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Prayer => General Discussion => Topic started by: LiL-Christian on May 05, 2005, 02:29:03 AM

Post by: LiL-Christian on May 05, 2005, 02:29:03 AM
I was reading the 3rd book from the Left Behind series, this one is titled "Nicolae" and I want to share w/ you a small 2 paragraphs that has personally hit me and i believe in the comming days will change my Christian life. This is why I titled this post "What Christians need to be to the world."

"I have always admired and liked you," she (Cloe) said. "I think we could have been friends in another situation. But Hattie, I feel led to tell you that I know why you came here today. I know why you followed my dad's advice, thought you may have done it against your will. Something tells me your visit home was not successful. Maybe your family was too practicle. Maybe they didn't give you the compassion you needed along with their advice. Maybe hearing that they wanted you to end this pregnancy was not what you really wanted.

"Let me just tell you, Hattie, if it's love you're looking for, you came to the right place. Yes, there are things we believe. Things we think you should know. Things we think you should agree with. Decisions we think  you should make. We have ideas wbout what you should do about your baby, and we have ideas about what you should do about your soul. But these are personal decisions only you can make. And while they are life-and-death, heaven-and-hell decisions, all we can offer is support, encouragement, advice if you ask for it, and love."

That made me think of how a lot of us, being Christian represent ourselves and the body of Christ to the world. I mean those guys see us as narrow-minded, right wing fanaticals just because we choose live more of pure type of lives (compared to the world that is.) We cherish life, therefore we are against abortion. We cherish our own God-given sanity and purity when it comes to marriage therefore we choose not to walk in the ways and life style of homosexuality and pre-marriage sex.

Now I dont mean to judge anybody, but I will say that there's A LOT of belivers out there who feel comfy sitting in that little buble of "if you dont believe in Jesus and change your lifestyle you'll go to hell." So then you might ask yourself, what do I do now that my best friend is thinking 2nd thoughts of having this baby? what do I do now that Johny has his suicide attempt all planned out? what do i do now that i found out that Adam and Jack are going out? that two of the gals from my church whom I considered to be Christian, came out of the closet?

Well I just hope that you guys see the answer in those two paragraphs. Yes we are children of God, yes, we need to serve Him, yes, we need to do what is right. But the question is, what is right? and how do you live out that thing called *right*? well what is right is Jesus Christ and like in so many books that I've read say that being Christians we need to represent Jesus. We claim that we have Him in our hearts and all, but just like i shared earlyer the world apperently doesnt know that when  they touch us, talk to us, eat and hang out w/ us they are litterly looking at, listening to, and touching Jesus. But if we come out to be just like how the world see's us as those Christians who dont really respect God's gift of "choice" who are always like, "if you dont believe in Jesus then you will burn in hell." type of Christians, just think about if thats what Jesus would really say and do.