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Theology => General Theology => Topic started by: Shammu on May 15, 2005, 04:11:24 PM

Title: Former Muslim Plans to Train Christians to Witness in Local Mosques
Post by: Shammu on May 15, 2005, 04:11:24 PM
Former Muslim Plans to Train Christians to Witness in Local Mosques

by Chad Groening
May 13, 2005

(AgapePress) - W.L. Cati, a former Muslim and founder of an evangelical Christian ministry, wants to train fellow followers of Christ how to go boldly into mosques and witness to Muslims.

W.L. Cati heads a Florida-based organization called Zennah Ministries, which she founded to reach out to people whose lives have been affected by Islam, especially women under Muslim influence; to educate the public about the differences between the Christian faith and the Muslim religion; and to proclaim the name of Jesus Christ, even taking the good news into "the mouth of hell" if necessary.

Not long ago, Cati led a group of Christians through the front door of the Islamic Center of Sarasota, Florida, to share the gospel. "A year ago February," she recalls, "we went into the Sarasota mosque, and we have seen so much fruit come out of that visit. One of the key guys in that mosque accepted Christ as his Savior."

Now, the former Muslim turned Christian evangelist has put together a weekend seminar that she wants to present to churches in order to equip Christians to go into an area mosque and bear witness to the Way, the Truth, and the Life. "If we could go in on a Thursday evening, I'll share my testimony," Cati explains, "and then that Friday morning, we'll go in and teach [the seminar participants] about mosque etiquette -- how to go into the mosque. And then we will go visit the mosque nearest them that Friday afternoon."

The head of Zennah Ministries says the newly trained and equipped Christians would go into the local mosque boldly and not by the back door, by any means. "We're going in the front door," she asserts, "and we'll also have invitations where we're going to invite them to go to a special service just for them on Saturday evening."

Cati says there will be no debating during these mosque visits, just earnest Christian witnessing. "I'll share a little bit," she notes, "and then I want the local pastor of that church or one of those churches [involved in the outreach] to get up and share just a very simple evangelical salvation message." She plans to begin the seminars next year.
Additional information on is available on the Internet at
Copyright © 2003 All rights reserved.

The only thing I can add, is AMEN! My prayers, will go out to W.L. Cati for success, converting the muslims.


Matthew 21:22 And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.

Title: Re:Former Muslim Plans to Train Christians to Witness in Local Mosques
Post by: Soldier4Christ on May 15, 2005, 05:24:54 PM
Amen! I join in prayer for W.L. Cati and those that she works with, true soldiers for Jesus Christ with a very tough mission.

Title: Re:Former Muslim Plans to Train Christians to Witness in Local Mosques
Post by: M on May 16, 2005, 09:02:05 AM
Sounds very interesting.  Most Christian churches require ministers to be ordained and have some specific training.  Some churches also have rules about who can lead worship services in churches and preach sermons.  Some churches only allow ordained minister to preach sermons; guest speakers are under supervision of ministers and they give "messages" or "talks" not sermons.  

By contrast, as I have heard, Mosques sometimes allow anyone to "preach".  There is less formal acreditations for imans than Christians have for ministers.  I have heard that most imans will go to study in Saudi Arabia but most muslims do try to make their pilgrimage there anyway.  

This is something like what the apostles, Paul and Stephen (Acts) were doing; going into the synagogues to preach.  Some Jews believed and others didn't.  Jesus himself taught in at the temple and synagogue (anyone have a scripture references?)

Title: Re:Former Muslim Plans to Train Christians to Witness in Local Mosques
Post by: Soldier4Christ on May 16, 2005, 09:13:30 AM
Jesus himself taught in at the temple and synagogue (anyone have a scripture references?)

Mat 13:54
Mark 1:21
Mark 12:35
Luke 6:6
Luke 19:47
Luke 20:1
John 6:59
John 7:14
John 18:20

Title: Christian Broadcasts Make Gospel Inroads into Islamic Audience
Post by: Shammu on May 20, 2005, 04:08:23 AM
Christian Broadcasts Make Gospel Inroads into Islamic Audience

by Allie Martin
May 19, 2005

(AgapePress) - An evangelical satellite network is making a big impact in the Muslim world. Back in 1996, SAT-7 began broadcasting Christian programming two hours a week to the Middle East and North Africa. Today the network broadcasts 24 hours a day.

Recently, surveys conducted by audience research firm InterMedia found SAT-7 has six million occasional viewers and 2 to 3 million people watching either daily or at least once a week. The network's John Tayloe says the survey proves that many Arabs and Muslims are receptive to the good news of the gospel.

"What we've learned over the years," Tayloe notes, "is that Arabs and Muslims are not resistant to the gospel. They've just never heard."

But the broadcast ministry spokesman feels the Christian network is uniquely positioned to change that. "Think of this," he says, "Arab Christians ministering to Arabs over satellite television. SAT-7 is an opportunity for the Church and for those that just happen to tune in to hear the gospel, some even for the very first time."

The idea is "very exciting in these very strategic days in the Middle East," Tayloe adds. But while evangelical outreach is a desirable objective, he points out that SAT-7's main goal is "to give strength to the existing Christian church in the region. They need our help, they need our prayers, they need encouragement, they need the Word of God to strengthen them."

Still, the station continues to appeal to Muslims viewers and others whose hearts may be ready to respond to the gospel's saving message. Tayloe suspects the survey numbers of those tuning in to SAT-7 may actually be lower than its actual viewership because some people contacted by InterMedia may not have felt comfortable answering questions about a Christian channel in a Muslim region.

SAT-7 recently began broadcasting to parts of Australia and continues to expand its ministry in other areas of the world, particularly in places that are officially hostile to the gospel, but where Muslims and other non-Christians are hungry for the truth of God's Word.

Additional information on is available on the Internet at
Copyright © 2003 All rights reserved.

Title: Re:Former Muslim Plans to Train Christians to Witness in Local Mosques
Post by: M on May 20, 2005, 10:16:40 AM
Some western Christians might have a negative view on Christian television.  But there is some good programming out there that does present just the Gospel.   Christians really have to pray for good programming.

Just as the printed word can bring the Gospel to others, so can the medias of television and radio.  For people who can't get out to go to church, they appreciate that they can watch or listen at home.  Christian broadcasts arent really a substitute for church, a loving group of Christians praying together, but they are a start or help to many.