ChristiansUnite Forums

Prayer => General Discussion => Topic started by: InChrist on August 25, 2004, 10:58:54 AM

Title: How to pray with spouse?
Post by: InChrist on August 25, 2004, 10:58:54 AM
My wife and I were Christians long before we were married. We both have a very intimate relationship and a strong prayer life with God. Individually that is.

When it comes to praying together we struggle. I think that we are so used to praying alone for so many years that we just don't know how to pray together, and find it very awkward. I think that our individual prayers are so intimate with God that we find it very difficult to have the same level of prayer together.

Our marriage has been good. But this is a very important part of our marriage that is lacking and has caused some difficulty.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Title: Re:How to pray with spouse?
Post by: Bobot on August 26, 2004, 11:05:06 PM
I have the same problem with you. When I want to pray with my spouse, I will ask my kids to join us. It helps with me.

Title: Re:How to pray with spouse?
Post by: InChrist on August 26, 2004, 11:29:02 PM
Thank you Bobot for your suggestion. I think family prayer is very important as well, but I am searching for that "oneness" before God with my wife. I think this must come first, before the rest of the family.

But that kind of suggestion is exactly what I am asking for. How do you pray with your spouse? What things do you find helpful.

After several years of struggling with this, I am willing to listen to any suggestions.

Title: Re:How to pray with spouse?
Post by: Bobot on August 27, 2004, 05:37:44 AM
As far as I remember, there are only two situations where I can pray comfortably with my wife alone; when we were in front of the table during meals (when kids are away) and when we were inside the car before driving.  But at the early stage of our marriage, I was not really comfortable praying with her even during meals and inside the car, but since I am the husband (the head of the family) then I have to lead the prayer. Now I am used to it.

Maybe it’s just a matter of initiating a prayer time with our spouse and do it regularly ‘til we get used to it (better late than never). I didn’t mind much not praying alone with my wife ‘til I read your posting. I think this is something that we have to ask wisdom and guidance from the Lord and share to others who are struggling the same problem.

Title: Re:How to pray with spouse?
Post by: InChrist on August 27, 2004, 09:26:41 PM
but since I am the husband (the head of the family) then I have to lead the prayer. Now I am used to it.

Maybe it’s just a matter of initiating a prayer time with our spouse and do it regularly ‘til we get used to it (better late than never).  

Me leading is part of the problem.  I have had a hard time with leading. And it is not my wife, she desperately wants me to lead. While I would rather we pray together, with neither one of us leading. But I know that is not the Lords way. I must lead whether I like it or not.  ;D

You are probably right, I will just have to do it until it begins to feel natural. The Lord is with us, He will see to it that things work out right.

Thank you for your feedback Bobot.  God bless.

Title: Re:How to pray with spouse?
Post by: starrleicht on August 28, 2004, 05:34:40 PM
Hold hands and say the Lord's Prayer - or any other favorite prayer you may have, but you can never go wrong with the Lord's Prayer... :)

Title: Re:How to pray with spouse?
Post by: InChrist on August 28, 2004, 10:06:11 PM
Good suggestion. Thank you.