ChristiansUnite Forums

Theology => Bible Study => Topic started by: Philippians 4:13 on October 21, 2004, 01:20:18 AM

Title: Word For You Today Daily Devotional
Post by: Philippians 4:13 on October 21, 2004, 01:20:18 AM
This is from my Church devotional I read. I am quoting, so just so you all know, these are not my own words. The sourse is "The Word for You Today" and I'm not sure who the publisher is, but here is the website: ( I hope you find this as encouraging as I did. Also, I don't think I'll be able to add to this thread everyday, but I'll try and keep up on it as much as I can.


Some things you owe your children

You may not be able to give your children everything you'd like to, but here are four things you owe them:

     First, listen to them! One boy said, "I feel like a comma. When I talk to my dad he'll say something. Then when I start to talk again he makes a comma; he doesn't interrupt me, but when I'm finished he starts right where he left off. It's as if I didn't even say anything." You'll never understand your children until you take time and really listen to what they're saying.

     Second, believe in them! As a child, the great Caruso was told by his music teacher, "You have no talent at all." Parent, make sure your voice is the loudest. Get there first; build their confidence; give them the faith and self-worth required to overcome every obstacle they'll face.

     Third, connect with them! Find out what's in their heart. If you try to control them before you connect with them, you'll lose every time. What do you really know about them? Their struggles? Their heroes? Their music? Their friends? Their fears? Their dreams? If your answer is, "not much, " start making some changes right away!

     Fourth, let them see God in you!! Have you heard the story about the three kids discussing their dads? One said, "My dad knows the mayor." Another said, "My dad knows the governor." Confidently, the third says, "That's nothing - my dad knows God!" Parent, do you know God? If you don't, commit your life to Him today.[/font]

Title: Re:Word For You Today Daily Devotional
Post by: Philippians 4:13 on October 21, 2004, 02:02:22 AM

Dealing with your Ishmael (1)

     When God promises you something and it doesn't happen right away, it's easy to get impatient. And to make matters worse, there's usually somebody around who'll write the promise down, date it, and keep reminding you of it! When that happens, you start doubting God and wondering if He needs your help to make it happen.

     After God promised Abraham that his descendants would be "as numerous as the stars" (Ge. 22:17 NIV), things weren't happening fast enough. So Abraham grew impatient and took matters into his own hands by fathering Ishmael with his wife's maidservant Hagar. Then his troubles began in earnest.

     When God did send Isaac through Sarah, his wife, both boys ended up living under the same roof. Right and wrong, wheat and tares, growing up together. Look out! It's possible to be blessed in one area of your life, while in another there's a growing problem that'll overwhelm you unless you handle it.

     One day Sarah caught Ishmael "mocking" Isaac. That's what happens when you don't confront your mistakes; they end up mocking you and belittling your success. Before that occurs you need to stand up and declare, "Enough is enough! I'm going to clean house, get my act together and straighten out my life." You can't straddle the fence when it comes to dealing with things that threaten to destroy you. You've got to take a stand! You must refuse to let the enemy send anything into your life that'll undermine the blessing you've been praying and waiting for.[/font]

Title: Re:Word For You Today Daily Devotional
Post by: Philippians 4:13 on October 21, 2004, 02:18:32 AM

Dealing with your Ishmael (2)

     It was easy for Sarah to say "get rid" of them! She'd no emotional investment in the deal! Abraham had fathered this son whom he loved and who bore his features. But just because you're willing to take responsibility for your actions, doesn't mean there won't be painful consequences. Be careful where you lie down; getting up again may not be as easy as you think!

     There are things in life you can give up effortlessly; others take every ounce of grace and grit you've got. And it's especially hard to give something up when you can see yourself reflected in it; a job you love, a house you're living in, a relationship you're tied to can make you want to keep things as they are. But when you've gone as far as you can with your Ishmael and you're ready to see God's promise fullfilled in your life, you must be willing to relinquish anything that'll hold you back.

     If you've ever wondered how Abraham could bear to offer up his son Isaac as a sacrifice on Mount Moriah - remember Ishmael. When you've given up one thing, it's easier to give up another. When you see somebody who really worships God, you might want to think twice before calling them a fanatic. Remember, behind the "hallelujah" there's often a sacrifice. Chances are, when you look in their past you'll find as Ishmael they loved and had to let go. Is there a message here for you?[/font]

Title: Re:Word For You Today Daily Devotional
Post by: Philippians 4:13 on October 25, 2004, 05:36:18 AM

Influencing others

     You can't make someone feel important in your presence, if secretly you think they're a nobody! When Jesus said: "Love one another" He was using a Greek word which means to nurture. Think of a mother and her child. Her love is constant. Her greatest desire is that they should thrive. You may be saying to yourself, "But isn't that something they should get somewhere else, like at home?" The truth is, some of the people you know desperately need to be nurtured. And they'll be influenced most by those who make them feel best about themselves. So, if you want to influence them, become a nurturer.

     But first check your motives. Don't be like the little girl who announced one Sunday on her way home from church, "When I grow up I want to be like the man who stood up in the pulpit today." Her delighted mom said, "You want to be a minister?" "No," she replied, "I just want to tell people what to do!" You may smile, but a lot of us want to become authority figures in order to correct people, reveal their weaknesses, and give them our so-called constructive advice. John Knox said, "You can't antagonize and influence at the same time." That's why Jesus said, "My command is this: love each other as I have loved you" (John 15:12 NIV). That kind of love seeks only the best, and believes only the best. If you find yourself needing more of it, talk to God! It's "the fruit of the Spirit" (Gal 5:22).[/font]

Title: Re:Word For You Today Daily Devotional
Post by: Philippians 4:13 on October 27, 2004, 04:47:21 AM

How to make great decisions (1)

     The Bible says, "If the trumpet does not make a clear call, who will get ready for battle?" (1Co 14:8 NIV). Procrastination will cause you to miss some of your greatest opportunities. But what if all your life you've been cautioned about making wrong decisions concerning relationships, finances, education, career, or life in general? Now you're like the mule standing between the two bales of hay; unable to decide which one to eat and afraid of making the wrong choice, you stand there starving to death. You must act!

     The need to do things perfectly and the desire to control every possible outcome will keep you stuck. Anytime you're immobilized by the prospect of making a mistake you've forgotten this principle: failing doesn't make you a failure, quitting does! Not learning does! Failing to see beyond it does! Over the next few days we'll consider some ideas for making great decisions. The first is: You can't please everybody, so stop trying! The Psalmist said, "Fear of man is a dangerous trap, but to trust God means safety" (Pr 29:25 TLB). Once you know what brings you fulfillment, as long as it's God's will, chart your course accordingly and refuse to let the opinions of others intimidate you or color your view. And remember, over time goals can change; what's needed today may not be needed a year from now. So pray, reassess your plans regularly, and be willing to change direction when needed.[/font]

Title: Re:Word For You Today Daily Devotional
Post by: Philippians 4:13 on October 28, 2004, 02:12:06 AM

How to make great decisions (2)

     Usually our biggest mistake -- is being afraid of making a mistake! In The Psychology of Achievement, Brian Tracy tells of four multimillionaires who made their fortunes by age 35. All four tried an average of seventeen different things before they found what made them successful. Imagine failing sixteen times before you discover what works! Could you handle that?  We're too quick to judge things as failures when they're just learning experiences. Edison said, "Many of life's failures were just people who didn't realize how close they were to success when they gave up." Only by allowing yourself to fail, do you give yourself permission to succeed. So, what should you do?

     (1) Consider all your options! Then discuss them with the right people. Find those knowledgeable in your field who are willing to support you. And never hesitate to discuss your plans because you're afraid they might not work. Swallow your pride!! If you grew up in a culture where failure always brought condemnation, you must change your thinking before you can move forward.

     (2) Lighten up! Nowadays everything's a big deal! Chill out and stop taking yourself so seriously! J.I. Packer says, "A moment of conscious triumph makes one feel that after this, nothing really matters; a moment of seeming disaster makes one feel like this is the end of everything. But neither feeling is realistic; because neither event is really what it's 'felt' to be." Don't get bent out of shape; by God's grace you'll handle it. Remember: "All that working for our good."[/font]

Title: Re:Word For You Today Daily Devotional
Post by: Philippians 4:13 on October 28, 2004, 05:02:57 AM

How to make great decisions (3)

Here are a few more thoughts on decision-making:

     (1) Trust the "still, small voice." But even when you've prayed, done your homework and made your best call, if your spiritual gut says "no," pay attention. The Bible says: "We should make plans, counting on God to direct us" (Pro 16:9 TLB). Henry Ward Beecher wrote: "Wisdom means finding the way in which God is going, and going that way too." During the Civil War somebody asked Abraham Lincoln if he was sure that God was on his side. "I haven't thought much about it," he replied, "I just want to know I'm on God's side!" Isaiah says: "He that believeth shall not make haste" (Is 28:16). God sees your whole life, not just your tomorrow. So listen for His voice, adopt His pace and don't rush things. Remember, He's directing your steps -- and your stops! (See Ps 37:23).

     (2) Let it go! Once you've made your final decision, fear and faith will both sail into your harbor. Allow only faith to drop anchor! Paul said: "Forgetting what is behind...I press on" (Phil 3:13-14 NIV). Once the die is cast, let it go! It's normal to speculate about how you'd like things to turn out, but you can't control the future, and unfullfilled expectations only create misery. Plus, when you're overly focused on how things should be, you miss out on how they are -- which is usually much better then you imagned![/font]

Title: Re:Word For You Today Daily Devotional
Post by: sincereheart on October 28, 2004, 08:09:50 AM
Henry Ward Beecher wrote:
"Wisdom means finding the way in which God is going, and going that way too."


Title: Re:Word For You Today Daily Devotional
Post by: Philippians 4:13 on October 28, 2004, 10:33:23 AM

How to make great decisions (4)

Here are some final thoughts on decision-making:

     (1) Learn from every decision. When things don't seem to work out, we've a tendency to play the blame-game. That's not good! One woman said, "I hated my broker when my stocks plummeted. Finally, after admitting that nobody twisted my arm to buy, I realized that: (a) I should have done more personal research; (b) I needed to deal with my insecurities; money is a big trigger for me; (c) it wasn't the end of the world; stocks go back up as mine did later. So, it wasn't such a bad decision after all." Jesus said: "Stop allowing yourselves to be...unsettled." By accepting personal responsibility for your life and learning from each decision, you gain wisdom.

     (2) Never protect what you need to correct. Don't become so invested in a decision that you stick with it regardless. Writer, Stewart Emery describes being in the cockpit of a plane and noticing a particular console whose function was to keep the plane on course and on time. Anytime the plane veered of course the system corrected it and they arrived on time -- despite having been off track 90% of the time. Emery says: "The path from here to where we want to be, starts with an error which we correct, which becomes the next error which we correct, etc. The only time we are truly on course is the point in the zigzag when we actually cross the path." So stay flexible and learn to make course corrections -- the quality of your life depends on it![/font]

Title: Re:Word For You Today Daily Devotional
Post by: Philippians 4:13 on October 28, 2004, 10:57:36 AM

Reprogram your self-talk!

     Did you know you've got your own "internal chatterbox?" It holds the key to most of your fears! It's the little voice of gloom and doom that goes something like this: "I'd love to have a better relationship, but if I make the first move and they don't respond I'll feel rejected." Or, "I'd like to pursue my education, but if I register for classes then can't do the work I'll feel stupid." Such words become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Until you replace your negative self-talk with faith-talk, you'll always live in fear.

     Your mind is the placenta of your spirit; it nurtures each seed you sow until the time of delivery. So if you don't want what a seed will ultimately produce, you must abort it, stop sowing it, or stop feeding it. Your first step to breaking fear's hold, is recognizing the self-talk that got you into trouble in the first place. Is that easy to do? No, it takes vigilance, self-awareness, discipline and scriptural reprogramming. But by changing your thoughts you'll begin to change your entire life.

     Job said, "You will...declare a thing, and it will be established for you." Now the amazing part is, at times you may not "feel like you believe" the particular Scripture you're standing on. That's okay; your inner self accepts what it's constantly fed and begins to act accordingly. So go ahead, serve an eviction notice on every negative thought that's holding you back and begin reprogramming your mind with God's Word![/font]

Title: Re:Word For You Today Daily Devotional
Post by: Philippians 4:13 on October 29, 2004, 06:38:51 AM

Free from the opinions of others!

     Mark Twain said, "It's name is Public Opinion. It's held in reverance. It settles everything. Some even think it's the voice of God. But loyalty to petrified opinion never yet broke a chain or freed a human soul."

     In the Bible whenever Jesus mixed with outcasts and "other disreputable characters," the religious crowd was mightily upset. But he told them, "I have come to call sinners...not to spend my time with those who think they are already good enough" (Lk 5:32 NLT).

     There's nothing "spiritual" about distancing yourself from people who aren't carbon copies of you. Chuck Swindoll says, "True spirituality is about destroying the rigid mold of predictability where you don't have to concern yourself with living up to anyone else's expectation, or worry about who thinks what. It's about breaking the bondage of tunnel vision. Bottom line, it's about freedom. In Jesus' day He took his disciples across a lake to enjoy some R&R. Who knows, maybe they climbed rocks, swam in a cool lake, sat around a fire. Whatever, you can count on this -- they laughed! They probably did a lot of stuff that made the sanctimonious squirm. Why? Because real disciples know the truth -- and 'knowing the truth sets you free.'"

     It's high time you stopped living your life according to the opinions of others. Remember, "If the son makes you free, you will be free indeed" (Jn 8:36 NASB). The truth is, being a Christian allows you to "be your best self," and enjoy it![/font]

Title: Re:Word For You Today Daily Devotional
Post by: Shylynne on October 29, 2004, 07:41:48 AM
Free from the opinions of others! A top ten post!  ;D

I`m going to take this quote if you dont mind...
"loyalty to petrified opinion never yet broke a chain or freed a human soul."  AMEN!

Title: Re:Word For You Today Daily Devotional
Post by: Philippians 4:13 on November 02, 2004, 04:39:25 AM
Sorry guys, been a little sick. I haven't been up to sitting at the computer in between trips to the restroom. But I think I got it licked, so I'll resume. And Shylunne, I honor God if you are moved to steel that quote, as it comes inspired of Him! And now, back to the devotional...


Speak to the source -- not the problem.

     When Ezekiel obeyed God and proclaimed, "Dry bones, hear the word of the know that I am God" the Bible says: "The bones...came together...lived, and stood up" (Ezek 37:7-10 TLB). There's a lesson here for us; only the living Word of God can (a) create order out of chaos in our lives; (b) give stature, strategies and strength to the church, which is the Body of Christ on earth; (c) unite the dry bones of division and discouragement. Without it we have "form," but no force and no fire!

     You'll notice that when Ezekiel prophesied initially, although the bones came together, "there was no breath in them" (v8). So at that point He ceased talking to the dry bones and went directly to the source -- the wind, which represents God's Spirit, saying: "Breathe upon these slain, that they may live" (v9). You'll never experience a divine visitation or a supernatural solution by looking to flesh and blood; that kind of experience comes only from God Himself. When you need His help, you must go directly to the source!

     Today if you're struggling with financial pressures, health issues, addictions, or relationship problems, you need a fresh infilling of the Holy Spirit. Job said, "The breath of the Almighty gives me life" (Job 33:4 NIV). So call "time out," get alone and pray, "Holy Spirit breathe on me."[/font]

Title: Re:Word For You Today Daily Devotional
Post by: Philippians 4:13 on November 03, 2004, 03:30:57 AM

By degrees

     Are you able to evaluate your progress without getting discouraged or feeling condemned? Can you look at how far you still have to go, yet be able to appreciate how far you've already come? Where you are now, is not where you're going to be. You must have a clear view of the finish line or you'll never get out of the starting gate. In the Amplified Bible Paul states that God changes us from one degree of glory to another. Notice, the improvement takes place by degrees -- not giant leaps!

     "But why do I keep falling?" you ask. Why did you keep falling after your first birth? Because you weren't born wearing walking shoes! No, you had to learn. And at first you stumbled more then you walked. The truth is, some of us just grow up faster than others.

     We're too hard on ourselves; we'd grow faster if we relaxed more. We cannot live by our feelings in these matters. Satan will make sure we frequently feel like "an unredeemable mess," or that God's not working in our lives. That's a lie! We must learn to live by God's Word, not by how we feel, for his Word states that as long as we believe, He is working in us. Listen: "The Word of effectively at work in you who believe, [exercising superhuman power in those who adhere to and trust in and rely on it]" (1Th 2:13 AMP). So rise up and announce, "God is at work in me today -- changing me by degrees."[/font]

Title: Re:Word For You Today Daily Devotional
Post by: Philippians 4:13 on November 03, 2004, 04:04:14 AM

For the sake of your children

     Someone sent us this story: "One day my husband and I got into an argument and ended up yelling at each other. I retreated to the porch and sat with my head in my hands, crying. Our two-year-old overheard the argument. "I love you Mom," she said, as she sat beside me and put her arms around me. "I love you too," I said. She rested her head on my shoulder, hugging me hard. "I wish you could love my Daddy too," she said. Talk about ripping your heart out! "But I do love your Daddy. We just had a disagreement." With that my daughter smiled, got up and walked away. "Where are you going?" I asked. She replied, "I'm going to tell Daddy you love him!"

     If you expose your children to your anger, make sure they're around when you forgive each other. Teach them how to deal with the issue -- without attacking the person. Let them know that a difference of opinion can lead to a decision that makes things better for everyone, and also that you can be wrong and still be respected and loved! This may mean teaching them things you were never taught. If so, learn from the mistakes of your parents and pass it on to your children. Forgive when you're hurt and don't take your resentments to bed. Jesus said you must forgive "so that your Father in heaven may forgive you" (Mk 11:25 NIV) so, do it for the sake of your children.[/font]

Title: Re:Word For You Today Daily Devotional
Post by: Philippians 4:13 on November 06, 2004, 03:02:43 AM

How to speak to yourself

     What others say about you isn't nearly as important as what you say to yourself after they've stopped talking! That's why when you go through tough times, you must learn how to speak to yourself. Paul says we do this through:
          (1) Psalms. Just as, "Deep calleth unto deep" (Ps. 42:7), Psalms encourage the kind of intimacy that creeps out of your spirit and into your worship. Often we lack that kind of closeness because we're more in love with God's work then we are with God.

          (2) Hymns. The word hymn comes from the word hymen, which is the tough membrane sealing the entrance to the womb. Hymns help you to break through the hard outer shell of flesh and into the place where God's comforting Sprit dwells.

          (3) Spiritual Songs. These songs can't be rehearsed or written down, they're born out of the spontaneity of that special moment when your heart overflows with love for God.

          (4) Making melody in your heart. This has nothing to do with musical abilities; you can have a singing heart even with your lips closed. This melody makes your eyes twinkle and your smile sparkle because it comes from the very depths of your being. Adversity may take everything you've got, but never let it take your singing heart. With that, you can go through hell and high water and come out on top. Right now it might be midnight in your Philippian jail cell, but with a singing heart you can break out and break through to victory![/font]

Title: Re:Word For You Today Daily Devotional
Post by: Philippians 4:13 on November 07, 2004, 02:57:52 AM


     If you're serious about discipleship, here are three (3) requirements:

          (1) Deny yourself. James and John coveted the limelight. They told Jesus, "We want to sit in...honor next to you" (Mk 10:37 NLT). One of your greatest challenges will be to resist promoting yourself and trying to succeed on your own -- then asking God to bless your efforts. God's not interested in second-hand glory. He wants the credit for what He (not you) accomlishes in your life.

          (2) Take up your cross. Nobody goes directly from denying themselves to following Jesus. First we go through crucifying experiences. Paul says, "I die daily" (1Co 15:31). Certain things in your life can be handled only one way -- dying to them. Listen: "Count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God" (Ro 6:11 NIV). Jesus didn't even talk about the cross to his disciples, until He knew they understood this principle. Why? Because until you do, you'll never see the cross as a plus.

          (3) Follow Him. Too often we take God's presence for granted because He said He'd never leave us. But he also said: "You didn't choose me...I chose you" (Jn 15:16 TM). It's not God's job to follow you, it's your job to follow Him! When you do it'll cost you, change you, and challenge you. Sometimes you'll go through valleys, other times you'll stand with Him on the mountaintop. You must be willing to follow Him anywhere, any time, under any conditions -- that's the deal! Still want to be a disciple of Jesus?[/font]

Title: Re:Word For You Today Daily Devotional
Post by: Philippians 4:13 on November 08, 2004, 04:40:16 AM

Tips for leaders

     Within two (2) years NFL Football coach Bill Walsh transformed the San Francisco 49'ers from a doormat into a dynasty of champions. Notice his formula:

          (1) Resist the urge to clean house. Instead, re-evaluate what you've got! The person you need may be at your fingertips, unnoticed, or stuck in the wrong slot. Joe Montana was a third-round draft pick, small and inconsistent. But Walsh saw his potential when he rallied Notre Dame to win the 1979 Cotton Bowl. Walsh's theory: "One miracle can become a life-skill with mentoring, encouragement and practice." Solomon said: "Give instruction to a wise man and he will be yet wiser" (Pr 9:9).

          (2) Take immediate responsibility. People will follow you anywhere if they're convinced you know where you're going. That means having a plan that's known and owned by all. Why do we avoid having a plan? Because it requires discipline, accountability and sacrifice. Ultimately it's the standard by which we're measured; plus, it involves the risk of failing. Yet, without a plan how can you succeed?

          (3) Offer incentives. People seldom buy something for the reason you sell it. They buy it for what it'll do for them. When David asked what the rewards were for killing Goliath, he was told he'd never have to pay taxes again and get to marry the king's daughter. Now, that's incentive! We were all created with a desire for increase; decrease is unnatural. There's a God-given command inside each of us to "multiply" (See Ge 1:28). Honor it, and everyody wins![/font]

Title: Re:Word For You Today Daily Devotional
Post by: Philippians 4:13 on November 09, 2004, 03:23:54 AM


     Jesse Owens set his first world record in high school. In college he set three world records in less than an hour. In 1936, he showed his character at the Olympics in Nazi Germany. As Hitler watched, he set three more world records and won four gold medals. Losing to a black man was more than the racist dictator could stand, so he stormed out of the stadium.

     Later, Jese Owens wrote: "There is something that can happen to every athlete and every human being; the instinct to slack off, to give in to pain, to give less than your best; the instinct to hope you can win through luck or through your opponent not doing his best, instead of going to the limit and past your limit where victory is always found. Defeating those negative instincts that are out to defeat us, is the difference between winning and losing -- and we all face that battle every day."

     Persistance is based on character, and character does what's right -- not what's easy. It's controlled by values -- not moods. It looks for solutions -- not excuses. Kipling wrote, "If you don't get what you want, it's a sign you didn't want it seriously enough, or that you quibbled too long over the price." How badly do you want to fulfill God's purpose for your life? It'll take passion on your part to do it, because passion is what feeds persistance. So the word for you today is, "run with perseverance the race marked out!"[/font]

Title: Re:Word For You Today Daily Devotional
Post by: Philippians 4:13 on November 10, 2004, 05:45:18 AM

Are you a perfectionist?

     Have you ever met a perfectionist who was truly happy? Probably not! Whenever things must always be a certain way, life can make you pretty miserable because life constantly changes. Instead of being grateful for their blessings, perfectionists tend to focus on what's wrong, and their need to fix it. It could be a disorganized closet, a dent in their car, a job they did that was less than perfect, or a few pounds they'd like to lose.

     Or it could be someone else's imperfections: they way they look, the way they behave, or the way they live their lives. The very fact that perfectionists constantly dwell on flaws, makes it impossible for them to be grateful -- for gratitude is at the core of happiness!

     This has nothing to do with striving to do better; it has to do with fixating on what's wrong! Sure there's always a better way to do something, but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy life the way it is at the moment.

     "What's the cure for perfectionism?" you ask. Catch yourself before you fall into your habit of insisting that things should be different than the way they are. Gently remind yourself that life is okay, and that -- in the absence of your judgement -- everything will work out fine. Why? Because God's in control! Start dealing with your need for perfection by developing an attitude of trust and gratitude. When you do, you'll begin to discover how wonderful life really is![/font]

Title: Re:Word For You Today Daily Devotional
Post by: Philippians 4:13 on November 11, 2004, 03:26:26 AM

"The breath of life"

     In Genesis we read: "God...breathed...the breath of life; became a living being." Until then we were just inanimate chunks of clay in human form. But at that point God gave each of us two (2) things:

          (1) Freedom to choose. The breath of God empowered us to make the right choices and act on them. But even though God's given us that ability, don't try to go it alone. Jesus said: "What is born of the physical is physical; and what is born of the Spirit is spirit" (Jn 3:6 AMP). Always depend on the Holy Spirit. He's called "The Helper" and "The Comforter" for a reason! Jesus promises His desciples: "You shall receive power  [strategies, solutions, and strength]  when the Holy Spirit has come upon you" (See Acts 1:8 AMP). Don't try it on your own!

          (2) Imagination. This is the gift that distinguishes us from all other living creatures. It's what makes us capable of building sky-scrapers, exploring space, inventing life-saving devices, and worshipping our Creator. But even though God gives you a concept, you must work to make it a reality. Furthermore, God said: "The world and all that is in it is mine" (Ps 50:12 NRS). That means when you get ready to build but you've only got a few bricks, you can ask Him for more -- and get them. It also means that instead of complaining about what you don't have, you need to take a long hard look at what you do, and what you can make of it with His help![/font]

Title: Re:Word For You Today Daily Devotional
Post by: Philippians 4:13 on November 12, 2004, 01:47:04 AM

Release your creativity

     You are the offspring of a very creative God. The Bible says: "By Him all things were created." It also says: "We have the mind of Christ" (1Co 2:16 NKJV). That means you were born with creativity! But how can you discover and release your creativity?

     Solomon says: "Where there is no vision the people perish" (Pr 29:18). Every great accomplishment begins as a vision of what can be. And the remarkable thing is, a vision has the power to fuel its own fire. Often a "genius" is just somebody who shoots at a target nobody else sees -- and hits it. Although we've all been warned about crossing bridges before we get to them, the prize belongs to those who cross bridges in their mind ahead of everybody else. Woodrow Wilson said, "The man who sees no vision, will undertake no great enterprise."

     Others might be smarter, more educated and more experienced, but they don't have a monopoly on ideas. Chances are, there's a creative idea inside you right now just waiting to be released. By not tapping into it you're settling for less than God wants you to have.

  So whatever you've always wanted to do, write, paint, play the piano, build a business, nurse, teach, pastor, do it now! If you wait until you can do it perfectly you'll never start. Walking on water begins with one step. It also brings you closer to Jesus than staying in the boat. Jesus isn't in the boat -- He's out on the water saying: "Come." Why don't you obey Him today and see what happens?![/font]

Title: Re:Word For You Today Daily Devotional
Post by: Philippians 4:13 on November 13, 2004, 04:20:06 AM

The power of an idea

     In his book, Thinking for a Change, John Maxwell says, "The right thought, plus the right people, in the right enviornment, at the right time, for the right reason, always produces the right result." Let's examine those words:

          (1) The right thought. Thinking produces ideas and ideas have power. But every idea begins as a "seed thought" -- you have to nurture it!

          (2) The right people. Every time you expose the right idea to the right people, incredible things happen. In their company it blossoms and becomes infused with possibility.

          (3) The right enviornment. In the right enviornment thinking is valued, ideas flow freely, fresh eyes are welcome, change is expected, questions are encouraged, egos are checked, ideas stimulate better ideas, and thinking generates teamwork.

          (4) The right time. The Emperor Hadrian said, "To be right too soon, is to be wrong." While still in the stretching stage of an idea, present it without expectations, time frames or rigidly defined goals. Why? Because if you try to implement your ideas too early they may not survive.

          (5)  The right reason. J.P Morgan said, "A man always has two reasons for doing anything: a good reason and the real reason." Motives matter. Selfish motives disqualify us; God only gets behind ideas that fulfill His purpose and demonstrate that we care for others.

     Sometimes an idea becomes great when it partners with another one; other times it excels just as it is. One thing's for sure: as you stretch your thinking, you'll discover that your thinking is stretching you.[/font]

Title: Re:Word For You Today Daily Devotional
Post by: Shammu on November 13, 2004, 02:12:41 PM

Title: Re:Word For You Today Daily Devotional
Post by: Philippians 4:13 on November 14, 2004, 04:19:43 AM

Take a break!

     If the light on your inner dashboard is flashing red, you're probably carrying too much, too far, too fast. If you don't pull over you'll be sorry; so will those who love you. If, on the other hand, you've the courage to make some changes, you'll be well rewarded. But be warned, there are three (3) challenges you'll face when you do.

       First, you'll experience false guilt. By saying no to those you've always said yes to, you'll feel a twinge of guilt. Ignore it -- it's false guilt! It's based on wrong thinking and screwed-up values. Retune your conscience to God's Word, and to His priorities for your life.

       Second, you'll face misunderstanding. Maybe even hostility. Certain people won't understand your adjusted pace, particularly those who are still in the sinking boat you just stepped out of. Stick to your guns. In time, the people who matter most will see the wisdom of what you're doing. Hey, some of them may even decide to follow you!

       Third, you'll get some painful insights. By not filling every moment with activity you'll begin to see the real you -- and you might not like it. Activity can be a great place to hide. But if you stay with it, you'll eventually turn the corner and be on your road to a happier, freer life. Your goal should be to fulfill your destiny, and in the process, stay in balance, in good health, and in God's will![/font]

Title: Re:Word For You Today Daily Devotional
Post by: Philippians 4:13 on November 15, 2004, 02:59:38 AM

Strive for integrity

     Nothing, absolutely nothing, is more important to your future than personal integrity. Webster defines it in one word -- honesty! And you can only hide your lack of it for so long. Eventually, like a faulty foundation in a storm, the cracks will widen, the roof will fall in, and everything you've worked for will be lost. And "getting away with it" can be worse than getting caught, because it encourages you to believe that you can keep living at two levels. Listen: "Like a partridge that hatches eggs it did not lay, is a man who gains riches by unjust the end he will prove to be a fool" (Jer 17:11 NIV).

     Don't think that you can do whatever you want in small things and be okay as long as you've no major lapses. It's your first lie that makes you a liar! And whether you steal one dollar or one million, you're still a thief. Phillips Brooks says, "Character is made in the small moments of our lives." Integrity always puts character over personal gain, people over things, service over power, principle over convenience, and the long view over the immediate.

     Every time you break a moral principle it becomes harder, not easier, to act with integrity. Everything you've done in the past, including the things you've neglected to do, comes to a head when you're under pressure. That's why developing and maintaining integrity requires constant vigilance and discipline. John Weston says, "Live by the following rule; don't do anything you wouldn't feel comfortable reading about in tomorrow's newspaper."[/font]

Title: Re:Word For You Today Daily Devotional
Post by: Philippians 4:13 on November 16, 2004, 02:54:21 AM

Prayer will open the door

     Peter had been arrested and slated to spend the next several days in jail before losing his head. Sixteen soldiers were assigned to guard him. The evening before his scheduled execution the believers held an all night prayer vigil. Suddenly an angel appeared in Peter's cell and said, "Quick, get up" (Acts 12:17 NIV), and his chains fell off. Peter followed him out of prison but had no idea that what the angel was doing was actually happening; he thought he was seeing a vision.

     They passed the first and second guards and came to the big iron gate leading to the city; it opened by itself and they went through it. After they'd walked the length of the street the angel suddenly disappeared. Baffled, Peter looked around him. Was this for real? When the truth dawned on him, he made a beeline for the gathered believers.

     A servant girl answered his knock. Hearing Peter's voice she ran back to tell the others that their prayers had been answered. "You're out of your mind" (Acts 12:15 NIV), they told her. The Bible says that when they opened the door and saw him, "They were astonished." Wow! After prayeing all night, these Spirit-filled stalwarts were astonished when God actually answered their prayer. They were no more inclined then we are to think that God would miraculously intervene, but they prayed anyway and God rewarded their weak incomplete faith. What's the point? Simply this: though your faith is weak and your doubts real, if you'll just keep praying and standing on His Word, God will answer and open doors for you too![/font]

Title: Re:Word For You Today Daily Devotional
Post by: Philippians 4:13 on November 17, 2004, 04:21:15 AM

God is able!

     Why don't we turn to God in prayer more often? Because at some basic and perhaps unconcious level, we're not "fully presuaded" that He's able to do anything about it. Being able to admit that to God and ourselves is humbling. It's also the point at which we begin to overcome our doubts, our self-sufficiency and our lack of confidence in God. Nothing changes until we can pray, "Lord, help me. I say things with my lips, I don't allow to govern my life." Once we can speak those words with conviction, we're ready to begin walking through our Bible, rediscovering that, "God is able." Able to deliver from fiery furnaces of adversity (Da 3:17). Able to give a child to a ninety (90) year-old woman (See Ro 4:18). "Able to do immeasurably more than all we ask" (Eph 3:20). Whatever it takes for you to own the words, "God is able," do it, because until you do you'll be a faint-hearted pray-er. You'll make a few wishes on your knees, but you won't be able to perservere in prayer until you know in your heart of hearts that God is able -- and that He's willing.

     God is capable of handling anything you bring to Him. Creating planets is no problem for Him; neither is taking the little you've got and making it go a long way. Nothing is too difficult for Him -- He's just waiting for you to recognize that, then come to Him in faith, asking for His help.[/font]

Title: Re:Word For You Today Daily Devotional
Post by: Philippians 4:13 on November 18, 2004, 05:47:04 AM

Needed- a sense of value

     Adam had a relationship with God before he had one with Eve. Why? Because nobody but God can tell who you are and what you're worth! Until you know that, you won't know whether you're in love -- or in need. You'll keep looking for somebody to love you so much that you'll finally start feeling good about yourself. The trouble is, when you find that person you'll cling to them like a vine. You'll agree with all their opinions and have none of your own. You'll try to meet their every need and make yourself indispensable. And you'll feel threatened if they can do anything without you. When they enjoy somebody else's company you'll panic and say, "All I need is you, how come you don't feel the same way?" No human relationship can sustain such a load.

     Adam learned to relate to Eve -- only after he'd learned to relate to God. It's in God's presence, free from the demands of others, that you begin to look at yourself in the right mirror. It's there you prepare the gift to be given. But something has changed -- now you know how much the gift is worth, and you'll give it only to someone who places the same value on it. God has always wanted the best for you; He's just waiting for you to come into agreement with Him. Listen: "I am your Creator. You were in my care even before you were born."[/font]

Title: Re:Word For You Today Daily Devotional
Post by: Philippians 4:13 on November 19, 2004, 03:04:01 AM

Wisdom for single parents

     If you're raising children alone, teach them these principles. As you do, they'll be reinforced in you. You'd be surprised how many instructors learn while they teach.

          First, teach them to accept change. When we get stuck in the past, it's always at the expense of the future. After the initial shock is over and the anger has dissipated, step over your depression and start making plans. Announce to your heart that you're going to live again. Don't get stuck in a stage that was just meant to be a part of the process. This too shall pass. Let it!

          Second, teach them that failure doesn't prevent success. We're fueled by the past, but fuel only works when it's combusted into another form. Allow the pain of your past to fuel your future with wisdom and compassion. Some of the most succesful people you know have experienced failure. This year's winner was last year's runner up. Learn more from your mistakes. Seize the day! Once you do that, anything is possible.

          Third, teach them to love imperfect peple. Tell your children that love is a risk, but it's worth taking. Hearing you say that will help them not to become cynical. Explain that when we love people, we must love what's good and accept what's still under construction. It'll save them untold heartache if you teach them that all of us will disappoint each other, and that God's remedy for this is -- "love covers a multitude of sins." (1Pe 4:8).[/font]

Title: Re:Word For You Today Daily Devotional
Post by: Philippians 4:13 on November 20, 2004, 04:18:27 AM

Let's pray for our men!

     Ever since God told Satan, "I will put enmity between thee and the woman...her seed...shall bruise thy head," (Ge 3:15), the enemy's been hell-bent on destroying men in every possible way. Males suffer more crib deaths, are more prone to heart attacks, and have shorter life spans. It's no coincidence that when a country is under attack, it's enemies go after the men. By killing them, they destroy the stability of the family and ultimately the future of the nation.

     Many grown men are still hurting and angry over things that happened in their childhood. Now as fathers they struggle to fulfill a role they never saw modeled in their own lives. It stops them from connecting with their children and perpetuates the cycle of alienation from generation to generation.

     Any time Satan sees potential he'll try to abort it; he can't afford to wait till it's fully developed. In Exodus, Pharaoh told the Hebrew midwives, "When you see them on the birth stool, if it is a boy, kill him" (Ex 1:16 NRS). This word stool is the same word that's used to describe a potter's wheel. So it's the process of becoming a man that the enemy wants to shortcircuit! If Satan can destroy you while you're still on the wheel, he's accomplished his goal. Once your fully grown and mature, it'll be much harder to intimidate and destroy you. So, pray for the men in your life![/font]

Title: Re:Word For You Today Daily Devotional
Post by: Philippians 4:13 on November 21, 2004, 03:40:27 AM

God's favor

     Count on it -- you'll need God's favor to succeed at whatever He's called you to do! And you should pray for it daily, expecting to receive it! To be honest, it's exciting to watch His favor working for you in certain situations.

     Joseph was wrongly accused of rape and imprisoned. But the Lord gave him favor with the prison warden and he ended up running the whole place. Daniel came out of the lions' den vindicated and without so much as a bite mark. Ruth, a young widow, found Boaz, the love of her life, and married him. All these folks experienced rejection and hardship, yet they succeeded in what God had called them to do -- because of His favor!

     And God's favor is availible for you today! But because He promises it doesn't necessarily mean you'll experience it. Many things are availible to us that we don't enjoy. Why? Because we don't activate our faith in that area. Favor is actually a form of grace. The word grace and the word favor both come form the same Greek word Charis. So, the grace of God is the favor of God, and His favor causes things to happen that we can't orchestrate, earn or deserve. When you say to someone, "Can you do me a favor?" you're usually asking for something that person is under no obligation to give, right? Well, the good news is, at the cross Jesus paid for and made availible all the favor you'll ever need. So exercise your faith and ask Him for it![/font]