ChristiansUnite Forums

Theology => Debate => Topic started by: Pizza_Mahal on November 07, 2006, 06:04:25 AM

Title: Is it me or....
Post by: Pizza_Mahal on November 07, 2006, 06:04:25 AM
American is becoming similar to Sodom? :(
sorry, but it bug me. :(

Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: Soldier4Christ on November 07, 2006, 06:11:28 AM
America is not similar to Sodom yet. There are many wonderful Christians that live here not just a few. There are those here in this nation though that are going the way of Sodom. This is the reason that you will see so many on here that are continually giving and asking for prayer for this nation and the people of it.

Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: Pizza_Mahal on November 07, 2006, 06:29:30 AM
Whoa I didn't notice. I thought there very few follower left. Thank for info.

Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: Len on November 07, 2006, 08:50:11 AM
I believe the only reason the U.S. has not been taken out by God is the fact that the church still has a hold here. But dailey we see more and more bodies compromising God's Word. Female "pastors", practicing homosexual church officers, Bible-less sermons, denial of the inerrancy of the Word, denial of the deity of Jesus...the list is long and growing...are becoming rampant among churches. We are definitely headed in the direction of Sodom.

Heavenly Father, please forgive us and draw us back to the truth. We are desparate, hopeless without You, Lord. Keep us close. We need You. Help us to claim, as a nation, 2 Chronicles 7:14. Without You, we are lost and destitute. In Jesus precious name, Amen.

Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: ibTina on November 07, 2006, 11:18:38 AM
I believe the only reason the U.S. has not been taken out by God is the fact that the church still has a hold here. But daily we see more and more bodies compromising God's Word. Female "pastors", practicing homosexual church officers, Bible-less sermons, denial of the inerrancy of the Word, denial of the deity of Jesus...the list is long and growing...are becoming rampant among churches. We are definitely headed in the direction of Sodom.

Heavenly Father, please forgive us and draw us back to the truth. We are desperate, hopeless without You, Lord. Keep us close. We need You. Help us to claim, as a nation, 2 Chronicles 7:14. Without You, we are lost and destitute. In Jesus precious name, Amen.

Amen to everything you said here. I do see the USA heading in that direction, but also agree with Pastor Roger that "true" Christians are on their knees constantly praying for our Nation!

Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: Brother Jerry on November 10, 2006, 12:10:26 PM
I am just thankful that when God comes to deal with this nation....I will not be here  ;D

Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: Pizza_Mahal on November 11, 2006, 10:06:32 AM
I am just thankful that when God comes to deal with this nation....I will not be here  ;D
Yeah, Most of us will behead before we see it, sigh.

Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: john909 on December 05, 2006, 02:25:41 PM
Yeah, Most of us will behead before we see it, sigh.

I seriously doubt we'll be beheaded...LOL

What IS scary, however, is the political correctness the US is sliding into to please people.

Judge Robert Bork put it perfectly in his book, entitled "Slouching towards Gomorrah". I highly recommend the book.

(modified to remove link)

We are allowing people of differing, false religions to dictate US policy. We are pandering to the muslims, and even worse, electing them to public office. Non-Christians, and even some so-called Christians are removing all mentions of the One True God from our schools, removing crucifixes and crosses from our churches, teaching theoligical, feel-good pop-psycholgy vomit to parishoners, and generally telling people that all they need is to feel good about themselves.

I for one don't hold to the eschatological fears some do, because it's largely bunk -- misinterpreted by armchair theologians who didn't even attend seminary. All you have to do is watch TV to see these people leading people down the primrose path to self-indulgence, telling people that God loves them so much He wants them to be rich and well off, that all you have to do to be successful is worship God. This is one of our problems internally within the cmp of Christianity. Pastors are preaching XXXXXX, there is no XXXXXXXXXX -- it's been replaced by modern music written by people who have not a clue what proper theology is.

Why do some so-called Christian leaders feel the need to try and make Christianity more attractive to the laity? If they are, in fact, proclaiming the truth "which was once delivered to the saints" --Jude 1:3 by the perfectly righteous sovereign God, how would it be possible to make the truth more attractive? Obviously, one cannot improve on divine perfection. The lack of dedication to true biblical righteousness is a major factor in the ongoing disintegration of American society.

Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: Brother Jerry on December 05, 2006, 02:52:23 PM
Amen and so true.  There is a thread around here about the feel good churches and the falsity of their doctrine as well.

Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: Kelly4Jesus on December 15, 2006, 12:28:06 AM
But dailey we see more and more bodies compromising God's Word. Female "pastors",

Please tell me I didn't read that right! Female pastors are in the same sentence as homosexual church leaders. I am sorry but, I thought I left that theory that women were not to serve in the church as leaders, when I left Catholic faith!

If it is a sin for me to pursue being a pastor, please discuss this with God. I have been called, and I know it is God telling me, for I listen to no other Word. I don't believe in gay marriage (If God wanted us to be with each other, there never would have been an Eve, but a Jim). I uphold the Word and I follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. He is my Savior, my Redeemer, my Salvation, my healer, King, Friend. I will go wherever God leads me, whether it be full time ministry or pastoring a congregation.

Sorry, but I do not believe women are discriminated against in the eyes of God. I do hope I read this wrong--if so, just ignore the rant ;)

God Bless,

Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: Kathy on December 15, 2006, 08:14:18 AM
Amen Kelly,
Why do people have a problem with women at the pulpit over a church? Women speak in tongues, give interpretation, pray over people for healing...etc, but when it comes to a women being in charge of a church people freak.

Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: Brother Jerry on December 18, 2006, 11:43:41 AM
I guess that since this is in debate....

And Kelly and Kathy and any others.  The first thing we must come to terms with is that the Bible is the inerrant word of God.  There are no flaws in it.  We also have to have realize that the Bible is not an "outdated" piece of literature, and that it's teachings of truths, doctrines, and such are timeless.  Another thing we have to understand when we look at the Bible is that every word is that of God and is thus there for a reason.

Of course the obvious verses to point to are in 1 Timothy chapter 3.  These verse state a couple of things which ensure the accuracy of the interpretation.  They speak in the pro-noun of he first off.  Which if one tried to say it was some old translations or something of that nature.  Or it was stated that way because back in the old Biblical times it was nothing but men.  So people today are often wanting to change that from a "he" of gender specific to more positional term and gender neutral.  However when we read these verses there is something else there to ensure that we keep it gender specific.  "A husband of one wife", lets us know that we are speaking specifically of men. 

Now that is the obvious verses that speak directly to those in the pastorate.  And it does not matter what denomination you are if...if you follow the Bible then that is what it says.

But let us take a look at some other concepts that are brought up throughout the Bible as well.  Take a look over in Ephesians chapter 5.  We see the clear path of Spiritual leadership in the home.  It starts with the husband being the head of the home.  Now tihs is not that the husband is command his wife to do things or anything like that.  But if the husband is walking with God and there is a matter of the Spirit within the home.  Then the husbands guidance should be followed. 

God's intentions are clear in these matters.  These directions are to cut down on discourd in the body of Christ.  Just as Christ is the head of the church, the husband is the head of the family.  The head of the church followed God and Christ was spot on.  If the husband is following Christ then the family will also follow spot on.  But if there is conflict within the home then there is conflict within the church.  This is the reason why God would establish a chain of command, if you will.  Order.  God is not the creator of chaos but loves order.  And there must be order in all that is for Him.  And it is His church and He has laid down the guidelines for His church. 

Even look back at that "husband of one wife" you will note that this eliminates even men who are divorced and remarried.  And you cannot simply dismiss this as meaning it is talking about only having one wife at a time.  Jesus spoke to the woman who had been divorced a few times as well and you should remember what he had to say about that.  And I have known some divorced and remarried men that said before they felt called to ministry but turned away and fell into sin, divorced, remarried and now would like to get into the ministry.  However they know that God is not calling them to lead a congregation.  But to get into the ministry in some form or fashion. 

I can only say to any woman that is feeling led to preach to ask themselves some questions.  Since the Bible teaches that the man is to be the spiritual leader of the home.  How can a man attempt to lead a wife who is a pastor?  He cannot.  THis creates confusion within the home.  And that confusion will spread to the congregation.  Even if both were pastors it leaves a breeding ground for Satan to enter and spread his confusion.  And we all need to ask ourselves if we want to be involved in any way, shape, or form in fostering Satan's plan and possibly causing a soul to be lost?

Now please let me end by stating this is not a message that I think a woman could not preach.  I know many that could and could do it better than many male preachers out there.  But I believe that women should not preach.  There are other ministries in which their talents may be used, teaching, conferences, etc, etc. 

And to all if I offend then I am sorry, the intention was not to offend but to state my beliefs and how I believe that those beliefs are backed by the Word of God.

Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: Kelly4Jesus on December 18, 2006, 12:35:39 PM
(Titus1:5) (Titus 2: 1, 3-5) (Titus 2: 4-5)

Let us not forget...Miriam, Ruth, Rebekah, Abigail, Esther, Rachel, Deborah, Lydia, Herodius--just to name a few. Had they not stepped up to the plate and taken control--stayed silent--Can't imagine how our world would have turned out.

Oh, yeah..and Mary, Mother of Jesus. Imagine if she had stayed silent at God's calling!

Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: Soldier4Christ on December 18, 2006, 12:49:12 PM
There is a difference between a woman being in the ministry and a woman being the lead over a church. We see in Romans 16 where Paul mentions a number of women that are in the service of the Lord. One in particular Paul refers to as a diakonos in the original Greek. This is the same word that is used in Rom 15:8 telling us that "Jesus Christ was a minister of the circumcision for the truth of God".

In a number of places Paul refers to certain women as being equals in the service of the Lord. (Rom 16:3)
In Rom 16 : 7 Paul refers to a woman as being "kinsmen", "fellow prisoner" and "apostle".

We know from these verses and others that women are to be esteemed as equals to men. Yet we also see that God has established a certain order in His church. Although we do not see anywhere of a woman being designated as a Bishop of a church, {A Bishop ( episkopos, male gender always )  is a superintendent, that is, Christian officer in general charge of a (or the) church (literally or figuratively): - bishop, overseer.} we do see women being in a position of having a ministry (teaching).

In fact we see in the following verse where a woman is not to "usurp authority over the man", that is to not be in a dominate position over a man.

1Ti 2:12  But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. 1Ti 2:13  For Adam was first formed, then Eve.

Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: Kelly4Jesus on December 18, 2006, 01:39:11 PM
It is truly, my believe that God tells us each what path He wants us to go. As for authority, if it hadn't been for me--these kids would be homeless. I not only had to take care of 5 children, but I worked 7 days a week, 364 days a year from home as well. I paid mortgage, taxes and food. God moved me here to Kansas--not with my husband but on my own for a reason. Granted, He restored my marriage--but if I had not been given "authority", we would not be here (and doing well) today.

God leads EACH of us as HE calls us--and I don't think any human can judge another human being. That is God's job. So, if God leads me to ministry OR to pastor, I will not disobey--for I have NEVER disobeyed God..and Jesus is the one I follow.

God Bless,

Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: Soldier4Christ on December 18, 2006, 02:15:28 PM
I will not disobey--for I have NEVER disobeyed God..and Jesus is the one I follow.

To this I say AMEN, sister! One of the ways that He leads us is through His word, the Bible. We must not go against Him.

Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: Brother Jerry on December 18, 2006, 05:00:42 PM
Amen and amen.

And with a glimpse of what you had mentioned in your life the Bible teaches us as well.  If a woman is in a marriage of which she is the saved one.  Then she is to be in charge spiritually.  And it sounds like you did. 

In my life I fell far and dragged my family down with me.  Even my wife was suffering but she was able to step up and take lead in our family as far as spiritual matters were concerned.  But once God was back in my life and leading me and I was walking in accordance to His wishes.  My wife stepped back and let me lead the family. 

And I agree that God will tell each of us what path we should follow.  And the only way we can truly discern that which we are led to do is to read our Bible.  If we feel we are being led to do something that is against Biblical teaching then we can know that it is not of God or that we did not interpret the leading properly.

Again I can only say that I am not saying that a woman cannot preach.  Only that one should not from the pulpit.  And no matter how much "stuff" we have gone through in our lives it is not "stuff" that gives us the right of anything.  It is only by His grace and mercy.

Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: Kathy on December 19, 2006, 10:13:27 AM
There is a difference between a woman being in the ministry and a woman being the lead over a church. We see in Romans 16 where Paul mentions a number of women that are in the service of the Lord. One in particular Paul refers to as a diakonos in the original Greek. This is the same word that is used in Rom 15:8 telling us that "Jesus Christ was a minister of the circumcision for the truth of God".

In a number of places Paul refers to certain women as being equals in the service of the Lord. (Rom 16:3)
In Rom 16 : 7 Paul refers to a woman as being "kinsmen", "fellow prisoner" and "apostle".

We know from these verses and others that women are to be esteemed as equals to men. Yet we also see that God has established a certain order in His church. Although we do not see anywhere of a woman being designated as a Bishop of a church, {A Bishop ( episkopos, male gender always )  is a superintendent, that is, Christian officer in general charge of a (or the) church (literally or figuratively): - bishop, overseer.} we do see women being in a position of having a ministry (teaching).

In fact we see in the following verse where a woman is not to "usurp authority over the man", that is to not be in a dominate position over a man.

1Ti 2:12  But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. 1Ti 2:13  For Adam was first formed, then Eve.

Where in Rom. 16:7 does Paul call woman kinsmen", "fellow prisoner" and "apostle. Since you used 1 Ti 2:12 I ask you to look at the word man. It doesn't not say men it says man which means individual. So if it say man and that is what it means we can assume God is talking about the over her which would her male figure in her life. So I am not sure what your stand is on this. It almost sounds like you are against women over churches by your very statement, but by the verses you gave it, to me, only supports women.
Learning in Christ's Love,

Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: Kelly4Jesus on December 19, 2006, 10:55:57 AM
You know what amazes me the most is that, when Jesus walked the earth--not ONCE did He treat women as second hand citizens. Notice how, in the bible they talk openly about men that followed Jesus, yet--when they admit to the women, it is "and 4 women". They have no names, yet Jesus didn't turn around and say to them, "go home, be barefoot and pregnant and don't follow me". Mary Magdalene followed Jesus, openly. The woman that touched Jesus' cloak because she bled.

John refers to himself as THE ONE THAT JESUS loved--which always amazed me for Jesus didn't pick and choose. Jesus even loved Judas, knowing he would betray Him. Paul had so many women, including Lydia that, had they followed the rule of being silent, he would have never made it in his ministry as far as he did.

Jesus never once told women to be silent. I follow what Jesus says.

I look at it as a sign of the times--back then, women were treated by all men as subordinate. Yet, Jesus never once showed anything in this manner at all.

Me, I listen to God. God would not tell me my path if it was against His Will. I trust FULLY in Him. What His path is for me, I am not sure. But, if it is at the pulpit, witnessing to others and leading them to Jesus--it is my honor to do--for it isn't for me or for anyone on earth. It is fully for HIS Glory!!!

God Bless,

Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: nChrist on December 19, 2006, 11:18:17 AM
Hello Sister Kelly,

I think we have several lengthy debate threads on this topic already on the forum. I'm not going to get involved in this debate. I'll simply state that the entire Bible from cover to cover is the Word of GOD. There is an excellent reason for every single sentence, and every single sentence is worthy of study.

Love In Christ,


Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: Kathy on December 19, 2006, 11:25:01 AM
You listen to your heart as to what you know that God wants you to do. Don't let man or men tell you "you can't do that". If God doesn't want you to do something He will tell you and give comformation. God qualifies the called not matter if be man or woman. What would have happened if WOMEN like Marilyn Hickey, Paula White, Joyce Meyers...etc. hadn't listened to the call that God had put on their lifes because man said they couldn't? Pray that God will give you comformation.

Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: Soldier4Christ on December 19, 2006, 11:37:32 AM
Where in Rom. 16:7 does Paul call woman kinsmen", "fellow prisoner" and "apostle.

Rom 16:7  Salute Andronicus and Junia, my kinsmen, and my fellowprisoners, who are of note among the apostles, who also were in Christ before me.

Since you used 1 Ti 2:12 I ask you to look at the word man. It doesn't not say men it says man which means individual. So if it say man and that is what it means we can assume God is talking about the over her which would her male figure in her life.

All the verses that I gave supports women having a ministry, not being in the lead of a church. If we look at all the verses given (including those Brother Jerry referenced) it clearly shows that it is a male position.

So I am not sure what your stand is on this. It almost sounds like you are against women over churches by your very statement, but by the verses you gave it, to me, only supports women.

It does not matter what my stand or your stand is. What matters is what we are told in the Bible. There is absolutely no way to turn around or twist what is being told to us in 1Ti 3.

You know what amazes me the most is that, when Jesus walked the earth--not ONCE did He treat women as second hand citizens. Notice how, in the bible they talk openly about men that followed Jesus, yet--when they admit to the women, it is "and 4 women". They have no names, yet Jesus didn't turn around and say to them, "go home, be barefoot and pregnant and don't follow me". Mary Magdalene followed Jesus, openly. The woman that touched Jesus' cloak because she bled.

Here goes the prejudice card. Sister no one here has said that women are second class citizens nor has anyone indicated it. Nor has anyone said they are to stay home, be barefoot and pregnant. The opposite was said. It is very apparent that women do have a place in the church and various ministries just not a lead position.

You mentioned the women around Jesus. Not once did He make a woman an Apostle. The Bible was written by men but it was inspired of God. If God did not want it to be said that way in the Bible then it would not have been.

John refers to himself as THE ONE THAT JESUS loved--which always amazed me for Jesus didn't pick and choose. Jesus even loved Judas, knowing he would betray Him. Paul had so many women, including Lydia that, had they followed the rule of being silent, he would have never made it in his ministry as far as he did.

Jesus never once told women to be silent. I follow what Jesus says.

The verse telling women to be silent was in regard to women that were taking over the church and attempting to change things, being unruly in many ways. It was also pointing out the order that God wants us to instill in both the family and the church. If we attempt to omit things from the Bible because Jesus didn't say it directly then we would have to omit the majority of the Bible. It is this stance that is made by those that are homosexual, Jesus didn't say it so it is okay to be homosexual. We must be careful not to tread in that direction.

2Ti 3:16  All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

Sister, we have shown you what the Bible has to say on this matter. If you wish to continue on the path that you are on then that is in fact, as you said, between you and God. I will be praying that it will be to the glory of God and according to His will.

Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: Kelly4Jesus on December 19, 2006, 01:06:37 PM
I am not debating the bible--for I do believe it is God Breathed. I do question translations to a degree--however, I also do believe that God speaks directly to each and every one of us. He has done so much leading in my life and many times, I wish I had listened. In other cases, I am glad I did. My move here to Kansas was against what is stated in the bible. Woman is not supposed to leave her husband. Yet, God led me here, alone. Granted, I didn't listen to human beings and get a divorce. God said not to divorce, and I listened. I waited and prayed. Well, coming to Kansas was truly of God. I got a home I could afford, my children have the best education, my autistic children receive services they never would have gotten in Massachusetts, my marriage was restored--and most of all, PRAISE GOD..I was saved here! Although I was always loving God, I rarely ever knew anything about Jesus. So, even though I was chastised for doing what I did, God led me here for a reason. I am glad I listened to God and not to opinions of my fellow "brethren" back home, and to the church I went to at the time.

I am not saying I am going to preach. I don't know what God is leading me to. Personally, I believe it is some sort of public witnessing so that I can lead others to Jesus. From a pulpit, I dont know--could be right in my back yard--or in another country. I do know what God is pulling me towards, and I also know I have a lot of learning to be done. God continues to strengthen me in many trials, some that are, right now very harsh by human standards. But, I don't stand on human standards. I stand by God, and know that, He will use this time for His Glory.

I will say this--how a woman perceives (not all, but some) what is written here, and how a man does is two different things. I do believe times have changed, and people with them. I do believe God is using the change in our times for His Glory, and to bring more sheep to His herd, before the end of times (which I also believe to be closer).

All I can say to anyone is, pray and pray without ceasing. God will always be faithful, and each of us will always be right if we continue to follow HIS lead, and continue to walk in faith, not by sight. Trust in God. He will never forsake you or lead you down the wrong path. We all know who leads us astray--it will never be God.

God bless,

Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: Brother Jerry on December 19, 2006, 02:21:13 PM
Amen Kelly,

I agree that God has in His plan the changes that man brings about.  The Bible is full of them.  But the one thing that remains the same is His word.  He never goes back on it.  And that is a wonderous thing to hold onto.  I know that His promises will come true and that is what keeps me living each day.

And the one thing we must remember is that "all things" are worked for the benefit of God.  And although you were not saved when you moved to Kansas that verse says "all" things and thus even in the lives of the unsaved, God is working.  We are truly joyous that we can count you as a sister. 

Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: nChrist on December 19, 2006, 08:10:53 PM
Amen Brother Jerry,

I give thanks that GOD gives us sweet Christian fellowship with other Brothers and Sisters in Christ. This is a gift of Love that GOD gives us, and it can lead to strength and encouragement to all of us in difficult times. We are never alone, as JESUS has already promised HE will never leave or forsake us.

Love In Christ,


Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: nChrist on December 19, 2006, 08:34:38 PM
Sister Kelly,

I come from a family with several generations of preachers, missionaries, and laborers for the LORD. I am certain that GOD has work for all Christians to do. I was a career police officer, but I was also a laborer for the LORD. Several sets of young people in my family are already missionaries, and several more sets are preparing to go. These are nearly always husband and wife teams with marriages as described in the Holy Bible. The same is true for others going into various kinds of ministry. In terms of GOD, GOD is the SAME yesterday, today, and forever. His instructions to us in the Holy Bible are timeless - they change only when GOD changes them. Things don't work very well when our will collides with HIS Will. HIS Will be done on earth and in heaven, and it will be.

Love In Christ,


Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: Kelly4Jesus on December 19, 2006, 09:22:29 PM
I know that God is the same, yesterday as He is today and tomorrow. God has not and will not change. Unfortunately, man has. Over many generations, I have watched how the Lord became a major part of our family, to almost completely non existant. Praise God, I was not one of them. When I say I was saved, I was reborn--but had a very close, intimate and OPEN relationship with our Father from early childhood--which, in a house of an agnostic and atheist (mom and grandfather), was not a pleasant experience. Yet, even after being beaten for openly speaking to our Father, I still talked to Him. He promised to be with me, and I knew His Word to be the only truth I had in my life.

Man has changed. We have God in our country, yet not in our laws. I do NOT agree with gay marriage- and am grateful I no longer live in the state that now has it legal. I have family members that are gay and they are well aware of my Christian beliefs. I may no longer be a member of THAT family, but I am forever a member of the family of Christ. In that family, I am loved an accepted, praise Jesus.

Although I do believe there are many interpretations since the original languages in our bible, I also will stand by the fact that God can and does speak to each of us personally. I will never follow man's suggestions, although I do ask for advice from my pastor, co-leader of our prayer team (I am lead Intercessor for prayer in our church). I will hand over all that God tells me to give to "authority" in my church. My relationship with Jesus is intimate and I would never give that up for anything==no matter what anyone on earth said to me. He has been ever faithful in my life and I continue to listen to every calling  He has for my life--for His Glory. I do go by the Word of the Bible, and will pray whenever I find something I am not in total understanding with. God has always pointed out the truth to me, even when I didn't like it. ;) He will continue to do so--where it applies my works for Him, to bring others to Christ.

Again, I have no intentions of being at the pulpit. However, if God tells me to do so, I will not refuse. If some do not like it, I respect that. However, I am not out to please or do anything by man--only by God. I would hope we would all do the same--and seek His Wisdom for discernment before judging anyone's calling.

Let's put it this way--when I get to heaven, I think I will find I was wrong about many things I thought were true here on earth. God will set many of us straight, I am sure. However, we will all be together in His Kingdom, for we followed Jesus and did as He told us to do. No matter what the debate here on Earth, the rest we receive in the promise is worth it all! Praise Jesus for His Victory at the Cross and our gift of everlasting life, in Him!

God Bless,

Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: Brother Jerry on December 20, 2006, 09:07:57 AM
Again Amen

Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: mississippi_jesus_chic on March 27, 2007, 10:59:51 PM
I completely agree that God will lead us where he wants us to go.  And I also think that women play an important part in working for Jesus.  But, women are not to be leaders of the church. 

 Here is a trustworthy saying: Whoever aspires to be an overseer desires a noble task. 2 Now the overseer is to be above reproach, faithful to his wife, temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, 3 not given to drunkenness, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money. 4 He must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him, and he must do so in a manner worthy of full [a] respect. 5 (If anyone does not know how to manage his own family, how can he take care of God's church?) 6 He must not be a recent convert, or he may become conceited and fall under the same judgment as the devil. 7 He must also have a good reputation with outsiders, so that he will not fall into disgrace and into the devil's trap. 8 In the same way, deacons are to be worthy of respect, sincere, not indulging in much wine, and not pursuing dishonest gain. 9 They must keep hold of the deep truths of the faith with a clear conscience. 10 They must first be tested; and then if there is nothing against them, let them serve as deacons.

11 In the same way, the women are to be worthy of respect, not malicious talkers but temperate and trustworthy in everything.
I Timothy 3:1-11

I think that if women God planned for women to be "pastors" over a church that he would not have said what he said in the blue letters up there. 

Pastor's wives are very important too.  As are sunday school teachers.  The church wouldn't be the same without women.  Things would go very differently, in my opinion. Also, female missionaries are very important and can do just as much as a male missionary.  But, I don't think that a woman should necessarily be the head of the church.

Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: russ44k on April 01, 2007, 08:06:40 AM
Interesting how this went from is America like sodom to can women lead in a church.I was raised in a denomination that women have been a head of a church.
and Ireally do not have a problem with that .for there are some times when the men of the church do not step up to the plate .so by not stepping up to the plate they infact put themselves under the athority of a if a manis'nt willing then the complaining of woman should stop.
To get back to the subject of like sodom the USA is a great country I was in the navy for 7 years and have seen a lot of other contrys and wouldn't want to live else were.The reason I belive this country hasn't yet fallen is because of the church and this countrys support of Isreal.Num 24 :9 second half .Blessed is everyone who blesses you (Isreal) and cursed is everyone who curses you(Isreal).NASB
I belive that God is with holding some possible judgments on us as a country because of our support of Isreal.woe the day we say Isreal your on your own.
There are millions of people that call themselves Christian but only a hand full who seem to know who Christ is.
Alot of the main line denominations  are becoming soft on the  Word of God and is making Christianity Warm and fuzzy .So as to not have to see our own faults or sins and just go to church and you will be ok.NOT
REPENT means to turn away from.If you are a practicing homosexual then you cannot be in ministry for you are in continual sin the Bible is clear ,its a sin period.
As the church goes soft then this country is doomed to have the kind of distruction that sodom had .
My opinion like it hate it             I'll see you all in heaven

Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: nChrist on April 01, 2007, 12:49:39 PM
Hello Russ44k,

Brother, we should all know there has been a serious erosion of many things in this part of the world. What various churches do or don't do is an example of great moral decay. We've even seen large churches vote about whether JESUS CHRIST is GOD or not.

However, we still have large numbers of strong Christians who still believe just as strongly as ever. Our numbers in this part of the world are not as high as they were 50 years ago, but we are still here.

It is possible that we are looking at the end days of this Age of Grace. If so, Bible Prophecy foretells of many things that are already happening today. If not, maybe this is a preview of the end days of this Age of Grace. Regardless, it appears that the devil is very busy in trying to get Christians confused and busy on anything except standing up for CHRIST and sharing the GOOD NEWS of the GOSPEL OF THE GRACE OF GOD. People are still accepting JESUS CHRIST as LORD and Saviour, so it should be obvious that there is much important work left to do.

At this point and time, all Christians should pray and ask GOD to use us in whatever way that HE Will. We need to pray for guidance and strength to do HIS Will until JESUS comes to take us home. We can stand up in the face of evil, rebuke it, and keep doing GOD'S Work until the last moment. I'm positive that GOD has work for all of us to do. It's simply a matter of praying, yielding, and going forth to do HIS Will. It really doesn't matter how many of us are left and willing.

Love In Christ,

Colossians 1:29 NASB  For this purpose also I labor, striving according to His power, which mightily works within me.

Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: russ44k on April 01, 2007, 10:14:41 PM
Tom if it sounded like I was saying just give up then please forgive me ,that is not what I was meaning to say.The ? the way I under stood it was Is America Like sodom?
If the Christian Church doesn't get back to basics ,and continues on the course that its going in making Christianity warm And fuzzy  in a way taking Christ out of the picture then this country is doomed to the wrath of God .
B= basic
E= earth
Without these instructions being taught and used then we will be lost.

Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: Debp on April 02, 2007, 07:57:44 PM
Before I never liked to have a woman pastor....but about 5 years ago, I had to leave a Presbyterian church (after 20 years) because it got too liberal under the leadership of the last pastor (he even condoned the gay lifestyle!!).  I started to attend a Congregational church...the pastors are very good, as is the worship service.

Once in awhile, they had two lady pastors preach...and also give a message at the women's luncheon.  These lady pastors are extremely good in their sermons, and have a good walk with the Lord.  Also, in the past year or so, a lady became our associate pastor....she also is extremely good in her sermons and walks with the Lord (the Senior pastor, a male, mainly gives the sermons).

After hearing these women's sermons, I now can say I like a lady pastor (although I still prefer a male pastor.)  :)  It is so wonderful to hear ministers that stay with the Word of God and walk with Him, too.

Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: nChrist on April 03, 2007, 05:01:05 AM
Hello Russ44k,

It's always nice to hear from other Christians who aren't ready to give up. For me, I simply pray that I never give up, and I pray that GOD gives me the strength and guidance to do HIS Work until the last minute.

YES, America and many other countries are much like Sodom. It really isn't any comfort to know that other countries are just as bad or worse. In terms of what we deserve, we certainly don't deserve the blessings of GOD. I also want everyone to know that I bear part of the blame. I'm thinking back to hundreds of things that I should have paid more attention to and acted differently than what I did. So, I'm not just pointing my finger at other people. All Christians should give thanks that we aren't getting what we really deserve.

I really don't understand why GOD keeps richly blessing us. I'm speaking more of spiritual blessings, but even our poor homes here are rich in necessities compared to many portions of the world. I sometimes think that GOD lets us keep some of our freedoms so we can continue being a beacon to the world for the distribution of Godly materials. What part of the world is left that can do what we can still freely do? We also provide basic necessities of life for many people of the world, so maybe this is one reason why God lets us keep some of our wealth. I'm not suggesting that the good things overshadow the bad. In this part of the world, we have a lot of shame and much to ask GOD to forgive us for.

I think that the point I wanted to make is that every SINGLE Christian, rich or poor, can make a big difference. In fact, I firmly believe that many Christians who are poor in the wealth of the world may make more of an impact than the rich Christians. I would be talking about impacting our portion of the world also - not just foreign countries where hosts of people are in desperate need of JESUS. We have hosts of people in our own countries who are in desperate need of JESUS. We need more soldiers for our CHRISTIAN ARMY to work in all capacities.

Maybe GOD still has plans for us in this part of the world. If not, it's a wonder why HE hasn't already struck us down or dealt harshly with us. GOD has really given us every benefit and blessing, so it becomes a matter of how we used those benefits and blessings. Did we selfishly use and squander what GOD has given us, or have we even come close to using what GOD has given us for the purpose HE intended? I think that all of us can answer this question, and the answer should result in prayer for forgiveness. If not for you, it does for me.

I was just thinking about something that brings a smile to my face. I'm aware of some Christians in foreign countries who study the posts on this forum and also use it to learn English. China is one such country. This is a reminder of GOD'S Promises that HIS WORD will always be used and never return void. We don't know how GOD uses everything, but HIS Promise is all we need.

Love In Christ,

Psalms 139:4 NASB  Even before there is a word on my tongue, Behold, O LORD, You know it all.

Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: islandboy on June 07, 2007, 09:59:20 AM
One of the worst things happening to the Church, is reinterpretation of the scriptures. As time goes by new Bibles are having the meaning of verses changed so as not to offend anyone. The teaching books and manuals  are filled with Eastern culture religions mixed in with the Word of God, to make it seem like it is all the same.  Children from a young age are in some cities practicing yoga and breath prayers in their classrooms. ( Saw this pictured on the news). Things that are not normal are being promoted as normal. Our world is changing and if we don't stand up and defend the Word of God, all will be lost.
One thing I like about this forum is being able to state your opinion on any subject, but in doing so we must also allow the opinion of others.  I tend to follow the Bible and feel that men are to be pastors of the church. 
However, in saying that I give Kathy, the right to her opinion.  End of subject.
And in saying that, it is God, that will hold us each accountable in the end.

Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: Shammu on June 07, 2007, 11:07:38 AM
Quote from: islandboy
Our world is changing and if we don't stand up and defend the Word of God, all will be lost.
I'll disagree with you on this...........

Jesus tells us, His Word shall never be lost.  Isaiah 51:6 Lift up your eyes to the heavens, and look upon the earth beneath; for the heavens shall be dissolved and vanish away like smoke, and the earth shall wax old like a garment, and they that dwell therein shall die in like manner [like gnats]. But My salvation shall be forever, and My rightness and justice [and faithfully fulfilled promise] shall not be abolished.

Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: islandboy on June 07, 2007, 02:29:19 PM
Maybe I should have worded that better. Yes, as long as Christian families teach their children, and their children's children, the gospel of our Lord, His words will not fade away. But more and more books and some Bibles, are being reprinted in a softened  frame of thought so as not to offend anyone. Even if the content is there if the interpation is different, then it is possible for people to be led astray.

Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: Brother Jerry on June 11, 2007, 11:15:40 AM
I understood what you where talking about islandboy.  And you are correct.  There are many different interpretations of the Bible out there now and even some that remove the masculine aspect of God as well as remove Him as Father and substitute words meaning "parental unit". 
I do not see any need to have 18 different translations of the same Bible in the same language.  And I truly do not believe that God would want or desires that either.  Look at the mainstream english nowdays.  You have NIV, NLT, NASB, and several others that are big sellers.  And each is different in some ways of their interpretations.  I do not believe that God is supportive of such a vast array of interpretations.  If there is confusion in one person over what is said in one Bible over that which is said in another Bible then I do not believe it is from God. 

Many of these differences come in when people are interpreting the Bible on a thought for thought basis.  Meaning that they interpret based on what the verses intentions are.  And these are the areas which I do not agree with because they are purely subjective and every one knows that when you read the Bible you may get something completely different out of a verse than what you did the previous time.  That is the dymanic nature of the Bible and of God.  I prefer a more word for word sort of translation and then use prayer and the guidance of the Holy Spirit to lead me to the meaning. 

Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: Okie on June 12, 2007, 03:05:19 AM
America is the Land of the Free. Freedom to do what we should is not the same as freedom to do what we want. Too many don't think that way.
I look at our American coins. They all say In God We Trust. I think is a shame how many people worship the coin and not the God We Trust.

Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: nChrist on June 12, 2007, 09:04:11 AM
I understood what you where talking about islandboy.  And you are correct.  There are many different interpretations of the Bible out there now and even some that remove the masculine aspect of God as well as remove Him as Father and substitute words meaning "parental unit". 
I do not see any need to have 18 different translations of the same Bible in the same language.  And I truly do not believe that God would want or desires that either.  Look at the mainstream english nowdays.  You have NIV, NLT, NASB, and several others that are big sellers.  And each is different in some ways of their interpretations.  I do not believe that God is supportive of such a vast array of interpretations.  If there is confusion in one person over what is said in one Bible over that which is said in another Bible then I do not believe it is from God. 

Many of these differences come in when people are interpreting the Bible on a thought for thought basis.  Meaning that they interpret based on what the verses intentions are.  And these are the areas which I do not agree with because they are purely subjective and every one knows that when you read the Bible you may get something completely different out of a verse than what you did the previous time.  That is the dymanic nature of the Bible and of God.  I prefer a more word for word sort of translation and then use prayer and the guidance of the Holy Spirit to lead me to the meaning. 

Hello Brother Jerry,

This would really be a matter of opinion. There are quite a few outstanding translations of the Holy Bible, and they each have strong and weak points. If you prefer a more word for word sort of translation, that would be one of the newer translations. If you're looking for a poetic quality, that would be one of the older translations. There are a group of translations that might be considered middle ground with very few differences except updates in spelling and use of modern language with the same meaning.

One of the best known translations that I won't mention had so many versions at one time that they formed a committee to standardize it. The point I would want to make is that different translations of the Holy Bible should not be a matter of contention for Christians. I wouldn't include some of the latest translations that intentionally butcher the Bible into something that bears no resemblance to the Hebrew and Greek. As an example, some groups have written their own Bibles to take out portions that offend those with alternative lifestyles or problems with gender. Most real Christians don't call these butcher jobs Bibles.

There's really a fairly substantial list of outstanding Bible translations. Prayer for understanding should be the start of any Bible study, regardless of the translation being used. If someone wants to do an in depth Bible study, the use of Hebrew and Greek is still required. There are numerous sites on the Internet that rate Bibles for various qualities in a non-biased way. Examples of ratings usually involves things like:  1) Accuracy, 2) Ease in reading, 3) Poetic quality, 4) Modern language (including spelling, word usage, grammar, etc.). On the opposite side of the coin, there are some sites on the Internet that are horribly biased about various Bible translations. In fact, a few sites bash every Bible translation except one. The bias extends so far for some that truth and scholarship is of no concern. These folks are known as Bible bashers by most Christians, and they do more damage than good. We really end up with the fact that there are many excellent translations of the Holy Bible, and all of them have strong points and weak points. SO, I would repeat that various translations of the Holy Bible should not be a matter of contention for Christians unless the translation being talked about is one of the weird and recent butcher jobs or a Bible written to match cult doctrine.

Brother Jerry, the above should give you a good idea about why we stopped Bible bashing on Christians Unite. It served no purpose except confusion and contention. There are some groups that are so rabid about Bible bashing that they elevate themselves to cult status. This is one reason why I stopped using a particular translation that I'd been using for over 50 years. I'll add that I'm very happy with the change for numerous reasons. I'm also happy that we don't argue about things like this here.

Love In Christ,

Romans 11:33 NASB  Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and unfathomable His ways!

Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: David_james on June 12, 2007, 10:18:54 AM
I have read a few translations and haven't seen anything wrong with them, except one but haven't seen good non bias evidence that it is indeed wrong. Problem? It has extra stuff, but the only thing someone could say was, "The writers of ( Bible version ) can't find authenticy of the extra stuff." Big time bias.

Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: nChrist on June 12, 2007, 10:44:50 AM
Good Morning Brother David,

I use e-Sword on my computer for nearly all of my Bible study, so it's easy to use multiple translations. I can even do side by side comparisons between various translations. I have about 6 translations that I use on a regular basis, not including Hebrew and Greek.

Brother, I've really been spoiled with being able to make the fonts larger and click between dictionaries, commentaries, language helps, and more. I have cataracts in both eyes, but they aren't bad enough yet for the doctor to fix them. I also have what's called floaters in my eyes that blur my vision on smaller texts. As a result, I don't use regular books very often. Books usually make my eyes tired and hurt pretty quickly.

I chose "Georgia" as a font, and you can make this font as big as you could possibly want. You can configure nearly everything in e-Sword, including colors. I use black fonts, but I use a light beige for the background. In short, I really like e-Sword, and I know that I'd have a hard time without it.

Love In Christ,

Galatians 2:20 NASB  "I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me.

Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: islandboy on June 12, 2007, 12:38:33 PM
Thank you Brother Jerry, for understanding and agreeing that there is a problem with some of the newer venison's of the Bible. That said, I think the new spins in interpretation of the Bible is a bigger concern. I am thankful  for this website and its forum in being here and for those who share the Word of God, many times verse by verse to get the true meanings across. While the changes to the Bible should be mentioned from time to time, I agree that spreading the word and truth of our Lord, is more important.

Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: Shammu on June 12, 2007, 07:52:08 PM
My only problem with some of these newer Bibles coming out is, they remove Him as the Father.

I agree that spreading the word and truth of our Lord, is more important.

AMEN brother AMEN

Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: nChrist on June 13, 2007, 12:01:40 AM
My only problem with some of these newer Bibles coming out is, they remove Him as the Father.

AMEN brother AMEN

Hello Dreamweaver,

Brother, I hope that I didn't give the wrong impression. There are a list of so-called Bibles that I don't consider Bibles at all - NOT EVEN CLOSE. Some of them are used by cults and have been with us for many years. Some of the new ones being written are specifically to accommodate sin and make folks feel good. I wasn't hinting about the protection or respect of these NON-BIBLES. I think that everyone knows I was talking about respect for Bibles that are excellent translations of the original Greek and Hebrew.

Some outstanding translators set out with a goal to make a Bible translation with what's called dynamic equivalent for meaning and is easy to read and understand. The NIV fits in this category.

Some outstanding translators set out with a goal to make a Bible translation the most accurate word for word translation from the Hebrew and Greek. The NASB fits in this category.

Older groups of outstanding translators set out with a goal to update and modernize the Geneva Bible and the Bishop's Bible. These two Bibles are the backbone of English translations, along with several lesser known translations that eventually became the King James Version. Many of the first Pilgrims and Puritans in this part of the world used the Geneva Translation. The history and development of various English Translations of the Holy Bible are fascinating. With the exception of cult and butchered Bibles, the vast majority of English Translations of the Holy Bible are the best in the world. As a result, they are usually the standard for Translation into other languages.

As a final comment, I'll say that there was good intentions and good reasons for all of the best translations of the Holy Bible. The results were excellent to outstanding, and GOD is obviously using them. GOD is also still using the original Hebrew and Greek. In this part of the world, we simply need to give thanks that we have the freedom to possess and use all of the Bible materials we want to. Our challenge is to use them for the Glory of GOD.

Love In Christ,

Ephesians 2:19-22 NASB  So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints, and are of God's household, having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus Himself being the corner stone, in whom the whole building, being fitted together, is growing into a holy temple in the Lord, in whom you also are being built together into a dwelling of God in the Spirit.

Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: Maryjane on June 13, 2007, 12:55:03 AM
There is hope for those who will receive it...for God's mercy flows...It is not for us to look at the changing world around us but to look at the unchangable God who is the same today as yesterday...and to know as He gives us a new day, it is filled with His mercy and compassion for His compassion is great among this world...and to use the day to act upon His word with compassion...I read in another post why those who do not know God and are good people should see is because man cannot achieve heaven on his own works with out accepting Jesus and what He has done by the shedding of His is the blood that makes the difference...The Lord did not go to the cross in vain..just like when the blood was put on the door that death would not enter...being good will never be enough with out being covered by the blood of is simple but is made to be difficult and at most with no meaning...that is why many will not enter a gate that is so narrow...I know this is why we have been told to crucify the flesh for the flesh is of no good thing as it brings about thoughts and actions that are far from the will of justifying man..going deeper and deeper into theology that puts God below man...If there is one thing I have come to learn is that God is Sovereign...He will do what He wants to do with our lives...that will bring glory to Him and not to man..and absolute surrender is the only way in which He a Sovereign God can use us to the fullest...even in a world that rejects ad mocks us..we are given the strength to carry on..inspite of it all...

Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: Shammu on June 13, 2007, 02:03:56 AM
No brother Tom, it isn't you. As you know I like using the AMP and KJV Bibles.  There are others out there just as good. 

Quote from: Blackeyedpeas
There are a list of so-called Bibles that I don't consider Bibles at all - NOT EVEN CLOSE. Some of them are used by cults and have been with us for many years. Some of the new ones being written are specifically to accommodate sin and make folks feel good. I wasn't hinting about the protection or respect of these NON-BIBLES.

These are the bibles I'm talking about.  Renaming God as she and she/he, feminists have stripped God of independent, personalized existence. The Bible teaches that God is masculine.

Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: Brother Jerry on June 13, 2007, 09:47:28 AM

Brother Jerry, the above should give you a good idea about why we stopped Bible bashing on Christians Unite. It served no purpose except confusion and contention. There are some groups that are so rabid about Bible bashing that they elevate themselves to cult status. This is one reason why I stopped using a particular translation that I'd been using for over 50 years. I'll add that I'm very happy with the change for numerous reasons. I'm also happy that we don't argue about things like this here.
Brother believe me I understand why we do not discuss it.  Some folks have Bible versions as an idol before God.  And I am in no way implying one is better than the other or anything like that.

My point being that I believe that we have far too many translations out there now and that if you pick up a newer translation then you should not embrace it wholly until you have really compared it to other translations.  I believe that if we continue to come out with other new "translations" then we will do nothing but harm the testimony of the Bible itself.  And I have seen that the more translations we get out there, the more they start to fall away from the original Word of God.
This is a partial list of versions out there.  I pulled this data from a different site and stripped out the links and such so if you happen to see a "click here" still floating around then ignore it :)  As you can see from just this list there are and has been quite a few different English translations of the Bible.  Some of these are not used much today anymore, but they still count and you can still find them published.  With all of these versions out there it can become very easy to see confusion.  Some of these translations are apparently by just one which point I usually classify them as cult material, however they still count.

Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: nChrist on June 13, 2007, 08:22:32 PM
Hello Brother Jerry,

That is just a partial list, but you do list some that I've never heard of. There are some completely new ones that you won't find in a Christian book store or an online Christian site because they aren't Bibles.

I did considerable research on the issue of Bible translations when a group came to Christians Unite and wanted to do nothing except bash Real Bibles that were excellent to outstanding translations. In fact, some of the translations they were bashing were better and more accurate than the one they were holding up as the ONLY BIBLE. I found it very odd that they didn't single out the horrible translations and butchered translations for bashing. I have no problem at all in bashing cult material, intentionally butchered so-called Bibles, and horrible translations. There is a substantial list of so-called Bibles that aren't Bibles at all. If there is bashing to be done, these are the ones that we need to bash.

Brother Jerry, there will always be just reasons for comparisons, and that's why the best study Bibles have quick references to Hebrew and Greek, other portions of Scripture, foot notes, concordances, dictionaries, etc., etc. I certainly see the possibility of confusion with any translation of the Holy Bible. There's also the possibility of confusion with multiple translations of the Holy Bible. However, there is another side to this coin that goes in the other direction. Excellent to outstanding Study Bibles encourage comparisons with multiple sources, including Hebrew and Greek. These tend to limit confusion and encourage good Bible Study techniques. This would assume that the reader is using the available resources. Even the much older Bibles had footnotes, margin notes, topical indexes, references, cross references, and more - depending on the individual Bible. Many of the best references are already in the Bible, and others are in external sources to numerous to mention (i.e. commentaries, dictionaries, and ancient language helps.)

So, the possibility of confusion is also there in external resources for Bible Study, and there are literally tons of materials from useless to outstanding. Christian scholars have also rated these tons of external resources. Using good materials tends to reduce confusion, not cause it. I'll cite an example that all mature Christians eventually deal with if they love Bible Study - Hebrew and Greek. There are many outstanding ancient language helps, but two names usually come up for folks who want good helps without learning Hebrew and Greek - Strong and Zodiates (sp). Strong's is known for brief and accurate information. Zodiates is known for more extensive information and comparisons with Scripture references. Another issue in this same area involves recommendations to brand new Christians. Do we tell them to immediately jump into Hebrew and Greek?

The point I want to make is that there is a lengthy list of things that definitely cause confusion, and that list would obviously include improper pastors, teachers, and mentors. The list goes on and on and on. On the other side of the coin, there are a list of things that reduce confusion, and some of these things would be a matter of debate and opinion. The potential for confusion would involve much more than just a Bible translation. So, the question becomes, "how do we reach reasonable ground and sound practices for various levels of people from the lost, the babes, novice, mature, etc.) This is also a matter of opinion and subject to debate. This would also include the important issue of witnessing. As an example, MUST a Christian read word for word from a particular Bible translation to witness? NO, in my opinion. I say what GOD has laid on my heart to say.

Brother Jerry, I'll conclude that we've had many sources of confusion for the history of mankind. I'll pray about things, pray some more, and try to do as GOD leads me. This is the key issue. We might all be able to come up with reasonable ground and sound practices for various levels of people, but we would probably all differ. I quit worrying about things like this. I just pray and try to do as GOD leads me. If I state something other than an absolute fact, I tell people it is my opinion that others might disagree with. Now we are back to prayer and trying to do as GOD leads us. What else can we really do?

Love In Christ,

1 Corinthians 6:19 NASB  Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own?

Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: Brother Jerry on June 14, 2007, 09:35:21 AM
Brother Jerry, I'll conclude that we've had many sources of confusion for the history of mankind. I'll pray about things, pray some more, and try to do as GOD leads me. This is the key issue. We might all be able to come up with reasonable ground and sound practices for various levels of people, but we would probably all differ. I quit worrying about things like this. I just pray and try to do as GOD leads me. If I state something other than an absolute fact, I tell people it is my opinion that others might disagree with. Now we are back to prayer and trying to do as GOD leads us. What else can we really do?
AMEN to that.

I agree completely with what you have said 100%.  When I study I have many resources open and available to me.  From Strongs on down to various translations and other stuff.  And for the most part what we see today as far as choices of Bibles is just a few mainstream translations that everyone seems to know (KJV, NIV, NLT) and then some other accepted but not as mainstream (NASB, NKJV, ASV, etc). 

And for any young in Christ Christians out there that do wonder what Bible they should read I could state just a couple of things.  Talk to your pastor about it, see what he would recommend.  Also I would say to go down to local Christian bookstore and talk to folks down there.  Don't over do it, get something you can read and learn from.  Some feel that KJV with the old English is a bit hard to start with, you could then go with NASB, NIV, or one of the other more modern English translations and still get the good Word in the Bible.

I can say that there are some Bibles to steer clear of.  Namely ANY Bible that is translated by just one person.  Just as God used many people to write His book, I believe He uses many people to translate His book as well.  And when one person is doing the work then it is far to easy for Satan to enter in and corrupt it...And history supports this as well in that many of the "bibles" that were translated by just one person were used in cults.  So stay clear of "The Holy Bible in Modern English by Jimmy Joe Jones"  :)

Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: islandboy on June 14, 2007, 09:58:20 AM
Many years ago I bought "The Guideposts Parallel Bible", It has the King James Version, The New International Version, The Living Bible, The Revised Standard Version. This book was copyrighted in 1981. It shows page by page, side by side, the verses so one can compare the differences in the translation. Sometimes I have a hard time with the KJV, so I can see how it reads in a different form. I still carry this Bible with me to group meetings and studies, and find it makes me more able to follow along with whatever verison other people are using, as well as, instantly see major or minor differences in translations.

Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: Soldier4Christ on June 14, 2007, 10:15:46 AM
I prefer the KJV as it is the Bible that I was raised with. In fact it was my very first reader so I find it easy to read. I do use other versions though. I like using the e-Sword free Bible software. Not only does it have that ability to compare versions as you say "The Guideposts Parallel Bible" It also has many books, maps, dictionaries and commentaries that you can get with it. There is also an  e-Sword available for the Pocket PC so you can take it with you almost anywhere you go.

Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: nChrist on June 14, 2007, 05:29:50 PM
Brothers and Sisters,

I really can't recommend e-Sword enough as a Bible Study package. It is completely free with no strings attached, and it's better than most commercial packages that cost well over $500.

There was a time where you almost had to be rich to have a Bible Study package that does everything that e-Sword does. You won't spend any money at all unless you feel that you just must have some of the new, 3rd party modules that are made for it. I might add that the number of completely free choices are awesome in every category:  Bible translations, commentaries, dictionaries, topical notes, sermons, Hebrew and Greek language helps, maps, and just about everything you can think of. I must add that the free modules are first class, and many of them cost money in other Bible Study packages. The truth of the vast array of free add-ons is really quite beautiful. Everyone knows that e-Sword is free, so many Christian publishers offered their products free so that average people could have an excellent Bible Study package.

I've been using e-Sword for years, so I have a huge collection of things designed to use with e-Sword. I have only several 3rd party modules that cost anything, and they were not required. There's really only one hard rule for the use of e-Sword: you can make all the copies you want and give them away, but you can't charge any money for e-Sword or any of the thousands of free resources available for it. In other words, "freely you received, freely give."

The author of e-Sword has a noble goal, to make e-Sword freely available to the entire world in all languages. I haven't checked recently, but that goal might have been reached. An army of sweet Christians and big hearted Christian organizations have tried to help Rick Meyers reach this goal with all kinds of top quality materials. I think that Rick Meyers is a genius in terms of being an outstanding programmer. He's also a strong Christian. Rick Meyers had to convince many people to help in translating various materials and many others to forget their profits by giving away their materials in e-Sword. In short, the entire story of e-Sword is a beautiful Christian story.

Please take a look in the "Computers and Software" section of the forum for a partial list of free resources available for e-Sword. Remember - it's FREE AND OUTSTANDING! The user interface for e-Sword is one of the things that most people rave about. You have quick access to all of your materials from one computer screen, and it is very user friendly. I must also add that many of the resources interact with each other automatically (i.e. dictionary, commentary, language helps, etc.) Let's say that you click on a particular Scripture to begin your Bible Study. Every resource you have chosen to interact with the desktop has a button. Every resource with information about that Scripture lets you know, and you can click each resource to view the additional information. There are also pop-up tool tips for Hebrew, Greek, etc. What else can I say - IT'S GREAT!

Love In Christ,

Matthew 5:10 NASB  "Blessed are those who have been persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: David_james on June 14, 2007, 06:09:40 PM
I installed e-sword and tried getting the new living translation but it said I needed to buy it

Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: Soldier4Christ on June 14, 2007, 06:55:59 PM
There are some versions that Rick Meyers must charge a small fee for as the copyright owner requires it.

Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: David_james on June 14, 2007, 07:15:58 PM
There are some versions that Rick Meyers must charge a small fee for as the copyright owner requires it.
What can I use that is easy to read and understand? Going to get Douay-Rheims Bible too

Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: David_james on June 15, 2007, 04:12:31 PM
What can I use that is easy to read and understand? Going to get Douay-Rheims Bible too
Need to know or no coffee

Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: Brother Jerry on June 15, 2007, 04:16:20 PM

I can think of 3 versions that are in English and relatively easy to understand


I am sure there are others out there.  Those are some that I could think of right off hand.

Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: David_james on June 15, 2007, 04:26:32 PM
I meant for e-sword and those aren't free

Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: Soldier4Christ on June 15, 2007, 04:33:11 PM
Try the ASV, American Standard Version. It is free for e-Sword and it is relatively easy reading.

Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: David_james on June 15, 2007, 04:39:47 PM
thank you

Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: nChrist on June 15, 2007, 08:14:20 PM
Hello Brother David,

There's a whole list of free Bible translations for e-Sword. In terms of easy to understand and up to date English and grammar, I don't think that Douay-Rheims fits in that category.

They are completely free, so you can install all you want, compare them, and go from there.

You can do a Google search for "English Bible Translations" and get all kinds of sites with reviews of various English translations.

I've used the ASV (American Standard Version), and it's really little more than an updated KJV with old English replaced with American English.

I've also used the ESV (English Standard Version), the ISV (International Standard Version), and several updated versions of King James that are free. If you look in the "Computers and Software" area, you will find numerous links for material designed to be used in e-Sword. If I remember correctly, there are at least three updated King James Versions that are completely free to use. There really isn't any need to spend money unless there is something special that you really want. I have thousands of completely free e-Sword resources installed on my computer. I only have three 3rd party commercial modules that I bought. I didn't need them, but I did want them. I also regularly use several King James Versions (i.e. Red Letter, with Strong's, 1611, 1769, etc.). What most people think is the Original King James is actually a 1769 Revision of the Original King James. Very few people use the Original 1611 Version of the King James. The spelling and Old English words make it very difficult to use.

Brother David, I hope this helped you some. There are a huge number of choices that are completely free, so there really isn't any need for you to spend money. I suggest that you do a little bit of research and download a few of the free translations. e-Sword also does side-by-side comparisons between various translations.

Can I have my coffee now?   ;)

Love In Christ,

Psalms 78:4-6 NASB  We will not conceal them from their children, But tell to the generation to come the praises of the LORD, And His strength and His wondrous works that He has done. For He established a testimony in Jacob And appointed a law in Israel, Which He commanded our fathers That they should teach them to their children, That the generation to come might know, even the children yet to be born, That they may arise and tell them to their children,

Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: David_james on June 15, 2007, 08:31:29 PM
thank you and no  ;)

Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: nChrist on June 15, 2007, 11:54:13 PM
thank you and no  ;)

 ;D  Brother David, I was mid-sip of coffee when I read this.

So, oooooophs!  -  As the young folks might say - "my bad".  At least I think that's what the young folks say. I really get confused about what some of the young folks say.

I sometimes try to be "COOL MAN", but I know that I'm an old square.   8)

But, I'm happy to be an old square.   ;D

Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: Soldier4Christ on June 16, 2007, 12:31:32 AM
;D  Brother David, I was mid-sip of coffee when I read this.

So, oooooophs!  -  As the young folks might say - "my bad".  At least I think that's what the young folks say. I really get confused about what some of the young folks say.

I sometimes try to be "COOL MAN", but I know that I'm an old square.   8)

But, I'm happy to be an old square.   ;D

 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: nChrist on June 16, 2007, 01:15:56 AM

 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


 ;D   ;D   ;D    ROFL!

OK, who's been distributing my picture?

However, this one is somewhat flattering. I was younger at the time of this picture.   ;D

Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: Soldier4Christ on June 16, 2007, 01:22:34 AM
There is a little bit of gray in the hair and a whole lot in moustache and eyebrows.

But, I'm happy to be an old square.

At least squares aren't rolling around with every wind that blows.   ;)

Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: Jon-Marc on July 27, 2007, 12:42:40 PM
American is becoming similar to Sodom? :(
sorry, but it bug me. :(

The key word here is "similar" and not "the same as". However, with the acceptance of homosexuality as an "alternate lifestyle", letting them become ministers, letting them marry and even adopt children, and then making laws to protect their wicked lifestyle, I would say this country has become VERY similar to Sodom.

There is also the legalized mass murder of millions of unborn babies. All those involved in that will answer to God for it in my opinion. Also, God's people will answer to God for allowing all this wickedness without protesting more strongly. Satan is winning over this world while we sit back and wonder, "How did this happen?"

We stood back while one woman had the Bible and prayer removed from our schools. We stood back and allowed the Ten Commandments to be removed from in front of a federal building. We stood back while homosexuality was legalized and protected. We stood back while murder of unborn babies took place. We stood back and said, "I don't care as long as it doesn't affect me." Well, we're reaping what we've sowed. We sowed apathy, and now we're reaping a country that accepts anything except God's word.

Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: Debp on July 27, 2007, 06:18:27 PM
The key word here is "similar" and not "the same as". However, with the acceptance of homosexuality as an "alternate lifestyle", letting them become ministers, letting them marry and even adopt children, and then making laws to protect their wicked lifestyle, I would say this country has become VERY similar to Sodom.

There is also the legalized mass murder of millions of unborn babies. All those involved in that will answer to God for it in my opinion. Also, God's people will answer to God for allowing all this wickedness without protesting more strongly. Satan is winning over this world while we sit back and wonder, "How did this happen?"

We stood back while one woman had the Bible and prayer removed from our schools. We stood back and allowed the Ten Commandments to be removed from in front of a federal building. We stood back while homosexuality was legalized and protected. We stood back while murder of unborn babies took place. We stood back and said, "I don't care as long as it doesn't affect me." Well, we're reaping what we've sowed. We sowed apathy, and now we're reaping a country that accepts anything except God's word.

But we must remember there is still a remnant of believers that still believes in God's Word and who deplore the above mentioned sins.  In another post, I mentioned that I left a church where the current pastor thinks the gay lifestyle is ok....and I told him when leaving that God's Word says this is an abomination.  In this same denomination, many churches that are Bible believing are pulling out from that denomination and making another branch (after trying so hard to get the denomination back on the straight path of God's Word).

I also know a nun that runs a pro-life organization.  She speaks around the country on the issue of abortion (and other pro-life issues).  She gives training courses on how to counsel young people to not abort and how to counsel them to abstain from sex before marriage, plus other pro-life issues.

Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: nChrist on July 29, 2007, 09:48:36 PM
Brothers and Sisters,

Many Christians did fight to stop many of the evil things going on today. It's true that there wasn't enough Christians standing up, and it's also true that they didn't fight hard enough. However, there is another issue to consider - the possibility of this evil being the fulfillment of Bible Prophecy.

If this is the fulfillment of Bible Prophecy, no power will be able to stop it. However, this does not relieve Christians of their responsibilities. Regardless, it would mean more prayer for guidance and strength to do HIS Will. If these are the last days of this Age of Grace, things will become MUCH worse, and nothing will be able to stop or slow it. Everything will unfold according to GOD'S perfect time, and Christians will have important duties to perform until the last minute. More and more, Christians will be persecuted, but that won't change our responsibilities either. Christians are dying in greater numbers every day around the world while trying to do what GOD wants them to do. YES - Christians might be in danger in this part of the world soon, but GOD will provide according to HIS Will. The worst that evil men can do is kill our physical bodies. For Christians, that means "Absent from the body, present with the LORD." We will all physically die unless JESUS CHRIST comes for us first. This is simply a time for us to trust GOD, KEEP LOOKING UP!, and give thanks that we are children of the KING OF KINGS!

Our Citizenship is in Heaven, not this world!

Love In Christ,

Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: Reba on August 12, 2007, 09:46:35 PM
From G1909 and G4649 (in the sense of G1983); a superintendent, that is, Christian officer in general charge of a (or the) church (literally or figuratively): - bishop, overseer.

1Ti 3:2  A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach;

Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: Shammu on August 12, 2007, 10:14:10 PM
Sister Reba, long time, no see welcome back. 

Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: Maryjane on August 14, 2007, 12:37:57 AM
No..we are not the same as in those days..the Lord had not yet come...There was no hope for Sodom..but through the blood of Jesus there is hope for all men...God in His great mercy sent His only son that through Him and Him alone there is redemption...No matter where a person has been or what he has done..there is forgiveness at the foot of the cross and there is eternal life for Jesus Christ is alilve..He is risen and because of it there is hope..We have to stand on what Jesus has done and share the gospel to a dying world..

Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: Pizza_Mahal on August 14, 2007, 12:46:48 AM
The key word here is "similar" and not "the same as". However, with the acceptance of homosexuality as an "alternate lifestyle", letting them become ministers, letting them marry and even adopt children, and then making laws to protect their wicked lifestyle, I would say this country has become VERY similar to Sodom.

There is also the legalized mass murder of millions of unborn babies. All those involved in that will answer to God for it in my opinion. Also, God's people will answer to God for allowing all this wickedness without protesting more strongly. Satan is winning over this world while we sit back and wonder, "How did this happen?"

We stood back while one woman had the Bible and prayer removed from our schools. We stood back and allowed the Ten Commandments to be removed from in front of a federal building. We stood back while homosexuality was legalized and protected. We stood back while murder of unborn babies took place. We stood back and said, "I don't care as long as it doesn't affect me." Well, we're reaping what we've sowed. We sowed apathy, and now we're reaping a country that accepts anything except God's word.

If only I were not coward (
I or we can change all that, but no because of some legalism...(

Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: Def on August 14, 2007, 06:25:04 AM
That a girl!!! Jesus Def..

Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: nChrist on August 14, 2007, 07:41:58 AM
No..we are not the same as in those days..the Lord had not yet come...There was no hope for Sodom..but through the blood of Jesus there is hope for all men...God in His great mercy sent His only son that through Him and Him alone there is redemption...No matter where a person has been or what he has done..there is forgiveness at the foot of the cross and there is eternal life for Jesus Christ is alilve..He is risen and because of it there is hope..We have to stand on what Jesus has done and share the gospel to a dying world..

Amen MaryJane,

We also have many more than just a few Christians in each city still trying to live a testimony for the LORD and do HIS Will. It's quite true that our numbers aren't as great as they used to be, and many people calling themselves Christians these days probably just go to church one hour a week and use that as their basis for calling themselves Christians. Some of these grossly part-time Christians are Christians, but the priorities obviously aren't right in their lives. It certainly isn't easy to determine that many of them are Christians with what they do and what they say.

We live during a very evil and confusing time. We have a desperate need of every Christian living for the LORD 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We also have a desperate need of Christians who are strong in CHRIST with Bible Study and a firm foundation in JESUS CHRIST. I would make an easy analogy and say that we have a problem if feeding our physical bodies is more important than feeding our spiritual bodies. Both require regular nourishment for strength.

Love In Christ,



Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: Maryjane on August 14, 2007, 10:30:38 PM are strong in the Lod and when we stand together for the cause of Christ..we stand as a mighty army..No matter what we face in this world..we press on towards the prize and because of endurance in this world many will see the testimony of the Lord that draws those near to the cross of calvary..People may say we are few..but...
We think not of Sodom but of the souls that await the good news..

Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: Shammu on August 14, 2007, 10:51:38 PM are strong in the Lod and when we stand together for the cause of Christ..we stand as a mighty army..No matter what we face in this world..we press on towards the prize and because of endurance in this world many will see the testimony of the Lord that draws those near to the cross of calvary..People may say we are few..but...
We think not of Sodom but of the souls that await the good news..

And that is a big AMEN!!!

Title: Re: Is it me or....
Post by: daniel1212av on September 15, 2007, 04:28:25 PM
In regard to the original rhetorical question, yes (that we are becoming like Sodom). Though there are differences in someways and scope, when a nation begins promoting that which is an abomination, and even attempts to justify it by God's word, then it is guilty of the profanation of the God who has made us blessed, and is a nation under condemnation, and as sodomy  marks  the final formal stage of degradation, it is headed by damnation.  Yet remember that Israel actually did worse than Sodom (Ezek. 16), and like her, we have been far more light than Sodom (which would have repented had it seen the grace Jesus manifested).

See here for a compilation of stats that help, by God's grace, quantify America's decline, and the cost of the war against God.

i prayed for and wrote a poem (i am not a natural poet) that might appeal somewhat to comon snes,e as well as give the answer as regard this singular issue:

Freedom  not Sodom!

There's freedom in America, the land of the red white and blue;
but there still must be laws, things you just can't do.

You can't marry your sister, your brother, or the family pet;
a sheep, or a goat - at least not yet!

That how is it with homosexuality, what the Bible calls sodomy;
men lying with men as with women, is perversity!

That they're not designed that way, tis easy to perceive,
but yielding to sinful desires, man is soon deceived.

A moral wrong is not a civil right; like the sin itself, that's confusion;
calling evil good and exchanging light for darkness, is sure delusion!

History tells us where this will lead, from societies now in dust,
When a nation casts off the laws of God, and follows it's own lusts.

Promoting a sin which sends one to Hell from an early grave,
dishonors God and robs man of the Life He gave.

There's but one answer: the Risen Jesus gave Himself for our sins;

Repent and believe, then truly follow Him!


Gal. 6:18 For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.

Rom. 13:14 But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof.

1Cor. 6:9-11 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.