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ChristiansUnite and Announcements => ChristiansUnite and Announcements => Topic started by: nChrist on September 15, 2016, 05:22:22 PM

Title: The Patriot Post Digest 9-8-2016
Post by: nChrist on September 15, 2016, 05:22:22 PM
The Patriot Post Digest 9-8-2016
From The Federalist Patriot
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Mid-Day Digest

Sep. 8, 2016


“Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom, must, like men, undergo the fatigues of supporting it.” —Thomas Paine (1777)

Clinton Asks to Be Judged by Her Record — So Be It1

By Nate Jackson

On Wednesday night, voters got a pre-debate look at the dueling foreign policy and national security visions of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. As for Trump, his lack of experience in government might play to his advantage in this election — ironic given Clinton’s constant harping on her experience. After all, she blustered, “I’m asking to be judged on the totality of my record.” So, speaking of Hillary’s record, let’s focus on some of her whoppers, at least two of which she characterized last night as “mistakes.”


Facing repeated questions about her email scandal2 from both host Matt Lauer and members of the audience, Clinton was visibly irritated. She repeated her lie that nothing she sent or received was marked “classified,” “top secret,” or “secret.” But she also conceded that “it was a mistake to have a personal account. … I make no excuses.” It was only a “mistake” in her mind because she got caught. And she’s done nothing but make excuses.

As if to highlight that point, a retired naval officer asked her, “Had I communicated this information not following prescribed protocols, I would have been prosecuted and imprisoned. Secretary Clinton, how can you expect those such as myself who were and are entrusted with America’s most sensitive information to have any confidence in your leadership as president when you clearly corrupted our national security?”

The double standard is palpable. One Marine sent one email to save lives. Hillary deleted thousands of emails to conceal an event that cost lives. Which one is being reprimanded?3

Iraq and ISIL

“I think that the decision to go to war in Iraq was a mistake,” Clinton argued. “And I have said that my voting to give President [George W.] Bush that authority was, from my perspective, my mistake.” Later, she asserted, “I will also be as careful as I can in making the most significant decisions any president and commander and chief can make about sending our men and women into harm’s way.”

Clinton and many other Democrats made an extensive case4 for the war in Iraq before the 2003 invasion, based on the available evidence and intelligence5. Those same Democrats changed positions due primarily to perceived political advantage in the 2004 election. In 2007, Harry Reid even went so far as to declare the war “lost” while our troops were still fighting it and the successful surge was just beginning. Clinton and her cohorts were anything but “careful” when Patriots in uniform were actually in harm’s way. She can make theoretical promises now, but she betrayed our troops when it mattered.

As for fighting the Islamic State going forward, she promised, “We are not putting ground troops into Iraq ever again and we are not putting ground troops into Syria.”

There are already 5,000 troops in Iraq. She and Barack Obama just don’t want you to know that.


Finally, on her disastrous record in Libya — intervening to overthrow Moammar Gadhafi and sending Libya into a chaotic spiral that yielded Benghazi — Clinton had the gall to say, “We did not lose a single American in that action. And I think taking action was the right decision. Not taking it and permitting there to be an ongoing civil war in Libya would’ve been as dangerous and threatening as what we are now seeing in Syria.”

Where to begin. We suppose by observing that Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty were unavailable for comment. No, the four dead in Benghazi weren’t killed “in that action” against Gadhafi, but they were murdered because of that action, which sowed chaos in that nation and allowed a new base of operations for the Islamic State. Gadhafi was not a good guy, but he had begun to cooperate with the U.S. after seeing what happened to Saddam Hussein. Clinton rewarded him with a death sentence. It’s also not the first time Clinton has made the boneheaded assertion about not losing “a single American.” She said the same thing in March6.

Bottom line: Is Hillary Clinton, based on her own record as she insists she be judged, really the person we want as commander in chief for the next four years?

Clinton Announces, ‘It’s Over, Period’!7

By Mark Alexander

In a slow-pitch softball interview with her adoring fan, ABC’s David Muir, Hillary Clinton8 announced this week that there is no need to ask any more questions about her motives for concealing her communication. She declared that because the FBI released some notes from their interview with her, she’s “happy it’s over.”

In my column, “Clinton the ‘Congenital Liar9,’” I covered the most damning evidence from those heavily redacted FBI files about Clinton’s effort to conceal all of her official communications10 while secretary of state. Only in Clinton’s warped universe could the release of this information mean “it’s over, period.”

In excerpts from the ABC interview, most of her responses are classified “L” for “Lie,” so instead of redactions, I have annotated them for clarity.

CLINTON: “What I did has raised questions for people, and I deeply regret that. [She regrets getting caught.] And that’s why I said there’s no excuses. [All she has done for 18 months is make excuses.] I took responsibility a year ago. [No she didn’t.] I take responsibility today. [No she doesn’t.] I made a mistake. I’ve apologized for it. [Not really.] And I’m just happy it’s over, because that’s, you know, the end of what’s been, you know, a very difficult period. [It’s not over.]”

MUIR: “When Americans hear [about your effort to erase servers and destroy smart phones], do you think that feeds into what the FBI director said about you, that you were ‘extremely careless’ with your emails?”

CLINTON: “Well, I hope not, because I take classification very seriously. [Apparently not.] Always have, ever since I was on the Senate Armed Services Committee some years ago. [Apparently not.] And what I want people to understand is really two things. I take responsibility. I have learned that trying to explain what happened made it sound to some people like I was trying to excuse it. [Again, because all she has done for 18 months is make excuses.] There are no excuses. I take responsibility, I made a mistake, I’ve apologized and obviously I wish I could do differently what happened. [Again, now that you got caught.] … I take classification seriously and I think the record shows that I have. [Actually, not.]”

Muir asked a few more easy questions about the FBI file.

CLINTON: “I’m glad that the FBI has released this material. [No she’s not.] Our campaign called for them to release it. [No they did not.] Because we didn’t want selective cherry-picking and leaks coming from Republicans on the Hill. [It’s all a "vast right wing conspiracy.”] We wanted people to be able to see it and at the end of all of their investigation the FBI concluded there was no basis for any further action. [Based on the limited information from the interview — in which Clinton was not under oath.]“

MUIR: "The director also thought you were extremely careless. Do you agree with him?”

CLINTON: “Well, I respectfully disagree…”

Does this interview sound like somebody “taking responsibility” or more like a parole hearing for somebody fishing for a pardon? Maybe she’s practicing…

For the record, here’s Title 18 USC §207111: “Concealment, removal, or mutilation generally — (a) Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, or, with intent to do so takes and carries away any record … filed or deposited with … any public office … shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both. (b) Whoever, having the custody of any such record … willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both; and SHALL FORFEIT HIS OFFICE AND BE DISQUALIFIED FROM HOLDING ANY OFFICE UNDER THE UNITED STATES.”

Title: The Patriot Post Digest 9-8-2016
Post by: nChrist on September 15, 2016, 05:23:38 PM
The Patriot Post Digest 9-8-2016
From The Federalist Patriot
Free Email Subscription (

Of course, within hours of the FBI interview with Clinton, Director James Comey determined12 there was no evidence of concealment or criminal intent. What alternate universe does he inhabit?

Comey Playing Coy13

As more information comes to light regarding the FBI’s handling of the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s illegal use of private servers while secretary of state, one is left wondering if Richard Nixon would have survived the Watergate scandal had James Comey been director of the FBI at that time. This past Friday, the FBI released some of its memos9 on its interview of Clinton. The timing of the release appropriately brought accusations of “game-playing” on the part of the FBI. On Wednesday, however, FBI Director Comey, clearly sensitive to accusations of political pandering, sent out a memo reiterating that “there really wasn’t a prosecutable case” and blasting critics as “chest beating by people no longer in government.” That reference was likely to several former FBI agents who have voiced their disagreement with the decision and how the investigation was handled.

Comey’s statements suggest an elitist superiority complex that justifies his decision based not on an appeal to a logical application of evidence in reference to the law, but rather upon power of his position as head of the FBI. It’s as if Comey just told Americans that no matter what the information presented appears to reveal, only he has the ability to declare what it means. And those former FBI agents? They’re not current so what they say really doesn’t matter and shouldn’t be heeded.

Comey has yet to answer the critics' most specific questions regarding the handling of the investigation. Questions such as why the FBI did not pursue evidence of Clinton’s potential false statements, and why Clinton was only questioned once, three days before the conclusion of the investigation — which is highly unusual. Or why Hillary’s aide Huma Abedin was allowed to get away with saying she was “unaware” of the existence of a private server until after Clinton’s term as secretary of state, or the deletion of emails after a subpoena had been issued. Director Comey’s insistence that “we don’t play games” has only reinforced in the minds of many Americans just the opposite. To favor the societal elites and politically connected over and against the common American citizen is not only unjust, it’s unconstitutional.

Don’t Miss Alexander’s Column

Read Clinton the ‘Congenital Liar’9. In her Benghazi cover-up testimony, Hillary Clinton declared, “What difference, at this point, does it make?” It makes the difference between serving time in the White House or the Big House.

If you’d like to receive Alexander’s Column by email, update your subscription here14.


    Rich Lowry: The Candidate Who Wasn’t There15
    Jim DeMint: Lame Ducks and Zombies: How Congress Avoids Accountability16
    Larry Elder: Trump at a Black Church in Detroit: What He Should Have Said17

For more, visit Right Opinion18.


    Obama Wants to Cut Army by Another 25,00019
    Ferguson Protest Leader Found Dead in Burning Car20
    New ISIL Commander Was Trained by the State Dept.21
    Syria Crosses ‘Red Line’ Again22

For more, visit Patriot Headline Report23.


    ITT Tech Gets the Obama Treatment, Goes Out of Business24 — 130 campuses closed in 40 states. 40,000 students and 8,000 employees out.
    Globalist-Driven Economic Armageddon25 — “Politicians have lately been rewriting a rule in place since 3,000 B.C.”
    Classification: Double Standard3 — A Marine is punished for attempting to warn of a terrorist attack using classified intel.
    Can’t Bake That Cake26 — Not if it says “Trump 2016.”
    Obama Seeks Legacy Over Legality27 — Securing his anti-nuclear weapons legacy willfully circumvents the Senate.
    Stand, or You’ll Be Sitting28 — Team USA hockey coach has a good response for any national anthem protesters.
    CA Opens Can of Worms With Pro-Life Censorship29 — Even the liberal Los Angeles Times editorial board is incredulous.
    UK to Build a Wall — Sound Familiar?30 — British government sees benefit of building wall to keep out illegal immigrants.


Rich Lowry: “Already wealthy by any reasonable standard and unbelievably famous, the Clintons only had to conduct themselves with some modicum of respectability the past several years to avoid creating further obstacles on Hillary Clinton’s path to the White House. … Hillary wants to define political change as embodied by Donald Trump as unacceptable, but she has gone almost as far in rendering the status quo — as represented by her high-handed politics of cronyism and corner-cutting — intolerable. … In only one sense does Hillary Clinton perhaps match the political moment. She may be boring, unlikable and untrustworthy, but she is stolid. Her argument against Trump is based on character and temperament more than anything else, and she is making a bet that if she can define Trump as dangerous, then plodding and predictable will look alluring by comparison. It is a bold gambit to win a personality contest by having none. As a candidate, Hillary is the emptiness at the center of her otherwise formidable campaign.”


Food for thought: “If you’re rooting for [WikiLeaks founder] Julian Assange now that he says he’s got ‘significant information’ that ‘pertains to Hillary Clinton’s campaign,’ you’re admitting that you’re okay with hacking and stealing information, as long as the hacks and theft target people that you don’t like.” —Jim Geraghty

The BIG lie: “I was outraged by the stories that came out about the VA. And I have been very clear about the necessity for doing whatever is required to move the VA into the 21st century, to provide the kind of treatment options that our veterans today desperately need and deserve.” —Hillary Clinton last night (“It’s not been as widespread as it has been made out to be.” —Hillary, Oct. 2015)

Alpha Jackass: “That message — I’ll give you America great again — if you’re a white southerner, you know exactly what it means, don’t you?” —Bill Clinton

Blind arrogance: “While Rs insisted on vacation, Zika spread in the U.S. mainland. Because of Republican inaction, our entire nation is exposed to this scourge.” —Harry Reid, whose party rejected for the third time31 a proposal to allocate funding for Zika research

And last… “The truth is that the American people chose the two worst candidates for the position during the major-party primaries, and we have been left with the most stark ‘lesser of two evils’ choice in my lifetime.” —Ed Morrissey

Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis!
Managing Editor Nate Jackson

Join us in daily prayer for our Patriots in uniform — Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen — standing in harm’s way in defense of Liberty, and for their families.