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1  Fellowship / You name it!! / Re:Transgenic Food You Are NOW Eating-unlabeled on: June 06, 2005, 12:56:00 AM
Only because I like you, Cris:

2  Theology / Apologetics / Re:ARE WOMEN ALLOWED TO SPEAK IN CHURCH? on: June 05, 2005, 02:44:30 AM
First of all I'm not wrong. You are  Wink

Secondly, taken in context with the statement I was responding to you should have got it. Tom and Pastor Roger had no trouble with it.
Third, no one has shown me any examples of this sarcasm, which Paul is supposed to have used.

I think you need to read it in context again, then.

Here's another thing. You say "we" and "us" are you the spokesperson for others?

It is called plural first person voice, and it is fun to use.

And why do you speak of sarcasm as if it where a bad thing? Should me a single statement in the Bible or extra-biblical teaching of the Church Fathes (I'm tryign to make this easier on you)

"Should me a single statement in the Bible?? The Church Fathes? I’m trygn to make this easier on you?? Maybe you should try and make it easier on yourself my tongue twisted friend  Cheesy

 Finally, you don't know what sarcasm means if you believe "sarcasm is in something a Godly man would use!"

A cutting, often ironic remark intended to wound.
A form of wit that is marked by the use of sarcastic language and is intended to make its victim the butt of contempt or ridicule.
The use of sarcasm. See Synonyms at wit1.


n : witty language used to convey insults or scorn; "he used sarcasm to upset his opponent"; "irony is wasted on the stupid"; "Satire is a sort of glass, wherein beholders do generally discover everybody's face but their own"--Johathan Swift [syn: irony, satire, caustic remark]

You may notice my tone is a bit rough Tibby, but some of the "sarcastic" statements you made including this..
The Holy Bible may only mean a few of the NT books to you, but the rest of us consider it to be the WHOLE Bible, OT and NT
Really highlights my point that sarcasm is not a teaching method, which can be implemented with any positive effect. As a matter of fact, it gets people a wee bit steamed at times.
I'm not in good health at the moment, so my temper is shorter than usual. To be honest with you, I'm getting sick and tired of being constantly attacked by my fellow "Christians"

So, you are saying godly men to not get a little heated with their language? Oh really? I think I will let the bible make my case for me. In fact, I'm not even going to leave the book of Matthew to find examples of "witty language used to convey insults or scorn"

Matthew 8:22- What is this but sarcasm? Surely Jesus was not pushing for people to use Zombies and Undertakers? Surely he was not saying let the bodies just pile up where they fall.

Matthew 11:18-19- Is that Irony I detect?

Matthew 23- This is the Main event, right here, the verse you've all been waiting for! I started off listing different verses with harsh words, but I stopped when I realised almost every other verse was a verbal attack used by Jesus. He called Pharisees fools, hypocrites, wicked, and even snakes! Spitefully? Oh yeah! Povastive teaching method, nope, but it sure got its point across.

I'm striking back a wee bit here, but believe me I am taking it easy on you.

There are other Christians here who I have offended in the past. I actually apologized even though there was plenty of blame for both parties, but instead of forgiveness I get snide comments, and childish remarks. That's not what Christianity is all about friends, we're supposed to be forgiving, and we're supposed to accept our fair share of blame when there's a problem. Some of us think we are too special to go that route.

I do nto see where this ties into use. I do not recall any time where you offended me, apologized for it, or got a snide comment in return to your goodwill from me.

Is there a problem? I guess so. When you seem to taking years worth of abuse out on one person in an internet forum, I think we do have a problem.

I think I'll leave this forum for a while, and take some time to heal and cool down.

Tried that and it was here waiting for me when I came back. 90% of my friends (and enemies) had  left, but it was still here,  The problem in not the people of the forum, it is the topics. Religion is a touchy subject, a subject that even people without a religion (e.i. atheist) get worked up about. People hijack planes and crash them into buildings over religion. People start wars over religion. People die just to get there point heard. I think it only show that we as a race have a long way to go.

However, I believe I may do that same. Again. Grin
3  Fellowship / You name it!! / Re:National ID Card-Law Passed on: June 05, 2005, 02:02:17 AM
Being logical about things and looking at the situation from an objective stand point, gathering all the facts, before condemning both Parties and the Government like a Hollywood liberal does not constitute "hiding your head in the sand."  

How long of a timeline to you give on all this? Does everyone want to agree to meet up again after your predicted time has ended, and discuses the state of the union? If Iwas a betting man, I would place a rather large bet in the fact that, when we do meet up again, this country will not be a Polcie state.

I'm not saying the Nation will NEVER be Police state, I'm just saying if it does happen, it will not be any time in the near future. We will not see it in any of our lifetimes.
4  Theology / Debate / Re:Christ as a Woman, God as Female on: June 04, 2005, 07:09:12 PM
What?  Don't you think that if we started believing 1+1=5, pretty soon our checkbook would be imbalanced?

On Spiritual matters, I say we best not speak acceptance to believe myths (or anything not expressed within the Bible) because if we do, pretty soon those children of God we spoke to may stumble into "insufficiency."

You can wrong and still go to Heaven. There are people who believe communion is the actually body and blood of Christ, and others say it is just a symbol, and still others say it is more then a symbols, but still not the actually blood and body. Who is right? We can’t all be right, and yet we all say the Bible is clear on the subject. Does that mean that only the third of the people who believe correctly are going to Heaven? No, of course not. You can be wrong and still go to Heaven. You may be a little embarrassed when you get there, but it will not keep you out of Heaven.

Tibby, maybe we won't get "proof," but what about this?  

The scriptures were written by numerous authors from many cultures over a thousand or so years (Okay, so I'm not a detailed person. I can't remember all those numbers!)

But anyway, there are many variables involved, i.e. the unique use of languages found within the cultures represented by Biblical authors, the different geographic locations of the authors, and the century each wrote his portion.   What if we consider the differences in the use of pronouns caused by these variables?   There must be linguists/historians who know these differences, if in fact, there were differences.

Also, there are contemporary speakers and writers of the Greek language.  How do they use pronouns in literature and verbal language?  Since the Hebrew language is "extinct," hopefully there are linguists who still study that language.

Aside from reading all the scriptures, I am curious to look at contextual factors before adopting a Biblical concept.  For now, I choose to relate to the Holy Spirit as "He."  He is the expressed Power of the Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  For now, I believe we need to fervently pray for people who believe God, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit are female, if for no other reason, to agree with the Lord that these people do not slip further into other dangerous myths that tickle their ears.  I'm not saying they are lost because only God knows who is and who isn't.  And everytime I pray for someone else to have revelation, I ask for myself too, because your point is well received--none of us have all the truth.

Got any info that might help shed light on the changing (or not) use of pronouns within Greek/Hebrew languages?

No, I don't, as I said the first time I posted this. It is just a theory, a thought, based on my knowledge of other languages. I'll ask the next Greek scholer I know. Grin
5  Theology / Debate / Re:Christ as a Woman, God as Female on: June 04, 2005, 05:28:37 PM
Thank you Grin
6  Theology / Debate / Re:Christ as a Woman, God as Female on: June 04, 2005, 05:02:15 PM
...I don't think god comdemns people to hell because they used the incorrect pronoun to discribe him...

Tibby,  He might.  The reason I think that is because I believe that at one time, I might have been one of those condemned to hell.  You see, there was a time in my life when I began believing your perspective.  I was in rebellion and anger and stuff like that.

First off, I think you are confused as to what gets us sent to Hell. It is not sin that puts us in Hell; it is not accepting Jesus as your Lord.

That led me to wonder if God was not a person at all.  Eventually, I worshipped myths and created things.  I got into eastern and native animism.  Praise God He got me out!!!

I'm sorry to hear that! Glad to see you are back, though.

Now, I believe that Christians must keep to the word of God even if it leaves us wondering lots of questions, like is the Holy Spirit female or not, like is it okay to call God a "she."  I wonder stuff like this too, but why don't we adhere closely to the word of God and put these questions on our list of those we will bring before the Lord when we get to Heaven?

It is not a question in my mind, Jesus was male, and God is God the Father, and only a male can be a father. Either way, I believe that someone can believe Jesus is a women as still get into Heaven. They many be a bit disapointed to discover the truth, but I think all of us will be surprised by some of the truth we missed on Earth. Contrary to what some of the cockier members (no names) think, no one here has a prefect doctrine on every issue.

One cool thing that would be accomplished by this is that we would submit to God's idea that we are His children, not knowing all the answers, not adding to the scriptures in our need to have all the answers.

Amen. It is called Faith.

I'm not saying that you are doing that.  What I'm saying is that I did.  Over time, God taught me His lesson about the importance of His name.   I believe He did that through the Holy Spirit, His word, and a personal testimony about my own name and what I used to be called.

So His lesson is super-important to me that Christians submit to HIS Lordship.  If He wanted us to call Him a "she," He would have presented Himself with that pronoun.

That is my point, many languages use "he" as a generic pronoun, interchangable with "it." While the bible gives clear evedance that Jesus and God the Father are males, we have no further proof then the pronouns used to find out what the Holy Spirit is.

Having said all that, I also want to note that I believe God looks upon the heart.  So God looks at the heart of each person who is sinning, no matter what the sin is, and He decides if they are condemned to hell or not based on what is going on in their heart.

Yes, as I said above. If you have Jesus in your heart, then Heaven is where you will go, all sin aside, no question about it.

Do you agree?  If I'm off-base, this is my chance to get set strait, so thanks for writing back.

Done and done.

And Tibby, it's great to "meet" you!  Cheesy

Ditto Grin
7  Fellowship / You name it!! / Re:National ID Card-Law Passed on: June 04, 2005, 03:48:20 PM
Take it? I teach it! Here, I'll sign you up, and see about getting you a scholership so you can save some money on pro-American propaganda for a change! Tongue Grin
8  Entertainment / Politics and Political Issues / Re:Atheist Throws Legal Challenge at Wording of Mt. Soledad Cross Ballot Initiat on: June 04, 2005, 03:41:28 PM
"as in the case with Mount Soledad, wherever veterans are honored with the symbols of the fallen, an intolerant few will launch frivolous lawsuits that waste our tax dollars ...."

"in 2004, the President of the United States signed legislation designating the Mount Soledad site as a 'National War Memorial,' necessitating the land transfer." e

"Vote Yes to transfer the land to the federal government and to permanently preserve Mount Soledad -- as it is where it is."

Wow, you're kidding! I need to write a fan letter to the writters of those ballots! Grin I especially love the first one listed! That is great, truth in politics!
9  Prayer / General Discussion / Re:Men!!!!Why is so hard to get them to the church. on: June 04, 2005, 03:33:44 PM
some people tell me it is almost like a game........ you have to play with them almost some kind of trickery.

Are these people women? Grin Most men really don't like games women play. We've seen all the internet forwards that go something like this:

When a man says I'm fine, he means "I'm fine"
When a woman says I'm fine, she means "I'm upset, and if you don't know what is bothering me, shame on you, because you should be able to read my mind"

They are meant as a joke, but it is true. Woman play games. I think if you tried to play a game to get him, it might draw him away from church (or whatever you are playign the game about). It personally drives me nuts when a females tells me "I'm fine" and it is clear she isn't. I learn to deal with it, because that is how women are, but I would personally suggest against playing a game with him. Be upfront.

Of course, I'm only 21 and single, what do I know? Grin I'm sure some married men here could give you better advice, but me personally, I would rather a girl sit me down and tell me what she wants, no games, no drama. I would personally respond better, and I think other guys would, too. Or maybe I just misuderstand what you mean by "game" and "trickery." Smiley

Whatever it is, please do not fall into Manipulation as a means to get him to church! Undecided
10  Fellowship / You name it!! / Re:National ID Card-Law Passed on: June 04, 2005, 03:15:49 PM


What I'm saying is that this is just 1 step closer to America becoming a police state. 1 step leads to another, then another.  PERIOD!!!

Grace and peace,

I've done plenty of research. It is you who needs to put down the propaganda and do a little research. It doesn't take a lot of research to know that America is FAR from a police state. Just study a little history. America is not even close to being police state. This is a step that COULD, one day, maybe turn America into a police state, but that is far from coming.
11  Entertainment / Music / Re:which song of Switchfoot... on: June 04, 2005, 02:43:13 PM
What kind of music does he like?
12  Theology / Apologetics / Re:ARE WOMEN ALLOWED TO SPEAK IN CHURCH? on: June 04, 2005, 02:30:29 PM
It isn't hard to believe it has to be explaiend at all, Bronzy. When you are wrong to start with, and you don't explain an incorrect statement, there are bound to be a lot of people who don't have a clue what you are talking about. When you said "sarcasm was not part of the Holy Bible" we assumed you meant that sarcasm was not part of the Holy Bible. Silly us, uh? Roll Eyes We are not mind readers, Bronzy. Try not to make such a generalized statement next time. The Holy Bible may only mean a few of the NT books to you, but the rest of us consider it to be the WHOLE Bible, OT and NT.

And why do you speak of sarcasm as if it where a bad thing? Should me a single statement in the Bible or extra-biblical teaching of the Church Fathes (I'm tryign to make this easier on you) that would even imply that sarcasm is in something a Godly man would use!
13  Fellowship / You name it!! / Re:National ID Card-Law Passed on: June 04, 2005, 03:08:17 AM
No, Cris, America is far from a police state. Visit a REAL police state some time, see how they treat their people, then maybe you will be a little more thankfull for the freedom the "Police state" Government provides you. Roll Eyes
14  Theology / Apologetics / Re:ARE WOMEN ALLOWED TO SPEAK IN CHURCH? on: June 04, 2005, 03:03:42 AM
Sorry Tom and Bronzy, I have to stand with Larry and Reda o this. Sarcasm is a part of the Holy Bible. Hyperboles, metaphores, irony, satire, all of it is a part of the Bible.
15  Theology / Debate / Re:Christ as a Woman, God as Female on: June 03, 2005, 01:30:15 PM
Amen Bronzy! I don't think god comdemns people to hell because they used the incorrect pronoun to discribe him (if there really is an incorrect pronoun for God in the first place, that is). It is silly.
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