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Title: The Patriot Post Digest 9-10-2018
Post by: nChrist on September 10, 2018, 04:45:44 PM
The Patriot Post Digest 9-10-2018
From The Federalist Patriot
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The Patriot Post® · Mid-Day Digest

Sep. 10, 2018 ·


“Here comes the orator! With his flood of words, and his drop of reason.” —Benjamin Franklin (1735)


Another Obama speech reminds Americans why Trump won.
Who cares about women’s tennis now?
Six state AGs open investigations into Catholic Church sex abuse.
Globalism undermines patriotism — how corporations fail to “get it.”
Beware those who prolong problems for profit.
Daily Features: Top Headlines, Memes, Cartoons, Columnists, and Short Cuts.


Obama Reminds Americans Why Trump Won1
Thomas Gallatin

Well, he did promise he wouldn’t leave2… Last Friday, Barack Obama again jumped into the political fray with a speech3 delivered at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Did anyone really believe he could actually sit back and keep his political opinions to himself, given that President Donald Trump has worked tirelessly to systematically dismantle Obama’s leftist legacy? Well, there may be some Democrats who are wishing that he had. Prior to the speech, Obama had only alluded to Trump in his public criticism, but on Friday the gloves came off as Obama called out Trump by name, charging him with sowing further division.

This charge of division was ironic given the fact that Obama himself was a highly polarizing figure whose popular moniker of “Divider-in-Chief4” among conservatives was well deserved. Notably, while Obama’s divisive rhetoric and policy actions benefited him, they came at the cost of decimating the Democrat Party5.

Few can spin a yarn like Obama; indeed, it’s one of his greatest talents. But as is so often the case, Obama’s version of events never quite matched up to the reality on the ground.

Take the economy. For eight long years Americans suffered under a near-stagnant economy, much of it due to Obama’s leftist agenda that imposed greater government control over the economy via increased regulations. Now that the economy is booming because of Trump’s deregulation and the Republican tax cuts (which Obama ignored), the former president insisted, “By the time I left office, household income was near its all-time high and the uninsured rate had hit an all-time low and wages were rising and poverty rates were falling. I mention all of this just so when you hear how great the economy’s doing right now, let’s just remember when this recovery started.”

Obama also suffers from selective memory on ObamaCare — specifically how his and the Democrats’ massive tax, laughably titled the “Affordable Care Act,” was foisted upon the American people without a single Republican vote. He chastised Republicans for passing tax cuts that benefit all Americans by labeling that reform a danger to our democracy. Obama asserted, “Republicans in control of Congress and the White House, without any checks or balances whatsoever … provided another trillion in tax cuts to people like me who, I promise, don’t need it, and don’t even pretend to pay for them.”

Meanwhile, Obama promoted the Democrats’ newest hard-left policy proposal of Medicare for All6, stating, “Democrats aren’t just running on good old ideas like a higher minimum wage, they’re running on good new ideas like Medicare for All, giving workers seats on corporate boards, [and] reversing the most egregious corporate tax cuts to make sure college students graduate debt-free.” No, it’s just socialism repackaged7.

Back to division. Obama called out Trump for “capitalizing on resentments that politicians have been fanning for years — a fear and anger that’s rooted in our past, but it’s also born out of the enormous upheavals that have taken place in your brief lifetimes.” Obama would more accurately have referenced himself here. Few politicians preyed upon and encouraged peoples’ fears as did Obama, as he ironically seems oblivious to having done in this very speech.

As an example, consider this excerpt from his speech: “This Congress has championed the unwinding of campaign-finance laws to give billionaires outsized influence over our politics. Systemically attacked voting rights to make it harder for the young people, the minorities, and the poor to vote. Handed out tax cuts without regard to deficits. Slashed the safety net where it could. Cast dozens of votes to take away health insurance from ordinary Americans. Embraced wild conspiracy theories, like those surrounding Benghazi, or my birth certificate.” He concluded, “Because, in the end, the threat to our democracy doesn’t just come from Donald Trump or the current batch of Republicans in Congress or the Koch Brothers and their lobbyists” but from people failing to vote for Democrats.

Actually, Obama’s speech served as a great reminder of why so many Americans voted for Trump. As Courtney Alexander, a spokeswoman for the Congressional Leadership Fund, observed, “Nothing would be better than the Obama-Pelosi team traveling the country nonstop until November, reminding voters of the failed Obama-Pelosi days of higher taxes and increased government spending.” Or as Sen. Lindsay Graham (R-SC) noted, “The best explanation of President Trump’s victory are the ‘results’ of the Obama Presidency!”

Who Cares About Women’s Tennis Now?8

Nate Jackson

We’re not much for professional tennis in our humble shop, but we couldn’t help but notice something about the weekend’s U.S. Open women’s championship match. Stop us if you’ve heard this before: A woman who thought she was entitled to win was credibly accused of cheating during the contest, which she then turned into a tirade about her own supposed victimhood at the hands of those who are allegedly sexist. Her supporters then turned into a rabid mob, heckling and booing the victor, who not only deserved to win but did so fair and square. The media rallied to her defense, robbing the victor of the moment of triumph.

But enough about the 2016 election.

We’ll leave debating the rules of tennis to others, but suffice it to say that Serena Williams, in the words of Rich Lowry9, “behaved shamefully” and showed an “appalling lack of grace.” Her coach admitted to the infraction that led to a penalty, but Williams turned the match into a pathetic spectacle of rage, complete with smashing her racket (again10) and leaving the 20-year-old, first-time winner, Naomi Osaka, not only in tears on the podium but literally apologizing for her win.

After Williams’s reprehensible behavior on the court (for which she was fined $17,000), she parlayed her “victim” status into a fight for social justice. “I’m here fighting for women’s rights and for women’s equality and for all kinds of stuff.” And the Leftmedia jumped to her defense11, adding that things are even worse for black women, just to throw race in the mix. It’s evidently fine to discriminate against Asian women, however. Osaka, the victor overshadowed in this fiasco, is Haitian-Japanese.

Title: The Patriot Post Digest 9-10-2018
Post by: nChrist on September 10, 2018, 04:46:53 PM
The Patriot Post Digest 9-10-2018
From The Federalist Patriot
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A final thought. Williams is insisting she’s an aggrieved victim despite having brought great notoriety to women’s tennis with her dozens of titles, being worth about $180 million, and having her very own clothing collection at none other than Nike. For some reason that reminds us of another pouting athlete12… Wanna profit from being an offensive jerk? Just do it.

Top Headlines13

Wage growth soars at its fastest pace since the Great Recession (Business Insider14)
Fed says stronger U.S. economy may warrant “restrictive” rates (Fox Business15)
With a shrinking EPA, Trump delivers on his promise to cut government (The Washington Post16)
White House probe into “anonymous17” NYT columnist narrows to a “few people” (The Daily Wire18)
Hurricane Florence gains strength; Carolinas, Mid-Atlantic states prepare for surge (Fox News19)
Democrat super PAC files criminal perjury complaint against Kavanaugh (Hot Air20)
Another #MeToo moment: Leslie Moonves departs as chief of CBS after sex-abuse allegations (CBS News21)
NFL anthem protests resume (USA Today22)
Ratings for NFL season opener down double digits from last year (Hot Air23)
Humor: “At least I didn’t die from tax cuts,” whispers man dying from Kavanaugh nomination (The Babylon Bee24)
Policy: Why women should support Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination (Real Clear Policy25)
Policy: Trump was right to end funding for the UN Palestinian aid organization (The Daily Signal26)
For more of today’s news, visit Patriot Headline Report27.


Six State AGs to Investigate Catholic Church31 — The shocking level of abuse has motivated state governments to root out other abusers.
Globalism Undermines Patriotism32 — Are patriotism and corporate multinationalism mutually exclusive concepts?
Beware Those Who Prolong Problems for Profit33 — Sometimes, Republicans and conservatives seem to resent Trump’s solutions and wins.
Video: Nike Reveals How They Feel About USA34 — Andrew Klavan rips the Nike brand for siding with Colin Kaepernick over American patriotism.
Video: Cory Booker: Bad to the Bone35 — He really wants us to know that HE BROKE THE RULES. Except, actually, he didn’t.
Video: Is This Infringement?36 — Do you have the right to do anything to your home if it affects neighbors’ property values?


Gary Bauer: “Donald Trump did not set the tone of the Robert Bork hearings. Trump did not set the tone of the Clarence Thomas hearings. Hundreds of conservatives did not disrupt the hearings when Barack Obama nominated Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor. Nor do conservatives shout down speakers and assault innocent people attending public rallies. Conservatives do not protest our police officers or attempt to thwart the duly enacted laws of this country. Conservatives were not the ones in the streets in the 1960s, and they are not the ones violently ‘occupying’ the streets today. There are valid reasons why nearly 60% of Americans fear left-wing violence. It is the Left, not Donald Trump, that has taken America to the brink of anarchy. Electing more left-wing extremists to Congress this November is definitely not the prescription for what ails America today. Can you imagine a Congress dominated by Cory Bookers? That thought should compel every conservative to vote this November.”


The Gipper: “The Democrats may remember their lines, but how quickly they forget the lessons of the past. I have witnessed five major wars in my lifetime, and I know how swiftly storm clouds can gather on a peaceful horizon. The next time a Saddam Hussein takes over Kuwait, or North Korea brandishes a nuclear weapon, will we be ready to respond? In the end, it all comes down to leadership, and that is what this country is looking for now.”

For the record: “The Democrats couldn’t confirm Barack Obama’s pick, Merrick Garland, for the late Antonin Scalia’s seat, yet President Donald Trump has two high-court picks and counting. These seats, by their reckoning, are therefore ‘stolen’ — although their disposition was subject to normal democratic processes. The Democrats could have had control of all the Supreme Court picks over the past several years if they’d managed to hold the Senate in 2014 and the presidency in 2016. They could do neither.” —Rich Lowry

Resist! “It’s time for all of us on the left to recognize that Republicans have already destroyed the independence of our judicial system and turned it into yet another partisan battlefield — and then figure out how we’re going to start fighting back.” —ex-Sen. Al Franken

Narcissist in chief: “When you hear how great the economy is doing right now, let’s just remember when this recovery started.” —Barack Obama taking credit for Trump’s economic boom

Dumb and dumber: “We have to say yes to socialism — to the word and everything. We have to stop apologizing.” —Jim Carrey

And last… “On this day in 71B.C. the Thracian gladiator Spartacus was put to death by Marcus Licinius Crassus for disclosing confidential scrolls. When informed days later that in fact the Roman Senate had already publicly released the scrolls, Crassus replied, ‘Oh, OK, my bad.’” —Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)

Join our editors and staff in daily prayer for our Patriots in uniform — Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen — standing in harm’s way in defense of Liberty, and for their families. We also humbly ask prayer for your Patriot team, that our mission would seed and encourage the spirit of Liberty in the hearts and minds of our countrymen.

Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis

Nate Jackson, Managing Editor
Mark Alexander, Publisher