ChristiansUnite Forums

Entertainment => Poetry/Prose => Topic started by: verseode on November 17, 2008, 11:35:17 PM

Post by: verseode on November 17, 2008, 11:35:17 PM


            As Jesus hung upon the Cross
            Can you imagine how He felt
            A man defiled by human hand
            The worst of outcomes He was dealt
            What was the point of all the pain
            A separation from His Dad
            The crowd was baying for His blood
            Inside, He must have felt so sad.

            Each side of Him was hung a thief
            Two men were dying for their crime
            One was going off to hell
            Didn't want to waste His time
            Believing that his future lay
            Between the devil and The Lord
            A cry to He who was so near
            Would save him from the untoward.

            The other man could see a hope
            Through Jesus he could change his life
            Believing that The Man was truth
            He saw through his impending strife
            Choosing Jesus for his soul
            The Lord was pleased that something good
            Had come out of His sacrifice
            Upon that ghastly Cross of wood.