individuals to object to something they believe is wrong, especially when it contradicts their religious beliefs, whether about war, abortion, homosexuality or whatever. That has always been a fundamental right guaranteed to all Americans. Such objections — unless they interfere with the clearly defined mission of the employer — must be accommodated.

Freedom of conscience in the workplace is an issue that we all need to support. Indeed, should anyone, gay or straight, be forced to deny and violate what they believe are sincerely held religious beliefs?

The First Amendment doesn’t apply only to speech that is politically correct or popular. It was written to protect speech that others might consider politically incorrect and unpopular. It was also written to protect those individuals who may not be part of the mainstream — people such as Albert Buonanno. It specifically protects the right of religious minorities to practice their religion without being harassed and denied a rightful place in the work force for doing so.

Gay people know what it means to be discriminated against because of lifestyle or beliefs. They therefore should be the first to defend people like Albert Buonanno. And we should demand that our workplaces not become bastions of conformity — where only accepted beliefs prevail. Indeed, if we truly believe in tolerance and diversity, then we all must practice it.

Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead is founder and president of The Rutherford Institute. He can be contacted at (

Title: Re:Part II, "Krystallnacht, 1938"--Gay Violence
Post by: Symphony on April 06, 2004, 01:19:15 PM
It's more or less an ultimatum--in-your-face.  That's why I'm comparing this to the Nazis.

And the gays recoil in self-righteous indignation--because it's the homophobes who're suppose to be "the Nazis".

When in fact it is the gays and their "cause", who're are glaringly in our face.

We know this is so because, as sincereheart's citation there clearly illustrates, in new policies by, for instance, ATT(and I imagine all corporate policies--just read the employment policies online, of any of them--including, or especially, any major law firms'--easily accessible here online--"sexual orientation", as it is called...), it is made very clear to this employee that while he is required to tolerate their variances, they are not required to tolerate his.

Which is what the Nazis were all about.  You were required to "tolerate" them; they were not required to tolerate you.

You are required to tolerate the homosexual; he is not required to tolerate you.  American legislative law now supports that; and here, we see, so does corporate--that is, commercial, or economic policy.

Which is exactly where the Nazis headed, once they achieved power--cornering the right, or privilege, to even be employed.

Next, will be the right to employ--that is, hire people--even yourself--that is, the right to be self-employed.

Stupid Americans.

"...for God has put it into their hearts to carry out his purpose by being of one mind and giving over their royal power to the beast..." (Rev. 17:17).

Title: Re:Part II, "Krystallnacht, 1938"--Gay Violence
Post by: JudgeNot on April 06, 2004, 04:09:28 PM
It's more or less an ultimatum--in-your-face.  That's why I'm comparing this to the Nazis.

And the gays recoil in self-righteous indignation--because it's the homophobes who're suppose to be "the Nazis".

When in fact it is the gays and their "cause", who're are glaringly in our face.

That's right.

Which is what the Nazis were all about.  You were required to "tolerate" them; they were not required to tolerate you.

You are required to tolerate the homosexual; he is not required to tolerate you.

That's right, too.

The liberal's "tolerance" is a one-way street.  They will decide what should and what should not be tolerated.  Everyday, more and more of them decide God cannot and will not be tolerated.

But God is watching.

And they bend their tongues like their bow for lies: but they are not valiant for the truth upon the earth; for they proceed from evil to evil, and they know not me, saith the LORD.
Jeremiah 9:3

Title: Re:Part II, "Krystallnacht, 1938"--Gay Violence
Post by: Symphony on April 07, 2004, 08:42:12 AM

Yes, that's true, God is in control of all this.  Thanks, JudgeNot.

Title: Re:Part II, "Krystallnacht, 1938"--Gay Violence
Post by: JudgeNot on April 22, 2004, 10:23:20 AM
This story speaks of the tolerance the radical homosexuals have for us. (

Title: Re:Part II, "Krystallnacht, 1938"--Gay Violence
Post by: Symphony on April 28, 2004, 05:11:50 AM
thank you, jn.  yes, I read that article just now.  wow, the "gay militia".  just like the brownshirts.  and bursting in on a peaceful assembly of Christians.   why am I not surprised.

but i wonder here in U.S. if we'll even see anything like a gay militia--seems to me any opposition to the gay is merely token in force, therefore any real militia on their part would hardly be necessary.

I've heard it said the German Gestapo secret police, was formed largely in response to the opposition created by catholic and protestant clergy, in their outspokeness to Hitler.

But here in U.S., there doesn't seem to be much opposition to the gay agenda.  I'm thinking the US is going to go homosexual pretty much without even a whimper.

those who are strongly opposed will simply lose gradually their emplooyment, their income, then their property, then they'll be just homeless, then maybe like the Christians into the catacombs on the outskirts of Rome....

But most of mainstream Christianity, I think, here in US, is going along with the gay thing.  The gays won't need any militia, seems to me.