ChristiansUnite Forums

Theology => General Theology => Topic started by: Sammy on April 29, 2003, 02:47:02 AM

Title: Why Christianity?
Post by: Sammy on April 29, 2003, 02:47:02 AM
I am curious as to Why you chose Christianity over all other religions.  Thanks.

Title: Re:Why Christianity?
Post by: asaph on April 29, 2003, 03:08:49 AM
God was gracious and  loving. He opened my heart to reveal His Son. I responded and received Jesus. I never had a desire for religion. So I didn't really choose Christ over religions. Of course now I see the major difference. Christ actually is in opposition to religion, including Christianity. May I know Him better!


Title: Re:Why Christianity?
Post by: Sammy on April 29, 2003, 03:13:07 AM
That's pretty refreshing asaph.  So your against organised religion.  

Title: Re:Why Christianity?
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on April 29, 2003, 02:54:30 PM
I am curious as to Why you chose Christianity over all other religions.  Thanks.

Christianity is NOT a RELIGION  ;D

Title: Re:Why Christianity?
Post by: Sammy on April 29, 2003, 03:38:38 PM
1: belief in, worship of, or obediance to a supernatural power or powers, considered to be divine or to have control of human destiny.

2. any formal or institutionalised expression of such a belief: the Christian Religion.

Christianity: The Christian Religion.

Title: Re:Why Christianity?
Post by: asaph on April 29, 2003, 03:48:09 PM
That's pretty refreshing asaph.  So your against organised religion.  
I am for organic relationship. Structure should not be separated from the living organic relationship we have with Jesus Christ. We are not described as mere stones but living stones. This is not religion but vital relationship with Christ and others. Some religions are so organized that the life has been lost. Heirarchy has replaced Christ as the head. The glory has departed and Ichabod is written above the door. So, ya, for the most part I am against organized religion.


Title: Re:Why Christianity?
Post by: Sammy on April 29, 2003, 03:53:23 PM
Agreed. :o

Title: Re:Why Christianity?
Post by: Sammy on April 29, 2003, 03:55:34 PM
What is that yellow icon supposed to be anyway.
This one here.  :o

Title: Re:Why Christianity?
Post by: asaph on April 29, 2003, 04:36:29 PM
What is that yellow icon supposed to be anyway.
This one here.  :o

It means I'm shocked! :o  are you?


Title: Re:Why Christianity?
Post by: Sapphire W34P0N on April 29, 2003, 04:55:00 PM
I'm a Christian because that's the way I was raised.

Title: Re:Why Christianity?
Post by: John1one on April 29, 2003, 09:27:20 PM
Why did I choose Christianity?
I suppose it is because no other faith recognizes the need of mankind. No other God is willing to take our place, so we might enjoy the good life of eternity with Him.

Nothing comes close, Sammy. God sees His children in need and He comes for us. He satisfies our need with His love and mercy, and gives us great promises in Christ, His Son, so we don't have to live on in fear. No other faith comes close to Christianity, there is nothing out there to compare with our promises that we have from Him.

What about you, Sammy?

God bless,


Title: Re:Why Christianity?
Post by: Allinall on April 30, 2003, 12:56:12 AM
I didn't chose.  I was chosen.  I am a believer by grace and a Baptist by choice.  Above all, I'm not a religious practitioner.  I am a child of God enjoying a relationship with my God under the auspices of His ekklesia, "called out assembly," or church as the word is often translated.  "Religion" or an institution is not a man-made ruin of God's plan.  He[/b] established it.  We reside in it.  And the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  :)

Title: Many religions, but only one Gospel...
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on April 30, 2003, 04:08:52 PM
There is many religions, but only one Gospel. There's a big difference between the religion and the Gospel.

The religion is the work of man, but The Gospel is The gift of God.

The religion is what man can do for God, but The Gospel is what God already did for man.

The religion is man seeking God, The Gospel is God seeking man.

The religion is for the man to climb the ladder of his own righteousness hoping to meet God at the very last rung. But The Gospel is for God to get down from the ladder by the incarnation of Jesus-Christ to meet us, sinners, at very last rung of that ladder.

The religion is good will, but The Gospel is good news.

The religion transform the man on the outside, but the Gospel transform the man from the inside-out.

The religion wash on the surface, but The Gospel washes white as snow.

The religion teaches the law (by good works), but The Gospel teaches faith (by grace).

The religion talks about many false mute gods, but The Gospel talks about one True living God.

The religion talks about many impersonal gods, but The Gospel talks about One personal God.

The religion talks about many ways, but The Gospel talks about only One way, Jesus-Christ.

The religion focus on self (me, myself and I), but The Gospel focus on Him, Jesus-Christ.

In other words, the religion let the man as he is, but the Gospel take the man as he is and make him as he should be.

Is your faith in religions or in The Gospel (of Jesus-Christ)?

Title: Re:Why Christianity?
Post by: joyunending on April 30, 2003, 09:12:01 PM
Ambassadore   AMEN!!!!!
   there are sooooo many reasons I love Christianity.... One of the greatest is that we have a Living God!!! All others are either dead or inanimate rocks etc.....
        Because of Christ's love, compassion, His fairness, His righteousness, His giving His life for me!  I love what He does to a life that asks Him to be God of their life.... I have seen some pretty scroungy characters become wonderful born again Christians, dedicating their lives for Him and His kingdom.
         I look forward to spending eternity with Him, in the wonderful home He went ahead to get ready for me, and Praise God, He's coming back to get me!!!!

Title: Re:Why Christianity?
Post by: Forrest on April 30, 2003, 09:44:38 PM
I am curious as to Why you chose Christianity over all other religions.  Thanks.
    You agian are wrong. Its not we that as you put it chose Christianity, it is GOD that sent his Son to die in our place, and it is the hardness of our harts that prevents us from accepting this gift. Is your hart to hard to be reached by GOD?
John 3
16For God so greatly loved and dearly prized the world that He [even] gave up His only begotten ( unique) Son, so that whoever believes in (trusts in, clings to, relies on) Him shall not perish (come to destruction, be lost) but have eternal (everlasting) life.

Title: Re:Why Christianity?
Post by: Krazeekkc on June 22, 2003, 06:49:35 PM
because He is the one true God and He loves me!  :)