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ChristiansUnite and Announcements => ChristiansUnite and Announcements => Topic started by: nChrist on November 01, 2016, 05:21:34 PM

Title: The Patriot Post Digest 11-1-2016
Post by: nChrist on November 01, 2016, 05:21:34 PM
The Patriot Post Digest 11-1-2016
From The Federalist Patriot
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Mid-Day Digest

Nov. 1, 2016


    DNC’s Donna Brazile resigns from CNN after colluding with Clinton.
    Even the ecofascist lobby colluded with Clinton for an endorsement.
    The restaurant industry is having a tough time, which may indicate recession. Thanks ObamaCare.
    Don’t count on SCOTUS to rebuke Obama’s transgender power grab.
    And more news, policy and opinion.


“Our citizens may be deceived for awhile, and have been deceived; but as long as the presses can be protected, we may trust to them for light.” —Thomas Jefferson (1799)


Colluding for Clinton1

The DNC seems to have trouble finding leadership with integrity. First came the revelations2 implicating now former DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz in working to rig the Democrat nomination process in favor of Hillary Clinton — revelations that led to DWS’s resignation. Now her replacement, Donna Brazile, has been caught in similar rigging. WikiLeaks' steady release of hacked emails uncovered a second instance of Brazile alerting the Clinton campaign to prepare for a specific question that was subsequently asked the following day at a town hall forum sponsored by CNN. Donna Brazile had been working for CNN, which is presumably how she was able to get the questions in advance. When Brazile was tapped for the interim DNC position, she took leave from CNN.

CNN was clearly embarrassed by the apparent political collusion and has accepted Brazile’s resignation. The network asserted, “We are completely uncomfortable with what we have learned about her interactions with the Clinton campaign while she was a CNN contributor.” CNN also claimed it “never gave Brazile access to any questions, prep material, attendee list, background information or meetings in advance of a town hall or debate.” But this is also the network that in other instances has unabashedly helped Clinton.

Fox News' Megyn Kelly called out3 Brazile for emailing questions to the Clinton campaign, asking her, “Who gave you the questions?” Brazile sought only to deflect, saying, “I am not going to try to validate falsified information.” She claimed persecuted status, railed about “stolen” material, and told Kelly to “go to Russia” for answers.

It doesn’t seem to matter who chairs the DNC, it’s clear that Hillary Clinton is the one running the show. As Americans have become all too familiar over the years, “conniving” and Clintons go hand in hand.

Clinton’s Environmental Cleanup4

This sure won’t silence the chatter from the Bernie Sanders fan club that claims the system is rigged in favor of Hillary Clinton. The unearthing of hacked emails from WikiLeaks appears to reveal evidence of more collusion — this time courtesy of the League of Conservation Voters, which plotted to do whatever it took to rally behind Clinton. That conclusion is supplemented by the fact the group offered her a do-over after she turned in a weak environmental questionnaire.

The findings were dug up by Emily Atkin, who reports5, “LCV sent the Clinton campaign a questionnaire in May 2015, asking her position on at least 20 key issues including climate change, Arctic drilling and the Keystone XL pipeline. The Clinton campaign replied to the questionnaire in mid-June. But in July, the Clinton campaign received a response from LCV executive Tiernan Sittenfeld, who said many of the answers on the questionnaire were not good enough.”

The biggest sticking point was Clinton’s shifty position on Keystone XL. LCV executive Tiernan Sittenfeld wrote, “It’s good to see her moving in the right direction. But it’s hard to imagine we can move forward until she makes clear she now opposes KXL.” Despite the group’s concern, Sanders — the more established ecofascist — was snubbed anyway. In fact, LCV gave Clinton another chance to fortify her environmental credentials.

In addition to demanding she “explicitly oppose Arctic Ocean and mid-Atlantic drilling” and “support regulating existing sources of methane,” Sittenfeld said, “We very much hope that the attached questionnaire can be strengthened.”

“She’ll say anything” to get elected. That’s what Barack Obama said of Hillary Clinton in 2008. He was right. So is Sanders when he says the DNC and other leftist groups conspired against him, an assertion also backed up by the WikiLeaks hack. But it certainly doesn’t help Sanders that he endorsed his Wall Street rival anyway.

The Economy’s Coal Mine Canary6

The restaurant industry saw a 2.8% decline in business this past fiscal year, and turned in its weakest performance since 2009. Economic analyst Paul Westra sees the downturn as a looming “restaurant recession.” The Wall Street Journal reports7 that “in the last 10 months, eight major restaurant companies … have filed for bankruptcy.” So what’s to blame for the decline? The usual culprit is an increase in the price of gasoline leading to increased food prices. However, gas prices have declined significantly for over a year now. Instead, it appears that the number one reason is ObamaCare. According to a Civic Science survey of Americans, of those who ate fast food regularly, there was a cutback of 47% due to rising health insurance costs. In other words, Americans are really beginning to feel ObamaCare’s pinch on their pocketbooks. (That’s not to mention restaurant owners themselves.) An April survey conducted by the National Restaurant Association found that nearly 45% of Americans are eating out less than they prefer.

Even some Democrats acknowledge the mounting costs of ObamaCare. Minnesota Democrat Governor Mark Dayton recently stated, “The Affordable Care Act is no longer affordable to increasing numbers of people.” Bill Clinton called it “the craziest thing in the world” where Americans “wind up with their premiums doubled and their coverage cut in half.” The truth is, it never was affordable — by design8, as its architect, Jonathan Gruber, recently remarked. Unfortunately for the nation, the ObamaCare-created “restaurant recession” is the proverbial “canary in the coal mine” for the rest of U.S. economy. Many economists now fear another recession on the horizon as ObamaCare’s impact is felt across the broader economy. The number of Americans who hate this law will only continue to grow.

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    Stephen Moore: ObamaCare Implosion Exposes Web of Lies and Deceit11
    Ken Blackwell: If Ben Franklin Could Vote12
    Mark West: No, Your Civil Duty Is Not Complete on Nov. 813

For more, visit Right Opinion14.


    USAID Threatens Religious Charities That Oppose LGBT ‘Equality’15
    Most College Students Say America Invented Slavery16
    South Korea’s ‘Shadow President’ Detained17

For more, visit Patriot Headline Report18.

Supreme Bathroom Wars19

By Paul Albaugh

It’s Nov. 1, 2016, and for reasons that are unfathomable to most humans throughout the world there is an ongoing debate from a very small minority of Rainbow Mafia activists who are trying to force the rest of humanity to accommodate their demands regarding which bathroom to use. Now, with all of the problems facing America — ever-increasing debt, skyrocketing health insurance costs, excessive taxation and regulation and lawlessness of so-called public servants — the divisive issue of bathroom use for alleged transgender people is a case the U.S. Supreme Court announced it will hear in the coming months.

Title: The Patriot Post Digest 11-1-2016
Post by: nChrist on November 01, 2016, 05:22:47 PM
The Patriot Post Digest 11-1-2016
From The Federalist Patriot
Free Email Subscription (

The specific case considers whether the Obama administration can force public schools to let allegedly transgender students use whatever bathroom instead of the one that he or she biologically should use. The plaintiff is a 17-year-old female who “identifies” as a male and demands the “right” to use the male restroom. Because the school denied this demand, she cried discrimination because her “civil rights have been violated.”

Let that sink in for a minute.

Apparently, it’s not sufficient that the Gloucester County public school system in Virginia has a policy requiring alternative restrooms for allegedly transgender students. The truly sad part is this girl needs far deeper help than merely breaking down bathroom barriers.

The Daily Signal reports20, “In a suit filed by the American Civil Liberties Union, [the girl] claims the district’s policy violates Title IX and the Constitution’s equal protection clause. Though a district court sided with the schools, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit ruled for [the girl], finding that the courts must defer to Department of Education guidelines requiring schools to treat students consistent to their gender identity to comply with Title IX.”

So we have the Obama administration issuing an imperial decree about the bodily functions of school children. This is another example of egregious executive overreach, and now the Supreme Court will finalize the interpretation of this nonsense.

Hot Air’s Jazz Shaw raises several questions21 he hopes the Court will settle once and for all:

“Is the human race divided biologically into two genders — male and female — in a way which can be readily identified in all but the tiniest fraction of cases by a quick examination of the genitals of a child at birth? And failing that, are we to at least accept the well-established science of genetics and turn to the individual’s 23rd pair of chromosomes for an answer, assuming one was ever required? Or is ‘gender’ something ‘fluid’ as LBGT activist’s claim, with everyone being able to decide what gender they feel like at an emotional level? Far more importantly, even if we properly allow people the freedom of expression in their private lives, does that perception cross all legal boundaries to the point where that ‘decision’ can be forced on the rest of us? Can such ‘feelings’ be used as a basis to demand that a boy must be allowed to share the school’s female shower facilities with because he ‘identifies’ as a girl?”

Any person with the most basic logic and reason should be able to answer these questions, and this case should be a no-brainer for SCOTUS. But with pressure from the Rainbow Mafia to defy biological and scientific evidence, and widespread judicial activism on the bench, we suspect Anthony Kennedy will side with the activists in a 5-3 ruling.

Meanwhile, as if the issue of which bathroom transgender people should use isn’t enough, Obama also recently announced22 a rule that threatens to strip federal contracts from religious relief organizations and charities that adhere to traditional views of gender and sexuality.

National Security Advisor Susan Rice said the rule prohibits organizations contracting with the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) from discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation and gender “identity.” She added, “The United States also needs to do more to institutionalize efforts to promote LGBT rights.” Substitute “agenda” for “rights” and you have it.

For this administration and nearly every homosexual activist group, it’s not enough even to acknowledge their choices; we must embrace their lifestyle choices, accept them for “who they are,” and make them part of who we are. And in doing so, there will be no room for religious liberty, and no allowance for speaking the truth. Such things will be viewed as hate crimes.

This issue, among numerous other ones, is why this presidential election is so important. Hillary Clinton will continue to erode our religious liberty and pack the federal courts with judges who side with the Rainbow Mafia. By contrast, Donald Trump has vowed to appoint justices who uphold the Constitution. There is an awful lot at stake for the future of this country, humanity and, sadly, which bathroom people will use.


    The Campaign Hasn’t Exactly Focused on Important Issues23 — Here are two particular issues that should dominate.


Stephen Moore: “President Obama’s team and the liberal echo chamber lied about Obamacare from the start and covered up the financial time bomb that would soon detonate in Americans' laps. This was like Enron officials cooking the books to cover up financial fraud. Anyone remember how Affordable Care proponents said that the system would pay for itself by using 10 years of revenue to pay for eight years of spending? Try that with a business and the feds will throw you in jail. The only thing that has caught the left by surprise is that Obamacare has burst into flames so much faster than even severe critics — such as myself — ever thought possible. The left was praying the bad news wouldn’t be exposed until after the election. … Even the one goal of Obamacare that should have been easy to achieve given the massive cost of the program isn’t being achieved. Instead of 24 million covered, the number is half that — 11.4 million. … So, I will ask the same question I asked two years ago, only with more evidence in hand now: Is there any sane person today who doesn’t recognize the law as a costly and obvious failure?”


For the record: “Not a single one of the facts at hand is directly attributable to Director Comey. He didn’t tell [Hillary Clinton] to set up her own private email server. He did not tell her to mislead the public about whether or not she sent or received classified information. He did not tell Huma Abedin, ‘Hey, don’t turn over all your devices.’ And God knows he didn’t tell Anthony Weiner to sext with underage girls. So none of that is Jim Comey’s fault. The timing is a direct and natural consequence — and probable consequence — of decisions Secretary Clinton made years ago.” —Trey Gowdy

They want something: “The president doesn’t believe Director Comey is intentionally trying to influence the outcome of an election. The president doesn’t believe he’s secretly strategizing to benefit one candidate or one political party.” —Josh Earnest

Braying Jenny: “I call it an October betrayal of long-standing FBI protocol and Department of Justice protocol that you don’t weigh in with something like this a few days away from an election. … It’s not fair.” —Sen. Barbara Boxer, shooting the messenger on Clinton’s communication corruption

Braying Jackass: “This [FBI investigation] is, in effect, an attempt to hijack an election and it’s got to be called for what it is.” —Clintonista James Carville

Nothing to see here: “I am sure that they will reach the same conclusion they did when they looked at my emails for the last year. There is no case here.” —Hillary Clinton

And last… “Have we reached the ultimate stage of absurdity where some people are held responsible for things that happened before they were born, while other people are not held responsible for what they themselves are doing today?” —Thomas Sowell

Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis!
Managing Editor Nate Jackson

Join us in daily prayer for our Patriots in uniform — Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen — standing in harm’s way in defense of Liberty, and for their families.